Glazer: Scribe Celebrates a Decade with ‘Black Barbie’

black-barbie-poolI went with Hearne nearly 10 years ago so see a Police concert at Sprint

After the show I got a call from a pal who worked the door at downtown strip club Temptations, just down the road. He told me that there was a young 9-plus new dancer from San Fran that I had too meet.

Her name was Black Barbie.

She stood nearly six-feet tall – even more in her stiletto heels – and was stunningly beautiful. All eyes were on her, including mine.

It was lust and love at first sight.

Barbie told me I looked like a young Al Pacino and it was on.

It was 2007 and she was 18. We began dating that night.

Oh, I tried to get her out of stripping, the usual moves one makes on these ladies. We were a couple for nearly two years.

I introduced her to my pals, double dated, even with Hearne, and we had so much fun.

Unlike other dancers she was very upbeat and had a nice way about her – even strangely well meaning.

But like all good things it ended. craig-barbieShe went back to dancing and her boyfriend before me…and so moves the news. I didn’t think we’d even see each other again. She had been my first girlfriend after my divorce in 2007.

A couple years went by and I dated many other women. I even had a two-year relationship with another stripper hottie named Nikki. However that went south too. I guess I’m just not the settling down type.

My failed marriage proved that.

Then came Barbie again – her real name is Monique – and she came into Stanford’s one night at Legends around 2010. I was single again, so we began to go out…and this time it kinda worked.

I didn’t promise her a “just you and me” relationship and she didn’t either. By not keeping tabs on her or worrying about her seeing other guys we kinda got closer and became not only lovers but friends.



It’s far from perfect and I have seen other women, however Barbie has become my steady over the last few years. She even got a job in marketing, and yes she still dances now and then, but not full time.

I don’t even go see her when she does.

Contrary to popular belief I’m not really much into strip clubs these days. One of my close friends owns a couple and I go see him now and then, but I don’t often go out with the dancers anymore.

OK, once in while, ha!

I sure would not recommend dating a dancer and getting serious.

It’s almost always trouble and failure. Women who dance and take off their clothes always have issues that are too hard to fix and the dancing doesn’t help matters.

We’ve had fun, life is short, but for some marriage and children just aren’t in the cards.

And as we all have learned those long relationships usually end in sadness for one or both parties. Plus the tug of war over the children is never a good thing.

So staying single may be the best avenue for active men and women.

Boy, I have been doing it longer than anyone I know around here- and even in LA.

Today my favorite thing is going home, calling in the food order and maybe having Barbie come over, get in bed with my two little pups and watch sports or a great movie. Guess I’m not the wild man I used to be – well maybe here and there.

Relationships are usually best in the beginning.

Then they too often become work and get in the way of smiles. Hey, I don’t have the answer, I just know what has worked for me.

So Barbie and I have been seeing each other for a decade.

She looks great and has grown up a little, but we still have fun.
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24 Responses to Glazer: Scribe Celebrates a Decade with ‘Black Barbie’

  1. If you look like al pacino dude I look like brad pitt!
    Ain’t gonna pass muster on that line.
    Get serious.
    Glaze…hows that trump thing working out for you lately.
    You loved the guy. You remind me of him without the money!

  2. CG says:

    As for what I look like you are right I looked better and still do than Al…he’s 80…as for what you look like you are A FAKE PERSON. As for Trump’s money you bet we are all broke compared to that man…you need to take a chill pill.

  3. Thats a Fact Jack says:

    The three who have commented here are prime examples of why birth control should be practiced more. Comparing Glazer to Al Pacino is like comparing an AMC Pacer which was short, ugly and downright goofy looking to a Maserati which is elegance, style, sportiness with great performance. I am betting Al doesn’t bed down with dogs like the egomaniac fool who wrote this trash. Ed Cole once said, “Illusions of grandeur are not the same as visions of greatness.” Something Craig has just never figured out, nor will he ever.

  4. LanceTheIntern says:

    Glazer, we knew you slept with dogs, but we didn’t know the were, like dogs…..

    Please stop your boyfriend from gambling. He just keeps on losing.
    Please stop him from becoming the fool when picking political races too.
    Help your friend help himself.
    Friends don’t let friends drive drunk nor do they let them pick losers in
    football/baseball and politics.
    Help your friend before he jumps out the window of his speeding car.
    Save a friend.
    He’ll never forget you for helping him stop his humiliation in picking sports.
    p.s….nice swimsuit. Wislon loves dancers so please stop by and help him out
    by also getting him to stop his always wrong writings. All of us here at kcc
    would appreciate your help.
    As the bee gees said “KEEP ON DANCING”
    Your friend and admirer
    Harley the magnificent.

  6. chuck says:

    I’ve read, that, what the heart wants, the heart wants.

    Congratulations on this long term relationship. In my opinion, they are the best.


    • Frank says:

      One man’s long term relationship is another stripper’s repeat client

      • come on frank. Don’t blame Barbi for glazos lack of
        knowledge of sports.
        Let’s not get personal!

        • Frank says:

          I didn’t blame Barbi for anything. I just pointed out that a stripper’s definition of “long term relationship” is “repeat client”. It’s nothing personal, just an acknowledgement of what a strippers job is and the things they will say and do to get and keep a client. And I doubt that Barbi was crushed that Glaze wanted to keep the “relationship” open.

          • CG says:

            Frank you have been a hateful comment guy all along…so if I say day you say night. Same as mister H. She happened to be a dancer, I dated her was not ever a customer. I spend money on our dates rarely does she ask me for anything more. It’s like all girlfriends, the guy pays for going out. Strippers who have customers try and get that guy to give them big money to go lasts maybe a short time. I never did that with any girl. Never had too. I date girls that have feelings and interest in me and me them. I don’t need to pay for anything extra. I never did.

            Most of my girlfriends are ‘normal’ people who have regular jobs. I’ve written about them off and on. Barbie is just a bit different and has been fun. If I wanted her to marry me or move in of course she would. I was married and it lasted five years. Like anyone can tell you wives are expensive, hah. Right now I’ve been single for 9 years and before my marriage all my life single, I do better single. Most do.

          • glazo has on his b.s. boots.
            take ’em off glazo.
            remember the girl in your bedroom and her
            young son?
            oh boy…glazo needs some help.

      • I’ve seen the girls at temptations after drinking at cigar box.
        PJ should have better taste and Johnny won’t let them
        in the “box”

  7. CG says:

    Guys this was a fun story…so now a couple haters find a reason to be haters as usual. Monique is clearly one of the better looking KC ladies, dancer or not…and we hear that whenever we go anywhere, all compliments from nice folks…as for how serious well that was explained…I have dated many as you would say ‘nice girls’ as well…she stuck around and we’ve had lots of fun…as for my looks, well you don’t get all the ladies I have dated if you don’t look pretty darn good, as for how good that’s a matter of opinion. I am now the ‘he looks great for his age’ level hah…

    In life we go through ever changing years and relationships..I was blessed with a few wonderful ones along the way. I just could never settle down. Not alone in that vain. I wish I found the one lady to last a lifetime. I didn’t. Life is long.

  8. Goose13 says:

    You had to know you would get haters with the story. That said, forget them. There is enough negative, bad, evil crap going on in the world. Enjoy life. Enjoy every minute you have with her.

    • CG says:

      Agreed. Same haters on every story no matter content. This was a fun…story and just a puff piece…Barbie is a fun girl and we’ve had some great times…she’s come along ways…

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Like the story or not, Harley is still a world class, cowardly pu**y, worthy of a Trump groping.
        I hate cowards who want to stand in the dark recesses of anonymity and tell the rest of us what losers we are.
        I hope he really is lawyered up; he’s going to need it. In his words, a hard rain is going to fall. Threatening people with law suits that don’t exist, sending emails portraying an attorney are all crimes. And he’s not smart enough to know half my friends are lawyers and judges; if anything was ever filed against me ANY WHERE, I’d know it in minutes.
        Fuking idiot.

  9. CG says:

    Paul as you and I have mentioned and another writer and I spoke about, the same haters are on almost every story. Though Hearne monitors it a tiny bit, he enjoys the action, the mean comebacks and the content. When I knock one out of the park, and get like 100 comments, usually more than half are haters….some readers enjoy the hate, some don’t. We lost many followers and comment writers due to these guys…you and I and the other writers here rarely write a hateful story if ever, especially on KC people, but the same haters/trolls attack with the same old comments. They want us to fire back to keep them going and have something to do. Go figure.

    • pure b.s glaze. You can’t take the heat.
      plain and simple.
      He writes about rape/rape and rape.
      You write about your ideas which prove to be wrong and I write my
      ideas which prove to be correct.
      So stop your whining you big baby.
      I take as much crap on here as you do.
      The comments you get on tony’s blog are ten times worse than what
      you get on here. Do you read those and complain? NO YOU DON’T!
      I mean those are personal…attacking everything from your family to
      using language not seen on any other blog. Do YOU COMPLAIN THERE?
      No…you just keep writing stories that are categorically wrong and
      are garbage.
      So stop crying you big baby. Take the good with the bad.
      I get as many negative comments on here as you do.
      When you get on a blog like this and you write that your dog licks your
      b*lls….what do you seriously expect.
      When you write total b.s. on here…what do you expect to get
      from the readers?
      Now you got hearne censoring the truth…or holding back on comments
      so they are out of place when he moderate them.
      I can write the real truth without moderation all DAY LONG.
      I have computer experts working for me who can put things up on a
      site that would shudder everyone.
      Stop crying. Do some background work. Or face the truth when you
      are wrong so often..
      Take the heat or go write for weekly reader.

      • CG says:

        Like Wilson said, same hater, same comments, same full of it noname nobody..on here cause Hearne thinks he is a fool and funny…no other reason..content.


    Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

    It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

    Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

    TO EACH THEIR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and best of all she’s not jewish so you won’t have to take her to eat Chinese food
    on Christmas night!

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