Lefsetz: 1st Dem Debate Foretells Trump Victory

Answer the damn question…

I support Elizabeth Warren, but when asked about guns, she veered into gibberish and never tacked back. Why couldn’t she just speak English? Guns are a big problem in society but they’re here forever. We’re never gonna take guns away from licensed owners, but our goal is to increase public safety.


I’ve got a friend who agrees with a lot Warren has to say, but is literally afraid she’s gonna take his gun away – therefore he won’t vote for her. I tried to convince him his gun is going nowhere, but he doesn’t believe it.

Living in the mountain west he believes firearms are necessary for protection out in the wild and he’s been convinced by right wing rhetoric that Warren is gonna round up the guns. That would be fine with me, but that ain’t America. In the land of little pink houses guns are part of the fabric, seen as freedom.

As for the Second Amendment and rising militias, that’s just hogwash, people just love their guns, end of story.


I know it’s a long road to the nomination – never mind the election – but when you waffle, when you won’t own an idea, people lose faith in you. And what we need now more than ever is faith, belief.

“Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon

Going to the candidates’ debate

Laugh about it, shout about it

When you’ve got to choose

Every way you look at this you lose”

That’s the song that’s been going through my head this week, “Mrs. Robinson,” by Simon & Garfunkel.

Released back in 1968, back when rock stars were bigger than politicians, speaking their truth to the younger generation. And after its inclusion in “The Graduate,” the older generation too. Come on, it’s decades later, and when someone graduates from college you immediately say, PLASTICS! And if they don’t know what you’re referencing you tell them to watch the movie.

And the movie is all about rebellion. Moving away from what’s expected of you. That was the 1960s, when it was truly about personal freedom, trying to find yourself. Today there’s no time to find yourself, you go straight from college to plastics, or Wall Street or Facebook or Google. Sit on the sidelines and your career, your income, might be hampered forever!

But there was a rebellion back in ’68. Against the war, against business as usual. The government was the enemy, not because it was bloated, but because it wasn’t seen as being on the individual’s side. We wanted to wipe the slate clean, inject some modernist thinking. Instead all we were getting was Nixon and Checkers, from fifteen years before.

It was like the sixties never existed.

And it’s like they never existed today. Hell, the right wants to wipe the decade from history. 

If you were alive back then it’s amazing to see the transition from questioning authority to believing in authority.  From individualism to groupthink, from advancement of the rights of minorities, to denials thereof.

We had a bit of hope back then, with Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy, but one lost traction and the other got shot and we ended up with Nixon, who ultimately blew himself up…but not before wreaking havoc overseas. Then again, it was Milhous who opened China.

The public wants to feel empowered, optimistic.

And we haven’t had that spirit here since…1969!

At least give Trump credit for energizing those left behind, the angry, the racist, the…

Trump won because he had charisma, among other qualities. Nobody on the dais last night evidenced any charisma.

Bill de Blasio was the biggest surprise. Possibly the most hated man in New York demonstrated that he’d grown through power and had a grasp on the issues and could articulate his positions with passion.

As for everybody else…

Beto was like a high school kid who’d failed to memorize the poem. He wanted credit for speaking Spanish, but everybody with a brain was wincing.

Tulsi Gabbard is too young to have watched the Nixon/Kennedy debates, wherein it was proven that makeup was everything. Couldn’t she have gotten a better job?

Booker kept telling us he lived in the hood. You almost expected him to rap. Somehow, he comes across as inauthentic, as if he gets off stage and tells his buddies it was all an act.

Klobuchar didn’t appeal to anybody. She’s the girl who got straight A’s looking for attention, not knowing it’s her personality that alienates people.

As for everybody else…

They looked like they were not seasoned, did not have enough practice, were out of their league. At least Warren and de Blasio looked comfortable.

And it’s less about substance than image at this stage anyway.

You’ve got to be believable, when the wankers with no chance talk about when they become President. You wonder if they’re on drugs, they’re so delusional.

Trump threw out the rulebook.

He had no problem going on record. He was playing to those at home, not the hosts or those on stage. He threw a spanner into the works. No Democrat did that last night.

Actually, it’s Bernie Sanders who is famous for that. He’s impassioned, you can tell he believes what he says. There’s no doubt he’s fighting for the little guy, the same way Trump fought for the disenchanted on the right.

That’s right, we’re selling emotions.

If an act goes on stage and plays the material by rote, it does not resonate. You want a unique experience, not a canned one. You want this night to be special. And mistakes only make the performers more human. And sure, politicians don’t want to make mistakes, but they do need to be seen as human.

As for pundits boosting Julian Castro… That’s like someone from an indie label telling you their record will go to number one, even though you’ve never heard of the act and when you listen you can see glimmers of hope, but are instantly aware the track is lacking the whole package.

Let your freak flag fly.

Be honest.

You’re convincing the public, not the press. And the internet era allows you to do this, go directly to voters.

Right now it’s looking like Trump will win.

Let’s see if some stones are turned over tonight.

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5 Responses to Lefsetz: 1st Dem Debate Foretells Trump Victory

  1. Kerouac says:

    “Lefsetz: 1st Dem Debate Foretells a Trump Victory”

    – welcome to reality, Bob; when exactly did epiphany slap you/Dems upside the head?
    Anyone had doubt, act two tonight disabused them. One need not be soothsayer with orbuculum to see the future… four more years/President Trump 2020!

    “Right now it’s looking like Trump will win.”

    – 2020 is looking a lot like 2016 and ’45’ a lot like ’36 his victory becomes the greatest electoral college margin in US history. One would need to be dumb (Lloyd Christmas) or dumber (Jim Carrey, same difference) to deny the truth. ‘So you’re saying there’s a chance?’ Not a liberal’s chance in Abaddon; abandon all hope ye who enter(tain said.)


  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    NBC proves once again they are in the bag for the Democrats. Rachel Madcow? Come on, guys. At least put straight news people on there to host the debates. Who needs talk show hosts leading these debates? Even Fox didn’t put on Sean Hannity or Bill O’Reilly when they hosted debates. Good GAWD. I saw fewer softballs lobbed at beer league tournaments than at these debates. Sheezus.

    And Leftysez….stop embarrassing yourself (I know it’s hard for you) by screaming about the “racists” that supposedly got Trump elected. Listen, it wasn’t “racists”. It was millions upon millions of people who previously voted for Obama, who saw right through the verbal diarrhea the Hildabeast was spewing out of her mouth and voted for Trump. It wasn’t “THE RUSSIANS!” It wasn’t “RACISTS!”. Until the Democratic party stops trying to drag the country towards some sort of socialist utopia where the hard working people carry the freight for every other slob, they are destined to lose. Their schtick is nothing short of bribery for a vote. In short it’s “FREE STUFF!!!” Which sounds great, until the voter gets down into the numbers and see what it’s going to cost him/her personally.

  3. LanceTheIntern says:

    “I support Elizabeth Warren”…Yeah, pretty much stopped reading after that.
    The lady that wants to do away with private health insurance?
    Do yourself a favor — go ask your favorite hospital how long they’d remain open if every one of their bills were paid at the Medicare rate…

    ….Or maybe you’re one of those people in favor of assisted suicide as well. We should be so lucky.

  4. “I’ve got a friend who agrees with a lot Warren has to say, but is literally afraid she’s gonna take his gun away – therefore he won’t vote for her. I tried to convince him his gun is going nowhere, but he doesn’t believe it.”

    He SHOULDN’T believe it, anymore than he should think he won’t lose his health plan and doctor.

    Maduro took his citizen’s guns in 2010. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, like the brave citizenry in Hong Kong used sticks, stones and their bodies to shield what was left of Democracy and Liberty last week. The Chinese Imperium would think twice before breaking out their shiny new “Extradition” legislation if the citizens of Hong Kong all had weapons instead of just harsh language and the hearts of lions.

    If there was EVER a time to acquire heavy caliber ordnance in America, it is NOW! We have seen the true and native disposition of our Federal Government in the form of the Deep State and it is terrifying. Unelected, highly stationed bureaucrats, with pre-meditation, criminal intent and treason in their hearts, attempted a coup with the help of the Pravda-American-Media, Big Tech and the Democrat Party that wants to disarm you.

    Democrats seek total power. Anti-Fa-Brown Shirts in the streets all aided and abetted by the Deep State in conjunction with the 4th Estate and De-Platforming, first amendment hating Big Tech, they seek the same thing as the Chi-Coms seek. A society, tightly controlled, where speech and thoughts are subject to the whim and caprice of Commissars who report to idiots, like AOC, Eric Swalwell and White Boy hating Kamala Harris.

    That distinct lack of acceleration for Democrat Presidential Candidates, wasn’t a result of a dearth of charisma, although there was certainly no one on that stage whose “authenticity” and charm could overcome the insane policy proposals that would bankrupt the United States Of Midas in 15 minutes. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of economics, KNOWS that the Socialist sophistry has gone Nuclear when EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE is offering free health care to the entire fuckin world in order to attain high office.

    Kamala Harris’ hectoring of an old white guy (Who is LITERALLY dying right in front of our eyes.), is a distraction that plays well to the “Hate Whitey” Democrat base, but after the drugs wear off, people that hate whitey and there are some 50% of America that do, will wake up in a soup line, populated with very few white boys and wonder what happened to a once great country.

    Democrats can continue to “Mau Mau” the white boys in their own party for a while, but at some point, even lobotomized idiots like Eric Swalwell will wonder why they have become ethnomasochistic lemmings, self flagellating themselves in public for the sin of their skin.

    If there was ever a less impressive gathering of people in one place, at one time, running for office than there has been over the last 2 nights, I can’t think of it.

    President Trumpzilla will crush this Progressive, Potemkin village under his feet (If the economy maintains it’s current state.) and grind these poseurs into dust.

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