Lefsetz: Time to Throw in the Towel on Impeachment

“It’s too late baby

Now it’s too late”

Carole King

Politics is show business for ugly people. And you’ve got to play by show business rules.

Show business is all about preparation, getting the act, song, movie, TV show, ready and then marketing it so people will be aware of it and buy it.

And you always want to be first, and you want to eliminate all chance.

You want an upward curve, even if you start low and slow.

You want no lulls. You want to keep people interested, by teasing them with new information on a regular basis.

You want to control the narrative.

And what is the narrative the Democrats are trying to sell?

Damned if I know. The only thing they can agree on is they hate Trump.

I hate KISS, but that doesn’t keep them off the road, playing to empty arenas – their fans support them. And speaking of KISS, Gene Simmons is one of the greatest marketers of all time, a complete blowhard, but he’s making it work for himself and the band.

Maybe he learned it all from Neil Bogart, who changed his name from “Bogatz,” to give the right “impression.” Bogart failed on his first attempt, trying to sell a record of Johnny Carson routines, it went instantly into the cut-out bin, but then he pivoted to disco and Donna Summer and KISS.

And Bogart was a showman, full of crap. Seemingly everything he said was inflated and wrong. Remember when there were four simultaneous KISS solo albums and Neil said they were instantly gold? The press bought it, even though all of them but Peter Criss‘s came back.

You see it’s all about perception. Sell the myth, not the facts.

It’s more important that Elizabeth Warren be seen as a fighter against the man than any specific policy position. People don’t go that deep. CONGRESS doesn’t go that deep! Did you read the New Yorker story on Al Franken?

His accuser told boldfaced lies, there was history disputing her account, but she got out there first and what she said ruled, even though she was working for a pro-Trump radio station. Once again, the Democrats reacted, and now they’re doubling-down, can’t see why they were wrong.

Kirsten Gillibrand, YOU’RE HISTORY!

The press said Trump was losing because he brought up the “i” word before the Democrats. But Trump knows you get ahead of the blowback, you make the first punch, and you load the media with so much b.s. that it can’t keep up.

Meanwhile, the public doesn’t know the difference between impeachment and conviction and Nancy Pelosi seems as old as she really is. She’s Perry Como after the Beatles. Doesn’t she realize THE RULES HAVE CHANGED?

Happens in entertainment all the time.

Suddenly you can’t sell hair bands. Suddenly hip-hop is burgeoning. And if you fight the tide, you drown. Oh, little fish can still swim in their own private backwaters, but if you’re playing for everything, if you want to run the table, you’ve got to be looking to the future, not the past!

Trump speaks to the public. Pelosi speaks to insiders.

That’s why AOC gets so much traction.

She speaks to the public-at-large – it’s less about legislation than attitude – which is move over you old farts and let the younger generation take the reins. You oldsters have no idea what is going on anymore!

But Team Pelosi says you’ve got to run to the center, because you’ve got to appeal to those districts that flipped for Democrats in 2016. That’s like making Aerosmith play acoustic, and refusing to let them play new material.

Of course, Aerosmith doesn’t play new material, and Chris Christie is a big Boss fan. It’s kinda like long hair. Once upon a time it symbolized something, you were either for us or against us – then it was just a fashion choice.

Anyone who plays to the rearguard is always disrupted.

Didn’t you ever read Clayton  Christensen?

Everybody pooh-poohs the new, saying it’s not as good as the old. Then it becomes better and the old folds overnight. Christensen says to embrace the new, and then eliminate the old when the new gains traction. The DNC is being disrupted and their answer? Let’s go back to Good Ol’ Joe.

That’s like asking your grandfather for music advice.

So what we’ve got is candidates who want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and the Democrats are freaking out.

They can’t even get aligned on one position. Criticize the Republicans all you want, but after Trump they all got in line. That’s how you win, when you play like a team!

And if you try to appeal to everybody, you lose. The road is littered with middle of the road artists, who fail on the chart and play to a dwindling audience in Branson and clubs. You want to get people EXCITED! That’s what Warren and Harris and Bernie and Buttigieg are doing.

And what does the establishment say?


AC/DC was too heavy until suddenly they weren’t.

“Back In Black” is still streaming prodigiously today. “You Shook Me All Night Long” is an American anthem! Of course Mutt Lange helped.

The right has Karl Rove, who do we have on the left?

So the reason you wanted impeachment is so the whole world would watch, so Trump’s bad behavior, criminal or not, would infect the public. When the truth outs, it’s hard to deny.

But no, it was never time.

Pelosi and her pals are like a Silicon Valley outfit that never releases its product. It’s so busy getting it right that it can never come out.

Meanwhile, Facebook becomes so big by having a motto, “move fast and break things.”

Forget that Zuckerberg is the enemy now – he’s on top of the pyramid – he controls the conversation more than not only Congress, but the mainstream media!

Furthermore, he just pivoted, saying it was about private conversations, when the Democrats are still looking for that elusive consensus. Everything worth paying attention to starts off the radar, small, and then it blows up and BECOMES THE MAINSTREAM!

So Barr says Trump is innocent.

The Dems folded their tent.

Then Mueller sends his letter and they think…wow, maybe there’s something here. Like a band the label has stopped working that is suddenly selling tickets…the label is on to something else, it’s hard to get it restarted on your old product.

And then the Democrats placed all their hopes on Mueller testifying. That’s like taking someone with a great record, who’s never been on stage, and having them headline Coachella! No one would do that, the odds of failure are too high.

So Mueller didn’t deliver.

Oh, don’t make it about Russia, the Dems thought Mueller was gonna blow a hole through the curtain, reveal that Trump was culpable and should be charged. Not only did Mueller not do this, he said as much after he delivered his report earlier…this was his final statement!

And the Dems are playing by old rules and crying to the nonexistent refs that the Republicans are cheating. No, Trump and his posse have invented new rules, like no one in the regime needs to testify. When they up the ante, so do you!

You don’t say there’s no crying in baseball!

So now, on left wing radio, all the talk is about getting the transcripts from the grand jury.

God, even in the NFL when you lose, you lose, no matter how heinous the call. Because without rules, you’ve got no game.

That’s what’s happening now, WE’VE GOT NO GAME! Trump and his cronies are running ragged and the Dems and the media are so flummoxed, they do NOTHING!

Come on. Even the most lame influencer knows you’ve got to deliver product on a regular basis. You’ve got to hook the audience and deliver. That’s certainly what Trump has done, and all the left keeps saying is, HE SHOULDN’T TWEET!

Meanwhile, these same wankers are posting to Instagram – the national pastime, and despite their constant disparagement of the internet and Twitter – Twitter is where the news happens. And if you’re not on it, you don’t know what’s going on.

So impeachment failed in the marketplace.

It’s like Annapurna, Megan Ellison’s movie company. No matter how great the film, and she’s put out plenty, they never reach expectations.

Booksmart,” one of the best-reviewed movies this year, which appeals to oldsters and youngsters…dead. Product is only one part of the puzzle, you need the aforementioned marketing. The big studios may put out lame films, but they’re experts in marketing them.

When you fail, you write it off.

Just look at the Fortune 500, that’s what they do. Did Amazon’s Jeff Bezos try to improve the Fire phone? No, he deleted it from the catalog. And today, your mistakes don’t haunt you as long as you continue to play and make noise. Once again, the game has changed, there’s so much noise that the biggest challenge is just reaching the public. And if you don’t, people forget what you were selling, they’re inundated with new messages.

I’ve used a plethora of metaphors here, but now I’m gonna use one more.

Pro football used to be a running game. Now running backs make a fraction of what they used to, all the emphasis is on passing and receiving! You change with the times!

Seems like everybody can change with the times but the Democrats.

So forget impeachment.

This is the gang that can’t shoot straight, even if they have clear evidence that Trump needs to go, the right will spin it otherwise and rule the marketplace, i.e. public opinion. And just like a record, you don’t have to appeal to everybody to win.

How come Trump knows this and the Democrats don’t?

Instead of clinging to the past, trying to rebuild the old edifice, it’s time to build a new one. And there are a number of candidates promising this. Safe rarely succeeds. Can you say Romney? Can you say Kerry! One of the reasons Obama won was because he HAD little history. There was little to nail him on and he promised hope.

Believe me, Ol’ Joe is not promising hope.

He’s like a Boomer musician waiting for Hilary Rosen to save them from streaming. But Hilary’s moved on from the RIAA, and streaming has already won. Soon there won’t even be any hardware to play discs!

Apple kills the iPod because the innards are no longer manufactured, and the Democrats keep trying to prop up oldsters, held together by baling wire. Bill Clinton had Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and her husband selling him, and despite baggage, he won anyway!

Who do the Democrats have?

Maybe it’s time to hire Bill Belichick.

Oh, that’s right, HE’S A TRUMPER!

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6 Responses to Lefsetz: Time to Throw in the Towel on Impeachment

  1. Kerouac says:

    Unfamiliar speed reading (to think Harley/Boom Boom’s paragraphs were considered interminable, Kerouac’s indulgent), Chapter 362 ‘War & Peace’ brings us to date 2019, present day characters Trump, Pelosi, AOC; thanks Bob, the condensed version (result foregone conclusion, won’t have to read Chapter 363 epilog, November 2020.)

    “Everybody pooh-poohs the new, saying it’s not as good as the old. Then it becomes better and the old folds overnight.”

    – nod Morgan Freeman/Shawshank Redemption: “oh, Andy (Bob)”… Politics better? Civility? Integrity? Homelessness? Immigration? Traffic? Football success, KC? How much time/internet paper have we extol all the ‘betters’, modern day?


    – yes, what is it now?

    “without rules, you’ve got no game.”

    – and sans said, you get (Dean Martin on vocals) ‘South of the border, down Mexico way’… through South America, out of Africa and places other God knows not where (now serving number- no need take a number, come one/come all, welcome to our poop-stained/feces-strewn streets San Francisco, Los Angeles, and coming soon an bacKyard/tent City near you… ?)

    “I’ve used a plethora of metaphors here, but now I’m gonna use one more. Pro football used to be a running game. Now running backs make a fraction of what they used to, all the emphasis is on passing and receiving! You change with the times!”

    – tell that to the 5x in 7 years/3 consecutive ‘World Champion’ Packers ‘power sweep’ left and right ‘run’ 60’s… still unmatched or exceeded, only thing could stop it/them not time, rather, ‘age’.

    Progress? Packer-like Dolphins running game/defense won 2 straight Championships half a decade later, same formula running/defense (this after Hank Stram’s attempt at progressive ‘offense of the 70’s fell down went poof, less 12 months into KC’s dynasty.)

    Nod ‘been there/done tried that’ throw the ball all day and all night long (apologies the great over-hypes Reid as ‘Choke’ Mahomes), as days yore Mad Bomber Lamonica went ofer ever despite that golden arm/peerless receivers… Andy/’Choke’ identify: different era, same difference.

    I ditto your “plethora”, Bob: for every fluke (was only one Right Arm of God Broadway Joe), copious others arm-less wonders. Jets run game/defense won it them, countless wingers Jurgensen, Gabriel, Hadl as rest the howitzer brigade et al’s then, unrequited, even despite great defense, some cases.

    Modern game, best ‘arms’ ever Jeff George won ‘zero’, Jay Cutler ‘0’ and Elway needed entirety his career and (finally) an running game to match previous defenses his which were great, to win (not one but two Championships, kudos a HOF RB Terrell Davis) in the end. Brett Favre (via 20 years and four teams worth of trying) won ‘1’, but still not sure we can call his career fini as, like herpes, keeps hinting at return.

    Closer to home, Schottenheimer’s 90’s ‘sideways swing pass offense’ never prevailed here despite a running game, defense of note and left coast city gave us one of the all-time greats according some, old Joey, a Bono ‘left his heart in San Francisco’, and an Elvis had already left the building afore he arrived KC.

    Offenses come/eventually go, defenses too change/adapt. Yet, while ‘best QB’ ever will always be subjective/debatable, the most successful teams/winners ever, are not. Why Starr, Graham and Unitas (each won 2/more Championships in a row) rank head and shoulders above the rest ‘come lately’s, 70’s rule-change bastardized game pretenders then to date continue reap the rewards, stats and some victory. Montana to Brady and every one between, chasing but never catching up the formers who excelled a day and age tougher game and rules were not ob$cene their tilt toward offense.

    Tougher? ‘Concrete Chuck’ Bednarik last player play both ways 1960’s (if did not walk miles to and back from training camp – uphill both directions, was only because didn’t have to there, City of Brotherly Love) 😀

    Rules bent much? Hash marks moved – a big deal. Liberalized pass blocking, which made QB’s/offense and o-lineman job easier – and the bump rule, where mugging a receiver was limited to five yards instead 100, all day long, unlike today and the last 40+ years.

    Add in extra games (from 12 to 14 to 16), teams (10 more today) and watered down talent: 33 man rosters replaced by 53 – more than 1,000 players today (fillers) with jobs who would not have made teams start the decade 1960’s… mediocrity reigns.

    Kerouac loves yesterday… and the smell ‘progressive’ liberal desperation 24/7/365

    MAGA! (and do keep trying, swiss chiefs)


  2. “This is the gang that can’t shoot straight, even if they have clear evidence that Trump needs to go, the right will spin it otherwise and rule the marketplace, i.e. public opinion. And just like a record, you don’t have to appeal to everybody to win.”

    WTF are you talking about?





    The only spin that controls the narrative is Progressive and it is pejorative, negative and, for Christ’s sakes, with a straight face, accuses the duly elected President Of The United States of Treason, a crime punishable by death, with NO EVIDENCE!

    If the 4th estate, was even remotely unbaised and objective, Trump’s poll numbers would be in the 75% positive range.

    So lecturing us on “Spin” while we watch Elijah Cummings sweat bullets over Illegals while his constituents are dodging bullets in “Charm City” is preposterous.


    In 2010, the Obama Administration, began spying illegally by way of the FISA court, made possible by lies, deceit and pre-meditated criminal intent, on opposition journalists and Republican Party Politicians.

    Churchill once said, “Men occasionally stumble onto the truth, but then, usually pick themselves up, dust themselves off and move on as if nothing happened.”

    We have been lied to. All of us. Preoccupied with the “shiny” new “Impeachment” thing, the cable news channels make bank on our distractions and our emotional commitments to preconceived narratives. We chase chimeras in hopes of validation while the real players, behind the scenes, in Stygian darkness, where they can’t be seen, in hypogean safety under the floorboards of our nation’s houses, they defile our trust, defy our laws and deny the truth of their malfeasance.

    Cable News, all Cable News operates NOT on supply and demand for a profit, but “Says Law” which determines that supply creates it’s own demand. Demand for what? More lies. More and more and more and more… The “Russian Collusion” monomania was created, ex nihilo, out of whole cloth. The subsequent Russian Collusion narrative collapse is now replaced with Nadler/Schiff/Pelosi demanding more investigations. This is not what you think. This is not a Democrat V. Republican fight over facts, time lines, testimony and legalities. It is a Byzantine cover, for the Deep Sate’s malodorous machinations since 2012. Lefty, like all Progressives, with few exceptions, is a liar.

    The Deep State Dog has wagged out collective tails for long enough.

    Even as I type, the forces of darkness manipulate us all, Democrat, Republican and Independent with legerdemain and misdirection at an ever more frenetic pace. Why? The folks in the Puzzle Palace bet the farm on Hillary. Now, with the appointment of John Ratcliffe to the DNI, the worm turns.

    Since 2010, during the Obama Administration, the FBI, FBI “Contractors”, the CIA, the NSA etc. etc. have abused, misused and unlawfully surveilled opposition politicians, political campaigns and Americans through the abuse of FISA-702, “Unmasking” and illegal “Human Source” set ups. This was done, literally thousands of times and involved premeditated criminal intent and premeditated treason and sedition.

    The newest “Shiny” thing (Impeachment) is no more, than the rear guard action of a terrified cabal of soon to be exposed bureaucrats who hope to distract ALL Americans from the most sensational, terrifying scandal/threat to the Republic since it’s inception. The “Shiny” new Impeachment pathogen injected into the bloodstream of the 4th Estate for public consumption, is no different than the Mueller Investigation. The media must be deceived and convinced to continue to dwell on Trump and proclaim the “Mark Of Cain” lies that have kept Deep State actors hidden from view to this point. The Deep State Criminals and their toady’s must keep/redact as much information as possible while distracting the populace from the truth.

    An “Event Horizon” is at hand. While we are all distracted, the Deep State would steal a march on the truth, on every American and on the Republic itself.

    Cast away, for just a little while, Lefty, your allegiance to ANY political party and prepare for the truth.

  3. KC Reader says:

    Karl Rove????? When was the last time that clown was relevant? 2006? The GOP better hope he is not their spokesman in the future or they will tumble to obscurity.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Don’t lend any creedence to anything Leftysez states, let alone anything on the Republican party. He’s not even up to date on the Dems.

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