Dwight: Will the Real Boom Boom Please Stand?

For the five years I’ve been writing for KC Confidential I’ve been subjected to an incredible amount of personal abuse…

Abuse from a troll by the name of first Harley and then Boom Boom.

I was in good company though. Because everyone else who has posted or commented here was slammed by him on a regular basis.

Harley/Boom Boom/Jo-Jo only dealt in odhominem attacks. He attacked me for coming from a moneyed background and he attacked Paul Wilson and Chuck Lowe for not coming from a moneyed background.

The attacks were unheard of in their ferocity and length. For example a 1,500 word post might draw a four-thousand word comment in response.

And no one was lambasted more than Craig Glazer – usually about his pro football picks and his rather checkered career career with law enforcement.

So imagine my surprise when I heard that H-BB-JJ had fallen strangely silent at the very moment the Glaze  went to that big comedy club in the sky.

Hearne then told me that he had busted Craig early on in his tenure writing for KCC for writing comments under fictitious names in response to his own posts.

And not only did Glaze and Harley appear to be around the same age, had the same Johnson County upbringing and same ethnicity (Jewish), Harley’s politics matched someone with Craig’s background. Plus the troll calling himself Harley had the same superficial knowledge of pro sports, entertainment and politics that would be consistent with Craig’s own life experiences.

By attacking himself periodically, Craig – as Harley – would have free rein to go after everyone else who wrote on KC Confidential without fear of retribution.

It was Craig as Harry Kellerman, attacking his own reputation and credibility to throw others off the scent when he attacked them under a pen name.

I once asked Craig if he wasn’t bothered by Harley’s taunts. He replied that the only thing that got to him was Harley’s scurrilous libel that Craig wore a hairpiece. Craig explained that this defamatory statement might crimp his otherwise unmatched ability to attract hot, young chicks!

This made sense until recently when Hearne passed along a fresh communique from someone calling himself Boom Boom (!?) The tome was the same but lacked the fragmented, quasi literate syntax of the old Harley whom we knew and loved.

So what do you guys think? Did Harley die with Craig? Or is he like Dracula, the undead?

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19 Responses to Dwight: Will the Real Boom Boom Please Stand?

  1. Kerouac says:

    My best ‘long-winded run-on sentence’ impersonation article protagonist the original Boom Boom during CG’s tenure < is but a memory KCC if number of posts and style (such as his portended) is the measure [ Pause for breath pen, keyboard ]

    In honor he who was 'Boom Boom', this tribute: dj,? @! hueoefletg wio *&^ pqw qeniod gkldfkl fkl scflsfvklm sfvkmn mn ao;

    Just as the swiss chiefs and 'Pine' mahomes are frauds, this year as every season, does not preclude me from reading the delusional 'ball polishing' their adherents addiction, ad nauseam, ad infinitum, this blog/elsewhere… Kerouac always enjoys a good hearty laugh. Adherents are so cute to read when they get their feelings hurt by others whose thoughts do not jibe with the adherents hogwash; as such Boom Boom was no more a fraud than any of the aforementioned adherents this blog/elsewhere.

    Now, grammatical errors? Everyone is subject said/goes with the territory (can't count how many times I wished for the option/capability KCC of edit post-blog 'typos'/and I have no interest in 'scrupulously' editing my comments or endlessly denigrating those of another blogger.) Those who visit KCC for an English/grammar lesson be better off obtaining a copy 'The Elements of Style' by William Strunk Jr., or something similar.)

    Still, as one who enjoys his own style and consider the ellipis a personal friend… well, one should always write as one wishes, as I do my own enjoyment. If readers embrace any writer's poetic license or not, should be of no concern; there are always those love you and those who do not, audience.

    All that said, consider this: when Boom Boom (who may have also been CG) had his head handed to him re: the 2016 election results, following all the narrative buildup he'd upchucked re: how Hildabeast Clinton was going to win, blogger 'Boom Boom' disappeared … and for a good long while.


    Embarrassment? Perhaps. Not sure CG (if he was Boom Boom) could've stayed silent/ and away for so long, yet still talk sports/other topics. On the other hand, perhaps he was actually brighter than others gave him credit for and was in fact 'playing ya'll.'

    CG/Boom Boom: a look at the future you no longer have, nod swiss chiefs same:

    'Wait till next year', part 2019, verse 50'

    Which is to say… ain't missin' nothin' CG/Boom Boom.


    • admin says:

      Well, since Craig was writing his stuff, going away for a period of time would not have left him high and dry – just given him a bit of a break.

      What’s your opinion, was it Craig?

      And what do you think about the most recent couple of Boom Booms?

      • Kerouac says:

        As stated previously KCC I asked CG a couple of years ago – “are you Boom Boom?” (or Harley et al/same thing.) His short retort was “no, I’m not.”

        That he wasn’t indignant for me ‘slighting him’ (as in ‘K, how in the hell could you even think such a thing?) such an insinuation. I noted this at the time, and filed it away in memory. Obviously, something prompted me to wonder/ask; I was not then nor am I now 100% sure he wasn’t a a many splendored blogger.

        As for the ‘Boom Boom (s)’ et al since CG’s death, I don’t believe they are the same as ‘original’ Boom Boom. Suppose if someone was so motivated, could intentionally alter their style even if but slightly, to carry on a charade, but that’s a lot of effort for… what purpose exactly/to what end? Jollie$?

        Here’s a wild scenario: if CG were in cahoots with someone – oh, let’s say with you, HC – could it serve a purpose increasing the # visits/page views KCC? Just sayin’. A marketing tool creating an antagonist and protagonist play both sides against the middle?


        • admin says:

          Yeah, theoretically, it could…

          Then again, trust me, it ain’t me, babe (may I call you babe?)

          But as discussed with Super Dave, he could have been with someone else. I kinda had Paul Wilson pegged as the new Boom Boom, but I think maybe there’s one thing upon which we can agree (famous last words, right?):

          And that’s that he sure looks like he died with Craig and there’s pretty much nobody left – or so it seems – to tell the tale with the rest of his family also gone.

          • Kerouac says:

            “Then again, trust me, it ain’t me, babe “(may I call you babe?)”

            – Kerouac believes you ( no less so than I did CG… Boom Boom… Harley… JoJo… ) as for your parenthetical – what – no flowers before starting bum rush K’s heart?

            You can you can call me K, and you can call me Kerouac, and you can call me Not Jack Kerouac … but you doesn’t has to croon Hurricane Smith make me swoon (Bill Clinton on sax/incognito)


            HC, considering my real name is (REDACTED), cannot rule self out as another suspect the KCC search for the real Boom Boom (nod Barbarino – “I’m so confused.”)


  2. Super Dave says:

    There is a conclusion to this story we may never know about. Only one person I think really knows for sure or could solve it and I still think they are holding their cards very close to their chest. I mean come on it keeps the readers coming back while wondering who was the real Harley, right HC? All I know is that a very long time ago on this site that the so called Harley slipped and said something to what I said that left no doubt they knew who I was and was either privy to the incident or had to have been there to have know such. So it was either Craig or one of his buddies. Personally I sort of think it was the later working under the scrutiny of Craig. But then I might be wrong and it was all Craig.
    Something else I have always wondered about was did Craig have a ghostwriter? Hearne stopped doing Craigs stories at one time due to the effort required of him to edit them. So Craig goes to Tony Botello’s site where even Tony said he wouldn’t edit anything either. If that’s the case then why did Craigs writing all of a sudden get better? One only had to look at some of Craig’s comments when he got fired up to see how he put things together when it came to writing something down. So is there someone else out there still? Were they under a non disclosure confidentiality clause? Where did all of those posters who claimed to have worked with Craig or were supposed to be such close friends of Craig’s who would step up for Craig if things got a little too true or Craig got caught doing something silly to claim what an awesome guy he was? Like Harley, they also appear to have all disappeared by riding off into the sunset along with Craig.

    • admin says:

      Hmmmm, where to begin…

      Interesting take Super Dave, I thought about the possibility that Craig might have had a confederate holed up somewhere doing his bidding by keep the comments flowing.

      One reason for this thought, was that at one point I know Craig had a “kid” that worked for him at the club that he started having edit his columns. hew was paying him.

      That was a few years ago, but maybe the editing continued after his job at Stanford’s in the Legends went away.

      As for Craig’s writing improving after I “axed” him temporarily, I think to some extend you are right. However, I did spend quite a bit of time cleaning up his you-know-what, so there’s that.

      What was it specifically that you noticed that made you think of Craig?

    • Phaedrus says:

      I think Greg Hall was Craig’s ghostwriter. Whitlock gave Greg a good recommendation.

      Is this article the extent of Dwight’s “investigation”?

  3. The Man Who Knew Too Much says:

    Who gives a shit?

  4. David Nelson says:

    All I know is I miss CG and Harley on here. Man they were entertaining.

    • admin says:


      And to think, Paul Wilson wanted Harley banned and tried to form a union with Dwight and Craig to not wrote for the site unless I excommunicated Noom Boom.

      Well, he got his wish!

  5. I only met Glaze in person, 3 or 4 times. The last time I saw him was about a year ago, at Mario’s in Westport. He looked tired and somewhat emaciated. He was always very nice, complimentary and I enjoyed talking to him.

    If he was, in fact, Harley, I am not gonna lie, I would be very disappointed. That level of dishonesty is a serious character flaw. We all, are devious to some extent, but Jeeze…

    Nothing changes for me, in spite of this. I still believe you have to look people in the eye, in person and tell them things they don’t wanna hear. If you are wrong, admit it and move on. But honest conversations, here and in person, make the world a better place imo. Harley, was an execrable, predictable, flat liner, narcissistic whacked out, “dyed in the wool” apologist for all things Progressive, that could fill in for Corey Booker, or, for any of the Deep State traitors now scurrying out of the light like the cockroaches they are as the “Russian Collusion” hoax is exposed.

    He was, is (If he is still alive.) a coward.

    • admin says:

      The rationale for Craig being Harley was pretty simple: it gave him a chance to have an alter ego apart from his day to day persona (which was pretty whacked out to begin with).
      Not wildly surprising to me, to be honest.
      Paul Wilson didn’t think Craig had the intellectual horsepower to pull it off.
      He certainly had the poor typing and editing skills to though

      • chuck says:

        You should actually know. Did he submit written articles to you? If the syntax, spelling and structure were the same…

        I think Paul is probably right.

        • admin says:

          The first one was halfway close, but not quite fully up
          To snuff. I thought Paul
          Might have planted it cuz he used to do
          A good Harley imitation

  6. Harry Balczak says:

    Haven’t there been enough navel gazing articles on this incredibly arcane subject yet?

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