Lefsetz: Elizabeth Warren To Go Against Trump

Delivery trumps ideas…

This is why Roger Ailes was so powerful. He realized politics was show business. Fox News was exciting to watch, irrelevant of the content. He didn’t necessarily put on the best talent, but the talent that would interest and intrigue the viewers most. Megyn Kelly was a superstar on Fox, but she was a failure on NBC. And speaking of show business, why in the hell was this debate so long? At the end, the only people watching were reporters.

Who will then frame the issues for the public, oftentimes incorrectly.

Give Bernie Sanders credit for pushing back on the questioners. That’s right, they were taking Republican talking points, putting the candidates on the defensive. It’s time for Democrats to lead.

But first they must be stars.

Talk to any big time music exec. Talent is abundant, but is the act a STAR?

Don’t forget they call it show BUSINESS, which means it’s all about selling, and if people don’t buy, you’re toast.

Like my buddy John Hickenlooper. His delivery was execrable; his speech was halting. Whereas Marianne Williamson evidenced some kind of weird charisma – you can see why she became a cult hero – not that her campaign will have any legs.

The process started with a presentation by Steve Bullock. He was totally together, he delivered the best introductory speech. But as the show, and it was a show, wore on, there was something off about him. His fake smile bugged me, but (my wife) nailed it, he was CONDESCENDING! You’ve got to be likable first and foremost.

Buttigieg hesitated, like he didn’t have his coffee. What he had to say was good, his closing speech was one of the best, but he never delivered that energy. He didn’t seem ready for prime time.


Bernie’s a rock star.

The only problem is rock is dead. What are the odds that Bruce Springsteen will have a number one pop single today? NONEXISTENT! Times have changed, even if Springsteen has not.

That’s always a question, whether you change with the times, but in music if you move towards what’s popular, you undercut your credibility. Your hardcore fans abandon you; you end up in purgatory, waiting for the next hit, which might never come.

Bernie’s act is not new.

He broke in 2016. Like Elvis Costello. Someone unknown who arrived fully-formed selling a new and different product. Sure, Bernie was around forever, so maybe he’s more like the local band that makes it big, after thousands of gigs. This is why Buttigieg failed, he hasn’t been in the game long enough. And the system worked against Bernie in 2016, the DNC wanted Hillary. Bernie was FM when the DNC wanted AM.

But now everybody’s on FM. And this is what the DNC does not understand.

If Bernie is long in the tooth, if we’ve seen his act, Elizabeth Warren is totally new. It’s the first time around for her. If she doesn’t get the nomination and tries to run in 2024, it won’t work, timing is everything, and her time is NOW!

Forget about Kamala. She attacked Biden and when you got down to the nitty gritty of busing, it was complicated and it turned out Kamala and Biden were pretty much on the same page. Kamala is like Katy Perry. She can deliver someone else’s hits, she’s got the seasoning, but deep down inside there is NOTHING!

Of course I’m exaggerating, but never forget, this nomination battle is basically a cartoon, where you put forth an exaggerated image of yourself.

As for Biden… He’s like an oldies act from the ’50s. Old people might be interested in reliving the past, young people don’t even know who he is!

Times have changed. And only Bernie and Elizabeth are acknowledging it with star power.

As for everybody else… Who cared what they had to say?It was delivered so poorly.

Klobuchar’s act might work in Minnesota, but it’s not ready for prime time, not with a national audience. Ditto on Delaney, who inhabits a charisma-free zone. You want nothing to do with him. He resembles nothing so much as the fat cat businessmen making deals behind closed doors…WHICH HE USED TO BE!

So after delivery, after star power, it comes down to vision..

Bernie told us what was wrong, but his perspective was not cohesive. He’d attack the wrongdoers, but would he give us hope, would we be able to believe in him?

It always comes down to hope. I mention for the umpteenth time the movie “Milk.”

Milk killed his opponent in the debate for state office, but his opponent wasn’t worried, he told Milk he would lose because he offered no hope!

Elizabeth Warren offers hope.

Yup, she’s won the nomination, it’s over.

Bernie and she are flip sides of the same coin. It’s just that she’s younger and fresher and can articulate her position better. She’s got experience fighting the bad guys, and she’s gonna do it again! Watching her you have no doubt she’s on your side.

Mayor Pete had one thing right…it’s about excitement. And we haven’t had that spirit here for a very long time.

It’s like the Dems in power don’t understand that new people are being born every day, they think they know everything and will rule forever, but this is patently untrue. The young ‘uns are ready for their seat at the table.

And the truth is all sides are sick of D.C.

Not only the paralysis, but the business as usual – the belief that it’s a club for career politicos in cahoots with fat cat corporations. Unless you’re fighting this, you will get no traction.

What I loved about Warren, and Bernie too, is they did not back down.

Oh, it’d be so easy, when wankers like Tom Friedman, married to a zillionaire himself, are worried about Medicare for All. Do you want to solve the problem or do you want to remain in the quagmire? That’s the question both Bernie and Elizabeth are asking.

Only the fat cats working their union jobs, those who have theirs already, are worried about Medicare for All. But the truth is there are no unions for gig workers. The Republicans eviscerated unions and then Bill Clinton moved right, especially on welfare, doing what was expedient as opposed to what was right, and that’s how we ended up here.

You’ve got to believe in something. Everybody does. But not in politicians.

That’s what Trump had right. He knew it was show business, he knew the game was rigged, and he promised to upset the apple cart. Forget the white supremacy, forget his faux pas as President, ASK WHAT GOT HIM ELECTED!

Trump reinvented the game, proffered a solution, and as a result Democrats didn’t win.

Oh, don’t tell me that Hillary got more votes, who cares? It”s about the Electoral College!

You don’t beat Trump by tearing him down, but by putting forth an alternative path, a plan, which Warren has dozens of.

And their content is secondary to the fact that she’s done the hard work, she’s ready to go for it, she’s prepared.  As opposed to Tim Ryan, who looked like he took the wrong door onto the stage! He was like a deer in the headlights – why in the hell did he think he could become President?

Stars are both born and made, but the ones who are born are always bigger. And if you start with someone with the raw material and then give them a push…the sky’s the limit!

But all the tried and true Democrats can do is tear Bernie and Elizabeth down.

Like the wannabes hating online, they wish they were there instead, but they weren’t willing to do the hard work and lay it all on the line.

The biggest, most successful musical stars are always those on the bleeding edge with rough edges.

Come on, you’ve got to give Billie Eilish credit for wearing baggy clothing when every pop star has a fashion line. She doesn’t want to be categorized, looked at that way, and that resonates with the rank and file – and the rank and file are everything.

Don’t forget the pundits and insiders only get one vote apiece, yours is just as powerful. And their main goal is to keep their jobs, that supersedes doing them. And once you’re in the club, it’s hard to get rid of you. So now we’ve got outsiders like Sanders and Warren and the club doesn’t like it – they’re bullying them!

Yet all opinion writers and pundits can do is point out flaws – they’re not in the vision business.

But Bernie and Elizabeth are, and that’s what the PUBLIC wants!

It’s not so difficult if you understand the game. All those experienced governors and congresspeople on stage… They did not even realize they weren’t ready for prime time, they didn’t even realize they weren’t stars. They were like the people moving to L.A. to make it and then finding out how hard that is.

You’ve got to look good, make relationships, and when you get your chance, DELIVER!

And only four people did that tonight.

There’s Bullock, who should have shut up after his opening number. He’s too fake, too old school, and that’s over. Middle of the road has no longevity.

And Williamson is just too far out there. She has no constituency.

So it comes down to Bernie and Elizabeth.

And it’s Elizabeth Warren’s time.

She was emphatic, she was not mealy-mouthed, she owned her positions, she bit back… Remind you of someone? TRUMP!

Only Warren’s style is more endearing and she’s more experienced and right.

Don’t tell me it’s about male and female. Once you’ve GOT the star power, it’s about the record, the substance. And if you don’t deliver a hit, fuhgeddaboudit.

Springsteen got no traction on his first two albums. But then he gained converts at concerts, he got buzz, and then he delivered…BORN TO RUN!

Warren is making hit records.

Everybody else is just resting on their laurels.

Never forget, you reinvent the game to work for you!

And losers don’t want this.

And the Republicans will poke holes and the Dems will shoot each other.

But if there’s one clear leader, who gets hearts and minds?

They can’t be beat.

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14 Responses to Lefsetz: Elizabeth Warren To Go Against Trump

  1. Yeah, sure, Warren is on the side of “The Little Guy”.

    Read this-


    A couple of quotes from Monica Showalter –

    “Elizabeth Warren still hasn’t adequately answered the questions about how she snuck into more than one Ivy League professorship by disguising herself as an Indian; gaming the system through the affirmative action back door; and made a fortune as a “consultant,” lawyer, and denizen in a near-no-show job at Harvard.”

    She IS connected to Wall Street and the same elite, Plutocrats that run the show behind the scenes.

    Read the article and check out her donor list. It’s Wall Street on steroids, the same Koch Brother, illegal immigration loving, sanctuary city supporting, high tax and spend reinforcing, “Gut The Middle Class” job killing cabal of Holier-Than-Thou, “Deplorable Hating”, Identity Politics bullshit that got you that great Health Care disaster in 2010.

    Remember? You could keep your doctor, premiums would go down and we would all be awash in the cash we would save, when the government ran our Health Care.

    If you stopped 100 cars in the street in ANY city in the United States and asked if they supported Veterans and wanted them to have excellent health care, my guess, is that 98 would say yes, including Democrat, Socialist, Independent and Republican.

    It’s “OK” health care. I know. It is Government run. There is a saying, amongst Veterans, that the VA is great, until you get sick.

    Stripping 180,000,000 people of the Health Care they want, for more Socialist, Hive-Minded fever Dreams from established liars who couldn’t run a Kool-Aide stand, much less a business. Joe Biden shocked me more than ANY other politician in recent memory, when he blithely stated, out loud, on camera, in front of witnesses, that his new “Health Care Plan” would allow you to – and this is a quote, “Keep your doctor and health plan”.

    These are stupid, below average people with inferior intellects who are disconnected from any semblance of reality. Here again, appearance (As Lefty has emphasized.) is the fulfillment of aspiration.

    Elizabeth Warren’s entire adult life and whatever she claims are her “accomplishments” are based on a lie. A brazen, blatant, absurd lie, that anyone with room temp IQ could see through. She is, the perfect Democrat Candidate.

    Women hate Trump and indeed, maybe he won’t get elected in 2020.

    Here is a prediction made by a very famous economist who is still a very famous economist. it concerned a coming election and the effect it would have on the economy.

    “Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work,” Krugman wrote. “So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing (will) happen.”

    That’s Paul Krugman predicting the end of the economy as we know it, at the election of Donald Trump.

    Paul, if Warren is elected in 2020, roll this quote out again, you were prescient beyond your capabilities, 4 years too early.

  2. J. Springer says:

    Warren = Hillary Clinton II. Whiney voice, hateful of people who are not like her, dishonest past. Please nominate her to ensure President Trump’s re-election.

    Loved how they all but Biden threw Obama under the bus and hated Obamacare.

  3. LanceTheIntern says:

    Doug Adams was correct. The “President” exists as a political position simply to draw attention away from those that truly have power.

    ….And Donald Trump has proven to be EXCELLENT in this role.

  4. Dee says:

    Biden is the only candidate who can defeat Trump….If Warren gets the nomination the debates will be a disaster…Warren will talk above everyone’s head on debt, wealth in-equality, student loan default, etc and Trump will simply call her “Pocahontas” and people will smirk and go nuts….Not a Trump fan but when all you do is appeal to stupid you have a pretty wide audience out there…

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Biden can’t even beat his own meat, let alone President Trump. Dude is a bumbling, fumbling old man who needs to just go ahead and get in the wooden box. All the Dem candidates are more or less idealistic nitwits, whose ideas have ZERO chance of working in practice. Oh sure, in the “Progressive” utopia they would, but in the real working world, they’re a disaster.

      • Dee says:

        Biden would be the lesser of two evils and would defeat Trump in key states like Michigan and Penn….Trump is literally toxic and as bad as the candidates are…Trump is a train wreck to most…Biden would win this…

        • Yeah, sure…, let’s go back to riots in the streets, a President who said MFG jobs are NEVER coming back and gutting the middle class for the swells on Wall Street.

          Smell some coffee Dee.

          Economic Growth
          4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
          For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

          4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.
          More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
          Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
          The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
          Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.
          Unemployment claims at 50 year low
          African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.
          African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
          Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
          Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.
          Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.
          Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.
          Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.
          July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.
          Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.
          July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.
          Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.
          Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.
          Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
          Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.”
          68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.
          Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.
          Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.
          Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.
          Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.
          Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.
          100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

          American Income
          Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
          Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
          Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
          Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
          Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
          Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
          Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
          Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

          I could go on.

          • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

            Enjoy you’re clownsuit, Dee. But you aren’t the only one wearing it. The entire leftist movement wears it.

          • Phaedrus says:

            In all fairness, most govt statistics are bullshit nowadays. Witness the 1-2% inflation claims. Anyone try to buy a house, car, college education, or even happy meal lately?

          • admin says:

            Good point

    • J. Springer says:

      Biden has to take at least 10 days of vacation after every appearance. He’s an old man and talks and acts like one. He has a boatload of dishonest dealings with China and Ukraine that will be exposed. Politico even had a story this week about that. He does not have the stamina of President Trump.

      The entire democrat group is a bunch of losers — they even treated Obama like the new Jimmy Carter this week in their debates. I guess that makes them racists.

  5. Feto says:

    Trump slams Elijah Cummings and the media calls him a racist. The Dems slam Obama yet aren’t. Why is that?

  6. Kerouac says:

    Tough choices, 2020…


    What do Pocahontas (1/1,024 Native American) and Ivory Soap (99 44/100% pure) have in common? As number two, the former also floats on water…


    “Alright, who am- er, where was I?”


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