Lefsetz: Impeachment

At what point does America break?

There’s this canard that the Constitution will keep us together.

Ironically, it’s the Constitution that’s keeping us apart.

I thought it would be the unavailability of abortion. But despite one clinic in states, despite all the anti-abortion laws, the left has been strangely silent.

I guess that’s because you can still easily get an abortion in elite, blue states.

And there you have it right there, the elite.

When the hoi polloi start denigrating education, you know we’ve lost.

Not that the elite are blameless. They embraced the inevitable globalization but left those negatively affected by it without a safety net.

Ironically, those who lost their jobs are anti-safety net. If you can explain that to me…

Up is down and down is up.

I was for impeachment.

How many times can Trump break the law and disregard the Constitution.

But I know the right doesn’t see it that way. I know that primarily because of what comes into my inbox.

So, where’s hope?

Why obey the law?

Then again, with cameras everywhere, it’s the poor who get nailed while the rich go scot-free with their white collar crimes.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

The Wall was supposed to fall and harmony and democracy were supposed to reign. But now Trump can’t stop lauding Putin and for those of us who grew up in the ’50s and ’60s, when Russia was our mortal enemy, we’re left scratching our heads at best.


Let’s say Trump loses in 2020.

Bill Maher keeps positing that he won’t leave office. Sounds ridiculous until you look at that governor in Kentucky who refused to accept the vote, and when he did pardoned the unpardonable, in volume.

As for the election process itself…every day sees a new article questioning the integrity of voting machines. So, if you lose, and you have power, and control the military…

The right has defined the debate and circled the wagons, while the left has been nearly asleep. Raising their hands and shaking their fists while doing next to nothing.

Yup, the right wing used the Federalist Society to groom right wing judges and right wing administrations installed them.

As for McConnell refusing Obama a Supreme Court pick…there you go, the black man afraid of looking angry didn’t go bonkers, unlike the white man Trump.

Then the right wing politically assassinated Hillary Clinton.

And now Joe Biden.

Biden’s the loser in this whole Ukrainian kerfuffle.

Trump will go free and Biden, if nominated, starts with one foot already in the grave, and I’m not talking about his age.

But let’s say a Democrat wins the Presidency, then what? Do you think Trump, Fox News and Redville are going to accept this? NO!

If you think the big issue is California governor Gavin Newsom standing up to Trump, as BTO said, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

But BTO is from Canada, which is dealing with its own right wing insurgence, but it was fought off and there’s national health care and more freedom than in the U.S. and…

Down here we must be free. Free to starve, free to go broke from medical bills, free not to help our neighbor, free to live the American Dream even though statistically it exists more in Canada and Europe than it does in the U.S.

So, tribalism rules.

Contrary news has been neutered.

Talk to someone on the right, if it’s in the New York Times or the Washington Post it must be disregarded.

So if you can’t agree on the facts…

And we haven’t been able to agree on those facts for a long time.

So how did we get here?

Well, income inequality, which was a result of Ronald Reagan‘s policies and the right wing anti-tax strategy. Trickle down my ass.

But Reagan is a national hero! Yup, the Republicans went on a campaign to name every edifice and highway in his name. Talk about disinformation.

And then you have the increase in anti-Semitism, all that white nationalism…they love Trump, he’s one of them and he speaks for them. At what point does the left crack and stand up?

Not after they shoot up a pizza parlor.

Not after they kill a woman in Charlottesville.

The left stands by as if the rule of law will save them, ain’t that a laugh.

The right has circled the wagons, gotten behind Trump even though he doesn’t represent traditional Republican values. Meanwhile, the left is busy arguing amongst itself, while the Electoral College allows those with a smaller share of the popular vote to become President.

I think the crack will come from the right – as it did during the Civil War.

And it took the south’s defense of slavery for Lincoln to act.

As for the announcement of the Lincoln Project…read the comments, they’re not swaying those on the right.

We keep on hearing that it can’t happen here.

But it will.

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8 Responses to Lefsetz: Impeachment

  1. chuck lowe says:

    Lefty might be right on the coming war.

    Henry Clay’s Tombstone reads:

    Sleep on, oh, statesman, sleep
    Within thy hallowed tomb,
    Where pearly streamlets glide,
    And summer roses bloom.

    He was known as the “Great Compromiser” and said often, “I know, no South, no North…, I was born an American and I shall die an American.”

    Prior to the last American Civil War, Henry Clay’s “Compromise Of 1850” held the dogs of war in check for a full decade before the guns at Fort Sumter announced a bloody end to the antebellum South and the beginnings of a forced National Unity. That unity, a so called “Republic” squirms ever more uncomfortably under the reticulation of an increasingly powerful, Statist, Federal authority, challenged this day, in the House Of Representatives by those Republicans who seek to maintain the separation of powers between the 3 branches of Government. There was no Henry Clay available today on the House Floor, to calm the 159 year old atavistic anger returned once again, that threatens the peace and prosperity of this New America. Hear the thunder?

    The irredentist cultural imperialism of newly minted immigration policies, resulting in dramatic demographic changes, in conjunction with the unholy alliance of the Deep State and the Main Stream Media, have emboldened the third arm of the “Triumvirate” The DNC, to initiate the Impeachment of a sitting United States President for their subjective take on the meaning of a phone call. Astonishing.

    Now, hypocritical Democrats, wrapping themselves in the Constitution, while seeking the mitigation and removal of the 1st and 2nd Amendments (For Starters). Now, the executive branch of government can only operate at the whim and caprice of the Democrat Legislative majority, or, Impeachment!

    It is easy, for many of us to hear the speeches given by obtuse, belligerently ignorant, interstitial intellects like Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff and snicker up our sleeves at the over the top “Baghdad Bob” gas lighting and outright mendacity in the face of objective reality. That would be a mistake. It’s not that they are not liars, they are. It’s not that they will get Trump removed from office, they won’t. It’s not that Trump will not be reelected in 2020, he will.

    This is all about the penultimate 2024 election, prior to the coda of the inevitable coming conflict at arms.

    There are folks, working against the American people in the DNC, the Deep State and the Main Stream Media, that are orders of magnitude smarter we are, who, everyday do nothing but plot and plan to acquire more power, money and sinecure at the expense of the middle class. Satisfied, lumpen liberals, sitting in front of their Korean 42″ TVs, chowing down on Micky D’s by way of their Government Cheese Check are going to, with the help of entrenched, progressive SJW’s outnumber and outvote their way, into a new bread and circus America that will be out of toilet paper faster than you can say 2024.

    Enjoy the next 5 years, it is your last hurrah before the build up to the next Civil War.

    Lefty will show up in a black AntiFa mask, pretending that conservatives and white supremacy are at fault.

    He had better show up with more ordnance that a lock in a sock and think he is gonna prevail.

  2. Kerouac says:

    More Lefty… may I/we have another (hundred), sir?

    The Right thanks you, HC! 😀

    Now, time for another episode ‘Out in Left Field’, following a word from our sponsor (insert commercial)

    (fade in)
    Yes, fake Brit ‘Barb’, star of ‘Soclean’s CPAP. Kerouac a sucker for an Commonwealth girl’s accent, will save that damsel in distress as targeted throat market audience hers same, another time.

    Now, speaking of fake news other: more breathing trouble, Presidential candidates and the drum-beater media who adore them: parlance horse race, known ‘bleeders’.

    This case, a loony left shill (as equine same) that suffers exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhaging – Lefty case due beating his gums and narrative pen to death, party of domesticated (but still a) horse’s *** donkey, for a 999,999th regurgitated time.

    Kerouac glad he never allows Chief disdain for modern pro football affect his always objective takes sport, politics. Nod Lefty ‘a flogging he does go, a flogging he does go, slaughtering right once more he goes, glue factory election ’20 he goes. The paradox lies in the fact the bleeding can continue, even though the patient is already dead.

    (loony left party fades to black)

    “The Wall was supposed to fall and harmony and democracy were supposed to reign.”

    – maybe we should help put the Wall back up – the loony liberal left can recycle our own/send it to Deutschland by slow boat aft they (try) tear ours down in a few years…

    “But now Trump can’t stop lauding Putin and for those of us who grew up in the ’50s and ’60s, when Russia was our mortal enemy, we’re left scratching our heads at best.”

    – I was there mid-century – am not scratching (your itch appears a bit rash, irritation traced back your personal choice 2016. Solution: change yours for the better in 2020: vote Republican. In a word, moreso even the immortal words of Mick Mulvaney (nod chronic dim dem tears daily began election night 2016 – “get over it”, loser’s lament.

    That grudge you’re carrying seems heavy, Lefty? Good thing it’s not contagious. The times as calendar changes – so too ‘reasonable’ people… 1940’s, 80’s, and century 21.

    An annual poll 2018 found 84% of Japanese people feel “close” to the U.S., according to that government’s Cabinet Office. To wit 87% Americans say they have a favorable view of Japan, nod a Gallup poll. They hit us, we hit them… war as politics hell (as be the consequences of winning/losing elections.)

    “So… ‘Let’s say Trump loses in 2020”

    – and while were hallucinating, let us say Chiefs win the Superbowl 2020… same strategy: “Nothing up my sleeve – PRESTO!” (translation: dream on, Bullwinkle)

    (roll credits)


  3. J. Springer says:


  4. chuck lowe says:

    When the Deep State comes for you, it makes zero difference to anyone, if you have committed a crime.




    The weaponization of Government agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS and the entire panoply of Progressively biased, Federal organizations, whose intent is to control and maintain power over the so called “electorate” is SKYNET serious and SKYNET scary.

    Federal employees donate over 90% of the time to Progressive (Read: totalitarian) Democrat politicians.

    Federal employees average $122,000.00 a year in pay and benefits, private sector employees average 62K. Washington D.C. is the most corrupt city, on the planet, per capita in the history of human civilization. Sure, more die in Mexico and Mogadishu – but when it comes to money changing hands, pay offs from and to slime ball oleaginous elected officials, no city in history is as rich at the expense of not only it’s own citizens – but the citizens of the world.

    Ask the people in Haiti about the Clintons and the people in Iraq about the Bushes.

    It’s NOT just “at the top” on the 7th floor of the FBI and the DOJ.

    The corruption is endemic, systemic and the evidence is in your face.

    E.G. Christopher Wray, “Instituting new policies” while refusing and slow rolling information subpoenas from ANYONE who wants transparency from regular citizens to the Legislative bodies in place, required by the Constitution to oversee he agency, with – supposedly (Yuk, Yuk) the power to ‘oversee’ the FBI.

    He makes James Comey look like Nathan Hale.

    In the Ukraine, foreign aid, was sent – then washed in many ways, back to American politicians who, in turn, support foreign aid to Ukraine. Free flights, contributions to political campaigns, under the table pay offs (Hey – my kid needs a $1,000,000.00 dollar job at an energy company!).

    Both Republican and Democrat slime balls are all in on the take. Lindsey Graham and John McCain were BIG takers in on this scam and that is exactly why they DON’T want witnesses in front of them at the Impeachment Trial.

    It’s necrotic, sick and our Democracy actually is in danger, but lemme tell ya, it ain’t in danger from the fuckin Russians.

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