Hearne: Kavanaugh is Cooked Unless…

Like I said the other day…

Despite the grotesque exaggerations and distortions of what appear to mostly be sophomoric, youthful indiscretions, in today’s political world it doesn’t take much to cook public figures like Brett Kavanaugh‘s goose.

Or anybodies, for that matter.

Even the beloved Stomper‘s all’s fair in love and politics philosophy – where anyone who doesn’t offer up fist bumps to the canniest dodges and lowest, well struck blows is considered naïve – this all seems a little cold.

So I’m still having a hard time seeing this dude make it onto the Supreme Court.

The microscopes are so heavily zoomed in on Kavanaugh’s lost youth that I’d be surprised if someone doesn’t show up on Anderson Cooper testifying that he passed gas in 7th grade study hall sexually compromising a 13 year-old girl.

Did he ever utter anything rude? Curse like a sailor after stubbing his toe? Cast a fetching, unwelcome glance towards a fair maiden?

Face it, anything and everything anybody can come up with to cast Kavanaugh in an unflattering light is going to get blown out of proportion and jammed down his and everybody else in this country’s throat until he either curls up and dies or throws in the towel.

Who among us could survive such a cold hearted verbal and psychological beat down?

Even one of the most pragmatic, arguably ruthless politically-minded theater operators in town decried the bogusness of the past two week’s proceedings.

And that’s saying something, Stomps.

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23 Responses to Hearne: Kavanaugh is Cooked Unless…

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    HC, I hate to break it to you, but he’s in like Flint. The crusty old, white men on that panel don’t give a damn about what he may or may not have done. They just don’t. In their “era”, a little boys play never hurt anyone. They. Don’t. Care.

    Listen, there are two people who know the truth. Regardless of what Agent Orange or any of his minions say, nobody knows the truth except the two principals involved. Period. It’s not like the guy with the “giant brain” has a real connection with the truth anyways. Why would he care if anyone else did?

    We’re a few days away from having one helluva beer-loving SCOTUS.

    • Nick says:

      Tend to agree with you.

      The single outlier will be if the FBI finds ANY credible “evidence” supporting dick waggling in any female’s face; it’s already a given that the guy doesn’t have the temperament to hold a SCOTUS seat, much less for the rest of his drunken life. Add frat-bot, atheltic white male privilege to it and he’s done.

      On the other hand…McConnell and the other old white guys, including gay-as-fuck Sen. Lindsey Graham, can see their impending doom and will fight tooth and pick shellacked claw to maintain their privilege.

      As to actual odds? This site has Kavanaugh being confirmed by 70% as of this posting.

      Go figure {not really; most money bet on the innernetz is by men; men want to believe they can do anything to women with impunity – of course men believe they will get away with this BS.}

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Actually, wasn’t there one other person in the room?

    • Guy Who Say What Others Think says:

      “The crusty old, white men on that panel don’t give a damn about what he may or may not have done. They just don’t. In their “era”, a little boys play never hurt anyone. They. Don’t. Care. ”

      Neither do the Democrats, Jim. They only care that it’s a cudgel they can attempt to use to slow things down until the midterms. It’s nothing more elegant than that. They can take their fake righteous indignation, and shove it right up their ass. They. Don’t. Care. Either. I hope you aren’t this naive.

  2. foxconn says:

    Kav gets confirmed with 54 votes. It’s too risky for senators not to vote for him and most people understand that that the accusations against him are batshit insane and kept alive by a dishonest social media operation that is scared of the rulings he could potentially make but can’t actually articulate an argument against him so they just throw stuff at him. The long this goes on the longer this farce is exposed and Kav becomes an increasingly sympathetic figure

  3. Kerouac says:

    Any wonder things have gotten the point politics as sports same (on the job protests, left vs right, millionaire$ vs billionaire$, grandstanders every one of them acting out before the cameras afield as Congress), that ‘we the people’… have… had… enough.

    Dem & Repub negotiation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M42tgfNuNA

    Nod Kinison’s “yeah He’s coming back, He’s hoppin & skippin all the way” – dontcha pray that He returns and flushes this whole damn thing right on down the toilet? (at least send us a nice 10 mile wide asteroid with our name on it, Big ‘J’)


  4. Kerouac says:

    The worm is turning… it’s name ‘dems’ (by definition ‘creeping, burrowing invertebrate animals with long, slender, soft bodies and no limbs…. or leg to stand on.)

    Tetelestai, liberal left… it Is OVER!


  5. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    FBI report comes out and tells us everything we already knew. They can’t find any hard evidence to corroborate anything Ford says. Shocking. They interviewed 9 different people and NONE of them could corroborate her story.

    Democrats – it’s over. Your lame plot failed miserably. He’s getting confirmed. Game over.

    LOL at all the morons screaming “Shame” outside the proceedings. What is this, an episode of Game of Thrones? Go home and reevaluate your life.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Guy, the guys was ALWAYS going to get confirmed. The old, white men were going to make that happen. They even stated so BEFORE any additional investigations were done. But, here’s my issue with Kav. He doesn’t pass the smell test when it comes to being honest. All the questions that were asked about his drinking, sexual references in his yearbook and his general behavior in high school were NOT answered honestly. You know it. I know it. The Committee knows it. EVERYBODY knows what all of the references meant. EVERYBODY knows that they partied HARD at the Prep school and at Yale. Big deal. Nobody cares! 17 to 22 years old tend to party hard during those years. The TRUTH would have been twice as good as the lie, so why tell it? Boofing, Ralphing and a Devil’s Triangle? Decades old terms and the meaning has NEVER changed. He should have just owned it instead of trotting out the choir boy/virgin defense. That’s the part that bugs me. If you’re going to lie about something as benign teenage drinking/passing out, what else are you going to lie about? JMO.

      • admin says:

        Maybe so, big Jim, but I sure wasn’t convinced. I thought the “MeToo” folks might prevail.

        The court of public opinion took a lot of people down…granted not 35 years after the fact. That the Dems overplayed their hand, I think, had a lot to do with it.

        Now let’s hear from that Stomper fella for a rationalization or whatever sort of perspective on it all.

        Or will be do a Harley (post Trump winning) and remain silent.

        be interesting to hear his perspective though (Oh yeah, I think I went to bat for Kav losing for what it’s worth.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          It was always a matter of numbers, and the Republicans had them. They’re playing chess while the dems play tiddlywinks. They don’t give a hot steaming shit about Dr. Ford or her alleged experiences. They used her as a hail mary shot to try and delay the proceedings until after the midterms. And they failed MISERABLY. Because they’ve got NOTHING. The Dems and the leftist have been losing this country since 2010. They’ve been rendered impotent by the voting public. Just look at the numbers and see how many seats they have lost at the state level, let alone Federal. How many governor’s seats have they lost? Despite what the nitwits in Hollywood or in the MSM will tell you, the people have spoken and have been speaking loud and clear with their votes for quite some time.

          • +1

            Hope it stays that way. If they ever get power back, it is over. Fascism under the guise of preventing “Hate Speech”, the end of the 2nd amendment under the guise of “Reasonable Gun Laws”, the end of the Constitution under the Guise of “A Living Document” and then, my friends the end of The Rule Of Law in favor of elites on both coasts and Socialism.

            If and when it comes, those pussies in Anti-Fa will be the first to go. I understand that now, only 7% of the population alive, has served in the military. Sans the inner city, where violence in common, most folks don’t really have ANY idea how destructive, dramatic and damaging violence can be, to a society and to a human being. The learning curve is explained pretty well in “The Naked And The Dead” – Mailer

            First, to those narcissistic Progressive lunatics, shrilling ululations into the ears of any passer byes, innocent of sins, or, not, “I HATE EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT WITHIN MYSELF”. Solipsistically sure of the “high ground” and the virtuous monopoly on virtue, by way of self appointed virtue, they scream their truth and bootless cries into their own sick psyche, that echo off of the mirrors reflecting a corruption they are too blind to see.

            ““You can indulge your righteous rage but the things it comes out of are pretty cheap. The trick is to make yourself an instrument of your own policy. Whether you like it or not, that’s the highest effectiveness man has achieved.”

            THAT folks, is a sociopath. Violent sociopaths will determine “The Rule Of Law” after the Alinsky revolution. It will be hard, hard men, not women, who will do things, terrible things and then go have lunch.

            I know people like this, you do to if you think about it. The conceit we engage in now, pretending that Socialism (Progressivism) and identity politics and idiots like Obama and Cortez are our new gods, flies in the face of history.

            Paved roads, stoplights, groceries on the shelves, this shit all works, like it or not, because of capitalism, white people and the Rule Of Law.

            The coming revolution, will not leave people like Linda Sarsour, Bernie Sanders, Obama, or, anyone like that in charge. They will be the first to go.

            Vote this November, for reason, sanity and your children’s future. Just because you like violent movies, does, in no way, mean you will like violence. Trust me.

  6. Kerouac says:

    Where have I seen that face before? It finally came to me: that’s the sign post up ahead – your next stop, the Senate Judici- er, ‘Twilight Zone!’

    Senator Flake’s mug appears to be an perpetual sad clown state, modeled aft (his kin the Harper family?, nod the March 20, 1964 episode ‘The Masks’):

    Family – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734659/mediaviewer/rm2372090880

    Flake – https://www.thenation.com/article/note-to-jeff-flake-a-limited-fbi-investigation-of-brett-kavanaugh-is-entirely-insufficient/

    Nod ‘Quantas’, Flake’s soon ending political career in a death dive crash landing, Jeff can always get a job as the ‘I hate politics’ (and Trump, but not any liberal lefty’s salty tears) koala. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNIxgpTKhEU


  7. Looks like I picked the wrong decade to start running trains.

  8. Rick M says:

    If this doesn’t put Sharice Davids across the finish line, nuthin’ will.

  9. Kerouac says:

    Emmett Kelly ‘Flake’s out’:


    Marcel Marceau does Flake:

    And finally a two-fer: typical lefty’s do what they do best:

    Have a nice day, next 6 years and lifetime appointment, lib lefty’s…


  10. Guy Who Say What Others Think says:

    Kavanaugh confirmed, largely along party lines. Hate to say I told you so, Hearne…..

    Congrats to the idiot Dems, who have now energized the Republican voters with this fiasco.

    • Nick says:

      No need to energize the ReThug voters; gerrymandered districts and voter suppression tactics make it almost impossible for the “blue wave” to occur, lest every dem voter available actually casts a ballot.

      We’re on course for a slow (20 year) ride back to the antebellum days.

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        PFFFT. More horseshit.

        Corporate democrats have sold out their base voters for the almighty dollar. Instead of correctly reading their voter base, and jumping on the Bernie Sanders populist bandwagon, they continued to pay fealty to their corporate masters by corruptly rigging the nomination and backing Hillary Clinton. Then when she totally botched the election on the campaign trail and lost to a tv game show host, they decided to blame another country and begin some half-assed red scare. Without the “We didn’t lose, Russia won” narrative, the Democrat elite would be purged for being electorally incompetent. To protect themselves and their lucrative jobs, they start the new McCarthyism. The utter implosion of the Democrat vote over the past 8 years is at EVERY level. Federal, state, county, and local. And you want to blame ALL of that on gerrymandered districts and voter suppression? SMH. Apparently, denial is just a river in Egypt.

        • Nick says:

          You are either bald-facing lying or an idiot: Dems out-voted you by nearly 3 million ballots in the presidential election, and Dems took the preponderance of votes for Congress, as well. Those are the facts, not some simply minded agtiprop BS.


          Again, gerrymandering, voter suppression and Russian influence. Get over yourself.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:


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