Chuck: Much Ado About Nothing Over Ilhan Omar

About Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitic comments that’ve been stirring bi-partisan outrage …

The two most egregious:  Her Tweet, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby,” in reference to U.S. support for Israel.

And again last week,  “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

If Louis Farrakhan and Hitler had a baby, I don’t think that that kid could hate Jews any more than the demure, self-assured Ms. Omar.

That said, the freshman congresswoman has yet to call for the construction of concentration camps.

She’s merely saying that politics are infused and corrupted by money – in this instance, money from Jewish interests.

George Soros – a real life James Bond villain, who kinda looks like it and maybe  would more iff he had a white cat – pours immense sums of money into anti-Jewish causes.

Perhaps Ms. Omar has never heard of Mr. Soros.

But if you ask me, the real issue here, is free speech.

Because the body politic is infested with money on both sides of the political spectrum.

Money is the universal lubrication and catalyst that drives – more often than not –  victory speeches from candidates whose superior ability to raise more coin than the competition brings them to the podium on election night.

Barack Obama sent $350,000 to “One Voice” an organization in Israel wanting to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu.  Obama’s administration allegedly used  taxpayer dollars to interfere with Democratic elections. there. Ms. Omar would probably be OK with that.


 I have no doubt that Omar harbors a Jew hating heart.

But not only is that not a crime, it’s an exercise of her 1st Amendment rights.

And Omar has every reason, as an elected representative in the United States Congress to express her disdain for too much money in politics, no matter how selective her critique may be.

Pat Buchanan has gotten away with far worse criticisms of our Israel foreign policy, yet never hears a word from the swells in the media.

What’s more, if, in fact, you’re interested in exactly how powerful Jewish money is in politics, look no further than this bogus brouhaha.

And for the record, God Bless Bibi Netanyahu – I hope he “beats the rap”.

About Chuck Lowe

Nothing interesting.
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6 Responses to Chuck: Much Ado About Nothing Over Ilhan Omar

  1. J. Springer says:

    Omar sits on the House Foreign Relations Committee – -she was placed there by democrat leadership with Nancy Pelosi’s ok. She speaks for the democrat leadership in her anti-semitism. I guess you can call it free speech.

    Meanwhile as Chuck M. Lowe’s post says that free speech is not allowed by Amazon if you call out terrorists and the enemies of democracy.

    We are in some very serious times.

  2. KC Reader says:

    I don’t neccesarily agree with her politics, but she is saying things that need to be said. Why do so many members of Congress have dual citizenship? These are people we elect to represent US! not foreign interests. Maybe if there were one or two, but in some cases the reports are that there are almost 90 dual citizens in Congress, WTF? Unless you are an expat why do you need dual citizenship, unless you plan to bug out of a country you are ruining on purpose?

  3. The essence of the Democrat Party Problems are explained, in my opinion, by Jane Austen.

    “Vanity in a weak head, is the source of every source of mischief.”

    Ilan Omar, AOC and that horse faced Tlaib are suffused unto their mitochondrion with arrogant self regard, born of Peter Principal victories, attained by way of identity and good fortune, as opposed to ascendance based on knowledge, experience and hard work.

  4. Oops, typo, “….every sort of mischief.”

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