Glazer: Scribe Hatches Plan to End Terrorism

Nahr_al_Bared_Palestinian_terrorist_campIt’s been several weeks since the terrorist attack on Paris…

Since then United States, France and other allies have done hit job after hit job on people we believe to be terrorists in Europe and in the Middle East. It seems the United States and our allies have acted quickly and with strength to slow down the attacks. But is it enough?

The problem with our enemies is vast.

We know they recruit on the Internet and all over the world. And that they’re willing to die to make us suffer. Suicide is part of their insanity. This makes them a very new and desperate enemy. Maybe the biggest problem besides finding them all over the world is they don’t really seem to know exactly what they want from us.

Making it hard to negotiate any peace with all these groups whose leaders are really only in charge of death and terror, not a nation or even an ideology. Well, their idea is kill anyone who doesn’t believe in what they believe, which apparently i includes their own people of course.

So this almost unclear enemy wants what?

For America to leave the Middle East? The destruction of Israel?  For everyone in their nation to believe in the way they believe? That’s a way of life that’s not only outdated but impossible to follow for most.


So while the people who live in the main strongholds of support – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya – express a “they don’t know what they’re doing”mentality, they seem to be with them as far as conflict against the west.

And as we’ve seen over and over they seem to stand by when our troops or people are being killed and/or murdered. I just don’t see much support. The United States keeps arming one side to fight another only to have our brief ally turn on us at some point.

mqpU9w6h.png_00000Has the time come to send a horrible message?

Hiroshima was a terrible attack. We killed thousands of innocent people to stop a war. Is that a move we now must consider? Show the enemy we are done talking. Let their supporters know they can’t hide. By doing something so violent it might let our pretend friends know to stop giving terrorists a place to live,hide and attack us from.

I also believe it’s time for the United States to take control of most of the Middle East’s oil fields.

That’s where the money comes from.

We should divide it up with our allies and have Israel be the watchdog. 

This continued fighting – Desert Storms part 1,2 and 3 – have gotten us nowhere.

Just thousands of dead American men and women. And for what?

Nothing’s changed. Our enemy at its highest levels meets the requirement of being insane. Their purpose is to kill and murder and it’s just hate and nothing more.

It may take a terrible decision to bring this to an end.

The US needs to meet with its true allies and make that final plan ASAP.

If not there will be horrible attacks, not only in Europe and Russi, but right here in America. We need to respond. Killing their leaders slows them down, but they have new ones daily. We need to cut off the snakes head. Their home base and their money.

Anybody have a better answer?
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30 Responses to Glazer: Scribe Hatches Plan to End Terrorism

  1. Here are a few ideas:
    1. Since we are dealing with a religious cult, we need to show that the leaders are sinners in the context of their followers. That is how we take down religious leaders in the USA.
    Usually it is a sex scandal or a financial corruption here, but it would probably look different in Islamic context…maybe a video of ISIS leader enjoying a pork roast or something.

    2. we should ridicule the movement and the leaders in contect. make them seem stupid to their followers. We do it here all the time. George Bush was effectively painted as stupid and mostly illiterate. (I will bet some will respond “he was.”)
    We are doing it to Ben Carson now. We are good at this stuff.

    3. Put our best advertising guys on recruiting an opposing ISIS force.
    If we can get that many people to eat McDonald’s, we have to be able to come up with an ad campaign to fight evil.

    4. Get the stars of the Islamic world to step up. Where are they?

    5. Fund the refugee camps. make them nice. These guys should be natural allies. Put them to work in The Middle east instead of flooding Europe and The USA.

  2. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:


    • Frank says:

      What we need to do is nuke Mexico to keep the terrorists from coming in from the southern border and then build a wall to keep the radiological immigrants from getting in

  3. paulwilsonkc says:

    My resolution is closer to that of CG’s, just more extreme. My first thought is to turn it into a solid glass parking lot. But that doesn’t work here.
    Why did Japan surrender when we dropped the most devastating weapon we had, in that day, on two of their big cities? They saw the massive death we could deliver. That had no idea if thats all we were going to do, or if we’d come back again, or a hundred more times. They watched their two cities go up in a mushroom cloud of death. They didn’t want more people to die.

    That mentality does not apply to ISIS; they welcome death. It’s imperative if they are to reach their true goal – ushering in the end of the world. They know they will die and be defeated all along the way.

    We are a society of technology and short term motivation. We want it all now!
    These are 3rd century rock throwers who think generations ahead. Bin Laden was their supreme leader. Even he had no intention of seeing his goal come to pass. His mission was only to do his part in ushering it in.

    If you want a front row seat, watch the Syrian city of Dabiq. ISIS owns this area now and it’s so meaningful to them, they named their propaganda magazine after it. What’s there? Nothing. Poor people and endless miles of open, barren farm land. So whys it matter? The Prophet told them the armies of Rome will set up their camp there and it will be the site of their final battle.
    Is “Rome” today’s Rome? Who knows. The Pope has no Army so I tend to think it’s an amalgamation of Middle Eastern countries but Isreal will be a player. So will Turkey.

    In the mean time, we will be struck again here at home. Likely several times. If we kill them, they win! And when we take in 10,000 Syrians, I’m guessing 500-1,000 terrorist come along for the ride.
    All we can do is screen the best we can and try to be safer. We will never be safe.
    My hope is they begin to fizzle out internally. We can’t kill them all and if you’ve never heard the old street fighting rule of never fighting someone who had nothing to lose.

    ISIS has NOTHING to lose. They welcome dying for their cause. There’s no higher honor.

  4. Frank says:

    How about we send our “abortion factory” over there and abort all all the new babies. The fighters will get old and there will be no young fighters to replace them. See, there is a good side to abortion.

  5. KCMonarch says:

    In this part of the country our greatest threat has been, and will continue to be from radical Christian terrorists.

    1000 years from now I hope mankind looks back and finds it unimaginable how primate we are for destroying one another over minor differences in superstitious beliefs based on fictional literature.In this part of the country our greatest threat has been, and will continue to be from radical Christian terrorists.

    1000 years from now I hope mankind looks back and finds it unimaginable how primate we are for destroying one another over minor differences in superstitious beliefs based on fictional literature.

  6. CG says:

    Good comments and ideas.

  7. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Question: Is the Middle East more stable or less stable since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak? Is the next to fall Bashar Al-Assad?

    The reality is that all of these despicable dictators understood how and what you had to do in order to keep the extreme factions of these nut-jobs in check. Complete and brutal control. Period. That will NEVER be a tactic the USA will employ. We don’t have the stomach for it.

    Personally, I’d be more concerned with our own home-grown whackos than any Quran thumping jihadist. We have our fair share.

    • the dude says:

      Yep. The fact that Uhmerican policy created ISIL is probably completely lost on him though. Stick to promoting your yuk yuk shack and your lame sports picks and the shallow end of the pool where you belong Glayzer.

  8. LanceTheIntern says:

    If you get a chance, read Ed Husain’s opinion piece found here.

  9. Phaedrus says:

    Here’s a novel idea…

    How about we just ignore them. Every time we step up our security (at the airport, at sporting events, etc), the terrorists get exactly what they want. The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are probably the same as the odds of being struck by lightning.

    If we looked at car accidents the same way we look at terrorists, then the speed limit on the highway would be 10 mph…

  10. Gassedup says:

    Show the LGBT community what ISIS is doing to homosexuals. Get those people good and pissed off, load them up on planes and have them go over and kick some ass. These folks don’t like anyone who’s denying them their rights. Then get the feminists going on how bad ISIS treats women and get them pissed too. Load them up on another plane send them over. That would be a serious ass kicking.

  11. chuck says:

    Other than a ad hoc, “contained” military and rhetorical response after every attack, here and abroad, America will do Zilch. Nada. Zero. Within 48 hours after each and every attack, politicians, on the national stage, cameras running, perform Muslim ablutions with regard to “Islamophobia’s ” dangers and distance themselves from any “Incendiary” commentary which would endanger their dhimmi status. Cellularly imbued at this point by a pusillanimous PC Contagion that has warped and gelded the ball sacks right off of most Americans, we can all take comfort that we are beginning to resemble, more and more, the crotch of a Ken Doll. As smooth as the President’s rhetoric. That current President in the Oval Office, quakes at the term “Islamic Terrorist”.

    Glaze, you’re a gambler. Lemme ask ya, what would the odds be, in Vegas, for an attack from “Islamic Terrorists” (Quelle Horreur!!! Habib is pissed now!) that are now posing as refugees (How did those Boston Bombers get here?) here in the US within the next 3 years? Gimme the over under on a date.

    Two years ago, the 4th Estate, intrepid, courageous journalists, sallied forth with the position, that from this point on, “Immigration” would be at the forefront of any and all conversations with regard to terror and Islam. Bull***t. The president and his administration are full speed ahead with repopulating the entire country as fast as possible with 3rd world people and cultures that see traditional Americans and traditional America as anathema.

    We will continue to pander to a 3rd world culture, whose incessant terrorist activities all over the world are enables and encouraged by ethnomasochistic, etiolated self loathing liberals who, in the face of the unambiguated evidence, are more than willing to let the citizens of the world and the people of America suffer random attacks that kill friends, neighbors and fellow citizens of the world in the name of some feel-good ideology that is only drowned out by the sound of explosions, the cries of the wounded and the smell of cordite. Empathy for the victims, is a short term problem, which is glossed over with the 24/7 MSM News Cycle.

    This is the history of Muslim atrocities that is incontrovertible.

    Al Jazeera surveyed 3500 Muslims throughout the Mid East (This ain’t Fox News and it isn’t 350 with a margin of error of 3%, it’s THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED.), and it found that 81% of Muslims supported the aims of ISIS.

    A pew report found that 51% of Muslims in the US supported Sharia Law.

    There are endless surveys of Muslims that reveal the obvious facts, they will not assimilate. They support a culture and way of life that is mutually exclusive to Americans and American life.

    I don’t know Glazer’s answer on the wager, but I don know that the game is on and it is coming. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

  12. Lydia says:

    You all are resigned to more Islamic terror on American soil. I am not. We should not let a single additional adherent of the Islamic faith enter our country. Not one more, regardless of refugee status, family reunification, exalted Saudi status or any other excuse. No tourism. No student visas. No business visas. If the ones who are here don’t like this, they can leave. If you are a Muslim and go to visit any Muslim country, you can’t come back. Period. Calling a halt to all Muslim immigration would allow us to get a bead on the ones who are here meaning to do us harm. It would allow us to better identify the cells, the mosques and the social media participants who are plotting violence — and deal with them. From then on it would be a matter of attrition.

    • Phaedrus says:

      To be fair, if we don’t allow Muslims here, then we should also forbid American companies (Mcdonalds, GM, etc) from doing business in the middle east.

      • miket says:

        and that’s why lydia’s idea could never happen. the US would be unwilling, unable to unilaterally apply such measures, and for so many reasons. most of them involving money or ‘appearances’.

        but cfpcowboy is right – we’re at war. and our generals and political leaders have, to paraphrase chuck, the balls of a ken doll.

        in war, you do what you have to do to win. if this country came at this like we did in ww2 (and i don’t mean conventional warfare), we would take measures such as lydia suggested, and more. there would be no pussyfooting around. there would be no “measured response.” there would be no quarter given.

        makes me wonder what some of our greatest military leaders of the past would think, and do.

      • Lydia says:

        They need us — and our stuff. We don’t need them. They all are not going to stop buying our stuff if we close our borders to them. And why should we be “fair?”

        • Phaedrus says:

          Well, we can be “fair” or we can keep doing what we’re doing and keep wondering why they hate us.

          Imagine if the arabs started exporting their culture to us…if our younger generation started wearing burkas, etc. What would you think if the arabs insisted that democracy is a bunch of crap and that the American women would be happier if they stayed home and cooked/cleaned all day?

          Just because democracy works for us or just because we like mcdonalds, it doesnt mean its best for everyone. I have a feeling that if arabs forced their culture on us, we’d react in the same way they are currently reacting.

  13. CG says:

    Its going to take a combination of all these ideas to stop the attacks. Some good ideas.

  14. HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    what next glaze. You spent a night in the tent with General McArthur during the
    war and you saved his life when he was attacked by a bear?
    Seriously….get some new material. This stuff Is stale. EVen Tj Miller was
    better than this material. Whens he in town.
    its a riot.

    • CG says:

      Harley I’m waiting to read your stories about fame and glory with the big boys…let her rip

      • HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

        sorry glaze…I’d bury youif you knew who and where I’ve
        been in life. My life makes your’s looklike grandpa’s.
        Of course i’venever been in prison… never tried to kill someone….never accused of felonies…. never sold drugs…..\never ytreated women like animals…never
        had sex with a woman while her child watched…
        sorry dude…ain’t my style……you can have an incredible
        lifeand never haveto look over your shoulder.
        Big guys…how many cani mention from frank Sinatra to
        dean martin and jerry lewis/even your buddy pauly shore….the biggest sports events ever…on the BENCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        (I’ll explain that someday_ with everyone from jerry rice
        to the top stars in the nfl……) kevin Costner….and dozens
        of other non violent stars plus political people like Clinton/
        gore/kennedy family/Obama/biden/many many top
        tv personalities on news channels today….plus many
        many other top names you might not have heard of while
        you were chasing the hotties at the strip clubs.
        We love your writing…but read the comments (and not
        your own)…’re never right! You’re never on target ….
        no research…no stats…no reasoning for your analysis….just
        rehash from the star or keven kietzman that you hear.
        And not one time was anything illegal involved

  15. CFPCowboy says:

    By waiting, I can include three shooters in San Bernadino. One wishes police or an armed citizen could have ended it before the deathtoll reached 14. Death to a terrorist at least assures no repeat offense. One would hope that a nuclear reminder is not necessary, nut taking out terrorists is a good thing. We are at War, and it is not against ice at the poles. It is not against warm days. We need to prepare for War.

  16. Rich says:

    They fight to die. We fight to live. The solution presents itself here.

  17. chuck says:

    As I was saying. …..

    The next wager will be the same as the last.

    • chuck says:

      Peruse the news.

      6 Hours before it happened, I called it.

      It is war.

      Uniforms, are now, replaced by ideology, The racial components are logical and should be a part of an every day look at what used to be an American life.

  18. chuck says:

    ABC is using the term “Work Place Violence” in their reports.

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