Lefsetz: Democrats Need to Face the Music

“Buttigieg Struggles to Square Transparency With Lack of Disclosure on Consulting”

Raise your hand if you know what McKinsey & Company is… it might as well be Blackwater!

This is what it’s come down to folks, whether you want business as usual, rule by the monied elite, or a revolution.

The Republicans had a revolution.

The RNC lost control of the party.

Donald Trump won the nomination.

And except for a few Never Trumpers, who don’t hold elected office, the whole party has gathered together under King Donald.

You see, the rich wanted more and the poor wanted change – they were sick and tired of paying for everybody else when they couldn’t make ends meet.

Meanwhile, the Democrats argue amongst themselves, paying attention to identity politics more than big issues. That’s how Elizabeth Warren got traction, by issuing policies and by being for the little guy. Sure, she used to be a Republican – she grew up in Oklahoma for godssakes – isn’t it a badge of honor to change your mind? She saw how medical bills and bankruptcy ruptured families and she wanted change.

And the Republicans – and many Democrats – hate her for it.

You see the ruling party – the elite, the rich, forget whether they’re on the left or the right – don’t want to lose control.

But they should.

As for Elizabeth Warren, she lost all credibility during the second debate, when she wouldn’t answer the question about how her medical plan would be paid for, suddenly she looked like every other political weasel.

So now we’ve got Mayor Pete and Michael Bloomberg.

Last I checked, Bloomberg was a Republican- changed the law so he could serve another term as mayor – and supported stop and frisk. Is this the guy you really want in charge? If he weren’t rich, would you support him? And where in his platform does it say he supports the little guy.

Make no mistake, this election is about the little guy, because he or she has no future.

Come on, did you read the story in the Guardian about the two Ivy League graduates who don’t have health insurance?

“We’re broke, not poor: how I became downwardly mobile – We have educations, credit cards, were raised with privilege and access – but our lives are filled with financial uncertainty.”

But the newspapers in the U.S. don’t print these stories, because they too are part of the establishment. Believe me, (most) writers would rather hang with the billionaires, the power brokers, than the hoi polloi. The owners and publishers too!

So Buttigieg ran to the center.

Did Trump run to the center? No, he ran to the edge – he was all about excitement, change – whereas Jeb Bush, anointed by the RNC barely left the starting line.

So what is happening in America today?

Most people have no idea because so much news has an agenda and they don’t know where to go for information anyway. And it’s worse, they’re too uneducated to understand the concepts.

The elite, those who come from “good families,” like that rapist at Stanford who got off with barely more than a slap on the wrist, go to prep schools, go to elite universities, their parents get them jobs, and we have a self-perpetuating elite that the Trumpers hate, but so do many of the Democrats, too!

Who is paying for your education? Who is paying for your college applications? Does your guidance counselor even know about anything other than the state school?

This is what the Democrats want to preserve, and this is why they’re in trouble.

We don’t want to go back to normal – we don’t want to go back to the Obama years – they weren’t that good to begin with!

Yup, under Obama the Democrats lost a ton of statehouses, and allowed Republicans to make inroads against abortion. Did you read the New York Times cover story about this?

Absolutely horrifying.

“How a Divided Left Is Losing the Battle on Abortion.”

Unless a Democrat proposes serious change, focusing foremost on income inequality and work opportunity, they’re just gonna kick the ball down the road. They’re just gonna be further behind in the next election cycle. We need change NOW!

So stop being afraid of someone moving your cheese.

You went to streaming after physical, right? You gave up your landline? And if you didn’t, you’re probably supporting Old Joe and his malarkey – someone most people make fun of.

So Mayor Pete can’t run his own city, the Republicans are gonna have a field day with this if he’s the nominee. Never mind the issue of exciting African-Americans. But the truth is, despite being gay, despite being young, he’s truly one of them, yup – the privileged elite, who went to Harvard and became a consultant for McKinsey, which has been caught self-dealing.

It can’t be a personality choice folks. Now, more than ever, this election is one of ideas. The election in 2016 was about pushback, now we want to move forward.

As for these vaunted centrists… Does anybody want new material by classic rockers?

Doesn’t Post Malone have his finger on the pulse more than Gene Simmons, never mind Mick Jagger?

Stop living in a fantasy. Look at your life. Look at your privilege. Don’t deny it, just ask whether others should be able to become members of the club, or whether you might be able to stomach being slightly less rich.

But no, that’s anathema, you can’t sacrifice.

You studied hard, you worked hard to make it, screw the opioid-addicted. Now the opioid-addicted have contempt for the elite, and the Sackler family…no one will even accept their charitable donations, that’s how fast the screw turns, and most people are pissed the bankers did not pay for breaking the economy back in 2008.

So ask what the country needs, what you truly want. If it’s business as usual, you’re part of the problem. If you believe there can be mutual agreement, you haven’t paid attention to the Republicans’ squealing about impeachment.

The times have changed. Either you’re part of the solution or get out of the way.

Sure, everybody has the chance to be on reality TV, to be a rapper, but that’s not where the money or the power is anymore.

This is war.

We’re on the precipice of a changed society. Either we tackle the big issues now, or forget it, hope that your money will carry you through.

Meanwhile, better have a wall around your property.

It takes only one match to start a conflagration. Look at the Arab Spring, started by a fruit vendor!

It can happen here.

You want to get ahead of the people, or else you’ll have a disaster, like the record labels disrupted by Napster

So the media said there can be no Medicare For All, that Warren is too out there, never mind Bernie. And just like fake ads on Facebook, this message has impact.

I was out with my family and they supported Biden, because Warren was too extreme.

Did they want cheaper and better health care? Did they think the rich should pay more taxes? OF COURSE!

Welcome to 2019, where not only Republicans vote against their own interests.

Just like Trump, the Democrats have to turn over the table, think about the rank and file.


They’re history.

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30 Responses to Lefsetz: Democrats Need to Face the Music

  1. paulwilsonkc says:

    Lefsetz Needs to Face the Music…. and just stop.

  2. chuck lowe says:

    Lefty makes a few good points in his paripatetic, rhetorical journey, through the liberal labyrinth of his own confirmation bias.

    ” Meanwhile, the Democrats argue amongst themselves, paying attention to identity politics more than big issues.”

    The Unholy Alliance, known for “Tolerance” and slogans based on “Diversity Is Our Strength”, aligns Jihadists like Linda Sarsour, with “Woke” Jews and Gays, while helping Gays “spread their wings” by tossing them off of buildings and murdering Jews in the name of Mohammed. Feminists take comfort in Progressive platitudes. “You bitches need to fight for your rights, but NO DRIVING GOD DAMMIT!!! or we will tell your brother you are a slut and your family will stone you!!”

    Extreme, Venezuelan style Socialism is promoted by the Party Of Billionaires.

    Trannies should be allowed to dominate women’s sports while we all pretend that that makes sense and deny the truth. Maybe Cory Booker thinks Title 9 should be “Damned” too.

    I could go on, but obviously the sedulous, psychotic, insistence that victim hood = virtue, naturally tends to create ambitious ‘victims’ in search of status.

    Lefty’s shifting opinion from week to week on the Main Stream Media, is, as always convenient and is determined by way of his subject matter. Just last week the hosannas for the 4th estate and especially the NYT and Washington Post were sonic level screeching at we unwashed, pearl anticipating swine. Now…

    ” But the newspapers in the U.S. don’t print these stories, because they too are part of the establishment.”

    What? I am continually astonished at Lefty’s shape shifting narrative, which denies facts, obfuscates and suppressed relative context and now, pretends, that the Progressive Democrats are being persecuted by the 4th Estate. In this case, Lefty denies facts, obfuscates and suppresses the relative context in pursuit of still another faulty premise, disproven again and again, by the very journalistic vehicles he professes to support.

    I am not gonna post the URLs yet again, but every left wing outlet, from Lefty’s sacrosanct NYT to NPR, admits that the press is 95% Liberal and now, they even admit and brag that they are “Agenda Driven Journalists”. That is, with respect to the recent revelations in the IG Report, kinda like, “Intelligence Agencies”.

    “Most people have no idea because so much news has an agenda and they don’t know where to go for information anyway. And it’s worse, they’re too uneducated to understand the concepts.”

    Who, exactly would be responsible for dumbing down the curriculum so that “everyone gets a trophy”? Complaining about the results of the very policies that YOU supported – well…, come to think of it, that very lack of erudition, permits the hypocrisy that Lefty traffics in.

    “…– we don’t want to go back to the Obama years – they weren’t that good to begin with!”

    Now THAT, is gonna leave a mark. Ouch!

    “Stop living in a fantasy. Look at your life. Look at your privilege.”

    Is anyone besides me, sick of the supercillious sanctimony of these Progressive poseurs?

    Up next, back to lectures on “Institutional Racism”, “Reparations” and the jobs that will be created for the “Oppressed” in the NEW GREEN DEAL.


    • admin says:

      For sure Lefsetz is a liberal democrat and of course most of the mainstream media swings his way BUT…

      What he’s saying is that they don’t swing far enough…towards Elizabeth Warren and Bernie (although they were with her early on until she imploded.

    • Dennis says:

      Yes chuck. Your writing is brutal. You try to make it look
      like you are an intellectual but your wordy, overblown and
      overused attempt to act as if you know what you are talking about
      are essentially bullshit!
      Add another old guy like the this “Paul” guy and you’ll have a
      blog perfect for dying boomers….or as us young people say
      In other words, this blog could have great potential if you
      used current, intelligent, and imaginative writers instead
      of these old crusty medicare recipients who yearn for the
      old days.
      Try something different or just like the KC STAR, the 5 readers
      of this blog will eventually die off!

  3. Kerouac says:

    “So now we’ve got Mayor Pete and Michael Bloomberg”

    – caught between a rock and a hard place:


    – Buttigieg and South Bend… (the joke writes itself)


    – Bloomberg platform: a soda-free fridge, an empty gun rack and low-flush toilets in every home…


    • admin says:

      I saw that CNS interview of Bloomberg and he’s not a bad choice…especially given the quality or lack thereof of the rest of the democratic field.

      • Kerouac says:

        In a ‘best of the worst’ that’s all they’re left with sorta way…

        As my inner Peale remains in remission, and my Mencken as ever gives rise, say:

        Aside from his mindset nod personal freedoms that I’ve already touched on, Michael (not to be confused late painter Peter Paul) Rubens Bloomberg has the same metrics problem a Stupor Joe, Bernard Sanders and Lies-abeth Warren do 2020… 78 – 78 – 79 and 71, by the numbers.

        President Trump turns 74 next year but you would never know it based the bounce in his oratory as well his step, compared to the aforementioned others. Unlike them too, his success needs no introduction.

        Beyond the ranting of crazy Bernie (who is a bit more subdued due to recent heart attack) and embellishment Liz (no longer a Native American but still has a hard time telling the truth), the level of excitement based on the prospect ‘President’ Biden, or ‘President’ Bloomberg their track records/personalities would fit in a thimble.

        On a personal note: Bloomberg wants my gun, he’ll have to look long and hard – I don’t own one at present but have before; may buy one again just to spite the Bloomin’ idiot (and Beto same, as well the left rest.)

        However… nod ‘New York City? Get a rope’ Pace Picante Sauce sentiment, if Bloomberg was under any consideration at all for my vote (he’s not), he would have to pry my choice of beverage –

        carbonated water high-fructose corn syrup concentrated orange juice citric acid natural flavors sodium benzoate caffeine sodium citrate erythorbic acid gum arabic Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid brominated vegetable oil (a patented flame retardant) and finally yellow 5… better known collectively as ‘Mountain Dew’

        – from my old, cold, sugar-fueled yet diabetes-free wiry body.


        • Phaedrus says:

          I’m not a fan of Bloomberg or the nanny state, BUT we do heavily tax cigarettes, even though not all smokers end up with lung cancer.

          Same principle applies in taxing sugary drinks…even though you might drink them and still be healthy, it doesn’t mean the sugar-laden diet of the average American doesn’t put a massive burden on the health care system.

          Bloomberg’s support for banning sugary drinks > 16 oz is absurd (why not ban the sale of packs that contain more than 5 cigarettes while you’re at it), but if they must raise taxes to fund their socialist agenda, then I don’t think a sugar tax is a bad idea.

          • Kerouac says:

            Apologies ‘American Breed’ – Kerouac – having survived do-gooders’ of various stripes desired ‘bend me shape me’ career, marriage, etc., am in no need one more ‘minder’.

            Libertarian magazine ‘Reason’ on Bloomberg:

            “an billionaire busybody who can be counted on to oppose individual freedom in most every area of life.”

            Perhaps the late Frank Zappa answered such ^ sentiment best: “I want the government to stay out of my bedroom, and out of my underwear.”


      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Bloomberg will NEVER get the vote of the “Progressive” wing of the Democrat Party. In their eyes, he’s just another rich white male corporatist, who makes his money off the back of the working man.

        Now, if and when he ever decides to run as a Republican, on a modern conservative platform….

        • Dennis says:

          How can this fool know anything
          about politics with his ridiculous comments?
          His lack of common knowledge is abhorrent
          and his lack of stats on politics is equally bad.
          Why not get someone who is adept at the political
          world to comment instead of these over the
          hill, know nothing fools who just write crap because
          they’ve done nothing positive in their life.
          Just start over from scratch. The people who
          read this carnage are the victims of over exposure
          to fox news and breitbart.com.
          Maybe it will take a total purge of these
          nursing home keyboard bandits but please
          update your blog and make it current and
          adaptive to today’s changing world.
          These old guys are immovable and they’ve just
          run out of gas to fuel their brains.

          • admin says:

            Hold it, Denny…

            Yer not punning’ me again, per chance, are ya?

          • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

            Utter hilarity. This guy has ZERO idea of anyone’s age, but true to form invents stories to tell himself about the folks who respond in the comments. But I’ll give this gentlemen (I use the term in the loosest of fashions) a clue. I’m not a “Boomer”. But earlier generation(s) of my family are from the Baby Boomer generation. And this is where poor Dennis’ rant goes off the rails. He’s stuck in identity politics. That your political beliefs are indicative of your race, color, creed, or in this case, age. As if there are no center-right people less than 60 years of age. In short, Dennis is a narrow minded idiot. But that’s fine, too. It’s his type whose “arguments” (he really has none) are so easy to dismantle. Try to do better next time. Or don’t. Who cares?

          • admin says:

            Good take, Guy…

            Me thinks he’s a tad to smug, as well

          • chuck lowe says:

            Yeah Dennis, you’re quite the wordsmith.


    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Ahhhh, the reliable dog whistles of K-Rac. Never disappoints.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        LOL. “Dog whistles”. Yeah, the popular phrase used when someone disagrees with someone else’s politics, and wants to smear them, yet can’t find any evidence in their statements deserving of such smears. It essentially states, “Well they didn’t state it outright, or heck even state it at all so you won’t be able to hear it or read it. But people looking for that message know what they meant.”

        The weakest of weak sauces.

        • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

          CAPTION THAT PIC #1

          – Buttigieg and South Bend… (the joke writes itself)

          Figure it out yourself, genius. Geezus.

          • Kerouac says:

            Further clarity most, more dog whistle some…

            Introduction Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg (nod ‘Smuckers’, with a name like Peter Paul, it just has to be good?)


            Speaking of jam, apple and other fruit perhaps doesn’t fall far from the tree, this an only child:

            “his parents were not religious though his father studied to become a Jesuit for a time.”

            – searching for something…

            On his father’s abandoning a Jesuit pursuit:”I don’t know exactly what happened,” Buttigieg said with a laugh.

            – the mystery and intrigue…

            “He can be reticent about the details of his faith”

            – perhaps he has a hard time 1 Corinthians 11:1-2
            [ “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” ]

            Perhaps it’s just me, nod Peter’s fuzzy and fluid progressive bible-babble, But(tigieg) ‘Jesus the f*g’ just does not resonate…

            Continuing our ‘one size fits all’ look a phony…

            “Pete Buttigieg has made morality a centerpiece of his campaign for president.”

            – Peter Paul (but never Mary) Buttigieg being as described “authentically Christian”, tantamount to Hitler being described ‘authentically a baker.’

            To wit, casting stones moreso a Goliath than an David, Peter Paul shatters his own ‘glass house’ questioning President Donald Trump’s belief in God, and calling the Vice President Mike Pence an “cheerleader for the porn-star presidency.”

            Nod typical ‘loony lefter’ interpretation of our ‘Constitution’, he continues tap-dancing like a political pro subject abortion in this New York Times article below:


            “there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath, and so, even that is something we can interpret differently.”

            Have heard/read enough ‘Saint Pete’, thanks.

            Am reminded of the place another ‘authentic Christian’s ‘rubber met the road’, so to speak – evangelist turned comedian, Sam Kinison.

            Sam likewise went down ‘an road less traveled’, if by way a different route shall we say… ended
            gravestone epitaph Kinison’s: “In another time and place he would have been called prophet.”

            A current time and place some call Pete’s, past present nor future ne’er will I.


      • Kerouac says:

        Servile flattery yours noted as covenant ours, pledge carry on…


        Kerouac (nom de plume same trenchant ‘Special K’ & ‘Savant’ distinct from loony liberal left ‘idiots’ savant, et al)

        … and everyone said

        HEAR – HEAR!


        ENCORE! ~ ENCORE!



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