Lefsetz: The So-Called ‘Experts’ Are Ruining The Country

One thing’s for sure, Joe Biden‘s toast…

But how could this be? For months we’ve endured polls and talking heads, telling us he was the leader and the people’s choice – the man with experience shooting right up the middle.

Turns out that’s not what people wanted at all.

So, the pollsters got it wrong.

Oh, there was that Des Moines Register poll that was canceled that was supposedly more accurate. And I’m sure Nate Silver and the rest of the experts will weasel once again and tell us how they really got it right, but they didn’t. Turns out it’s not only government that is out of touch with the public, but the pollsters and the media too.

It all comes down to if you’re winning.

If the present environment is working for you, you want no change.

But it turns out the present environment isn’t working for most of America.

Let’s start with Donald Trump.

The same media outlets and pollsters failed to see the disharmony that led to the Donald’s election. They convinced us, even him, that his campaign was a sideshow, a way for Trump to burnish his brand, to start a TV network, to get richer. Little did we expect that he would use the Presidency to get richer.

And on the other side you’ve got Bernie Sanders.

According to Hillary Clinton, he’s an evil hate monger who refuses to play well with others. Meanwhile, Bernie almost deposed the anointed Hillary in 2016, and it appears he’s gonna run to the roses this year. Turns out most of the populace is not happy with business as usual.

Let’s talk about the Clintons.

Sure, they were eviscerated by the right, but they also used their position to get rich, even Chelsea has gotten rich.

She’s even wealthier than Hunter Biden!

But sucking up to Wall Street and the rest of the billionaires was de rigueur, because everybody else did it. You needed their money to win. But Bernie didn’t take a dime from the usual suspects and this time around he’s raised more money than anybody!

As for Mayor Pete

Where were the articles predicting this? The polls?

And then there’s the question of, why.

It appears that people want someone young and smart untainted by the usual b.s. Although if you look into Pete’s CV it’s not appealing; drinking at the trough of McKinsey and being unable to run his own damn city. As for being gay…no one cares about that anymore, if a black man can become President why not a gay man? As for those who couldn’t accept Obama…it didn’t keep him from winning.

Which brings us to the impeachment…

Turns out Trump is above the law.

He can do whatever he wants and not have to answer for it. Furthermore, he doesn’t have to provide any details.

He’s king, get over it.

As for the Iowa app debacle… If Trump loses in November, there’s no way in hell the Republicans will accept it.

But if the Dems lose…

They’ll just whimper. Can you say Al Gore?

Because you see the Democrats have no center.

It’s a big party under a big tent, but a self-serving cabal runs it and they don’t want any change. Now that Bernie Sanders is a distinct possibility the truth has finally come out; those in power, at the DNC, don’t want any change, no different from the Grammys.

You see a new guy is gonna come in, who gets to choose the head of the party and…a lot of people are gonna lose their influence, if not their jobs.

So, America doesn’t appear that different from Afghanistan, some other tribal country.

Part of the public wants the trains to run on time, wants to rid the populace of scum and be entitled to keep all they’ve got and never go backward.

That’s what’s wrong with America, no one can lose.

Hell, the Houston Astros cheated but they’re not losing their title.

It’s too big a step, like convicting Trump.

We can’t handle the anarchy. But the truth is we’ve undermined the rule of law, it’s every person for themselves in America today, and if you don’t realize this, you’re part of the problem.

Like the people who say they can’t feel the change under Trump. They’re no different from Jews who refused to leave Germany. Everybody thinks they’re protected until they’re not. The truth is contrary to their belief they’ve got no recourse.

So essentially no one is alive who remembers when America was a second-class nation. Everybody thinks the U.S. of A. is the greatest country in the world, that it cannot be defeated.

As for Vietnam and Iraq, the belief is the agitators undermined us, and if we just gave the armed forces and Dick Cheney and the other rulers carte blanche, we would have won again.

Only that doesn’t take into account hearts and minds.

The North Vietnamese were willing to sacrifice everything for the cause. And the truth is so many of the losers in today’s society feel the same way. They’re sick of billionaires, sick of kowtowing to the rich, they want some power.

Which is how Trump got elected. He represented change.

Hillary was damaged goods offering business as usual.

Just like Joe Biden.

But the insiders tell us we must nominate someone safe in order to win in November – we must sacrifice all our beliefs, all our interests, for a greater good – which would only benefit the entrenched. Which brings up the question why bother to vote at all?

A huge slice of the public never does.

Many because they believe there will be no difference. And after living through 25 years of tech innovation they know that change can happen overnight, if people choose to make it happen. They also know that techies run circles around D.C., elected officials don’t understand tech, never mind regulate tech.

But all we hear from insiders is how dumb the populace is.

That’s because they don’t understand it’s not about issues so much as emotions.

Oh, the Republicans always focus on a divisive issue…

But the Democrats – Hillary Clinton fake smiled, just like old Joe, and no one bought it – they didn’t speak to your soul, they were controlled by those with the cash.

Globalization is here to stay. What’s your answer to that?

Trump’s is to promise impossibilities as he engages in trade wars. No, manufacturing is not coming back to America, and coal mining won’t boom. Instead of providing false hope, why don’t you give the disenfranchised a roadmap as well as a safety net as opposed to service jobs that don’t put food on the table, never mind a roof over your head.

This is why Bernie is resonating.

Because it’s crooked and you’re screwed. Everybody knows this, it’s just that the winners don’t want to admit they’ve bent the system to their satisfaction. They just tell others to pull up their bootstraps, it’s easy, everyone can be a millionaire.

Even though you can’t get into a good college because they’ve paid for slots, with either bribes or buildings, and have had their kids tutored and… It would be like trying to become a coder in a school without computers, it can’t be done.

I’m not saying a whole hell of a lot new here, I’m just wondering when the powers-that-be are gonna wake up and admit what’s going on.

Add up the numbers. Put Sanders and Elizabeth Warren together and…

It appears the public wants radical change.

But what does the media do? Concoct a phony war between them.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi steals Trump’s thunder by ripping up his speech.

He wouldn’t shake her hand and she took revenge. And owns the news cycle.

Sometimes you’ve got to test the limits, sometimes you have to push the envelope, sometimes you have to throw decorum out the window, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

But all the left can do is respond to the talking points of the right, as opposed to leading.

Which is one reason Mayor Pete can’t win.

Do you think people are gonna buy his phony smile?

He appears devious, and he’s selling nothing other than himself.

It’s like he constructed his campaign on a computer. Let’s see, where’s the best slot, somewhere between Bernie and Biden, if you can believe in this guy, you probably went to Harvard and worked at McKinsey yourself.

Meanwhile, if you didn’t go to an Ivy, good luck getting that gig at McKinsey.

As for the funds, they load your employer up with debt, take their investment and profits out first and you’re left holding the bag.

But you’re supposed to laud them because they’re rich.

The old America is dead.

The internet proved that those telling us what was going on had no clue. Meanwhile, the rich on the left and right, the elites, rigged the game to their advantage, telling the less fortunate that it was just luck they lost out, that there was nothing they could do about it.

So, the public wants its revenge.

Any Democrat can beat Trump if the party just gets behind the nominee. Instead, the DNC keeps going on about who’s electable.

You know who is electable?


The Republicans circled the wagons today. I’d say history will judge them, but the truth is Trump may run the country off the rails first.

It’s time for the Democrats to circle the wagons, to get back in touch with their natural constituency, the workers.

Michael Bloomberg may be able to get the nomination and win, but the truth is he’s not promising solutions to the real problems of this country. He just wants to pilot the ship as opposed to fix the leak, never mind build a new ship.

Disenfranchise the public at your peril. Turns out voters don’t want centrists, they want someone to believe in.

And this has got nothing to do with flawed apps and nothing to do with polls and everything to do with identity.

We’re sick of compromise, we’re sick of getting the short end of the stick, we’re sick of seeing our country going down the drain as those in power blame us for it.

Trump said it was the immigrants. He’s always establishing scapegoats.

The Democrats are the party of the future, they’re the party of hope, they’re the party of equality, if only those in power and the elites would get out of the way and let the voters get their shot.


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12 Responses to Lefsetz: The So-Called ‘Experts’ Are Ruining The Country

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Poor sad, Leftysez. Can’t even realize his own TRUE talent, talking out of both sides of his mouth. Jesus. Or is it his ass, cause it’s a lot of diarrhea spilling out of that orafice…

    Have at it boys, the moron living in the California bubble is spewing his nonsense again. I’m too busy watching my 401k go through the roof as the Dow charges towards 30,000. That’s right, 30 facking thousand! And I’m no millionaire born with a silver spoon whose parents bought me into college. What college education I have, I paid for myself via student loans. My father worked in a factory and couldn’t afford to foot the bill.

    Want to have a nice life in America? Finish high school. Don’t have a child before you get married, get a job and work be great at it. That’s it. You won’t be poor and making it to the upper middle class is almost a certainty.

    I really hope Hearne’s business model doesn’t include paying this shitbag for his moronic diatribes

  2. Springer says:

    I read 538 all the time. Nate Silversteen hasn’t stopped crying since he dumped his current prediction and forecast in the trash. Biden is done – he couldn’t even make phone calls on Monday — he slept and sent his wife out to do his job in Iowa.

    I’m guessing what’s left of the democrat party (once you remove the socialists/communists) will support Bloomberg because he has money and democrats have exhausted their resources in the primary.

    All it will take for many Americans is the image of President Trump and Bloomberg standing side-by-side on TV …. Bloomberg is no David. The second blow will the squeaky ‘Pee Wee Herman’ voice of Bloomberg against the President’s strong voice.

  3. Kerouac says:


    – ‘Where am I?’ meets ‘Here I am’


    – inventor the hanging chad (sour grapes, internet, climate change…)

    Mystery solved – no one (and I mean no body) can bob & weave, waver & waffle, swing like a pendulum do… flip switch on/turn it off, too. A ‘one team’ man thousand up and down faces – politically left no good reason, right tomorrow no charge treason. Beyond but not gone, still here as well there, in spirit if not last swiss chiefs season… CG lives!

    Where? KCC, let’s compare – The Glaze that is in Lefty, vacillation new sphere despair.

    Lefty had a favorite team would number 32, one change this week till next he spews: ‘this one a winner’ – no wait meant you! Bernie today, Biden tomorrow – watch Peter soar, Warren end sorrow, no more… dim dem trail the White House a %$%@# bore.
    Amy, Yang, Bloomberg and Steyer – counting crows sure makes a guy tired. ‘Tune in’ next week same left whine if right channel, may find Hillary… some other manimal.


  4. chuck lowe says:

    “Little did we expect that he (Trump) would use the Presidency to get richer.”

    Cause you know…, the Obama’s would never do that.
    Reed Hastings and the Obamas are making bank with Netflix deal (Article on FOX)

    Reed Hastings and the Obamas are making bank with Netflix deal
    Reed Hastings, the founder, chairman and CEO of Netflix, had quite a run last week. The darling of streaming saw…

    Obama got a Pulitzer for making toast without burning it.

    “Sure, they were eviscerated by the right, but they also used their position to get rich, even Chelsea has gotten rich.”
    Clinton aide says Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding, WikiLeaks emails show (POST)

    Clinton aide says Foundation paid for Chelsea’s wedding, WikiLeaks email…
    Former President Bill Clinton’s top aide wrote in 2012 that Chelsea Clinton misappropriated Clinton Foundation r…

    The “Pay for Play” Clinton Foundation is the existential reason for RICO Laws, but, of course, the FBI passed on investigating what everyone in the galaxy knows was a money laundering, contemptible, in-your-face scheme to make the Clinton’s richer than Croesus.

    “Turns out Trump is above the law.”

    One more time, IDIOT, your subjective interpretation of the President’s intent on the phone call, is no better than anyone else’s subjective interpretation of the President’s intent on the phone call and your interpretation is a light year away from categorical proof of Mens rae, no matter how much arrogant self regard you assign yourself.

    ” So, America doesn’t appear that different from Afghanistan, some other tribal country.”

    This is exactly why, no one believes anything the media, or liberals tells them anymore. What? Afghanistan?

    “But the truth is we’ve undermined the rule of law…”

    Undermining the Rule Of Law? You mean like the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, the IRS the DNC and legions of Federal employees all conspiring, with premeditated criminal intent attempted a coup after an all out effort to illegally influence and rig the 2016 election? You mean like the manufactured, created out of whole cloth, ex nihilo lies that a compliant media trafficked in for 3 years with the help of liars like Pelosi and Schiff which split and damaged the country irrevocably?

    “Like the people who say they can’t feel the change under Trump. They’re no different from Jews who refused to leave Germany.”

    Insanity. This doesn’t rise to the level of demagoguery. It’s insane and you Hearne, should NOT print this shit.

    • admin says:

      Trying to be ever-so-slightly diverse in view points…

      Plus give some of you a chance to sharper your fangs on him!

      • chuck lowe says:

        I don’t think the guy should be thrown off of Twitter, or lose his youtube channel, I just think more of your blog than you do.

        There MUST be someone out there from the LEFT who can articulate policy positions without the moon bat lunacy and outrageous rhetoric that this guy traffics in.

        He makes Bram Stoker’s Renfield seem reasonable.

      • chuck lowe says:

        Think about the incongruity of a guy like Lefty, who rages against gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment, trying to terrorize us with comparisons of 2020 US Citizenry to the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, fighting gallantly against the Nazis to the last man, woman and child.

        They held out for months with stolen guns, rocks and fire bombs Lefty. Maybe they might have won the entire fuckin war with a few pistols. God knows they were motivated.

        But sure Lefty, tell us that the Nazis are coming and we should turn in our guns.


    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      I disagree only on your last point, Chuck. Having these types of diatribes published only serves to further prove how whacked out, batshit crazy the left has become, and the VOTING public sees it. The Orange Faced Menace continues to just kick their ass all over the yard, and at every single turn. Just today, a D.C. Appeals Court overturned a district court’s ruling on the Democrats suit against Trump based on the emoluments clause and threw it right in the trash. Trump wins again. He just stomps a proverbial mudhole in their asses constantly, and it’s hilarious to watch. These idiots literally just walk right into it. I saw a skit many years ago on a show called “The Kids in The Hall” where one of the actors played a guy who just repeatedly ran into a guys fist. He didn’t punch him, he literally just held his fist out, and the guy would just sprint right into it and knock himself out. That’s the Democrat party in a nutshell. A bunch of fucking morons who can’t beat a washed up gameshow host. LOL. I haven’t seen anything as obtuse as the Democrats since geometry class in high school.

      • admin says:

        Agree…we need to see how the other half lives and thinks to better understand is where I’m coming from

      • chuck lowe says:

        The Liberal media is responsible for shills like Lefty to say ANYTHING and know, that they will NEVAR be held accountable for their lies.

        For 60+ years, the Liberal Main Stream Media, has been spoiled rotten. I won’t post the URL’s but even NPR, The NYT and Washington Post admit that the coverage of Trump has been 95% negative for the last 4 years.

        For the first time in our freshly remembered past, a Conservative President is returning fire. Instead of cowering down in front of the enfilade, Trump is scattering the “Enemy Of The American People” before him and listening to the lamentations of their women, Nancy Pelosi (I stole that quote from Conan The Barbarian.).

        Simon Bolivar once said, that, “The art of victory, is learned only in defeat”. Republicans/Conservatives have been defeated for decades by the brain trust that lives in the coastal cul de sacs where the sanctimonious sophists who engineer prevailing narratives graced we plebes with didactic, myopic ‘intellectual’ hand me downs. As our rulers bled us out with Globalist initiatives that destroyed our manufacturing, generated trillions for Wall Street while wrecking Main Street and killed us in foreign wars, Trump knew, if he could acquire high station, he could cauterize our wounds, in the fires of retribution.

        Trump is no longer a contumacious threat to the establishment, he has declared war, it is here and it is real.

        The insults, imprecations and threats levied yesterday from both sides of the political aisle, are an indication of coming conflicts that we can all expect, to get far worse. The established Archons in charge of the American Augean Stables where we all toil, live and exist under the watchful eyes of our superiors, in the stench, the effluence and misery, is squarely in the sights of this President.

        Trillions of dollars, power, position and the future of the middle class is at stake. This will come to blood.

        Here’s to Hercules.

  5. chuck lowe says:

    It (The site) would not copy my URLs backing up my thoughts, but, you get the message.

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