Lefsetz: Second Dem Debate Winners, Bernie & Kamala

What a difference a day makes…

It was like Wednesday night was the kiddie table, and last night it was the adults, playing for real.

Marianne Williamson had it right. It’s not about specifics, policies, it’s about playing Donald Trump‘s game and beating him. The news says it’s about the weeds, when clearly it’s about the forest.

Now it’s a conundrum.

Where a couple of candidates are ahead of the public, most specifically Bernie Sanders. People attacked him for his radical ideas, but his message, that the hoi polloi have gotten screwed for 40 years and radical change is necessary resonated.

Incremental change is a thing of the past. That’s one thing Trump realized and Bernie has too. You’re playing the long game. It’s not about individual debates, you stick to your message and pray that it resonates.

That’s what screwed up Joe Biden.

He’s playing old style politics. Look at what I’ve done in the past and give me the reins.

Isn’t this exactly what snuffed-out Hillary Clinton‘s campaign?

Turns out people don’t want safe, they want change. Trump couldn’t fulfill all of his promises and Sanders or Elizabeth Warren won’t be able to either. D.C. doesn’t work that way. But the little things do count, like the appointment of Supreme Court Justices. Of course that’s a big thing – maybe the biggest thing – but it doesn’t resonate with voters. They’re interested in the veneer, not what’s inside.

Blame it on the educational system, blame it on a lack of time or interest – but just like people don’t want to know what goes into a hot dog, they just eat ’em – npeople want to turn over their problems to one person. They don’t want to dedicate their lives to politics.

But politics has become the story of the day

That’s what’s interesting about the music business, all anybody wants to talk is politics. Because there’s so much at stake. It’s not as simple as defeating Trump, it’s about having vision, fixing the wrongs of the era of greed, turning the ship around. And people know this.

The Trumpers want to go back to the past. Sanders and Warren want to go headlong into the future. And normally the future scares people, but when you’re alone on a desert island you’re willing to take any chance to make it to safety.

This is what the Democrats still don’t realize. The rank and file, the blue collar workers, have been waving their arms for years, calling attention to their plight, but no one seems to be paying attention, so they threw in with Trump. At least there was a chance it would no longer be business as usual. And it hasn’t been.

And then we’ve got the pundits and the polls.

It’s way too early and these are the same people who got it wrong in 2016. When you’re part of the establishment your vision is clouded, you can’t see the whole picture, you want to hold on to the power you’ve got.

Unlike Karl Rove, who in today’s Wall Street Journal called attention to how the Democrats are far ahead in small online donations. And Rove lamented that the new Republican competitor would fail because it’s for-profit, instead of non-profit, like the Democrats’.

Even better was Bernie Sanders’ piece in the same paper, albeit two pages later.

That’s right, Bernie’s screed was entitled “Trump Is The Worst Kind of Socialist.” If you read it, you’ll be sold. Unlike Biden, Bernie is not just saying Trump must go, he’s both eviscerating the right’s main attack upon him and doubling-down by delineating his position. And sure, this is substance, but it’s the way it’s delivered that’s so important.

However you can’t read either of these pieces, by Rove or Sanders, because they’re behind a paywall. Which represents the haves and the have-nots. The rich have their clubs. The rich have the Wall Street Journal. The poor have got the nightly network news, which is all surface all the time.

The reason Bernie succeeds is he delivers his position with passion.

Listening to him speak last night you had no doubt that he believed everything he was saying. This was not Hillary taking a poll and being hamstrung as a result. Bernie’s willing to drop the bombs and deal with the fallout.

As for the vaunted performance of Kamala Harris

She too evidenced passion. And she showed her prosecutorial skills to the nation at large. But I’m not sure that’s what’s gonna close people. It’s about the vision thing. It’s not about grinding it out yard by yard, but throwing the long ball, getting so far ahead of the populace that people have no choice but to pay attention to you, to see whether you succeed or fail if nothing else.

Hell, it’s like Evel Knievel.

No one liked the man, but everybody tuned in to see whether he could pull off his daredevil feats. He was a showman. Trump is a showman. You’ve got to understand it’s entertainment or you can’t win.

Hell, it’s hard to square Bernie, with going to Russia, being a New York Jew who moved to Vermont, of all places, when you couldn’t get lox, never mind a real bagel. Who has no problem labeling himself a democratic socialist. It’s like someone who walks into a bad neighborhood oblivious, believing their belief in themselves will always carry them through.

So unlike last night, the secondary candidates were not complete losers. But some didn’t realize it was about a performance primarily, and others did, but then you wondered…who is this person again?

And the competitors are all thumping their chests, telling us what they did. We don’t care what you did, we only care about what you’re going to do!

So, once again, Bernie shined tonight.

The crowd will thin, or be separated into winners and losers – those with a chance and those without one.

Biden can only go downhill from here.

By staying above the fray he’s gotten rusty.

We saw tonight that Harris would have no trouble standing up to Trump.

But this election is not about criticizing Trump, but getting in front of the man who has no vision of the future and doesn’t even know the past that well. Bernie brushed Trump aside. That’s how you win, you don’t let the losers bring you down, you play your own game.

As for Warren…she hasn’t hit the big leagues in the debates yet. Let’s see how she plays when she does. She’s certainly got the vision thing down, but tonight it seemed Kamala had more fight, she could definitely pull a knife on Trump.

Unfortunately, we’re gonna have to hear the same messages for 18 months, we’re going to be bored to death, the election process is way too long.

But there’s so much at stake. 

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4 Responses to Lefsetz: Second Dem Debate Winners, Bernie & Kamala

  1. If there was EVAR, a bandwagoning, name dropping, Suzie Cream Cheese groupie, who never got past blowing the “Roadies” it’s Lefty.

    Everything is analogous to the Music Industry in his blinkered, myopic, pre-Menarche, Teen Mag paroxysm. He does, as every blind pig is wont to do, find one acorn in this sophomoric, Secondary “Contrast And Compare”, C Minus exposition.

    “Blame it on the educational system…”

    Good point.

    The Democrats have installed AOC on the Finance Committee. Her credit score, at election on November 7th, was 430. She really believed (As did her Socialist followers in the street.), that the city of New York, was cutting a check to Amazon for 2 Billion Dollars.

    Every single Democrat on the stage, called for Free Health Care for the world!

    Julian Castro wants free abortions for Men, who think they are women.

    The list of demands from middle class taxpayers to fund the fucked up fever dreams of Progressive lunatics is astonishing, not only because of the economic impossibility, but the sanctimony and complete disregard for objective reality in which these diktats are couched. One can only assume, that these folks are uneducated in any way.

    They all went to college, but what the fuck they did there, is anyone’s guess.

    I dare you to read Michelle Obama’s thesis. Here is what Christopher Hitchens, a Liberal that I love, thought of her effort.

    “To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake,’ he wrote. ‘The thesis cannot be “read” at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language.”

    Did Barry Obama, or Bernie Sanders ever hold a real job for a “For Profit” company? Why would we elect people, who are so unable to even begin to understand what it means to really work for a living in the private sector?

    AOC’s fear, of New York cutting a check to Amazon for 2 Billion Dollars, is a tribute to the “Economics” Professor/Dunderheads from Boston University who handed out a sheepskin to this dunce. In High School, right after learning about Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand” you are taught how taxes are abated for a business to come in and provide a dramatic increase in economic activity. You know…, fuckin AMAZON.

    Look, I am way, way out of my depth when it comes to money and financial planning. That is exactly why I am so, so astonished at the blood simple, brain dead, death grinding stupidity of these folks, who think they can run the entire country.

    Lefty is right, blame it on the educational system.

  2. Kerouac says:

    “So, once again, Bernie shined tonight.”

    – qué? (English translation/acronym: ‘wtf’?) Cue Mortimer Snerd (an show of hands):
    ‘Who thunk Bernie, or any the other Tom’s, Dick’s or Harriet’s, shined’? Only ‘shiners’ delivered one buckram upon other lastre di carne. Nod an football quarterback adage: ‘when you have two (20? 25? have lost count) candidates, you haven’t any a’tall’.

    Nod their Wizard of Oz cast, Bernie (Scarecrow) needs a clue, Biden (Dorothy) a nap and Buttigieg (Cowardly Lion) a spine.

    Century 21 ready a worthy female President? Have my doubts, but reality is none of the current lot (‘Pocahontas’ Warren or ‘the female Barack Obama’, Harris) inspires confidence the masses, or convinces they have the strength necessary convince they can go head to head with Khamenei, Kim Jong-un or Putin (a much tougher crowd/ are no snowflakes elicit tears from those latter’s countries.)


  3. This kid, should get his ass whupped by his dad, or, be grounded for a month.


    Not in England.

    Liberals in England, or, anywhere, really don’t like anyone who insults their sacred cows.

  4. Jack Springer says:

    Harris was not smart … she was prepared by smart handlers. They planned what she was going to say and said it with a marketing campaign to back it up. She’s not quick — the next day she changed positions she had given the evening before. President Trump would destroy her. Trump would know that her Jamaican great-grandmother owned a plantation and owned slaves …. black slaves.

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