Lefsetz: Maroon 5 & The Super Bowl

Is all publicity good publicity?

Yesterday’s Super Bowl was a strange game, since the NFL’s ratings were resuscitated by the Kansas City Chiefs and their passing attack, and this contest was fought on the ground, until the Rams realized that going to the air was their only chance of victory. And then Tom Brady aired it out and put the stake in the heart of the competition.

The only heartfelt moment in the contest is when Robert Kraft honored Bill Belichick and Brady after the trophy was awarded. Although I must say I liked it when they booed NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, before Jim Nantz elbowed him aside.

That’s what Trump has wrought, decorum and respect are out the window.

You can say what you want to whenever you want to. Actually, that Republican congressman yelling out YOU LIE during Obama’s State of the Union address predated Trump, but that’s the America we live in – a divided one. Separated into elites and nincompoops.

Kind of like that laughable talent show after the game was over.

“The World’s Best” p- what a train-wreck that was. A dog and pony show of those ignored if it weren’t for this program, pitched to the brain dead. Talk about shooting low, it’s as if CBS just decided to throw in the towel, concede to Netflix.

But that’s the America we now live in, one of dumb and dumber.

Meanwhile, the evening was sans politics and all we care about is politics, which is another reason why Maroon 5′s performance seemed so lame. When given an opportunity to take a stand you punt?

It’s not that Maroon 5 were bad, it’s that they were EH.

A rock band that went pop and followed trends with featured artists that stands for nothing, just like the game of football itself. There was no way in hell Maroon 5 could have succeeded.

And they’re being trashed in every publication known to man, never mind the Twitterverse.

You see we’re at the end of the paradigm.

Not playing the Super Bowl is more important than playing it. You get more cred for not doing the show. As for reaching potential customers… Adam Levine already reaches them via “The Voice.”

Reminds me of my friend Chris Zarou, who manages Logic. Logic did his 1-800 suicide song on the Grammys and there was no bounce. Everybody who cared was already aware.

Used to be football games had marching bands. And Up With People.

We made fun of sports. That was part of the 1960s ethos. We rebelled against conformity, organization and dictators, like Belichick. The players are interchangeable, it’s a coaches game. Otherwise why would they all need headsets with BOSE painted upon them. Once you yield to the almighty dollar, you’ve lost the plot, like the commercial time outs.

Then again, if you’re addicted to football, there’s no convincing you the game is not America’s Pastime.

But I implore you to listen to Malcolm Gladwell‘s podcast “Burden Of Proof”

How much evidence do we need before we stop watching football because of C.T.E?

You will stop, you just don’t know it yet.

Kinda like the MTV Video Music Awards. They were cool and exciting, a must-see with memorable moments, and now they’re completely irrelevant. That’s what’s gonna happen with the NFL and its halftime show, It’s just that the commercial industrial complex doesn’t want you to know. Kinda like in the sixties people were for the war until they started showing all the atrocities on the evening news.

The New York Times latest C.T.E. story, of a guy who barely had any experience in the NFL, will make your skin crawl. “Was C.T.E. Stealing His Mind? A Gunshot Provided the Answer”

You remember how MTV used to have its own halftime show during the Super Bowl, before the NFL got “hip”? Pretty soon, Netflix will have a C.T.E. documentary that launches on Super Bowl Sunday, it’s coming.

So the game was boring, there was only one broken arm, but we won’t know the true injuries for maybe decades.

Kinda like smoking. Which is way down now, people got the message, you’re a pariah if you smoke.

As for tattoos… Did Adam Levine convince you not to have them?

I remember cutting my long hair when it was no longer a statement of your beliefs, just a fashion choice. Now that we’re tattooing faces, a real rebel would go clean. As for Adam doffing his shirt and showing us his ink…it seemed like a wannabe rapper from the suburbs trying to be hip – it was laughable.

If you’re sensing a lack of passion in this article, BINGO!

I just don’t care.

I liked hanging with friends. I liked eating all the things I don’t except for special occasions. But I felt like I’ve experienced this ritual too many times, and it’s long in the tooth.

And I’m sitting on the couch thinking…am I just jaded and are kids into this?

And then I realize kids have much better things to do with their time. Why dedicate four plus hours to the ancient games of adults.

It’s not like we have the Super Bowl of the Colosseum. What would that be in Roman numerals, Gladiator Bowl MMXIX? These contests die out, the paradigm shifts.

Steve Jobs makes Super Bowl commercials a thing, and everybody tries to imitate Apple’s for 35 years and no one succeeds…isn’t it time to give up?

Isn’t that the story of today, of this decade, how those who think they know what is going on don’t? Like Trump, like Brexit, like so much in the world today.

There’s been tumultuous change and everybody thinks everything is still the same.

But it’s not.

Like music is so dramatic and fascinating that our eyes will bug out when we see it performed during a football halftime. And that we will be impressed with explosions and fire, talk about primeval.

As for the movies advertised… Calorieless fantasies.

It’s like the powers-that-be are convinced everybody in America is dumb, and will accept this pabulum. That we will not be able to watch men causing brain damage to each other and we won’t be able to stop watching mediocre pop acts and tertiary sideshow performers on television.

The revolution is happening now, and you just don’t know it yet.

This is the nadir. No one in their right mind will play the Super Bowl again.

Parents are already keeping their children from playing football.

It’s kinda like global warming. People scream about it but you don’t see the changes and then you do and believe too.

Audi trumpets the percentage of electric cars they’ll produce and Trump cuts CAFE rules.

But that’s business.

In a country with no soul.

We need someone to bring the soul back.

And so far Colin Kaepernick‘s got more of the right stuff than Gladys Knight.

Today it’s about refusing the check, standing up for what’s right.

Be forewarned.

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22 Responses to Lefsetz: Maroon 5 & The Super Bowl

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Seriously. WTF was that? This fuck is so disconnected from reality, I’m fairly certain he’s dropping acid daily. He even contradicts himself within the same rant.

    His only moment of clarity?

    “I remember cutting my long hair when it was no longer a statement of your beliefs, just a fashion choice. Now that we’re tattooing faces, a real rebel would go clean. As for Adam doffing his shirt and showing us his ink…it seemed like a wannabe rapper from the suburbs trying to be hip – it was laughable.”

    100% correct. Levine is a giant wannabe wankster. It used to be, tough guys wore tattoos and were dangerous. Now they’re a damned cliche’.

    And Kapernick will continue to be one of the biggest morons on the planet, who still can’t figure out why it’s not a good idea to use a Volkswagen to traverse the Pacific ocean.

    • I don’t really know much about Adam Levine, but that performance was sub standard by what I would think was anyone’s idea of high quality entertainment. Then again, GWSWOT, at least he didn’t break out with the hate whitey Black Panther shit, so….

      Maybe it’s a push?

  2. Absolute dreck. On so many levels, this article’s vapidity, inanity and parapatetic efforts are a tribute to the granular otiosity that is Lefty’s coat of arms.

    “Although I must say I liked it when they booed NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, before Jim Nantz elbowed him aside.
    That’s what Trump has wrought, decorum and respect are out the window.”


    Next up, a treatise on why your kids can now forgo the “Dog ate my homework” excuse in grade school and blame Trump. You know what? Leukemia, yep, that’s right! Trump’s fault.

    All of this “mailed in” drivel, covered in a thin patina of faux concern for millionaires who are at risk for CTE. I’m so convinced that Mr. Schadenfreude gives a shit.

    “This is the nadir. No one in their right mind will play the Super Bowl again.”

    Well, except for maybe the next 12 years in a row, until the world ends.


    Think about how fucked up this is, because actually, Lefty is in lock step with about 50% or better of the USA.

    If someone who hates Trump, believes they reasonably draw a straight line reference from Jim Nantz doing his job in the equivalent of a Rugby scrum directly after a Super Bowl win, to President Trump and fault him accordingly, then what would be turn about for the right?

    Really, really crazy stuff, like, drawing a straight line reference from Obama’s support of Black Lives Matter (“What do we want? DEAD COPS!!!) to dead Dallas Cops.

    Obama’s support of the narrative of “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” that destroyed a town in Missouri. Baltimore Maryland and other cities too numerous to name.

    Obama’s support of Michael Brown as a “Gentle Giant” and his subsequent initiation of the DOJ into Police Departments all over the USA, which resulted in the “Ferguson Effect” and the carnage in inner city charnel houses where law enforcement stood down as citizens can now, no longer expect support from Law Enforcement.

    The list of straight line references and blood trails to the former, corrupt, treasonous, seditious, criminal administration, the tentacles of which, even now, are engaged in premeditated, malfeasance against the American people is legion. Our economies, our futures and the Rule Of Law, to this very second, is in danger by way of exposure to the felons, scofflaws and hoodlums who recently and still people the corrupt Federal Government.

    But sure Lefty, Trump is evil, because Jim Nantz is a good reporter.

    By the way, no one could blame Colin Kaperslick for his new job. Millions of dollars and his job description requires less work than the dumbest flipper baby-brained “Influencer” on the interwebs.

    That said, he qualifies to take one of their jobs if his current gig goes down in flames.

  3. Kerouac says:

    “Yesterday’s Super Bowl”

    – for the first time since its inception 1967, Kerouac did not watch the Superbowl, nor will he ever again… goodbye to football and sports et alia: plop-plop fizz-fizz, oh what a relief it is.

    $everal reasons < this one wags the rest. NFL's red, white and blue logo turned green not obscene enough, confluence changes otherwise created a venue is no longer your father's game, nor the one once relished childhood.

    While profit maximization was ascending, too few folks noticed or cared integrity took a back seat to entertainment, we became 'me', and bowing to good sportsmanship was replaced by kneeling, hanging head, fist raising and spasms afield variously the throes gran mal seizure. In the process, results became meaningless as bogus statistics same.

    As I read reviews today about the 'poor' 13-3 Superbowl it was according the majority who watched it (the lowest-rated in terms viewership in a decade), it is clear now that there can never be any going back as it were. No going back 'boring' defense, no going back 'politics-free' halftime shows, and as such no going back for Kerouac.

    Side note: congratulations to former Chiefs S Johnny Robinson who, almost 50 years after he retired was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. That makes six KC Chiefs from the 1969 defense now in the HOF, tying with pro football's greatest team ever the Green Bay Packers, whose Superbowl I defense had six same, 1966 season.

    Far to late to right such an egregious wrong for Robinson (or several other now 'late' AFL players) , but par for the course the biased writers who vote Hall of Fame/other awards.

    To wit – just as the New Orleans Saints were robbed NFC Championship/Superbowl, 2018 'NFL MVP Drew Brees' had his award stolen from him. Leading his team to 13 wins (an NFL best), losing only twice (was no QB better), and leading in most of the stat categories stats was unjustifiably ignored. 'Best' took a back seat to 'popularity', writers/voters, just as Kerouac stated it might an earlier post. Nine voters refused to be compromised however, and voted for the true MVP Brees. Congratulations Drew, the best QB in the NFL 2018.


    • admin says:

      C’mon K…no way you don’t watch the Suiper Bowl next year ion the Chiefs are in it???

      • Kerouac says:

        “C’mon K…no way you don’t watch the Suiper Bowl next year ion the Chiefs are in it???”

        – ‘Stupor’… there, fixed. The certainty: any which way one spells it, swiss chiefs will not be there, again, part 2019 verse 50 (‘wait till next’, next, next, next, next, next, next, (and – with apologies the Associated Press Style book) every next thereafter. . . .


    • Karma says:

      Kerouac…Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Mahomes MVP!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaa Mahomes MVP!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! M-A-H-O-M-E-S M-V-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL!!!!!!!!
      Brees will min the MVP-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
      It was stolen from Brees LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL!! I’m soooo old!!! Football was better in the old days. I’m not watching anymore Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha Mahomes is the MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

      • admin says:

        They have meds for this condition, Karma…

      • Kerouac says:


        Saints ‘Breesus’ also tops swiss ‘Choke’ common opponents, and caliber of competition comparison, 2018:

        6 games regular season and post Brees was 4-2 (5-1/Superbowl berth too shy officials ‘see no evil hear no evil speak no evil’ call vs LA); 8 games regular season and post, Mahomes was but 3-5.

        Brees and Mahomes both played NFC Superbowl team Rams:

        Breesus won: 36 – 25 – 346 – 4/0 – 137.04 QBR
        Choke lost, on 46 – 33 – 478 – 6/3 – 117.57 QBR

        The winner, MVP and still best QB in the NFL 2018: Breesus



        • Kerouac was wrong says: says:

          Mahomes is the MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Brees is a loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Mahomes is the MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I like the old days better! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
          MAHOMES MVP!!!!!!! MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I don’t understand how today’s game is played Whaaaaaaa
          I said Bree’s was gonna be the MVP I was wrong! Whaaaaa
          I also said the Chief’s would lose every game, Wrong!!!!!
          I’m so old and so wrong!!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
          Who’s the NFL MVP? oh, it’s MAHOMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          But I’m just an old troll! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

        • Kerouac says:


          Breesus Saints also had the NFL’s #2 ranked Strength of Schedule 2018 – Choke’s swiss chiefs had it easy at #19…


          • Kerouac was wrong says: says:

            ..but who’s the MVP? You seem old, so let me help you …it’s MAHOMES!!!!!!!! Strength of Schedule doesn’t really factor in deciding who the MVP is which, in case you forgot, because you’re old is… MAHOMES!!!!!!!!!! So maybe watch a game, it seems like you don’t really understand today’s game very well because it’s apparent to everybody who’s not an old troll, that MAHOMES!!!!! was the best player in the league. The problem with old trolls like you is nobody really listens to anything they have to say, because you’re just trolling. Please give us more useless stats from the 65 season pops! We love that stuff(said no one EVAR!). Tell us how it was all better back when gramps (yawn). Oh it case it slipped your failing memory again…the league MVP??? It’s MAHOMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Kerouac says:

            “Nobody really listens”

            – you doth protest (3 x now so far) too, too much for one ‘pleads’ so desperately with an unread an unheard narrative (you’re probably just doing so for a friend, huh) 😀

            Verily Kerouac is in your conscience, nipping at your soul. Do try harder “not listen” to nor read this ‘Lays Potato Chip of Blogdom.’ Which is to say: bring it back, roll over, now mess yourself again – good boy!

            Continuing… congratulations Drew Brees: 2018 NFL MVP


  4. Kerouac says:

    Time now for another installment of ‘Lefsetz rebuked’

    “That’s what Trump has wrought, decorum and respect are out the window. Actually, that Republican congressman yelling out YOU LIE during Obama’s State of the Union address predated Trump.”

    – putting aside the congressman was correct, nod BC – what about BT/before Trump? A mere six-months into his eight-year squat Pennsylvania Avenue, the ‘great divider’ in chief Obama gave country and himself a black eye, condemning police for “acting stupidly” re: doing their job. Only later did ‘The Magic Negro’ admit he did not have all the facts, and it was his friend police arrested (nod ‘speaking stupidly’ – OOOPS.)

    It was downhill from there for the ’empty chair’ in office, including consorting the likes (until caught Barrack-handed) two bastions Emily Post etiquette… Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. There’s so much more, but limited time and internet paper prevents. Dark memories from #44; that he hates Christianity, Constitution, Trump and America itself, makes me revere Teflon Don even more.

    Let us see and hear Tuesday night’s ‘State of the Union Address’ and what the party of ‘no’ and ‘Russian Collusion on line one’ offers in response, and comport selves. They’ll all be there: American Gothic duo ‘One Dollar’ Pelosi & ‘Shutdown’ Shumer/rest of the gang: ‘just shut up and sit down’ Hirono, post-Pocahontas Warren, Sheldon Outhouse and Sparta-hiccup Booker/rest the loony left.


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