Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review

Caution, provocative opinion ahead… 

                “Wisconsin Human Resources Director Arrested on Child Porn and Exploitation Charges.”                                                                                                                                                                                2/19/24

                “No Charges for Democrat Staffer Who Filmed Gay Porn in Senate Hearing Room.”                                                                                                                                                                     2/1/24

“Former Maryland Mayor and LGBTQ Activist Sentenced to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty earlier this year to child pornography.”                                                                                                                                                                            3/3/23

“Oklahoma City School District Hires Drag Queen Elementary School Principal Once Arrested for Possessing Child Porn and Illicit Drugs.”                                                                                                                                                                             9/1/23

“Former Redlands Planning Official tailored children to LA USD teachers likes, police allege.”                                                                                                                                                                    10/24/23

                “Former Louisville Teacher Could Face Up to 120 years in Prison for child porn.”                                                                                                                                                                       10/4/24

                “PA Sheriff’s Deputy arrested on charges of possessing and distributing child porn charges.”                                                                                                                                                                   2/21/24

                “NJ Teacher charged with child porn possession.”                                                                                                                                                               10/16/23

“Yamhill County Sheriff’s Deputy Criminally Charged for Creating On-line Gay Porn While In Uniform.”                                                                                                                                                            12/15/23

“New Mexico State Police sergeant arrested on child porn.”                                                                                                                                                                 7/21/23

“Former Maryland Government Official Pleads Guilty. Chief Operating Officer with Department of Commerce, Deputy Legislative Officer for the Maryland Governor’s Office.”                                                                                                                                                                  10/5/23

“A spokesman for the LA County Department of Public Works was arrested on Tuesday on felony charges of producing, possessing and disseminating child pornography.”                                                                                                                                                                 10/4/23

*******          *******       *******       *******      

Notice the increasing number of times this exact story is hitting the media…

There’ve been multiple arrests in the last year, where people are being charged with child pornography and sexual abuse of minors. These include schoolteachers, law enforcement officers, government officials-all manner of people in various jobs and positions you’d never expect.

I have more friends in the LGTBQ community than arguably the average straight guy. My gay friends are not friends because they’re gay. I could care less.

Their sexuality is the least interesting thing about them. They’re my friends based on WHO they are, not their private sex lives.

Most, if not all, of these cases involve adult gay men sexually exploiting young boys. However, it’s my firm belief that they’re not representative of the larger LBGTQ community.

The existence of Gays Against Grooming, a non-profit organization of gay people against the sexualization of children under the guise of gay or trans rights, shows that there’s push back in the larger community against extreme positions, e.g. sex change operations for 7-year-olds.

The people we see going down on these child porn and sexual molestation charges, are closer to people “larping” the lifestyle to fit in – than people committing these heinous acts.

What do I mean by “larping”?

Live action in role playing.

“The participants in a LARP physically portray characters in a fictional setting, improvising their character’s speech and movements like actors in improvisational theater.”

They use the cover of the LGBT community as theater for acceptance, while committing those crimes and disrespecting the 99.9% of the community who find their crimes as reprehensible as any straight person would.

Sooner or later it’ll catch up with them.

It just needs more open condemnation from the gay community that says, “This is NOT who we are!”

And when they say it, I’ll stand WITH THEM, in the same level of condemnation.
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11 Responses to Paul Wilson: The Weak in Review

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    1. *couldn’t* care less
    2. Yeah, it’s called the Boy Scouts of America and the Catholic church. Both of whiched banned gay men and yet………….
    3. 30 years ago, you wouldn’t have heard about a single one of these cases unless it happened in you community. It’s not that they are more prolific now.
    4. Male-male molestation doesn’t indicate the offender is homosexual any more than male-female molestation indicates they are heterosexual.
    5. Anita Bryant had similar opinions.

  2. Dwight Sutherland says:

    I.Couldn’t care less? I guess as long your child isn’t molested,what do you care about other peoples’ kids?
    2. Let me see if I follow you. As longs as it’s traditional institutions- the RC Church,the BSA-that harbor pederasts it’s bad.As long as it’s more progressive minded types,who are “open”and “inclusive”about their proclivities ,it’s okay because “Love is Love’.
    3. What evidence is there that these cases are no more frequent now than in the past? I think the actual pattern would have been formerly that such reports were suppressed in the community in which they occurred in order to protect those involved,both the institutions which harbored the molesters and the victims themselves.Now days if you’re busted,you can always cry “ Homophobia!!!!” See Spacey,Kevin.
    4. Here is where you lose me. If I,as a male,am sexually attracted to underage girls,I’m probably heterosexual. If I ,as a male,am sexually attracted to underage boys,I’m probably homosexual. Both can result ,to put it mildly,in sub-optimal behavior and outcomes. Both involve the exploitation of children. Why can’t you accept this conclusion?
    5. Last night when I read your post there was a story trending about the new Spainish Doritos’ Brand Ambassador,”Samantha Hudson”. A self-described pedophile, Hudson(a fake name, kind of like Jim a.k.a. BWH)gave an interview in which he described wanting to sodomize a twelve year old girl.Does anyone who looks askance at these antics become a bigot like Anita Bryant? This is the surreal choice you place us in.,either accept as normal deeply disturbing messages of sexual violence or risk being branded an intolerant monster by every thinking,sensitive,enlightened,educated, evolved person and/or registered Democrat.Don’t you think we should ban the terms ‘pedophile”,
    “pederast”,and “child molester” and just go with “minor attracted person”? You don’t? What are you,some kind of MAGA hater? Shouldn’t you be monitored as a Christian nationalist? I’m gonna tell Laura Kelly on you!!!

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      And here is where you lose me. If I, as a male, rape a woman I am a heterosexual according to your logic. Not a rapist, a heterosexual. Rape, whether done to an adult or a child, is an act of violence, power & control. Your sexual orientation doesn’t have jack-shit to do with it.

      I understand that all things LGBT are the boogey man to you old, conservative types. Like political parties, organizations, et al, there are extreme ends to everything.

      FYI…….my name really is Jim. Glazer (when still among the living) coined me the “Bizarro World Harley” because I always took the opposing view to that clown, Harley. So, now you know.

  3. Dwight Sutherland says:

    We’re not talking about forcible rape by a stranger of a youngster in an alley at knife or gun point. The dozen examples Paul gave all involve adults in positions of authority and trust taking advantage of those positions to exploit children sexually. As did,I should note,the two examples you gave,i.e. The Boy Scouts and the Roman Catholic Church. What’s new is the way people caught in those situation use the recent acceptance of gays as a way to attack their accusers as homophobes. .(Or to claim being molested themselves as children somehow excuses their behavior now.) This is what Gays Against Grooming is opposed to and what Paul was talking about. The former has had its meetings attacked by Antifa.Now Paul and I are accused of regarding all things gay as a boogeyman. What you inadvertently reveal by your comment is the hold Cultural Marxism has on the Left, long as you are a member of a group of marginalized “peepuls” -not a cis-gendered straight white male- you can do no wrong. Any one who questions this is automatically labeled a racist,classist, ,sexist,genderist,hetero-normative bigot,as you just demonstrated. I’m glad you explained the derivation of your nomme de plume. What I don’t get is why people like you,Harley,and Kansas Karl are afraid to sign your actual name to personal expressions of opinion. Ever since I started writing Letters To The Editor to newspapers back in the 70’s I understood that this is a prerequisite to taking part in public debate. Anonymous insults and taunts are a coward’s lot.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Geezuz H, Dwight. This is a fucking blog where people express opinions, make jokes and generally bust each other’s balls. This isn’t letters to the editor for a city’s main publication. It’s a website that probably 40 people know about and or bother to read. Get over yourself, dude. This isn’t a public debate. It’s between 5 people on a good day.

      Nobody is in favor of normalizing child molestation. Those who do are so far outside the mainstream that they don’t even matter. You screaming that these are somehow mainstream “liberal’ talking points is laughable.

      If I signed my ACTUAL name, what would it mean to you? I’m not a public figure. I don’t hold a government position. I’m an absolute nobody that was born, raised and lived in this town 63 years. Last time I checked, this website is free to anyone that would like to voice an opinion or opine on any number of subjects. I didn’t know it was a litmus test for who’s who in Kansas City.

      • admin says:

        Well, I’d say we’re a bit more evolved, better known than you suggest, but agree generally in your overall assessment.
        Arguing over points and making corrections though is part and parcel of public debate, so it’s not a free pass zone either.

      • Dwight Sutherland says:

        Once it’s posted on this or any other blog a comment is public and will remain there forever.It doesn’t matter if it’s read by five people or five million. You have obviously not had the fun of a personal tragedy used against you by some anonymous troll. Making people disclose their identity,if only to the site administrator,would stop this kind of vicious tactic. My wishes in this regard have nothing to do with sizing an individual up as a known member of the community. Obviously anyone has the right to state their opinion but they should act responsibly. Spare me the” poor little old me” act.As far as the substance of your comment goes,there is IS a movement to normalize deviant behavior.Why else would there be an Orwellian perversion of the language, change operations become “gender affirming care”, pedophiles become “minor attracted persons”,killing a baby in the womb becomes “women’s health care”?

  4. harley says:

    why are southy and wilson so into this subject. It’s gross and totally repugnant. I refuse
    to comment on these types of issues. CREEPPPPYYYYYY!

    • admin says:

      Like a long-in-the-tooth comet zooming by high above, here he comes again – the one the only Harley – and it ain’t me and sure as heck ain’t Craig.

  5. Dwight Sutherland says:

    Welcome back H-Bomb! Paul wrote the post based on all the stories in the news on the subject.He cites a dozen examples,based on a two minute internet search,just in the last year.As far as you refusing to comment on something because it is distasteful,this really is a first,Mr.Ad Hominem!!!!

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