Hearne: The Story Behind Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Teeth Sucking”

Anybody else out there following the three ring circus in Washington of late?

One of the odder aspects of it all was accentuated during the State of the Union was watching Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi‘s protracted, animated lip contortions.

KCC politico Dwight Suthland‘s take?

“Well, she’s already starting to display signs of senility,” he says. “She’s flubbed a number of press conferences – she loses her place – she stammers – or she used the wrong word. She’s almost 80.

“I’ve seen it with lawyers and it’s a terrible thing. You don’t have to have Alzheimers to have memory failure and show signs of senility.”

As for all that teeth sucking and like angst, “I try not to watch her mouth,” Sutherland says. “It could be a nervous habit – I don’t know.”

Back to the age issue…

“Reagan was 69 when he became president and people said that was too old. And she’s almost 10 years older than that. But you don’t have to have the classic Alzheimers where you’re trying to eat your dentures.”

BTW, I’m not the only one bothered by Pelosi’s teeth or denture sucking.

“What is Nancy Pelosi sucking out of her teeth?” reads the headline on 247sports.com.

“:Every time the TV camera is on her, she is sucking on her teeth,’ writes one commenter. “Damn Nancy, brush your teeth before you attend the next State of the Union Address.”

Nancy Pelosi Needs Polident Immediately.”

So reads a headline on victorygirlsblog.com.

“Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, and a very wealthy woman,” it continues. “What on earth was wrong with her mouth during the State of the Union?”

“Pelosi’s Teeth Are About to Fall Out!” reads a headline on ar15.com.

“She is speaking right now and I am watching her uppers slip down, you can hear her clicking and sucking on the damn thing. A few times she puts her head down and clinches her mouth and she has a very noticeable lisp. Someone forgot her denture cream…”

The bottom line: Who knows? 

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29 Responses to Hearne: The Story Behind Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Teeth Sucking”

  1. Shawnster says:

    It’s the same thing Donald does. Ever notice the slurring when he gives a speech? It looks like his teeth are about to come out of his mouth! This is what happens when old people are on TV.

    • admin says:

      Never noticed it with Trump…

      Maybe because he’s constantly on the move and talking versus frozen in place like the Nance

      • Super Dave says:

        Not saw it on Trump either.

      • Nick says:

        More distracting than his movements is his constant sniffing while speaking; would guess coke, but since he has proclaimed that he treats has lard-ass like a ‘temple’, will have to go with Adderall

        • Liz says:

          He is strongly against drugs and alcohol so think his sniffling is from nerves which could probably be fixed by a Xanax or beta blocker. But being strongly against drugs and alcohol leaves us with the nervous sniffling.. noticed it more when he was in the debates. As far as Nancy’s dentures I think she needs to switch to implants if she plans to be in front of the camera because it does not make her come across well. Just plain hard to watch and it is not like she does not have the money to fix them.

          • Mama Chill says:

            She doesn’t have dentures. Nor, would she. She’s rich as hell so she’d have implants. I truly think it’s an age thing. Her teeth are not pretty so, you know they’re her own.

          • admin says:

            Maybe, but she’s pretty old and maybe too old school. why else would she be constantly working her teeth around like she does?

    • Jim Campbell says:

      Shawnster, I BELIEVE you are delusional.

  2. Kerouac says:

    “Nancy, brush your teeth before you attend the next State of the Union Address.”

    – no stranger to danger her refusal to protect America from illegals, suspect she sees oral hygiene as an manufactured crisis (tooth paste, brush and dental floss too, no priority); could be worse… she could have the same problem as this guy –



  3. Super Dave says:

    Does anyone really want to know what she is up to? It may turn out to be so gross it may never leave your memory. Least she hasn’t gone to taking them out and playing with them as some her age are known to do.

  4. Hearne!!! As Harley would say, “Do some research!!!” Sheesh!! we live adjacent to Independence Missouri, the diffusion point for more enough meth to fill the Herschel Crater every month. Nancy snorts up enough Meth, in my opinion, to “get glassed” all tweakend long before every public appearance.

    How else, pray tell, to explain that metronomic, jaw-piston back and forth, cud chewing motion that interrupts her somnambulent sophistry. It’s ghastly. I keep thinking, “Get off the Go Go Juice lady”. Man it’s nasty.

    Next up, a gig as a late night horror movie host. Maybe she and Al Gore could revise a couple of old favorites and do a Count Al Gore De Vol and Nancy Pelvira.

    • People’s looks shouldn’t really count, so, here are a few of Nancy’s comments and policy initiatives I disagree with.

      NANCY PELOSI: “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery program, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

      NANCY PELOSI: “Waiting hours longer in the waiting room will allow you to make new friends!”

      July 21st 2012
      NANCY PELOSI: ” Everybody will have lower rates, better quality and better access.”

      June 6th 2016
      NANCY PELOSI: “I don’t remember saying everyone would have lower premiums.”

      May 5th 2013
      NANCY PELOSI: “Obama Care is largely responsible for the deficit coming down.”

      NANCY PELOSI: “Non union workers don’t deserve to work.”

      NANCY PELOSI: “We have to pass the bill so we can find out what is in it” (I guess that is kind of like letting everyone in from South of the border so we can find out who is MS13.)

      When anti-fa rioted.
      NANCY PELOSI: “God bless them for their spontaneity.”

      NANCY PELOSI: “Donald Trump will never be president, take that to the bank!”

      Nancy is good, but Alexandria Occasional Cortex has already left her in the dust. I can’t get enough of that chick and her distribution of pearls before we swine.

  5. Duke says:

    I read where she sucks candy all the time. I think that’s it.

  6. I love Bippo the Hippo says:

    You people are idiots. Everyone with more than 2 nickels to rub together has dental implants. Im guessing someone as rich as Pelosi and Trump have long since had them put in. It’s 3k a tooth.

  7. Duke says:

    It has been reported that she is sucking on candies. Jolly Rancher?

  8. J. Springer says:

    LOL . This is the first article I seen addressing this. One of the funniest and yet boring things I’ve watched.

    When I visit nursing homes I see people do the same thing – messing with their teeth and mouth. I’ve always assumed it was their lack of teeth or ill-fitting dentures. Someone as rich as Pelosi should be able to afford implants or well-fitting dentures. She shows signs of confusion which you also see in many senior, senior citizens.

    Maybe it’s just a sign of old age. They can stretch her face with some kind of lotion but they can’t stop the aging process. (Compare how she looked on Tuesday night vs. on Thursday.)

    Pelosi was also messing with papers as the President spoke. If you’re around old people you’ll notice many do the same thing — shuffling through magazines, papers.

    Since she is next in line behind the Vice President, I think the VP and Speaker should also have a physical every year and results made public.

  9. LanceTheIntern says:

    I’ve read it’s a side effect of Botox injections. If so, that could explain why you see it in both Pelosi and Trump.

    If I can find the link, I’ll post it later….

  10. Martha Phillips says:

    I have figured out why Nancy moves her mouth – something no one else has thought of – she has a nicotine patch in her upper lip!

  11. Jodi Hoffman says:

    The failure rate of dental implants is high to begin with. As an octogenarian known for her love of ice cream and sweets. So, probably too much bone loss makes her not be a candidate for implants. The only choice at that point is dentures and even all her money can’t make them remain correctly seated. Happens a lot. My guess is she’s doing the chomping about without even being aware that everyone notices it.

  12. Sheril Rendini says:

    Nancy should step down its late for to be I. Office times up pelosi, harris & binden, step down your time is up.
    We know who the readers are & it isn’t any of you three………

    • admin says:

      We do seem to be – quite apparently – at a juncture where a ton of our “elder statesmen” (and women) need really badly to go into hiding!

  13. Michele Phillips says:

    You are all wrong. It’s not her teeth. The slang for it is “lizard tongue” from taking antipsychotic drugs such as depression medication or Ambilify. I was distracted during the entire speech which I thought was wonderful.

  14. Richard Calhoun, Jr. says:

    Tardive dyskinesia is Real……..google it! Her psych meds are causing it!

  15. Ric says:

    Tardive Dyskinesia
    Sometimes medications used to treat serious conditions can bring on serious conditions of their own. That’s the case with tardive dyskinesia (TD), a neurological syndrome marked by random and involuntary muscle movements that usually occur in the face, tongue, lips, or jaw.

    It’s typically caused by long-term use of antipsychotic medications that block dopamine receptors. Antipsychotic medications are used to treat a number of mental illnesses and mood disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

    • Ric says:

      Tardive Dyskinesia
      Sometimes medications used to treat serious conditions can bring on serious conditions of their own. That’s the case with tardive dyskinesia (TD), a neurological syndrome marked by random and involuntary muscle movements that usually occur in the face, tongue, lips, or jaw.

      It’s typically caused by long-term use of antipsychotic medications that block dopamine receptors. Antipsychotic medications are used to treat a number of mental illnesses and mood disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

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