Paul Wilson: Knee Jerk Reaction to Confederate Flag, a Symbolic Scapegoat

images-1On June 17th Dylann Roof walked into Bible study at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston and shot and killed nine spiritual giants of that city…

In the hours following the shooting, we Americans did what we oft times do; attempted to apply a creamy balm of knee jerk reaction to the wound with hopes it would heal our pain.

The first application was the removal of the Confederate flag from anything and everything. We demanded it no longer be flown over the South Carolina capital building. Apple, Amazon, Wal-Mart and eBay banned the sale of products using the image, but continued to sell Nazi memorabilia. 

See where this is going?

All of this to offer faux white atonement for the Charleston murders.

But as we near the 30 day anniversary the infection rages on. 

Personally, I think the flag serves no positive purpose in today’s world, but none of my reasoning has anything to do with this recent, racist, hate filled crime.

The flag means different things to different people. While many claim the civil war was fought over issues of State’s rights, slavery was still at its core; the darkest hour in our history.

It’s right up there with what we did to the Native Americans. 

In the flag’s most harmless depiction, TV Land cancelled the Dukes of Hazard last week because it’s displayed atop the General Lee, driven by the Duke boys. 

Then, two time Masters Golf champion, Bubba Watson, who owns one of the official General Lee cars from the show, decided to paint over the Confederate flag on its roof. 

To me, all the flag stood for on the show was southern, red neck buffoonery.

There wasn’t an ounce of hate present, but they now must pay too, regardless.

Unknown-2Then there’s the mayor in my old home town of Carthage, who stated on his personal Facebook page he would be flying the flag in honor of some of his Civil War heroes.  Among them, he mentioned Nathan Bedford Forrest

In case Forrest is lost from your memory from Mrs. Hedge’s history class, he led his troops at Fort Pillow, where he presided over the massacre of hundreds of African Americans and Confederates who had surrendered. He then went on to become the Grand Wizard of the KKK. This is the man Mayor Harris would like to honor? Clearly, he and I are in two different camps.

Whether you see the flag as heritage or racist, its image has been tarnished beyond reconciliation. Confederate general Robert E. Lee disliked any post war use of the flag stating it, “wiser not to keep open the sores of war.”

But the flag itself isn’t what’s wrong today. 

The flag didn’t kill those people, institutionalized hate and racism did.

And it’s in every facet of politics. From the disparity in education, health care, jobs and economic advancement, blacks are no better off in our nation, with rare exceptions, than they were 45 years ago. 

There would appear to be a war waged against black men by the police, but there’s no flag present in those events either.

Our government’s encouragement to “let us take care of you” through the welfare state has made it worse. The more you are given, the more you take.  The less you have to contribute, the more your self-worth is stripped away. 

The result is a virtual civil war that we see in our inner cities today, but instead we blame guns for that.  Yet, in Chicago, home of our nation’s tightest gun laws, it’s a war zone of cross fire and shell casings. 

Not flying the Confederate flag removes the symbol but not the substance.

The real issue is that people like Dylan Roof and racism still exists. Removing the flag will not solve that problem but it’s time for it to go, just the same.
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38 Responses to Paul Wilson: Knee Jerk Reaction to Confederate Flag, a Symbolic Scapegoat

  1. harley says:

    another face plant for mr. Wilson.
    almost every paragraph has an inaccurate statement in it.
    I could go over every sentence with a fine tooth comb and prove it wrong…but
    time does not allow.
    “blacks are no better off in our nation, with rare exceptions, than they were 45 years ago. ”
    that is a huge misstatement….you only need to look at the entire black culture
    and see that there are more black doctors/lawyers/politicians/teachers/business
    leaders/top echelon business people/mayors/even president…etc. in America when 45 yearsago there
    were none.
    You look in the major cities at the educated working classes and you’ll see
    millions of black African americans.
    They can vote (which the repubs are trying to take away)…they can go to
    college…they can aspire to become successful useful citizens in society….
    Mr. Wilson…your short sighted comments are not only wishy washy but also
    Please before hearne lets you put on a piece…do your homework……blacks are
    not just the lower class rioters you and your friends believe they are….they
    are contributing members to a society that once enslaved them.
    thanks for your time…
    your friend

  2. harley says:

    heres antoehr inaccurate comment:

    Our government’s encouragement to “let us take care of you” through the welfare state has made it worse. The more you are given, the more you take. The less you have to contribute, the more your self-worth is stripped away.

    Had you read your background information…you would have seen that
    the real welfare state exists with the large corporations…the large so called
    non profits….the 1.3 trillion dollars we’ve wasted on student loans to keep
    crooks in the education business in business….the trillions the government
    allows the “welfare” corporations to send overseas to avoid taxes to the tune
    of 150 billion dollars a year….the welfare state is not a young child on
    food stamps….the welfare state was created when the large corporations and
    the upper weathly class bought the politicians and got their “welfare” in the
    form of tax cheating and tax breaks.
    Walmart gets 8.7 billion dollars a year in tax breaks…is that not being on the
    government dole and getting “welfare” no different than the child who get
    $300 a month for food/closthing/and the other essentials.
    Please mr. Wilson…you’ve lost this argument so many times. The real welfare
    cheats are the rich/ who own the politicians and get their trillions in welfare…its
    not the so called “cheats” you like to attack.
    close those loopholesv the rich get which they don’t need and this nation would
    be in a great financial situ ation. Oh and don’t forget GE and the oil companies
    getting billions in breaks from the government….its not even close Wilson…
    please do you homework….as I have said “YOU’RE WRONG AGAIN”
    thanks for your time
    your friend

  3. Stomper says:

    A timely topic and a rational perspective. Thanks Professor.

  4. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Always thought it was weird when people claim to be offended by a flag, sign or any type of symbol. Really? Actually offended? If you are flying a Nazi flag I’m going to assume you hate Jews. If you fly the Confederate flag I’m going to assume you feel some connection to the “old” South and most likely have some redneck tendencies. I have no idea whether you are racist or not. Neither one of which offends me. Why would it? I’m not the idiot flying them.

    $10.50 for beer at The K. That’s offensive!

    Good article, PW.

  5. Retsnom says:

    Bullshit. Institutional hate and racism didn’t kill those 9 people. A nut job on illegal, mental disorder, prescription drugs who illegally got a hand gun by a failed background check killed those people. Lets be perfectly clear. It was a crazy individual on mental drugs who self radicalized himself after a bad break up.

    I was with you until you spewed the democratic talking point spin on it.

    BTW, the confederate flag was raised by a Democrat governor with a Democrat controlled legislature. It was taken down by a Republican governor with a republican controlled legislature. Those damn racist Republicans….

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Retsnom, the flag in SC was raised in 61 out of protest over integration. Democrat or Republican, that sounds a little racist to me.
      Thanks for your comment just the same.

    • gayle says:

      Of course hate and racism killed them. Didn’t you read his social media? Mental disorder and drugs were just the catalyst.

  6. The Word says:

    IMO I think the meaning of the flag has changed.

    Now it’s a middle finger for the PC, everyone should think the same, four legs good, two legs better crowd.

  7. chuck says:

    The brou ha ha over the Confederate Flag relates to one thing and one thing only. Power. The Power of the Main Stream Media to continue a false narrative that focuses exclusively on white on black Hate Crimes, when in fact, black on white Hate Crimes are unceasing, ubiquitous and uncovered by that same Main Stream Media.

  8. chuck says:

    This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 486,945 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.5 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

    Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.

    Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.

    Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population–62.2 percent white, 17.1 percent Hispanic, 13.2 percent black–we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of each race attacking the other. A black is 27 times more likely to attack a white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.

    We can also calculate how often criminals of each group choose victims of other races. As indicated below, when whites commit violence they choose fellow whites as victims 82.4 percent of the time, and almost never attack blacks. Blacks attack whites almost as often as they attack blacks, and Hispanics attack whites more often than they attack any other group, including their own.

    • Lydia says:

      As a person who has been the victim of black-on-not black crime on more than one occasion, none of this surprises me. But poor you, Chuck, you will at some point be called a racist for pointing this out to poorly educated people who do not understand that numbers are not racist. The word “viciousness” does come to mind.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        What a GREAT comment’ the NUMBERS aren’t racist. Great observations…. You always have a great take, Lydia…

  9. chuck says:

    There is much media agonizing over black-on-black violence, but these figures show that only 40.1 percent of the victims of black violence are black, while people of other races account for nearly 60 percent of the victims of black violence.

    The figures for overall violence–as opposed to violence that crosses racial lines–show a surprisingly sharp drop in the relative likelihood of blacks to commit violent crime. Figures from 10 years ago suggested that blacks committed violent crime at about seven times the white rate. These figures suggest a drop to 2.5 times the white rate.

    According to these figures, Hispanics are 26 percent more likely than whites to commit violent crimes. This calculation can now be made only because DOJ has finally released data about Hispanic offenders. If the department continues to collect data on Hispanic offenders it will also be possible to determine why Hispanic incarceration rates are higher than those for whites–whether they are caused by higher offence rates or by the fact that Hispanics are a younger population with a higher percentage in high-crime age groups.


  10. Stomper says:

    Chuck, over the time I have become a more regular reader/commenter, this particular issue , black on white crime, has been a more than just passionate topic with you. Imho, it is an obsession. The mere mention of about anything close to this topic in an otherwise unrelated offering will set you off. The sheer volume of your comments and links to sites over the months and years is staggering. I’m honestly not trying to pick a fight with you here but I am very curious about the genesis of this. Were you the victim of a crime? I know you were a teacher, for which I have great respect. Something from that involvement? I’m just curious, not looking to argue here.

    Thanks. 🙂

    • Jess says:

      I agree, this is really a hot button issue with him.

      • Jimmy Cliff says:

        It shjould be a hot button issue with everyone.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          I agree, Jimmy, and Stomper, I think it IS and should be a hot button. I hate bumper stickers as much as I dislike Crime Fighter Blowlonzo Washington, but I saw one in Scottsdale I really liked that covers this well.

          “If you aren’t OUTRAGED, you aren’t paying ATTENTION!”

          I think this racial topic falls under that if you spend just one Saturday night on the Plaza….

  11. chuck says:

    Stomper, thanks so much for your inquiries concerning my mental health.

    A distorted and specious presentation of race relations in the United States is the tip of the spear, the guidon and justification for Progressive issues that assume the high ground by way of emotion and guilt and obfuscate facts and the truth. There is no facet of the pernicious Progressive agenda not fueled at it’s core, by the supposed innate brutality of the Conservative Racist Imperium.

    The accusation of racism, a modern day weaponized, scarlet “guilty until proven innocent” letter assigned at the whim and caprice of any self appointed Progressive Racial Commissar destroys lives, reputations, careers and designates the offender and his point of view to the stocks in the public square unless the offender and his point of view are either on video or supported by unambiguated and irrefutable facts.

    When faced with those unambiguated and irrefutable facts, the boiler plate strategy for the Commissars, is to kill the messenger with ad hominem attacks that change the subject and call into question motivation for the presentation of those unambiguated and irrefutable facts. The facts are not important if the messenger is “Obsessed”.

    In my opinion, the facts actually do matter and in this new Amerika. This will not stop the straw man strategies, second partying of blame, the soup de jour nomenclature (“Microaggressions”?) and most importantly, the absolute abrogation of the Main Stream Media’s responsibility to report the actual truth when it comes to Hate Crimes. The agenda driven lies which disown the dead on one side of this argument are a cardinal, deadly disgrace and a disgusting cancer on the abysmal record of any journalist who pretends to present an unbiased, factual presentation of that same racial conflict, which, as I said, I believe is the ziggurat and catalyst supporting the Left. The truth about Hate Crimes actually is important. When the entire narrative of a predominant ideology is a categorical lie, it is noteworthy and should be included in ANY conversation with regard to Hate Crimes.

    Silence is sanction and the only journalists with the nerve to report factually on the reality of Hate Crimes are Pat Buchanan, Jack Cashill, Colin Flaherty and Ann Coulter.

    P.S. the number of posts is because in the “Comment Section” of this blog, only one URL is permitted without consignment to “Moderation” purgatory.

    • The Word says:

      Here’s the thing about blacks in this county.

      No matter how rude, disrespectful and dumb blacks act, white liberals will give them a pass because their black and deep down you think they don’t know any better.

      Liberal whites largely treat blacks like special needs kids.

      No matter how vile, violent, ignorant and poorly behaved they act, white liberals say, “Aww but they’re just acting like blacks.” Like people always say, “Aww but they’re just acting like children.” to a poor behaving kid.

      Flash mobs on the Plaza? But they’re just acting like blacks.

      Large crime rate? But they’re just acting like blacks.

      Large Illegitimate children rate. But they’re just acting like blacks.

      It reminds me of the dinner scene in the Helen Keller movie, “The Miracle Worker” with Ann Bancroft and Patty Duke. Keller, goes around the dinner table grabbing any food she can off everyone’s plate. Her family doesn’t do anything. In fact they act like nothing is happing. When Bancroft’s character see”s this she’s shocked and asked Keller’s family why don’t they do anything? They say they don’t want to start a fight because she’ll act violent.

      Worst yet, now the MSM is trying to tell us that whites are targeting blacks in hate crimes at a “Astronomical” rate. BS, BS, BS.

  12. Orphan of the Road says:

    There is no reason for that flag to fly over any government site. If individuals want to fly it, by all means do so.

    Nothing like the pride of having your ass-kicked into submission, eh?

    The Civil War and its history have been FUBAR since the two sides began revising history. Probably on the day of Lee’s surrender.

    Both of my grandmothers were granddaughters of Robert E. Lee. My paternal grandfather was disliked by the Lees because they fought for the North. Had to leave Missouri because of it. They were also slavers.

    The North had no love of the Negro, didn’t think they were human anymore than the plantation owners. Slavery was not a moral issue before the war. It was a matter of unfair business practices according to the mill owners in the North.

    “All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it; if the job is forced on them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else.”
    H. L. Mencken

    • H.L. Menken says:

      “I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.”

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Hey? I thought you were dead. My friend, Orphan, quotes you a lot but I didn’t know you were still kicking it.

        • H.L. Menken says:

          The worst government is often the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression.

          Still here. Orphan will not let me die.

  13. Politicians are Scum says:

    Ever notice when the liberal agenda is challenged the liberal position is to target the mental health condition of the challenger. ie. Stomper vs. Chuck. Passion and logic to undo mis-information must be a tell tale sign of mental anguish. Perfectly explains the political narrative in this country where common sense takes a back seat to political power grabbing. It’s a simple liberal tactic… covet the minorities (less educated) and together they will out number the republican/conservative base.

    • Stomper says:

      Thanks, P.A.S. Certainly in hindsight, my use of the word “obsession” was not a wise one, given the implication of mental health issues. While it was not my intention to question Chuck’s sanity based on his position, I agree that often one side might question the mental acuity of the other when they can’t or won’t use facts to make their argument and that is not fair. Generalized statements or simplistic tactics like that do not serve to advance the discourse ( i.e. statements like “the liberal position is to target the mental health condition of the challenger” or “It’s a simple liberal tactic…covet the minorities (less educated) and together they will outnumber the republican/conservative base.”

      The basic difference between Chuck and me specifically and liberals and conservatives in general is that we have a different opinion on the role of government. Really nothing more than that imho. Chuck and I have confronted each other here on politics on many occasions and varying topics. My only point was ( and I tried to be clear that I was not looking to argue or debate his position here) that on the issue of black on white crime, Chuck takes it to a higher level. Anyone who has read Chuck’s comments over the months and years should recognize he is a sharp guy and he tends to back up his opinions with facts as much as possible and I respect that. When the topic turns to black on white crime however, Chuck doesn’t just offer an opinion, he paints a multiple part mural with his words. I only wondered if maybe Chuck might have been a victim of black on white crime. Personal experiences can and will influence opinions and that is a valid qualifier here.

      Chuck, I apologize if you felt I questioned your mental health. That was not my intention.

      • harley says:

        bull sh*t!!!! What’sthe matter with you stomper.
        theonly links he has are wnd/conservative right wing
        periodicals and his attempt to baffle the readers of
        kcc with his b.s.
        sorry….his facts are very suspect.
        In fact…he’s so obsessed with hate and anger he really
        needs some help to calm him down!

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      PaC, here’s the issue, IMHO, when it comes to race issues and the liberal agenda. If you can make it a disease, a disorder, then you can no longer blame the person. They just have a disease. Its along the line of the other phrase I dislike, hate the sin, love the sinner.
      Its just more removal of personal responsibility…

  14. Libertarian says:

    The South lost the damn war.

    Why fly the flag of the loser?

  15. a balbo banned from kcc says:

    I found it interesting that he wore a jacket emblazoned with the flags of apartheid S. Africa and Rhodesia but they are looking to take down the confederate flag.

    Banning flags is absurd. If people want to fly a flag, fine. It is political and symbolic speech at it’s finest. People are also free to judge you accordingly for flying a flag.

    They also mean different things in different areas.

    The cross of St. George flag here in the USA or at Twickenham Stadium means “England”. While the Cross of St. George flag flown from an East London row house sends an entirely different message.

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