Hearne: Hankie Alert; Hurt Feelings at the KC Star

They can dish it out, but they can’t take it…

The funny thing about power – besides absolute power corrupting absolutely – is the people who possess it tend think of themselves as inarguably correct most of the time.

It didn’t take long for me to learn that the powers that be at the Kansas City Star think of themselves as all knowing. Their points of view are the correct ones. People who see things differently are merely in need of enlightenment.

Which of course, Star editors and writers are happy to provide.

It’s not so much arrogance – although it can be in some instances – it’s just the way they feel and think.

What they – you know, the editors and writers – fail to recognize is that despite their full time pursuit of truth, justice and the American way, they’re human too. They make mistakes, err in judgements and embrace wrong headed ideas…just like the rest of us.

No way was then editor Mark Zeiman about to lower himself by returning a call to then Pitch editor CJ Janovy for a comment. Not when he was dead certain she would administer a journalistic spanking. After all, the Pitch was too small to much matter, why lower himself?

And while a whole lotta water has passed under the proverbial bridge since then, the newspaper still thinks its you-know-what doesn’t stink.

And such was the case today when they joined other newspapers around the country in assuring blue haired readers that Donald Trump was wrong and that they weren’t biased to a fault.

Which by the way, made the Star look way thin skinned.

Today’s President Trump we are not ‘enemies of the people.’ End your war on the free press editorialwas one of the most self serving slices of “journalism” ever.

Seriously, the Star’s been sticking it to Trump from the get go, leaving no stone – however petty – unturned.

The bottom line: Trump and everybody else who has to submit to the whims of the either liberal or conservative media have every right to disparage said media in returning fire – especially given how biased most of the reporting has become these days.

Free speech cuts both ways, and if the newspaper wants to dish it out they need to bend over and take it every once in a while.

Look, the Star and CNN’s Jim Acosta have every right to heap scorn upon Trump or whomever they wish.

But the aggrieved parties calling a spade a spade in return is not only human nature, it’s fair play.

What the newspaper’s new editorial board was saying today – quite clearly – is they can dish it out, but can’t take it….just like Zeiman couldn’t take Janovy.

Some things never change.

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14 Responses to Hearne: Hankie Alert; Hurt Feelings at the KC Star

  1. Agree. I don’t much care for Trump’s (typical) over-the-top rhetoric about the left-slanted American media being an “ENEMY of the people,” but I do know that the left-slanted American media sure as hell isn’t doing the American people any favors by being incessant group-thinking, down-for-the-cause partisan flunkies with nary ever an Independent thought in their so-called minds. At MU J-School back in the day, we were taught to distrust ALL Big Power and to constantly keep an eye on it, no matter which sector (private or public) it resided in and no matter whether the latest partisan flavor of the day had a “d” or “r” next to its name. But then again, that was 30 years ago, when we used to have a somewhat balanced and virtue-devoted media and press apparatus. God how I Hate the 21st Century.

    • admin says:

      I’m with you, Rage…

      Not exactly sure what happened, but I am sure it happened. Seems like we’re headed towards some sort of revolution with the battle line being drawn as we speak.

      One of Craig’s favorite anecdotes was that he would ask his younger (and often stripper) GF’s who were the countries on each side during WWII.

      And zero of them could tell him.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Right on, Rage.

  2. chuck says:

    The breathtaking hypocrisy of the Legacy Media’s claims to “Objectivity” while 92% of all coverage of Trump continues in the usual pejorative vein is boilerplate Progressive/Alinsky bullshit.

    “Democracy Dies In Darkness” should read, “We Are The Borg Resistance Is Futile”. The incessant calls for impeachment. The obfuscation of any positive news while emphasizing negative news. The suppression of relative context and distortion of an honest narrative.

    The aggregate power of that same Legacy Media is the cudgel used to brain the brainless into submission before any question the motives, the arrogant self regard and narcissism of MSNBC-CNN-ABC etc. etc. talking heads whose fame and fortune are tied inexorably to the Progressive/Fascist cause. Agenda driven drivel dripped into the mouths of little blinkered, bird brained, anally incontinent, legions of Antifa sympathizers, satiates the olfactory “resist” response in sub human, uneducated, wet by every rain and blown by every wind, liberal loser who, intrinsically knows, he/she/it will never have an original thought.

    Alan Dershowitz might be one of the last real men on the left. I admire that guy so much. Replaying his opinions on policy and people, I still find myself, mostly disagreeing with him on Immigration, foreign policy (He is more strident then I am with respect to possible conflicts in the Middle East.) etc. He is circumspect, thoughtful and precise with, above all, a desire to adhere to the Rule Of Law.

    Contrast that with imbeciles like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and the legion of repetitious, oleaginous, spokesmen for the left, with 10 watt bulbs between their ears, whose ability to succeed is only tied to their skills as Progressive parrots in pursuit of power.

    George Will and other “Never Trumpers” are even worse. It’s weird.

    I get it, Trump is a mean spirited, petty, frequently churlish, sometimes outrageously insulting, “gas on the fire” prick.

    Does that mean the economy is worse? No, it’s better.

    Is China bending to his will? Yes.

    Was there a conspiracy of high ranking, unelected, bureaucrats in the DOJ, FBI, State Department, CIA, conspiring with the last administration, illegally, with premeditated criminal intent, to overturn the results of the last election?

    FUCK YES! Why, why is that not a big deal and why does the 4th estate continue to gaslight the American people when it comes to the most egregious abuse of power scandal in the nation’s history?

    Because, real journalism and the Liberals we used to know and respect are dead.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      +1000 Well done, Chuck!

    • Nick says:

      That should read “We Are The Borg. Resistance is futile”, “We Are The Borg; resistance is futile”” or “We Are The Borg: Resistance is futile.”

      This is a common educational error among right leaning individuals that sadly causes them to misunderstand simple sentences, often to the nation’s peril. Take, for example, the following:

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

      Any properly educated 6th grader can correctly parse this simple sentence by recognizing the prefatory clause in the amendment (A well regulated Militia) is both syntactically and semantically tied to the second, and indeed that first clause specifies the reason for the second.

      This was indeed the SCOTUS ruling (Marbury v. Madison, 1803) that held for for over 200 years, until the then recently formed ‘Roberts court’ wrongly ruled (District of Columbia v. Heller.)

      It is worth noting that the errant decision in Heller was decided by patently political right leaning individuals.

  3. Super Dave says:

    The MSM should be reporting the news and nothing else. The who, what or where of the subject, the real meat and potatoes of the event. Not saying editorials are bad by all means a writer should be allowed to state their opinion the same as anyone else but it should be done as what it is and that’s an editorial.

    But todays news isn’t always the news, it’s editorials reflecting the views of the writers, managers and the owners at said news outlets. The news is about getting out the story while not taking any sides is how our news should be delivered to us. When you present to the people the truth of what is taking place based on the facts you can uncover this shouldn’t ever really cause in return any negative comments. If it does it only proves that some people just can’t deal with the truth. But then sometimes when it comes to any government operating related news the real truth being let out might carry the same odds as winning the big lottery prize for that week.

    Simply put, the people want more news and less editorials. The people want the facts so they can determine for themselves what is what. The people really don’t want individual based views of the news supported by only the parts of the news the writer wants to release to support their line of thinking or views they want to impose on the public. MSM shouldn’t be used to push individual views about certain ways of living, race issues, political stances, immigration laws upon the public. MSM as well shouldn’t do political endorsements or show favoritism towards any one political group or lifestyle.

    I look to the news to tell me what is going on and not how to think. I look to the news to tell me what happened not to tell me I must support so and so and their lifestyle.

    Maybe we have just too many MSM, foo foo newsgroups and not enough common sense news outlets?

  4. Jeff Johnson says:

    Why didn’t you write a story about Afentra’s exit from 96.5 the Buzz?

  5. chuck says:

    The aggregate, left wing media, a PR Bureau for all things Progressive, is not just biased, it is, with premeditation and criminal intent, guilty of a conspiracy to frame a sitting president with a crime, created ex nihilo, out of whole cloth, in order to effect a coup.


  6. Nick says:

    I’ll just leave this here: we told you Trump was a piece of sh*t and we were right.

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