Chuck: As the World Turns

The Mueller Report will move no needles in either Democrat or Republican silos…

Places where long standing biases are life sustaining sustenance.

Case in point, approximately 30% of the country thinks anti-Trump Dem Adam Schiff is Diogenes and disgraced MSNBC anchor Brian Williams the last honest man in America.

Another 30% think House Republican (and pro Trump guy) Devin Nunes should be canonized in the ruins of Notre Dame…right after fired FBI head James Comey and twin CNN flaks – former CIA head John Brennan and former director of national intelligence James Clapper are burned at the stake.

There’s just no convincing anyone on the far left or right that ANYTHING has changed.

The far lefters still believe Trump and Putin are BFF’s forever.

Whereas folks on the right insist the entire Mueller investigation was a witch hunt from the get go.

The real question the folks in both camps should entertain is what we folks in the middle think.

Because it’s the center that still (thank God) decides elections.

So as we slouch towards another mud slinging, grind-it-out national election, there’s one point no one with an above room temperature IQ can disagree with;  and that’s that the middle will determine if the so-called “collusion” was real or fake news.

The middle will determine who lied about the Russian collusion/conspiracy story.

In my opinion – as I’ve consistently stated – unelected bureaucrats in the Federal Government from the Obama administration illegally, criminally and with premeditation, made up from whole cloth pretty much the entire Russian collusion story to destroy Trump’s presidency.

It’s a multifaceted, nuanced, complicated story, complete with a peripatetic, confusing time line, mysterious, nefarious players – players guilty of treason and sedition.

As Grand Juries are impaneled, with testimony forthcoming, and as criminals are indicted – the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left will reach sonic boom proportions.

The Mueller “investigation” was always about the best defense, being the best offense.

And so the worm continues to turn…

About Chuck Lowe

Nothing interesting.
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11 Responses to Chuck: As the World Turns

  1. Nick says:

    The folks in the middle should read the report in its entirety – it was authored by one of their own.

    And it further buttresses what we (SADLY! BIGLY!) already knew: Trump has been as risibly dishonest in the WH as he was while campaigning. The report also details the fact that his administration is filled with grifters & liars, along with a few folks trying to protect their country from their boss (and occasionally their boss from himself.)

    One can only reach the conclusion that Trump was not guilty of “collusion” because a.) there’s legally no such thing, b.) he’s too stupid to pull it off if there were, and c.) in the instances where he might have pulled it off, smarter people prevailed.

    The report also makes clear that left to himself Trump would have “colluded” with the same thoughtless sanguinity with which he lies.

    As for obstruction, I expect that may still be explored further; Mueller submitted 14 criminal referrals to other prosecutors, 12 of which remain undisclosed.

    What the DIMs do with the report –continue to open investigations, start impeachment proceedings, or some combination of both– will be fascinating , if only to see if the continued pressure further exacerbates Trump’s 17% chance of gorking out in office.

    Happy Easter.

    • “As for obstruction, I expect that may still be explored further; Mueller submitted 14 criminal referrals to other prosecutors, 12 of which remain undisclosed.”

      Long, long ago, this became a political football on a gridiron staffed with corrupt referees. The politics are all that counts now and the pretense, that anyone with an ounce of integrity would encourage “Obstruction Of Justice” charges against an innocent man’s bootless cries to heaven when he is accused literally tens of thousands of times, on TV, by ex CIA, NSA DNI et al Federal DOJ employees of being a TRAITOR AND A SPY, when in fact, the Roland Freisler snakes couldn’t convict him of tearing off his mattress tags is preposterous.

      If that overly enthusiastic knight, forgoes stabbing “the turbulent priest” Thomas Beckett and returns home to his toothless wife for porridge and hot wine, Henry II is lost to history and Beckett is just another forgotten middle aged civil servant.


      Trump’s Article 2 powers are and were intact. Ya think he lost Mueller’s phone number? Couldn’t get a hold of him and forgot to fire him Monday morning? Trump could have, but did not hire someone else to fire him (Mueller) and even if he did fire the treasonous snake, he would have been justified, at least in retrospect, as we found out, HE WAS INNOCENT AND THE ENTIRE WITCH HUNT WAS JUST THAT, A WITCH HUNT.

      I am not sure just how many indictments and prosecutions will go forward, but as this onion comes unpeeled, we will see the existential corruption, malfeasance and criminality of the seditious traitors who sought to effect a coup d’etat against an incoming and then sitting president, with completely fabricate, ex nihilo, out of whole cloth frame job that destroyed America’s faith (Justifiably so) in the DOJ, CIA, FBI, and ALL facets of the previous, corrupt Obama administration.

      • Nick says:

        Jeez – just can’t quit the Kool-Aid, huh?

        At this point you probably just ought to go whole hog, live what you spew and join those real Americans patrolling the southern borders in their cammies, all locked and loaded in order to forestall the onrushing hordes of aliens seeking to ruin our nation.

        You could even send back dispatches and Christopher could post them under something as inaccurately titled as The Itinerant Patriot.

        Thor knows I’d read them…

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Pretty accurate. The Russia-gate nonsense was created by the Clinton campaign, and was shown in the hacked Podesta emails to be something that they came up with early on. And the Steele Dossier. Good Gawd. Anyway, it’s going to be interesting to see what the Inspector General comes up with. I think that report is due in June?

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Russian nonsense? OK. Trump supporters/co-conspirators can (and do) dismiss anything and everything that reflects badly on Agent Orange. Just makes me shake my head. Why all the lies? Why make up stories and deny facts that were proven to be true. I don’t give two fucks if what POTUS Plump did was illegal or not. The unethical con-man willing accepted any and all help from an enemy in order to win an election. Every person around him did the same thing. That matters to me. For a witch hunt, there are a bunch of fucking witches going to jail. If not for advisers REFUSING to carry out illegal orders, Donny boy would have been right with them. as he always does, The Great Pumpkin says they are ALL lying. We’ll see when McGahn and Mueller testify before Congress. Basically, the liar-in-chief is accusing ALL of them of perjury.

    Having said all that, nothing will come of it politically. All of that will be taken care of at the ballot box in 2020. That can’t get here soon enough.

    • I am gonna hold your feet to the fire on this one buddy.

      Mueller will be eviscerated in front of Congress.

      You’re not going deep enough, you are distracted by current events and “shiny” objects that hide the existential corruption beneath the surface that is the surveillance of political opponents of the previous administration and Americans in general, going back to 2012.

      The “Witches” going to the pyre will be burned, sans the gunpowder, I hope and they will be the Stalinist Ideologues who populated the previous administration. The criminals who populated the Oval Office and birthed, brewed, nurtured and raised in a criminal, Stygian, hypogean darkness, this treacherous attempted coup d’etat. They did NOT do this to defeat the populist Donald Trump, they did it, again, to hide the ongoing illegal surveillance of political opponents and American citizens, again, since 2012.

      Get your fire boots on buddy, here comes the heat.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        OK, my friend. Let me know when the first one starts burning.

        • Jimmy-fuck politics, fuck politicians, this is the truth.

          Just think about how fucked up it is, that the previous administration engaged in rampant surveillance against it’s political “opponents”.

          We are NOT “opponents” we are Americans with different opinions.

          My opinion is never, NEVAR better than yours, it is just different, until your guys, or my guys, tilt the scales, spy, or, worse, prosecute each other in Star Chamber procedures that have zilch to do with egalitarian justice under the law.

          It’s sick as fuck.

          It’s 1966 Cultural Revolution sick as fuck.

          It’s criminal, it’s treason, it’s sedition, it’s sick, sick, sick as fuck buddy.

          It’s a big, big deal and the Stalinist fucks who breathed life unto this abomination, must, must be held accountable.

          NOT, NOT because they were Progressives, but because they tore, shred and corrupted the values, the ethics, the morals, the idea of the Democracy they swore, on the fuckin Bible to protect.

          God Bless You.

  4. Jim a.k.a.BWH

    Don’t get distracted.

    Churchill once said, “Men occasionally stumble onto the truth, but then, usually pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move on as if nothing happened.”

    We have been lied to. All of us. Preoccupied with the “shiny” new “Impeachment” thing, the cable news channels make bank on our distractions and our emotional commitments to preconceived narratives. We chase chimeras in hopes of validation while the real players, behind the scenes, in Stygian darkness, where they can’t be seen, in hypogean safety under the floorboards of our nation’s houses, they defile our trust, defy our laws and deny the truth of their malfeasance.

    Cable News, all Cable News operates NOT on supply and demand for a profit, but “Says Law” which determines that supply creates it’s own demand. Demand for what? More lies. More and more and more and more… The “Russian Collusion” monomania was created, ex nihilo, out of whole cloth. The subsequent Russian Collusion narrative collapse is now replaced with Nadler/Schiff/Pelosi demanding more investigations. This is not what you think. This is not a Democrat V. Republican fight over facts, time lines, testimony and legalities. It is a Byzantine cover, for the Deep Sate’s malodorous machinations since 2012.

    The Deep State Dog has wagged out collective tails for long enough.

    Even as I type, the forces of darkness manipulate us all, Democrat, Republican and Independent with legerdemain and misdirection at an ever more frenetic pace. Why? The folks in the Puzzle Palace bet the farm on Hillary.

    Since 2010, during the Obama Administration, the FBI, FBI “Contractors”, the CIA, the NSA etc. etc. have abused, misused and unlawfully surveilled opposition politicians, political campaigns and Americans through the abuse of FISA-702. This was done, literally tens of thousands of times and involved premeditated criminal intent and premeditated treason and sedition.

    The newest “Shiny” thing (Impeachment) is no more, than the rear guard action of a terrified cabal of soon to be exposed bureaucrats who hope to distract ALL Americans from the most sensational, terrifying scandal/threat to the Republic since it’s inception. The “Shiny” new Impeachment pathogen injected into the bloodstream of the 4th Estate for public consumption, is no different than the Mueller Investigation. The media must be deceived and convinced to continue to dwell on Trump and proclaim the “Mark Of Cain” lies that have kept Deep State actors hidden from view to this point. The Deep State Criminals and their toady’s must keep/redact as much information as possible while distracting the populace from the truth.

    An “Event Horizon” is at hand. While we are all distracted, the Deep State would steal a march on the truth, on every American and on the Republic itself.

    Cast away, for just a little while, your allegiance to ANY political party and prepare for the truth.

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