Glazer: Hillary’s in Trouble With a Capital T(rump)

3_112015_b1hillarylgblackclo8201_c0-1415-1800-2464_s885x516Hillary Clinton was considered a shoe in to become President of the United States…

Then a funny thing happened. As in, Donald Trump. And now while most of her following still think Hillary will win – she’s still the favorite in Vegas – it’s gone from 5 to 1 down to 2 to 1 and falling.


That crazy Donald Trump guy.

Everyone knows – or think they know, anyway – that Trump’s anti women, a racist, that he’ll have his trigger finger on the button, wants to stop muslims from entering the counter and is talking about building a wall and kicking out illegal aliens.

Crazy stuff, huh?

Meanwhile, Hillary has her “secret weapon” – the ever popular (but fading) Bill Clinton.

Now Hillary plans to ask Wild Bill to “fix” the economy. He did it in the 1990’s, right?

So how can Hillary lose?

Oh yeah, there’s that pesky Bernie Sanders dude who won’t stop winning primary after primary. Even though Hillary has more delegates (mainly more super delegates and voters), he’s a total headache.

So why all the concern about the Clintons? Isn’t Hillary still a shoe in?

Well, older voters think so, but not so fast.

As of today, Trump is not only gaining but leading in some polls, including a new FOX poll that has him up by three points. The two big issues according to voters are the economy and terror attacks/Isis. And Trump is considered the better of the two on both counts by double digits.

The Clintons have a 20 year political record that Trump can attack.

And he’s already doing that – scandal after scandal: Whitewater, Benghazi, Monica Lewinsky, and Computer Gate…oh boy.

Trump has no real political past. So what if he donated money to both parties? Big deal. Or that he was a rich playboy and may have even paid for abortions for women he dated. He had a couple business bankruptcies – that’s common – and he talks mean about others.

2015-08-27-CNN-NR-Hillary_Words2Nobody seems much to care.

People just want change! Real change.

The public wants to move away from established leaders that have let them down and try something and someone new. We all know that now.

Hey, people under 35 don’t even know who Monica Lewinsky is!!!!

But trust me, Donald Trump will inform them – over and over and over.

What about the so-called Clinton Foundation?

The one where only 10% of the money taken in goes to the quote/unquote cause? Where’s the rest go? Expenses? I see.

The media is in love with Trump. He gets 90% of the press.

Hillary usually looks tired and run down, whereas Trump looks like he is getting ready to be on a television show. He’s charismatic, where Hillary is boring. What does she really stand for? I sure don’t know.

And now here comes another mistake by the Dems and New York Times.

In the form of a front page story with women coming out of the woodwork saying Trump is a sexist monster. Uh, oh! The three main ladies interviewed all went on the record on news shows saying that’s not true. That Trump is a great guy.

Now Trump is nearly bullet proof from scandals.

He’s made them all look like BS-ers.

Now future Donald Trump exposes will be taken with a grain of salt.

Can we say the same about Hillary? Doubt it.

And what about Bill’s problems with women? That’s Hillary’s husband.

Here’s a question that’s bound to come: “Hillary, do you and Bill even live together?

Are they a couple? Trump will ask that. Most people suspect they aren’t and haven’t been except as window dressing for their business and political gains for years. They’er just friends. Right?

The bottom line: Hillary’s in big trouble.

Trump is the star and is very popular where most folks don’t trust Hillary. Even President Obama alluded to the fact that she’s not likable when they went head-to-head in 2008.

Barring a major scandal, I don’t see how Hillary can beat Trump. Can you?
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105 Responses to Glazer: Hillary’s in Trouble With a Capital T(rump)

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    A couple of things here, CG…..

    1. Trying to pick a winner in May when the election isn’t until November is fool’s gold. 6 months in political time is an eternity. People are fickle. What they like today might be hated tomorrow. This is especially true during political campaigns that drag on and on. People become exhausted and tone deaf to all the BS.

    2. In regards to all of Hillary’s “scandals”, those are all known. Sure, they will be rehashed ad nauseam by Trump but there won’t be anything new to add to what people have already heard. The opposite is true for Trump. The democratic machine will be so far up his hind end looking for dirt that people DIDN’T know. Will any of this make any difference to his current supporters? Doubt it. They are way too infatuated with the orange man for any of this to make a difference. But, it may sway the undecided voters that are probably the very people that are going to determine the outcome.

    Bottom line: Pick ’em. One of these horrible candidates are going to be our next President. Either prospect scares the B-Jesus out of me.

    Good article, buddy.

    • CG says:

      Thank you.

    • chuck says:

      Jim the one caveat that I keep hearing the pundits refer to, is the lack of knowledge about Bill’s infidelities and accusations of abuse by a younger generation.

      For the record, I thought Bill Clinton was a pretty good president. His welfare reforms and forced participation with Newt in other areas, resulted in extending the salubrious economic and domestic “Pax Americana” which began in the Reagan years.

      That said, it is astonishing to me, how much more politically correct we have become in the last two decades. Bill’s sexual peccadillos in this day and age, would be anathema to any candidate now, including Trump. Those character flaws and accusations of “Rape” are a serious detriment to Hillary’s bona fides on the left.



      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        I suppose it might be “new” news to younger voters. For me, I really don’t give a rip one way or the other. First of all, whatever did or didn’t happen was decades ago. Secondly, he isn’t running for president, Hillary is. Who was the last presidential candidate that was attacked for the alleged actions of their spouse?

        Heck, maybe all of that will stick and become a big issue again.

        Can you imagine all the Kennedy’s and all their extra curricular activities with today’s press and the like’s of Twitter, Facebook, TMZ, et al ? Holy cow.

        Wanna know the real irony about Trump. That dude could have been the DEMOCRATIC nominee had he decided to run on that ticket. I honestly believe that.

        • chuck says:

          Ok, I agree with you, but look, Hillary’s “War On Women” shtick is her political Ziggurat and one of the main thrusts of her campaign. Her husband’s concupiscence may be wilting, but the stories of his adventures, revisited, throw some serious shade on her Feminist bona fides.

          Just sayin…

        • admin says:

          I think you’re right about the Donald as a Dem, Jim…

          However, what may stick to Hillary where Bill is concerned is how she handled (trashed) his accusers. Imagine if Bill Cosby’s wife had gone after his accusers with character assassination like Hillary did.

    • ILoveAmerica says:

      Great point, Jim. Though I don’t think anyone should disregard the prospects of an email dump near the election. While not widely reported, and the ones that are reporting are less than reputable right wing blogs, there is chatter from left leaning techies in the deep web that a cache of emails has been tucked away. Now two types of people who partake in this kind of activity: people who are extremely ideological in the belief of transparency, and people who use information for personal gain.

      So it could all be bogus chatter as a result of the claims from Guccifer, it could be true and the person (maybe Guccifer, maybe a foreign state actor, maybe ideologues like the Free Syrian Army) will use the emails for their own gain (immunity, cash, influence), or it could be true and the person or persons (Anonymous, or any number of other transparency ideologues like Edward Snowden, whom we have never heard of. Remember Julian Assange was well known to have done things like this long before he created WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks was just the pinnacle of this work) who have it will wait until after Hillary has gained the nomination to release the information for the greatest impact.

      I don’t think Hillary has much to worry about, but it is certainly lingering out there, and would overshadow anything the left could dig out of Trump’s past.

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:


        Trump is quoted as saying “he was wishing for the housing
        market to crash so he could make money when it occurred”
        He wanted the economy to crash in 2007 and is quoted
        as saying that this way he could make more money by swooping in and taking advantage of the situation.

        unfortunaatley people committed suicide/500,000 people
        lost their homes/millions lost their jobs/many lost their
        life savings and retirement savings/the entire economy of the
        world was about to collapse had someone not bailed out the
        players like AIG or lehman brothers.

        What a disgusting piece of sh*t this man is. Greed knows no
        boundaries with this man. Hoping for the American economy
        to crash for his own personal greed and to make money
        off the backs of millions of working americans.
        Do you know anyone who suffered because of this mess
        who suffered either personal or financial losses.

        you will hear this tape for the next 5 months. For those
        of us who were affected by this great recession we now know
        who the cheerleaders were hoping that America and it’s
        economy would tank.
        And you heard it first from Harley who heard it first
        when the scam dumpster ran TRUMP UNIVERSITY
        SAID THOSE VERY WORDS when the brought their
        traveling scam show to the Sheraton on college and lamar.
        I was there.
        How many people lost big in that recession.
        The dumpster is trash!

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        uh wait….rww…
        Harley says there’s more to come…
        Dumpster wanting the housing market to crash tapes
        are going to be played out just like romneys 47%.
        His tax evasion is going to be played out.
        But wait rww….hillarys email is essentially over since
        every sec of state including rice and powell had private
        servers and all their emails were destroyed.
        I said 4 months ago the opp research on dumpster found
        so much crap that they couldn’t use it all.
        But the big bombshells are coming….an they will let
        people see the real trump.
        Just last week a poll came out showing many people knew
        trumpster…but they knew nothing about his hoping for
        the recession and knew nothing really about these guys.
        When the 4 bankruptcies come out there will be more.
        In bk little companies take the hit…some even go out
        of business…’s coming folks.
        So I love America just wait. A hard rain is gonna fall…
        and don’t forget Donald raped a woman and its court
        Day after he gets nomination…let’s called that D day for
        Destruction of Donald day!
        Watch Liz Warren….she’s just the start.
        Hard rains gonna fall on Dumpster…AND HIS FAMILY!
        Don’t forget Jr. and Eric and their shenanigans.
        It’s going to be a landslide.

        • admin says:

          News Flash: “Harley says there’s more to come.”

          Trust me H Man, there’s nobody who reads KCC who doesn’t think or know that where you’re concerned, there’s always more to come!

          • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

            thanks admin.
            in my other writings for national blogs I outline
            information most of the readers are not aware
            I got tons of reaction to my article on trump and
            the housing collapse and recession.
            You don’t have enough space for me to
            include whats to come…butas I have said…
            Harley has it first. And to prove it I want to
            remember the words “the southern rats”.
            When you hear those words on tape probably
            around September…remember that Harley
            said it first on this and other blogs.
            ITS THE GAMECHANGER OF 2016!

    • rww says:

      You should take the BWA out of your name and just go by Jim. We will know who you are. Great Post!

  2. Harley the Great says:

    10 10 taxi boys: maybe glaza should focus on his own business than
    presidential election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    more to come!

  3. Harley the Great says:

    10K waiting for glaza to bet on race at Mission Bank.
    Put up or shut up! As cousin said…you’re a big mouth til someone calls you
    on the facts.
    Plus a man calling a woman a c*** is nothing but a bully!

    • admin says:

      Hillary’s got a lot more problems than somebody calling her out for being (choose your pet term)…

      Even Obama called her out 8 years ago for not being likable. Not to mention her numerous transgressions and freezing cold, insincere demeanor.

      You can dress up in a cheerlead skirt and top and shake all the pom-poms you want, H Man.

      But I sincerely doubt you can turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse.

      I heard Trump speak to the NRA todayfor a bit and if nothing else he can be very charismatic. And that’s something Hillary can’t pull off on her best day.


    • CG says:

      Harley fake name b.s. punk I’m sick of you fake name nobody and your trying to put others down. I never called any women that. Nobody said I did. Nobody. Just trolls online like you. So here’s the new deal I don’t respond to any more of your comments. How’s that. As for my club, I don’t think you have ever been there, maybe Westport years ago. You are older than me, and just a nut. So I used to find you kinda funny now I find you far less. Bye. Go after Hearne or Chuck or someone else. As far as bully, I’m just a guy that can handle himself when needed. Simple as that. You take care and if you want to stay on here with comments dial it back a notch.

      • Frank says:

        Why can’t he just do his thing “slick Donnie style” without you going all diva and being offended. All Harley is doing is insulting you and being a tad politically incorrect, whatever the fuc* that phrase ever meant. Man up, diva. Insults are refreshing, right?

      • Harley the Great says:

        1. I’m muchyounger than you….you’reon social security and
        look it.
        2. don’t respond to my having to correct for every mistake
        you make.
        3. I’ve never committed a crime or spent time in prison!
        4. Don’t lie or cheat
        5, You say wrong things…..
        6. I find you as being a big talker…no action…no movies..
        no tv…mediocre book….wrong on everything…and more and
        more people here realize it. The comment by REALLY about
        your royals story really showed someone who could shut
        you down. then I followed and closed our case that you
        have no knowledge. This particular article about hillary
        was full again of mistakes. You’ve never been in politics..
        never ran for office…never predicted anything correct (but
        lets not talk about your 30% success rate in picking
        sports events and your utter disappointment in picking
        winners and most importantly your pick on the super bowl
        was wrong…Harley was right.
        GEt this straight old son….nothing personal but when youre
        wrong admit and move on to something different.
        NO guts…no glory.

      • Harley the Great says:

        why were you kicked out of radio station offices glaza?

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        WELL G.F.Y.
        You write rubbish and these people fall for it.
        Harley and his crew don’t
        So if you don’t like what I say put your money where your
        mouth is.
        Or take my bet….Hillary wins…you quite writing for kcc.
        trump wins…Harley never comes on kcc again.
        You’re a chicken sh*t because you don’t believe you’re
        REALLY took you to the woodshed and before the
        end of memorial day weekend royals should end up
        very very close to the top of division…when you wrote
        they Sucked. So herer again…YOU are WRONG

        Make no difference who I am. Your putting out lies and
        wrong information. If you worked for a real paper you
        would have been fired. there would have been retractions.

        So stop playing game.
        Harley knows all.

        thanks…but you’ve never answered on of Harleys
        comments about your writings being wrong….both is
        fact and details.

        what does that say about you.
        Defend your remarks. You’re looking more foolish each and
        every day.

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        don’t fuck with me cg.
        you used dozens of phony names when the real readers unload
        on the b.s. and lies you put out.
        Look at the other blog. You’re style of writing which you
        becamse famous under names you added and not your.
        own name.
        You were even so naccistic that you used phony names on
        blogs to compliment yourself.
        You’re a bully. telling other writers when they are
        right that you call them names and then act tough.
        The word on the street from those who heard it say you
        called some girl the ccccccccc word.
        So your threats mean nothing to anyone on here.
        They all take your threatsas a joke.
        So for a biz owner trying to stay alive I suggest you tone
        down your rhetoric so as not to insult your customers who
        come to your place of business. Just poor management.
        Calling youout for a continuous stream of untrue and bull sh*t
        comments is not your problem. Your problem is lack on
        school, educational advancement, and maybe focusing on the
        poon @@@@ and not making sure that your comments are
        factually correct. Which they are not!
        bUT its typical of the lack of any serious intelligence to
        use when writing and putting such garbage under your
        byeline. Even hearne has the same problems…from jewel
        heist s the wislon’s stuck butt and the kc star crap.
        Only Harley knows and spells out the fact.

    • admin says:

      Instead of pretending to meet Carig ate the bank and then no-showing, Harley. Why don’t you guys dude it out at an appointed time in front of the old Beaumont Club?

      • Harley the Great says:

        I don’t hit old men!

      • Frank says:

        I thought you and Craig were old friends. Now you want to watch him die in front of the Beaumont Club. Some friend you are.

        • Harley the Great says:

          I enjoy bantering with glaze.
          He’s a one trick pony with nothing to back up his
          He might be a cool guy to go run the bars with but
          a very shallow individual.
          From his having sex in front a woman’s young young
          son to his getting exposed for calling a woman a horrible name….he is what he is.
          Personally…he’s probably fun for him and hearne
          to run together now hearne has gotten divorced
          again. 2 old guys probably would “own” touches
          on Metcalf.
          But he is fun to mess with. I just wish he’d do some
          research before he writes this b.s. that hearne
          thinks is believable.
          Other than that he probably hangs with ditch digger.
          But I’m sure he makes chuckles the ditch digger
          take a shower.
          Glaze is cool. I like his persistence and never say
          die attitude. But from the other’s comments his
          shtick has worn out.
          He did bring in Eddie Munster to play his club and
          eddie is cool and I used to love to watch the munsters
          on tvland. Ithink they got cancelled!
          And I hope glaze got a chance to ask eddie munster is
          grandpa from the show was still alive.

      • the dude says:

        Pics of Ruggo with a copy of Der Star looking like a complete fool at the ex Beaumont Club or else NOBODY will be happy!

  4. chuck says:

    The one aspect of this election, that is being glossed over by the media, is violence.

    Cleveland will be a mess.

    The American military should Rendition George Soros out of his castle and confine him behind walls in Pelican Bay. The present administration in conjunction with the MSM, has given Obama/Brown-Shirt thugs in the street, de facto permission to riot and attack any who disagree with the Liberal Narrative and support Trump. Violence so far, has been obfuscated or presented as a reasonable reaction to those who, again, disagree with the Liberal Narrative.

    The right to Freedom of Speech and the right of Assembly is curtailed in the face of this violence as we saw in Chicago.

    I hope, that the Secret Service is really aware of the threats to Trump’s person by way of the encouragement and permission of those in power on the Left, who seek to silence him.

  5. the dude says:

    I am surprised harlinator has not landed in this article to vomit his nuttery yet.

    • Just the Basic Facts says:

      Fasten your seatbelt, I’m sure he will be here shortly.

      • Harley the Great says:

        sounds like you admin. But you’ve never met nor seen
        You heard trump speak to the nra….that’s unbelievable!
        But if you feel that way toake your commissions from the
        sale of repoed vw’s and lets bet.
        You like glaza have big mouths…nothing behind it.
        You can’t turn a sows ear into a silk purse. You should know
        that by now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Harley the Great says:

        I’m here….10K at mission bank for anyone who doubts the
        bring it onboys….
        glaza…especially you.
        all talk…no walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • admin says:

          Listen to who’s calling somebody else out for being “all talk”

          • CG says:

            Hearne he’d show up there like the guys who were gonna meet me in Westport. No chance. He is a fake name nobody. Always was. I know you have him on here for content nothing more. If someone like you or me went to that bank he would send a comment saying he had business that day in Germany or somewhere he’s never been.

          • JP says:

            Just a quick note to say it’s OK to moderate comments. Spammers and trolls and people who generally are disrespectful in their comments should at least have their comments hidden by default.

  6. CG says:

    Now back to reality. The old statement don’t talk politics or religion…people get kidding…truth is nobody is sure what will happen. Trump has made this the most interesting presidential race ever and there won’t be one comment saying it isn’t. Will he win, he could, will he be a good president, who knows, can Hillary win, sure, will she, who knows. Will it really change our lives…..probably not.

  7. Lydia says:

    A shoe in? Really? Like Shoe-fly pie?
    shoo-in ‎(plural shoo-ins) – (horse racing) The winner of a fixed race; (idiomatic) A candidate or contestant generally agreed upon as the presumptive winner; somebody who is well-liked or widely agreed upon.  
    Etymology – From a sense of the verb shoo, where racehorses would fall back and allow a chosen rider to win a fixed race. Or perhaps a shrew-in

  8. Harley the Great says:

    just like every football season HE’S WRONG
    just like every prediction made by glaza the last 3 years…WRONG
    just like his super bowl prediction WRONG
    just like his political picks WRONG
    glazas prediction about the royals this year is starting to fall apart.
    more b..s. no basis…..and will make him look the fool AGAIN!
    Your assessment after just 30 games was a joke. haha!
    sorry glaza….they will prove you wrong again.
    You’re only hoping they fall apart because of your business (which I as a businessman
    could understand) but they’re just warming up as the Indians are too.
    I’ll be wrting inseptember of 2016 the same I wrote in sept. of 2015,,,,,glaze
    is wrong.

  9. CFPCowboy says:

    Great article. It says a great deal about politics, what counts and what doesn’t.

  10. Kerouac says:



  11. CG says:

    THE reason Hillary is still in drivers seat is the minority vote, it almost all goes demo…thats a big hill for Trump the Latino and Black vote…he needs at least 30 % to it to carry some needed states….if not, she can beat him….he’s got the white vote, the male vote and believe it or not enough women, they are attracted to him and his personality…but he doesn’t have the minority vote and thats huge…needs to work on it.

    • Harley the Great says:

      oh god…another beautiful morning…and another glaza wrong prediction.
      Glaza already had their season over. Well as I’ve said before
      Glaza is a fool to say something so stupid.
      Now they’re only 2 1/2 games out….beat white sox twice and could
      sweep an then its just 1 1/2 games out and they play again.
      sox are fading just like glaza…..only glaza fades faster as he has to
      eat crow again and again . But I guess he can throw some dr pepper
      on it and make the crow manageable.
      What is your excuse now glaza? Seriously….the royals are getting
      it done. Duffy looked incredible Saturday with over 4 innings of
      scorelss pitching…..escobar incredible defense…..dee did it big
      time with 95 pitches….and you have the tears of a clown.
      again…glaza writes another wrong article and the royals rise.
      Again you know nothing about sports.
      Then you make this comment glaza :

      “he needs at least 30 % to it to carry some needed states….if not, she can beat him….he’s got the white ”

      Glaza wrong again….no wrong again. this is getting old glaza….

      Trump needs at least 42-44% of the Hispanic vote to win. Romney get
      27% and lost big. Theres maybe 8-10% of the Hispanic vote that
      would vote for dumpster. So he’s out of there..not even close.
      With trump calling them racists/murderers/ deporting 11 million
      of them (of course that’s impossible to do period) he’ll get annihilated
      by the Hispanic vote. And where is that Hispanic vote huge…states
      like Illinois/Georgia/Arizona/Nevada/new mexico….texas…..
      African American vote….Hillary gets 90% of black vote….trump could
      never get 30% glaza….NEVER! BIGGEST REASON: obamawill be
      on the campaign trail sept/oct to drive up the black vote for hillary.No rethug is going to get more than maybe 5-10% of the black vote.
      See glaza….Harley knows that not one thing you say is substantiated
      by fact or stat. Remember: one third of presidential vote is
      is minority.
      Add that to the big numbers of women who vote for Hillary (women are
      51% of voters/the young millennial vote going to Hillary) its not a
      good picture for dumpster.
      He can’t even get close to Hillary in campaign money….he has no
      infrastructure in place (72 to over 800) and when she gets the
      nomination she will roll all over him.
      That kills his entire main point in running and he’s going to repay
      himself 36million from his campaign money….HE LIED AGAIN!@

      You both wrote factually incorrect and what is basically bull sh*t
      You know nothing!

      • miket. says:

        you’re on a roll Harley. what else doesn’t craig know that you do? and please, don’t be chintzy with details. let’s have it all!!

        • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

          mike t.
          There’s not enough time in the day to do that.
          Seriously…and it gets old having to correct the
          old guys andtheir gossip and lie mills.
          Seriously….I could write a book about the mistakes
          But gues what mike t. Not one single comment or
          article countering the facts and figures I spell out
          here on kcc.
          Glaza.Hearne. /southman/wislon/chuck can’t
          find a subject or statement to contest.
          And that’s the story!

  12. chuck says:

    At A Local Starbucks.

    HARLEY: *cutting in front of the line* “Gotta cut in here folks, my disciples are waiting for my next post at kcconfidential! Sorry. Gimme a Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top apagotto style with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped and I am ready to have a discussion on race.”

    BARISTA: “Just brutal”

    HARLEY: “What?”

    BARISTA: “Nothing, can I have your name?”

    HARLEY: “Harley.”

    *Harley steps to the side and a young girl approaches the Barista*

    BARISTA: “Can I help you?”

    ARYA STARK: “Hot Chocolate.”

    BARISTA: “Name?”

    ARYA STARK: “A girl has no name.”

    BARISTA: “What?”

    ARYA STARK: “A girl has no name.”

    BARISTA: “What?”

    HARLEY: “She is anonymous, like me. She doesn’t want anyone to know who she is. *Harley glances over at Ayra* Right?”

    AYRA STARK: “Like you? I might be rethinking this whole thing.”

    BARISTA: “Look, I gotta have a name, I am just gonna call you Sally so we can get your coffee to you like you want. Ok?”

    HARLEY: “I never let anyone know who I am Sally. That way I can insult everyone, lie about everything and hide my insecurities.”

    AYRA STARK: *Ayra whips out her sword* “Get away from me pervo, or you will feel the Needle!”

    HARLEY: *now, brandishing his own weapon* “I am never unarmed and accept the challenge! On guard!!”

    AYRA STARK: “I think that is a Popeil Pocket Fisherman, isn’t it?”

    HARLEY: “It can be deadly in the right hands.”

    BARISTA: “One Venti 1 pump caramel, 1 pump white mocha, 2 scoops vanilla bean powder, extra ice frappuchino with 2 shots poured over the top (apagotto style) with caramel drizzle under and on top of the whipped cream, double cupped. ready to go! For Harley!”

    HARLEY: “Your in luck kid, I gotta go insult some people on the internet. Give me your phone number and I will call you. Maybe dinner at Burger King?”

    AYRA STARK: “I’m only 12.”

    HARLEY: “Finally!”

    AYRA STARK: “I’m in the book, under Sally.”

    HARLEY: “You will be hearing from me.” *slurps his coffee all the way out the door.”

    BARISTA: “Hot Chocolate, for Sally!”

    ARYA STARK: “Thanks.” *runs to the door and screams at Harley* “I’m giving Glazer your license plate number!”

  13. CG says:

    Chuck priceless. You need to do standup sometime!

    • Harley the Great says:

      yea…because glaze could use some comedy.
      the stuff he’s bringing in makes him the joke of the comedy world.
      eddie munster bombed…the midget wrestlers…come on …..
      does pauly shores family run these crap shows?
      eddie appeared in towns under 30,000 inhabitants….
      must have been cheap.
      come on glaze….put your money where your mouth is…
      or stop making so many mistakes.
      Why can’t you back up your story on the royals glaze. Got an
      email that said I know more than you.
      Another phony story…come on old son….answer Harleys
      comments (you can’t…its that simple) instead of congratulating a ditch digger for something so stupid. Your dumpster story contained plenty of
      Is this the best you can do glaza?

  14. Harley the Great says:

    see snl last night glaze. Now that was some incredible comedy. Or we
    taped comedy centrals solo shows….some good young comedians
    on there. Bring them to kc….you should do well.

  15. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    For the love of all that is holy…Hearne, just delete Harley’s posts. They add nothing and I’m getting tired of constantly having to scroll past his idiotic b.s. just to get to comments that are well thought out and spoken eloquently. Instead I’m wading through (scrolling right past) the self aggrandizing sh*t posts and insults hurled at Glazer.

  16. Libertarian says:

    I wouldnt be surprised to see H-bomb win the electoral vote, while Trump wins the popular vote, further proving how corrupt the electoral college can be.

    • the dude says:

      If they don’t screw him royally at the GOP convention the Hildabeast will take him to the woodshed when it does come down to the electoral college. Black magik will be invoked along with the proper sacrifices.

      • Libertarian says:

        The blackest of magik, at that.

        H-bomb would sell her oh so dark soul for the ultimate position of power in America.

        • Frank says:

          It’s not black magic, it’s simply that people in big cities tend to be more liberal than the countryside and in some states, 1 or 2 big cities dominate all the small cities combined. I would suggest you put a hit out on the founding fathers. Unfortunately, they’re already dead.

  17. CG says:

    As we all now see all but one or two polls have Trump now leading anywhere from 3 to 8 points and its early…at this rate he could reach 10 to 15 point lead by November…he is just so popular and people are just so fed up…a combination…however its still early but hey never underestimate this guy…he was suppose to be in a contested election with Cruz, that ended some time ago…to be honest nobody ever really challenged Trump…he won stem to stern…easily…

    I still think that New York Post, I believe, front page story about his love life and how women disliked him was a huge win for Trump with all those ladies coming forward saying they liked him and the story was b.s. Trump can use that on any new story from now on…’see its the same crap as before, lying.’…..He is nearly bullet proof and the media ‘does’ want him in office…why….oh my lord the coverage will be off the chain it already is…..poor Hillary just ran into a buzz saw…again.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      The print media has been utterly shameless in their blatant attempts to destroy the Trump campaign. So much for unbiased “journalism”.

    • Libertarian says:

      Well CG, thanks to Bush 43 I think voters are STILL turned off by repubs, and thanks to Barrack’and’roll, they should be very afraid of dems as well…..BUT…..the average American voter cant see past the 2-party system, so……I’m thinking the majority of voters are more afraid of repubs in general than they are of dems, so as much as it turns my stomach, H-bomb gets the white house by [albeit bought and paid for] electoral votes.

      There is aso this bit-the gays think if Trump, or any other republican wins, ALL the progress made pertaing to gays rights and same sex marriage will go out the window. So H-bomb has the gay vote for that reason only.

      Sux, dont it?

  18. Harley the Great says:

    Livertarian: that’s pretty tough to occur since Hillary will win California and
    new York by large margins (two huge states)….along with states like
    Pennsylvania/new jersey and florida/illinois. Watch where Hillary spends her
    money. They have the most advanced gotv computerized operation ever in an
    American election and see where her money is spent.
    That will tell you where her votes will come from.
    I have already picked Hillary to get over 350 electoral votes which means she
    wins all the states Obama won in 2012 plus one additional state.( TBD)
    Yes, the electoral votes leaves much to be desired but it will never change.
    But with dumpster taking the south (with small numbers of voters – Alabama/
    Mississippi/ plus Indiana and probably Missouri (will depend on how many
    republicans stay home and will definitely affect the down race votes) it wll
    be almost impossible for dumpster to win the popular vote. Just not enough
    old white men to get him the numbers he needs to do that outside the
    southern states which have nothing compared to California/new York/.
    Texas will be trumps but with the huge influx and increase in Hispanic voters
    there and in states like Arizona/New Mexico those states will be close in
    popular vote. I can see dumpster winning Arizona but by a very close margin.
    Watch Georgia….right now the dems are within the margin of errors of dumpster
    …and that’s a state that Romney won by 50%!!!!!!!!! It all spells serious problems
    for dumpster both in the electoral and popular vote categories.

    • miket. says:

      copy, paste. saved for nov. to see just how right or wrong you are with these prognostications. not much wiggle room. no backtracking now, harley!

      • Harley the Great says:

        mike t….I get tremendous amount of info from sourcesand
        talk withpeople 2or 3timesaweek. As I said its a long way
        toelections…and there will b e anavalanche
        of negative press for trump to come….wait tilwe see his
        taxes and with his flip flops which are double the number
        of Romney.
        electoral college may flip a little bit but I can’t see the
        dumpster winning any states Obama won in 2012

        • Frank says:

          Hell, Texas could go blue. Fortunately for the Republicans, Texas is just so damned big that the smaller uncivilized counties can beat out the civilized counties that comprise Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin which went blue in 2012. Throw in a few mid-size counties that can’t stand Trump, the state may tip

      • Libertarian says:


        • Harley the Great says:

          you might get 2% and it comes from trumpster the
          oh well…another no brainer posting on kcc.
          Hearen …where do these people come from.
          Don’t they know Harley is the king?

  19. Orphan of the Road says:

    Thirty-six-percent do not like or support either candidate. Only Putin scores higher unfavorable ratings.

    Former Governors Johnson and Weld could well be a factor in taking votes away from both parties.

    If people think it was Bill who made the money magic of the 90s then they should also embrace the money magic of Calvin Coolidge.

    Trump’s conviction of illegal use of eminent domain should be lethal to Republicans.

    Clinton’s (and the entire Democrat Party’s) abandonment of labor over Wall Street should also be a lethal blow.

    Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
    Ambrose Bierce


    • Harley the Great says:

      show me where Hillary abandoned workers for wall street…
      she and Obama were the toughest people ever against wall street.
      and remember ….wall street controls the economy. and if you
      piss them off they’ll screw you.
      the hold the pensions/retirements of 130 million americans…
      they’ve got power that has been accumulated over many many
      You know who gave wall street their power….bush…who with
      200,000 employees in the commerce department….50,000
      employees in the SEC and other regulatory agencies…didn’t
      see the meltdown coming! I did! But they didn’t!
      so labor wil l still vote democratically after they nail dumpster for
      not being for the people…but for his own egotistical self.

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        “This is modern liberalism in action: an unregulated virtue-exchange in which representatives of one class of humanity ritually forgive the sins of another class, all of it convened and facilitated by a vast army of well-graduated American professionals, their reassuring expertise propped up by bogus social science, while the unfortunate objects of their high and noble compassion sink slowly back into a preindustrial state.”
        ― Thomas Frank, Listen, Liberal: Or, What Ever Happened to the Party of the People

    • the dude says:

      2016 – WE ARE SOOOOO EFFED.

  20. Libertarian says:

    Read the book “Throw Them All Out”, by Peter Schweitzer, and tell me how you can get a good nights sleep after voting any member of the 2-party system.

  21. Harley the Great says:

    no problem mike t…
    theres more negative to come out on trump…
    Benghazi is dead…the head republican admitted it the other day..they foun
    irs: dead…and wislon is shownto be a fool for thinking it was a major issue.
    Clinton foundation: nothing wrong there….
    DUMPSTERS TAXES: huge problem when he paid nothing!!!!!!! He can’t
    show his taxes but dems already know what’s in them…so they’ll square him up
    on his tax bill.
    so rethugs only have 20 year old conspiracy theories that have been proven
    wrong again and again….
    and emails should be non issue since condi rice and powell and all the other
    sec of state used private servers and email…….
    so electoralcollege may move a bit…but not enough to deny dems the big win.
    They’ll let sanders feel important…but sanders knows that he faces being kicked
    out of dem caucus then he has nothing left but to retire.
    Dumpster gonna get dumped on with negative news…..his bankruptcies….4 of them…his fraud (trump university trial)…..his female comments (a big deal to many
    female voters…and his flip flops on everything from guns to the wall and kicking
    out Hispanics aliens….etc……and they’ll go after his wives…including the one
    who in court said he raped her…(marla maples)………that should be interesting
    and what does he say then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So it will be wild and wooly but Hillary has the big guns (warren/Obama/Bill/
    joe biden ) to be out in sept/October campaigning for her…and trump has
    uh…uh…uh….lets see who can campaign for trump? oh yeah….craig glaza!
    i’ll be updating the info as it arrives but my other writing blogs get more
    exposure for Harley… I will not have the time to keep telling glaza and
    hearne that they are always wrong. It gets old proving them wrong.
    but they got their game they play…..hearne provides the space for glaza
    and glaza gets hearne the *********!
    good luck boys…..see ya soon.

    • LanceTheIntern says:

      OIG’s report here.

      “emails should be non issue since condi rice [sic] and powell [sic]and all the other sec of state used private servers and email”….Madelyn Albright didn’t, and neither did Condoleezza Rice (although her staff did). Also, John Kerry ensures that if official business is conducted on his personal email, a copy is always forwarded to his official email address.

      Better start feeling the bern, Harley.

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        lance…you’re an intern….still learning…I’m the only pro
        they’ll find that rices and powells were completely erased.
        2 liars that caused the deaths of 5000 young americans…
        I guarantee they’ll get thrown in the fire too if things

        • LanceTheIntern says:

          Neither Rice or Powell are running for public office — and while Powell has admitted to using his private email for classified information, Rice has not — it was her aides.

          For a self-declared “pro” (and J-School grad), you have a difficult time identifying facts.

          • Fact searcher says:

            So the “Fact” here is that for you, it is not a big deal for a Secretary of State to use their private email server for government business. Only if they later decide to run for the Presidency does it, retroactively become a big deal. Is it a problem for both parties or just for Democrats?

            Interesting logic. Thanks for clearing this issue up Lance.

  22. Alan Goforth says:

    The correct grammar is “shoo-in”.

  23. Kerouac says:

    T-minus 28 delegates and counting… who woulda thunk it: the next POTUS will clinch before either dumbocratic also-ran contestant, their nominee still in doubt. Nod to Bob, Dylan: ‘The polls they are a channnnn-gin’: Donald’s up, and she’s down… bloodbath in November, and the winner… PRESIDENT TRUMP 2016


    • CG says:

      Even though some think you, Hearne and I are wrong too often, I believe we are right too often. What some readers don’t take into account is things change all the time and so does what will happen next. K right now I see no way Hillary can beat Trump. I think by November he will have a huge lead over her, like more than 12 points nationwide. I don’t think the minority vote will go out and battle for her. I also believe Sanders followers will vote Trump or stay home.

      I have no idea if Trump will be a good president or not. We’ll see and hope he shakes it all up. I do think he wants be do a fantastic job so he can end his days feeling like he did it all. Works to our advantage.

      • Frank says:

        I believe we are right too often. What some readers don’t take into account is things change all the time and so does what will happen next.

        I love it Craig! Let me try it out. Carrot Top is gonna be the next president. I am right. What you have to understand, Craig, is that things change. At some point, the groundswell of support that I am sensing for Carrot Top is gonna fade. But before that happens, I’m right, because when I said it, at that moment, I didn’t feel I was wrong, so therefore I was right. You really need to understand that! You were also right about the Royals being in deep trouble, TRUST ME, you said. You were right… before things changed. Based on your exceptional reasoning, you can predict the outcome of the rest of the Royals games this season. If you pick the wins and losses today, you will come out with a perfect record for your picks…until things change. Your motto, Craig, should be. CHANGE IS IN THE FUTURE, I’M RIGHT, NOW.

      • Frank says:

        When the bookie comes to your door with a gun to your head and demands his debt be repaid, calmly put your hand on his shoulder and say, “look, what you fail to take into account…”

        • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

          if he had any balls he’d bet Harley on the elections…or the sports…BUT NO

        • the dude says:

          Like ol’ jack Burton says in times like these, “Yes sir, the check is in the mail”.

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        comeon glaza…your wording makes no sense.
        After the horse race starts can you change your bets.
        after you pick those phony loser teaser bets (you’re the
        perfect sucker the casino boys love…prop bets…lose
        70% of the time….once they get a sucker like you they want
        you to come back for more money out of your pocket)
        can you change your bet.
        You’re just an old senior wishy washy never get it right
        Oh….try 810 zone….they’re killing it. filled every night.
        you should have listened when I said bring inmore TV’s
        and get some of those royals lovers in your place.
        Harley IS king.
        Better get a hold of Harley soon.

  24. Stomper says:

    80 plus comments here and the most cogent one was the first one. Good stuff Jim a.k.a. BWH. Frank is clearly a sharp guy as well.

    The two campaigns are at very different points right now so to give much credibility to a snap shot poll taken in May is foolish. Hillary is still locked in an increasingly heated contest with Sanders zealots while the Vichy Republicans are running for cover under a Trump campaign buoyed by unanswered frustrations on the right. Things will look very different by late summer. Political history is littered with candidates that led in the Spring, only to suffer humiliation in November.

    As a Democrat, I have been puzzled by Hillary’s high negative ratings. Her life has been nothing but devotion to public service. David Brooks, a Republican pundit who maintains a tethering to reality has an interesting theory on why.

    • chuck says:

      Brooks is a Liberal Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. His “Spoonful of Sugar” commentary, implying that all Hillary really needs is a good Jewish Public Relations guy defies credulity. Hillary is perceived as Claire Underwood for good reasons.

  25. CG says:

    We cover today and whats up now. Yes things change. Right now I think Trump wins…I have been on his wagon for along time, more than almost anyone in this areas media…he’s got the goods. Winning a bet is usually something predicted closer to ‘game time’ like this Monday I bet 500 on KC -6 over the Bears…for a Sunday game…you can bet it earlier but what if your qb goes down,…etc…such is the betting world. Barring a major breakdown Trump wins, great bet at 2 to 1…I think. Now.

    • CG says:

      Trump is the current underdog.

      • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

        he’s a dog alright. the comments about the wish he had
        for the great recession is killing him.
        come june 7 when the dem nomination is locked up
        hillarys numbers will rise….over 4 weeks they’re
        going head strong against trump.
        again glaze…you’re a chicken.
        take my bet….no money…if trump wins I never write
        on kcc…if Hillary wins you never write on kcc.
        That’s a fair bet…no big deal…but I think you talk
        without thinking….
        YOU’RE A CHICKEN….
        of course glaze uses anonymousnames all the time so
        we could only figure out his writings by the mistakes
        in them.
        come on….lets have some fun………

    • HARLEY THE GREAT says:

      i’ll give you those odds glaza…..
      get your money ready

  26. CG says:

    Boy with todays report from the government investigation on Clinton and her computer issues…and Trump attacking everyone in sight…man oh man…this is an odd presidential race indeed…I mean one candidate being questioned by law enforcement about wrongdoing, though I know it was just her not wanting anyone to see her private emails, and the other guy is so off the wall…I wish Trump could calm down a bit and be a little more normal. Guess not.

    Anyways lots of great comments on this piece thanks for sharing your opinions.

    • Kerouac says:

      It was good enough after Mike Garrett scored his touchdown in Superbowl IV, and it still is today: “He’s in there!”

      The AP is reporting that the next POTUS Donald Trump has clinched the Republican nomination by way 29 previously uncommitted delegates now committing to/embracing him.

      ‘Making America Great Again’ one state primary at a time ~ PRESIDENT TRUMP 2016


  27. CG says:

    Hey guys and gals thank you for breaking 100 comments on this story. It’s been a minute since we hit 100 comments. Some well thought out comments on here. Not as much hate mail and thats always a good thing. I know Donald Trump, Hillary and Bill will give us many stories to come.

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