Jack Goes Confidential: ‘On The Basis Of Sex’—And Then Some

The year 2018 turned Ruth Bader Ginsburg into a Rock Star!

Her newfound status came primarily due to the release of the highly popular documentary “RBG” which enjoyed long theatrical engagements across America

But if you think you know everything about America’s judicial superstar—think again.

In the new biographical legal drama “ON THE BASIS OF SEX” Felicity Jones steps into the role of a young Ms. Ginsburg.

Beginning in 1956 at Harvard Law School Ginsburg, as a young mother, struggled to fit into this legal field dominated almost entirely by men.

These were her early days during which she was already fighting for equal rights for women.

However then, along with her husband Marty Ginsburg (Armie Hammer), she took on a groundbreaking case of sex discrimination that would forever change the way courts would view gender bias.

“The word woman does not even appear once in the U.S. Constitution!”—-“Neither does Freedom, your honor….”

Ruth Bader and Marty Ginsburg had the perfect partnership both personally and professionally.

And while the film claims to be inspired  by the true story, it nonetheless allows us a surprisingly window into the soul of this remarkable women.

Are there liberties taken here? Of course there are.

Practically any so-called true story enhances its story line for better play on the big screen.

However the mere fact that the REAL Ms. Ginsburg graces a final cameo scene in the movie makes me believe that she was in agreement with director Mimi Leder’s portrayal of her.

Ably supporting Felicity Jones and Armie Hammer are screen pros Kathy Bates and Sam Waterston. And while the film certainly does not break any new ground in bio-movie telling, it makes for a fascinating insight into this driven, energetic and shrewd woman and what she had/has up her judicial sleeve—which certainly includes a rarely displayed humorous demeanor.

Bottom line: I think you’ll enjoy “ON THE BASIS OF SEX”.

I certainly did and graded it a: B.

‘Sex’ opens this weekend in wide release.

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11 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘On The Basis Of Sex’—And Then Some

  1. J. Springer says:

    Woman of death. Responsible for the murder by abortion of millions of babies in the US and the world.

    Sticking a steel rod in the head of a baby while it is being born or sucking a living body out of the womb is murder.

    I have ZERO respect for the vile and hateful woman. She should NEVER have been selected or approved for the US Supreme Court.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Get off your high-horse. If men could have babies, there would have been drive-thru abortion clinics on every corner 50 years ago and you KNOW that’s the fucking truth!

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        And if your aunt had a penis and testicles, she’d be your uncle. But she doesn’t. And men can’t have babies, so why operate in La-La Land with a statement like that? (Oh it’s the evil “patriarchy”, right? GMAFB) There is a huge population of women who think it’s murder as well, and believe it morally wrong on that basis. So it really makes no difference which of the two sexes is having babies.

        • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

          Guy, if you are under some illusion that white MEN haven’t made the rules for women for centuries then there isn’t much I can say. I didn’t say anything about them being evil. I just said they are in charge. (For now)

  2. chuck says:

    I have always had a weakness for Jewish chicks. Dated 3 or 4 back in the day.

    It’s funny they have this Shiksa portraying her. What’s wrong with Jennifer Connelly?

    No doubt, as David Cole says, Felicity Jones is hot enough to “give Himmler’s corpse a boner”, but, I think they should have employed a hot Jewish chick.

    That said, Ginsburg’s politics and she is a political animal who in no way pretends otherwise, are detestable. I won’t miss her for a second and I will not see this flick.

    Sleeper movie of the year, “Molly’s Game”.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Identical feelings for the late whack-job, Scalia. That’s why a semi-balance court is important. Not everyone walks on the same side of the street. Both need to be represented/heard.

      • chuck says:

        From the Washington Post

        “We already know what Ginsburg thinks of the president. She told us more than a year ago that she “can’t imagine what the country would be . . . with Donald Trump as our president.” Facing criticism for her apparent endorsement of Hillary Clinton and her attacks on Trump, Ginsburg doubled down, emphasizing in a CNN interview: “He is a faker.” She then went on “point by point, as if presenting a legal brief,” the CNN analyst said.”

        The pretense of objectivity in reviewing cases coming before the court would be a reasonable expectation for those not firmly ensconced in the Socialist Silo where Ginsburg lives out her final days.

        • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

          I think we know what ALL of the justices think of the current “president.” Reasonable people can have reasonable opinions.

  3. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    You missed the “reasonable people” part, Chucker. Deplorable? Swine? Inferiority complex, buddy? I said nothing of the kind.

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