Glazer: Hale to the Chief, President Trump a Winner (So Far)

Let’s cut to the chase…

Non stop scandals aside, Donald Trump is the teflon Don – nothing sticks.

Not Stormy Daniels. Not Michael Cohen. Not Robert Mueller. Not Vladimir Putin. Take your pick.

No modern president has been under such a media attack ever. CNN says 91% of media on Trump is negative. Yet he’s gaining in popularity…WTF?

That’s because the public can’t keep up with all the names and attacks. There are just too many and they’re too hard to follow. They see the Donald as a fighter, a man who is flawed and lives in chaos but gets the job done.

He is television’s No. 1 attraction and has been for his entire term of office. His popularity has risen from 35 to 46 percent. Why? Because so far he’s untouchable. People love a winner and Trump is headed in that direction.

Or so it seems.

Unemployment is at an all time modern low….the stock market an all time high. Minority unemployment an all time low as well.

Now Trump is making inroads in North Korea!

He could win the Nobel Peace Prize.

His handling of Middle East is winning. The U.S. builds an embassy in Jerusalem. Damn. Trump connects with our biggest military ally Israel. Hostages come home from N. Korea….His pep rallies sell out because audiences love him with ratings are off the chart.

Trump gives one hour speeches and no longer repeats the same old stuff. It’s new and bold. And he sure seems to be a great speaker.

Foreign governments say they dislike him, but when he’s there they roll out the red carpet. Oh, and he is feared by our enemies because Trump will attack if he has to and they know it.

Fear, respect! 

Has he cheated on his wife? Yes, just like Bill Clinton and John Kennedy…but not in the White House like the those two.

Fox says if an election were held today…TRUMP WINS, AGAIN.

Clearly Trump has executed some questionable business moves in the past, but so have most billionaires. Mitt Romney, anyone?

Almost forgot, is he a racist? Tell me how.

Hey, Trump is a popular star…with 50% of the people that hate him and  50% that love him… those are the perfect numbers to be a star.

With all the attacks and musical chairs at the White House…TRUMP IS THE ONE CONSTANT AND OUR LEADER.

And he’s getting the job done…sorry haters.
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35 Responses to Glazer: Hale to the Chief, President Trump a Winner (So Far)

  1. Boom Boom says:

    do nothing when they won the world series)/….the chiefs (saying they were a bad team
    then them end up doing well enough to have the best qb in football (stats wise)…you
    know nothing because you’re a freaking idiot.
    Shut up for gods sake. The stats in everything you write about prove you wrong.
    Obviously y ou use the comics for your source of information. You just make
    a huge fool of yourself. And no…polls are not what you say because you can’t read
    a poll…heck you can’t read anything period and talk with intelligence.

  2. The Guy Who Knew Too Much says:

    Trump panders to the lowest common denominator (i.e. stupid idiots) so it’s no wonder you’re so in awe of him, Glaze. The man is a fraud and a buffoon.

  3. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    See folks? All you need to do is look at the rage and insults that start getting tossed around when you compliment anything that Trump has done while in office. LOLOL! And the Dems and left wing socialists do nothing but drive more people to Trump’s side, or solidify their love of the guy with their insults, denigration, and screams of righteous indignation. Ask Kanye West. If you’re black, you damn well better not say anything nice about Trump. No, you’d best “get your mind right” or at least get someone to “help formulate your thoughts better”. Because you must continue to vote as the black monolith, and continue to sweat away on the Democrat Plantation. Look folks, the Dems are screwing themselves. The American people aren’t stupid. They see the corruption that’s been exposed in the DNC. The Dems have alienated their base. They’ve screwed the Unions, and sold out as corporatist war mongers, in bed with the military complex. By sitting there and trying to demonize Trump on the whole Russia “collusion” angle (which is a total joke, by the way), and not taking the time to realize what they have done to cause a guy like Trump to even have a CHANCE at getting elected, they are just continuing their downward spiral. And as a conservative Libertarian, I just have to shake my head.

  4. Stomper says:

    Thanks for the topic. Want to respond to a few of your comments.

    Unemployment is all time modern low but salaries are flat. If you don’t mind making $10 an hour, yep, plenty of job opportunity out there for you. If you employ minimum wage people, I can see where you’d be happy with that. The middle class is leaking badly into the lower class. Doesn’t bode well for the country.

    Stock market is at an all time high but what percent of the population is in the market? Might help you and me but doesn’t mean squat to the majority, people who need it.

    If you are talking about needing military help within the circle of Syria, Iran, etc. then I think I’d agree with you about Israel being our biggest military ally but if we get into it with (God forbid) China, Russia, North Korea or whoever, I think the U.K. would win that ranking.

    With regard’s to Trump being a racist, besides just listening to him talk, go back and look at his history renting his properties to Blacks in NYC. I would broaden the definition of racism to include ethnicity and religion. He clearly has a problem with Muslims and Hispanics.

    Fox says ……………….. Enough said there.

    Trump has put huge pressure on the House and Senate GOP. These are weird times to be sure for both sides. Never thought I would ever say that Lindsey Graham and John McCain are my political heroes. They are today. In 2016 I saw Mike Pompeo as a far right scary guy from Wichita. Today at the State Dept., he is the sane guy in the room but the bar is incredibly low. Still too early but the Dems. have a shot at retaking the House this fall. Senate is a little out of reach. McCaskill has a decent shot at keeping her seat because Greitens is screwing Hawley. It’s going to be a fun six months coming up for political junkies like me.

    • Phaedrus says:

      ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) is what has killed the middle class. It’s caused massive asset inflation (stocks, real estate, etc) while having no impact on wages.

      Sure, your house might be “worth” more now, and you can take out another loan against your equity, but good luck paying it back with your non-inflated salary.

      • Phaedrus says:

        Funny thing is that Obama was president when ZIRP was initiated. He probably thought it’d be great for the lower class (free money for all!).

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Allow me to detail the endless stream of untruthful bullshit in Stomper’s entry:

      “Unemployment is all time modern low but salaries are flat. If you don’t mind making $10 an hour, yep, plenty of job opportunity out there for you.”
      Bullshit. Plenty of high paying jobs are out there.

      “Stock market is at an all time high but what percent of the population is in the market?”
      Anyone with a 401k, 403b, mutual fund account, an IRA, etc. I started my first one back when I was making less than 20k per year.

      “He clearly has a problem with Muslims and Hispanics.”
      Only Islamic terrorists, and ILLEGAL immigrants. Yes, they are ILLEGAL. The whole labeling of these people as “Undocumented Immigrants” is total leftist bullshit. Don’t like his actions on DACA/Dreamers? Then tell the Victi-crats (Democrats) to get off their ass and come up with a plan. Kicking the can down the road via executive order is spineless temporary bullshit. Trump is forcing the issue. I’m all for DACA/Dreamers being allowed to stay if they were brought here as minors. Make it law. Have some balls.

      The VictiCrat party is been dragged waaay left. The Pennsylvania primaries are just the latest example as two publicly declared Socialists won the VictiCrat nomination for state seats up for grabs. The Democratic party of my parents’ generation is DEAD.

      • Stomper says:

        “Anyone with a 401(k), 403(b), mutual fund, IRA” What percent of the population has one of those??? Where is the trending on that going???

        “Plenty of High Paying Jobs” Research the middle class in America. Growing, shrinking ????

        Do you listen to what Trump says and read his tweets? Do you really believe he is good with Muslims and Hispanics across the board? Do you think he is a racist?

        Appreciate your comments but I think you need to dig a little deeper in your research. I get it that you’re a conservative Libertarian and that’s fine but I think you are overlooking or not considering some pretty powerful trends in the country’s demographics and economics.

        I agree to an extent with what you say about the Democrats and they have shot themselves in the foot in many areas. I do think they need to move back more to the center. Well see what the voters across the country say in November.

        Thanks, Guy.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          I tear apart your statements, and now you want to move the goalposts. Ok, I’ll play along. First, the opportunity to invest is out there for ANYONE. If they don’t have investments in some sort of retirement plan, it’s their own fault. You act like a well performing stock market only benefits the rich, and that’s total garbage. Secondly, good paying jobs are out there for anyone willing to work, and you DON’T need a college education and be 100k in debt. Read that NPR article. Listen to what Mike Rowe says. Now there’s a guy who has been neck deep in blue collar America for a LONG time. If investment levels are trending down, it’s most likely caused by lack of being responsible as an individual. If middle class America is disappearing, you can thank the Democrats who sold them out via NAFTA, who also repealed the Glass-Stegall act, (which promptly crashed the economy within 10 years). Yes, I do listen to what Trump says, but don’t pay attention much to Twitter because I’m smart enough to know what those are about. Do I think he’s ok with Muslims and Hispanics across the board? Yes, as long as they are good productive citizens, and aren’t illegal immigrants or terrorists. He’s not a racist and to think so is ridiculous. I can find tons of pictures of Trump receiving awards from minority organizations, posing all buddy-buddy with many black leaders back before he ran for President. And now that he’s president, he’s some sort of racist? Ridiculous.

          • Stomper says:

            To think people who don’t have a stake in the market make that choice themselves is naive. The accounts you mentioned for the most part are employer matched and the number of people employed with that option is limited. Just because you have the opportunity to invest doesn’t mean you can. The opportunity to buy a private jet is out there for anybody but doesn’t mean they can. A well performing stock market only benefits those who can afford to buy in. If your paycheck is drained before you get to disposable $, you can’t get in. A well performing stock market is not the broad indicator you seem to think.

            I did read the article you mentioned and I don’t think it supports your view as strongly as you say. The article mentioned trade jobs that are not getting filled but the reasons are varied. One reason it gave was the lack of funding to train these workers. They don’t need a 4 yr. college education assuming they don’t go on to law or med school, but they do need an associates degree often or lengthy training and that requires money. Sources of funding for this, often government related is dried up. Another reason they mentioned is that parents paying the cost of educating their children steer their kids away from blue collar trade jobs and into college.

            Blaming the decline of the middle class on NAFTA and the Repeal of Glass-Stegall is a stretch but both were the result of joint efforts between both parties. Neither happens without GOP support in Congress.

            Apparently you are unaware of Trump’s housing discrimination case in NYC. Also, getting an award from a minority organization is very often the result of writing a check to them and is not an endorsement of their noble actions otherwise.

          • chuck says:

            “Do you listen to what Trump says and read his tweets? Do you really believe he is good with Muslims and Hispanics across the board? Do you think he is a racist?”

            As Tom Wolfe says, it’s always “Back To Blood”.

            Who gives a fuck if he is “good” with Muslims, Hispanics, Blacks or Whites? His job is NOT to pander to insane Identity Politics, but provide leadership on the world stage (Please spend more time with Rand Paul and less with John Bolton.) and grow the economy.

            If Americans want cool friends, they should buy a cute dog, NOT elect a faux “Constitutional Scholar” apologist like Barack Obama, who wrecked Health Care, encouraged division and violence against whites and cops by de facto, Antifa violent Brown Shirt thugs, de-fanged our Military and embarrassed us internationally on the world stage with policies and agreements that crushed the middle class with more bullshit “green” initiatives which cripple us at home and give a leg up to the competition.

            Stomper’s arguments, are, in my opinion, supported anecdotally while GWSWOT’s arguments are supported in general by the objective facts.

            Game, set, match to GWSWOT

          • chuck says:

            Hey Stomper, here is a picture of our last president
            (Your Hero) with his friends, but sure, tell me all about how Trump isn’t “good” with Muslims and Hispanics.


          • Phaedrus says:

            More than half of Americans have no retirement savings. Of those that do, the average is $60k.

            The level of the stock market has virtually no direct impact on most people’s wealth.

            Also, I don’t think the President has much to do with how the stock market performs year to year.

          • admin says:

            I would say that this year the president’s direct influence has been huge on the stock markets. Deregulation, tax cuts

  5. CG says:


  6. Tom says:

    I would move the embassy to Jerusalem too if Sheldon Adelson gave me $30 million and my base was made up of a bunch of shrieking apocalyptic christian trailer monkeys

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      “shrieking apocalyptic christian trailer monkeys”

      Perfect example of what I spoke of in an earlier post.

  7. Kerouac says:

    November 8, 2016: Duane Kiper on the call: “He hits it High, he hits it DEEP, it iS OUTTA HERE! HOME RUN – ‘TRUMP’ – MAGA! ”

    What a great call America!


    Were BOOM BOOM (aka the pantload) around November 8, 2016: well… uh, er, ohh; he wasn’t – instead, busy morphing ‘the invisible man’ (or better, an twist on Wayne’s ‘the quiet man’ – the pantload got killed in the ring of blogdom, down for the count by knockout.)

    Kerouac was here, CG too as well a veritable cast of millions polls, majority electoral college! DING – DING, DING – DING, DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!

    2020’s battle cry and tomorrow’s news today – 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS! 4 MORE YEARS!


    • Boom Boom says: the time americans realize the real harm done by
      trump you’lll be pushing daisies up at mt. moriah.
      But nice try.
      Old men never die…they just wither away! And with them go their ideas
      and their old ideas.
      stick to baseball…you make glazo look like a monkeyat the zoo

  8. whitten pell says:

    please join your brother in the ground

  9. chuck says:

    “No modern president has been under such a media attack ever. CNN says 91% of media on Trump is negative.”

    “Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party”. Joseph Stalin

    “The lowest form of popular culture – lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people’s lives – has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage.” Carl Bernstein

    Bernstein, a rabid, adamantine adversary of President Trump, is, as is 91% of the media, blinkered and blithley unaware of their own hypocrisy and bereft of nuance.

    While those who hate “American Thinker” and “Fox News” march in lock step with CNN and that 91% of the MSM, the hoi polloi have and continue to speak their truth to the overwhelming power of the Progressive megaphone that drowns them out on TV, but still, at least at this point, permits divergent opinions in the secrecy of the voting booth.

    The ululations, howls and sonic wails of the perpetually offended Democrat/Progressive ‘victims’ of the last Presidential election morphed into the Impeachment hopes and dreams of the Ruling Class, articulated in the “Russian Collusion Delusion”. None of us, can blame those on the Left for their expectations of Trump’s removal. Bernstein is right, the 4th Estate’s contempt for the truth, made the ex nihilo fabrications of “Collusion” an accepted fact in the 24/7 news cycle. The “Russian Collusion Delusion” lived a full life on Cable News over the last 18 months and knew no senescence in spite of the growing and unambiguated evidence that in fact, the only “Russian Collusion” took place with the full support of the opposition candidate and the DNC. The greatest abuse of power scandal in American History continues to go under reported by loathsome, lickspittle ‘journalists’ who carry water for the left in agenda driven newsrooms filled with cowards, liars and toadies.

    Deep State players in the FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department and the Obama Administration illegally, with premeditation, conspired to frame an incoming President with a non existent crime aided and abetted by the 4th estate.

    Next up, for those ‘journalists’ finally bringing to justice, the “Real Killers” in the O.J. Simpson Case.

  10. Lydia says:

    Well said, Chuck.

  11. Kerouac says:


    Nod the camera adding pounds to people who appear on tv, pictures a blog apparently do add another 10 ‘years’ to an (porn performer’s) face. If she actually did just recently turn 39, she needs better lighting… representation… and acting lessons… your mileage may (and hopefully does) vary, ladies.

    Had never heard of/seen her ‘perform’ as ’twere… having now done so, my opinion: ‘when does ‘this is our year!, part 2018, verse 49’ the swiss chiefs football ‘act’ start? Suspect that, as the chiefs, Stormy will find it hard to ever again find that elusive 15 minutes of fame was theirs the deux, once upon a time.


  12. Kerouac says:

    Also, nod the headline ‘Hale to the Chief, President Trump a Winner (So Far)’… with portions ‘hell’ to him courtesy an liberal loon left, much moreso ‘hail’ true heart ours of America, ‘Mericans.

    We have an alternate universe (same one discovered/verified as errant/disingenuous, November 2016. Polls. The ones ushering in Saint Hitlery, our Lord, Savior and Prez, leader for to save us all.

    Then came Bronson… The Donald.

    So long cacophony of doom, hello possibility! The contrast diametric, the result pure bliss! Oh the angst come from the perpetrators ‘hushed-up’ facts, deniers of the great accomplishments of President Trump, since his ascension. Facts which the lemmings will ne’er accept, are deaf to and would not suspect exists as subscribers main stream media variously, most to not including shining star FOX/some others, for example.

    They really are quite emotional, liberal left funeral pyre. Snowflakes? Understatement. Moreso, a veritable torrent, an flood nee latter-day trail of tears that liberal left lunacy, relocated where they/their buffalo chips roamed, to the reservation reality be America 2018: President Trump – MAGA. Joe Namath wrote a book back in 1969 titled, ‘I Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow… Cause I Get Better-Looking Everyday.’ Ditto Kerouac, same… also ‘can’t wait for 2020!’


  13. Nick says:

    Best trolling this site’s evah published, and that’s saying something.

    Keep up the good work.

  14. Boom Boom says:

    trump will be impeached…senate saves him.
    Mueller sends all the other cronies to New York for jail time
    Mueller 6 months ahead of us all……they will get trump on money lllaundering
    or throw his kids.s in jail.
    all these guys are repubs….mueller/gates/flynn/cohen/kushner/comey/manafort etc. n
    they all are flipping on trump so don’t involve the dems….they’re just sitting
    back watching the liars out the other liars…….hahahahahah

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