Steele: Some Questions for Kris Ketz to Ask Obama

Kris Ketz "Boy Wonder"

Kris Ketz
“Boy Wonder”

Score one for KMBC 9 News

On Thursday, anchor Kris Ketz will interview President Barack Obama at the White House and report live from Washington all-day Thursday on Channel 9.

It should be a real snooze fest, unless Ketz asks Obama a few of the questions that the rest of the media are afraid to ask.

Ketz might ask:

“Mr. President, what’s with the “042” Social Security number? You could only have gotten that if you lived in Connecticut, but there is no record of your ever having lived there.”

“Mr. President, the late Percy Sutton, a respected black politico, said on air that Saudi billionaire Alaweed bin-Talal’s lawyer asked him to help you get into Harvard Law. Any truth to that? If not, how did you get into Harvard? Your grades in college sucked.”

Eric Garner

Eric Garner

“Mr. President, Rudy Giuliani spoke last week about your Hawaii mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Did you know when you wrote your teenage poems about Davis that he was a card-carrying member of Communist Party USA and a pornographer?”

By this time, Obama’s Secret Service detail will have wrestled Ketz to the ground Eric Garner-style. If Ketz has the breath to ask it, he should blurt out, “Larry Sinclair?”

Then we can all just tune in to KMBC and find out the time and place for poor Kris’s memorial service.

Rich Steele is a citizen journalist and head of the NSAAS (Non-Smokers Against Anti-Smoking).
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76 Responses to Steele: Some Questions for Kris Ketz to Ask Obama

  1. false choices II says:

    I’m sorry sir, you’re an idiot.
    I don’t see any writing from you that makes me think you’re a “journalist” Right wing hack is more like it
    Here’s a suggestion. Find a candidate from your party who can get the majority of the votes. Run them.
    Dude won twice, with even more of a plurality in the second election than the first.
    You’ve only got another two years until your far right wing candidate gets their hiney handed to them again.
    I gather you’re a Reagan guy. How did he win?
    You tell me.

    • CCoop says:

      Ever notice the first playing card in the liberal play book is to start with the Right Wing name calling followed by challenging any and all credentials when never presenting their qualifications.

  2. Rich Steele says:

    FC II, So how did Obama get his Connecticut SSN#? We already know how many times Scott Walker was counted tardy in the third grade.

    • Frank says:

      He got his connecticut ss# when someone made the false claim that he had a connecticut ss# and enough people exist that will believe anything that is said without any skepticism and research

    • hahhararley says:

      hearne already sent his crack reporter out to cover that story?
      Whats the next conspiracy?
      bring it on dufus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Stomper says:

    Hmmmm, Star’s bizarre obsession with Brownback, bad thing. Your bizarre obsession with Obama, good thing ???

    Ketz would do his homework and discover that the Social Security Administration confirmed years ago that the area number on the SS card does not verify the state of residence. That didn’t stop Drudge and Limbaugh from trying to get mileage from a this inflammatory lie back then and apparently isn’t getting in the way of your “journalistic” credibility now.

    “Rich” you are clearly a sharp guy but crap like this really makes one question your legitimacy. Oh yeah, Hearne has already told us that you’re just trying to be funny. You may want to recalibrate.

    • Why do people who think Global Warming is real such rubes? says:

      Sigh…what an F’n Rube.

    • hahhararley says:

      thanks stomp…….you made this freakig fool steele look like the
      complete fool he is.
      His facke name does not fool us…………………………
      Stomp…this guy is funny…but pretty soon he won’t be
      laughing when Harley unleashes the truth on him!!!!!!
      Liars are frauds…
      plus his info is like 4 years old. Obamahss 2 years left….
      stop finghting the greatest prez in American history….
      and listen to Harley or ELSE~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • The Watcher says:

      Then the social security official that claimed that lied. At the time the card was issued (following the death of the original holder from old age) social security cards issued indicate where it was issues and what date.

  4. hahhararley says:

    how did bush go awol…
    how did you get a Connecticut license….did you know thegovernor.
    how didyou get into Harvard? we read your papers and they were
    brilliant…how did bush and cheney gt deferments to not fight in
    How did bush/cheney /powell pullthe wool and lie lie lie and kill
    5000 young men and get 150,000 injured for life…isn’t there a law
    against lying about a murder investigation…and aren’t there laws
    against war crimes like this.
    How did Obama win twice over old white men and one who picked
    the ding dong sarah palin as vp

    dow at 19,000….up 12,000 points under his leadership.
    11 million more people with insurance….steele…do you love seeing
    people die because they can’t get adequate health care…and lets
    see what ya got to offer as an alternative. How long will it take…you’ve
    had 21 years to devise a plan…where is it you filthy pos.
    how did the sauidi family get out of the u.s. hours after 9/11 mr. bush?
    how did cheney make money off the dead kids in Iraq.

    • hahhararley says:

      really want to read some b.s….go read the “works” behin he
      people who put out king of sting…oh boy…..they make
      steeeley look like a expert on everything!

    • Lois Lerner says:

      The economy, you dumbsh*t, is kicking azz because of cheaper energy and good old fashioned Capitalism, something the President has never understood.

      And I am going to jail, you were wrong again.

      • CFPCowboy says:

        313,000 unemployment this week: fact. drop in the Philadelphia manufacturing index: fact. Increasing energy prices: fact. Layoffs in oil industry, steel pipe and support industries: fact. Work slow downs by long shoremen: fact. Economy kicking azz: perhaps a bit out of date. As soon as I use the word because, the rest of my sentence is conjecture on my part. As far as responsibility, I know the President will take credit for it, even if he has no idea how it happened, as long as it is good news. Perhaps, the Connecticut social security number is a function of where his grandparents were when he returned from Indonesia, as someone with dual US and Indonesian citizenship, at a time when social security did not automatically issue social security numbers at birth. Ketz will only be allowed to ask three questions if the questions are hostile, the President’s answers/non-answers extending for minutes on end. You are right about one thing. It will be a yawner.

        • hahhararley says:

          cowboy been sniffing too much cow dung.
          if I had time I’d write to prove everything
          you said was wrong as always.
          oil prices: of course there will be layoffs…but
          the Saudis plan was to end fracking and put it
          out of business. But the rewards up to now have
          been huge.
          Saudis still control oil market…
          but I we use the xl pipeline and keep that oil in u.s.
          release half the national reserve into the market…
          give tax breaks to car cos. to increase milaeag
          15%….we’d bust everyone but the Saudis.
          andbe ENERGY INDEPENDENT which is what
          every American wants………………………………
          keep oil in u.s.

        • hahhararley says:

          no wait…cowboy been kicked in head by to many
          You wont give Obama credit for getting lower
          energy prices then you blame him for the oil
          industry crashing.
          Stupid comments like this make kcc a breeding
          ground for morons.

          The reason oil industry is slowing down
          is because cost of getting oil has gone down
          so low its not profitable to drill with fracking.
          you are an idiot…..
          whats next dufus.
          AND ON.
          need a gun?

      • hahhararley says:

        must be Wilson…..cheaper energy….but the recovery started
        long before oil prices fell this year…where you been
        sucking the d*k at outlaws where the horny seniors take their
        ss check and puff on $2 cigars.
        good old fshionedcapitalism…
        hardly……and prove that to me you pos.
        I can outthink and make you look like the jackass you
        really are.

  5. Rich Steele says:

    Sorry, Stomper, but even Obama’s apologists cannot credibly answer how he came up with that SSN. When ten sequential numbers before and after Obama’s are run, all return with the documentation “issued 1977-1979 in CT.” Drudge and Limbaugh do not talk about this. No one in the media asks Obama about it. Nor do they ask about Alaweed bin Talal or Frank Marshall Davis. Bet you don’t know where BHO spent the first year of his life.

    • Stomper says:

      Thanks Rich, for the response. No offense meant here, but we are halfway through the O man’s second term and you are sounding like a conspiracy theorist/birther guy. If you have doubts, take it up with the S.S. Administration. Is a SSN that doesn’t look right all you got. The bin Talal and Davis points are smoke. If any of this had even a modicum of truth, it would have gotten traction 6 years ago. I still wonder how W got into an Ivy League school but he got nominated by his party and won the elections. The American people spoke clearly, with Bush as they did with Obama. They didn’t have concerns with where BHO spent the first year of his life. Do you actually doubt his Hawaiian birth certificate? I get it that you don’t like liberals but your party lost. Deal with it. Up to this point, your offerings have at least had a whiff of factual content. This piece is out there with UFO’s, Bigfoot, and Unicorns. I know ( hope) you are better than this.

      • Politicians are scum says:

        Half way through “O” mans 2nd term and GW is still the scape goat. Ivy League education aside it merely requires money to obtain one. The party that decries the elitist attitude of America yet holds an Ivy League education as a qualification or indicator of intelligence and a prerequisite to the Oval Office. Now who is elitist? To say that Barry’s associates mentors and up bringing have not formed his political posture and agenda ignores the fact that all of us reflect our up bringing. He has not denied his affiliations with those individuals. America truly is to blame as our votes elect candidates but to ignore the history of our founding fathers means a course of mistakes we are bound to repeat. With modern politics full of scape goats, no accountability, policy to the highest bidder, rhetoric and bold faced lies there is no next generation leader in DC including BHO. He is just another exercise in mediocrities and the status quo.

        • Stomper says:

          If you are accusing me of saying, or even implying that an Ivy League education is a prerequisite for the Oval Office, please reread what “Rich” wrote on that issue and then my response. My point was that whether “Rich” thought Obama was smart enough to get into Harvard or I thought Bush was smart enough to get into Yale, both are irrelevant. Only thing important is what the majority of voters thought, and think. A number of our best presidents, regardless of party affiliation, never attended college.

          • hahhararley says:

            they just can’t stop….he’s going to get immigration thru….aca will stand…or the
            repubs get killed in 2016….
            and he’s got the repubs on the ropes with
            boner not talking with McConnell.
            they hate Obama cause he’s blak so much
            they can’t get anything right.
            and now…7 years in the term…they’re lying
            about a social security number…which
            if they know anything about the presidents
            ss # they would know it gets changed on a
            regular basis for security reasons.
            but to steele and hearne and southy and
            whiny…they don’t care.
            Their numbers are slipping and they better
            used to some 69 year old woman telling them
            what to do and when.
            Hillary 2016…and I’mtaking bets
            starting right now.
            come on steele…put your money where your
            mouth is………
            and look for future explosive stories coming
            from Harley.

      • hahhararley says:

        STOMPER… is still trying to figure out how Obama got
        a conn ss number. That’s like a child trying to figure out
        how legos go together.
        Obama is fired up and as we see the sinking of the
        republican party he knows he has them on the ropes.
        They can’t even talkto each other….hate/racism/
        division/etc. abounds in the repub party.
        And now that they’ve lost the black vote…they’ve given
        away 95% of the Hispanic vote and eventually
        they lose 60% of the female vote.
        Steele and shoedog and the rest of these clowns can
        talk all day….that’s al they are…talk.

  6. bob says:

    Wow. This place has gone full What happened to your blog, Hearne?

  7. husbanddadesq says:

    Seriously? What an embarrassment to this site. Ok, let’s just say that due to some giant fraud on the the immigration system, the American people (and apparently) Harvard, all that is true. So, what? His time as our elected president have been about what one would expect from a left of center president. The accusations about Bush and his college credentials, drinking and whatever else were probably just about as true and just about as helpful. Move on. Produce productive, insightful discourse or get off here. That is all.

  8. the dude says:

    The big question on everyone’s mind and paramount to national security is who REALLY deflated all those balls?
    #ballghazi #deflategate

  9. Ernest Evans says:

    Dear Mr. Steele: Well, if Kris Ketz were to ask the questions you suggest it would be the most confrontational TV event since the William F. Buckley-Gore Vidal showdown on ABC News during the Democratic Convention in 1968!! I would like to see Mr. Ketz ask the President if he has any regrets over the way that his Administration handled the Ferguson tragedy in light of the explosion of violence in the black neighborhoods of Saint Louis in the aftermath of that tragedy–but I very much doubt he will ask such a question. Take care and God bless!! In Christ, Ernest Evans PS: I agree with you on the anti-smoking movement; as a lifetime non-smoker, I am more worried about being killed by a jealous husband than by second hand smoke.

  10. chuck says:

    This President is a liar on par with Nixon. Asking him questions and expecting truthful answers is an exercise in stupidity.

    Why bother?

  11. Mysterious J says:

    Happy Teabagger Wednesday everyone!

  12. Jack Springer says:

    Question for Mr. Ketz: Whatever possessed you to marry that schank on KMBZ?

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Ok, Jack, that’s WAY out of line. I’ve had my family attacked here and on Tony’s grease dripping site. It’s fine if you want to take a shot at Ketz but only a pussy goes after someone’s wife or kids. Even if that pussy writes for a blog or just comments on it.
      That’s way below the belt. You want someone to go after your wife or domestic partner in front of thousands of readers?
      Dig deep, find some intellectual interity and same something smart. You’re embarassing. And nine times out of ten it’s some spineless piece of crap hiding behind a fake name that does it. People are really brave and their balls get really big when they say crap from the shadows of anonymity. Shine a light on them and they look like Lance Armstrong with one less testicle.

      • Why do people who think Global Warming is real such rubes? says:

        Ketz wife is without a doubt the biggest hate monger in town. She deserves everything she gets.

        Not only is she a skank, she’s also fat and her looks have faded. She’s the most disgusting person on the local airwaves.

        She’s a low information reporter who only reads the talking points?

        What’s your point again paulwilsonkc? Other then you being a rube?

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          My point is you fit in Jacks category. Another no name who wants to take shots at someone’s wife when you don’t have the testicular fortitude to do anything but hide behind a fake name and throw stones. It really was a simple comment. Surprised you didn’t get it since you hand out rube awards so easily.

          • Stomper says:

            Wow, Paul, congrats. You got Si, the Global Warming Rube to actually add a few words to his repertoire. As you know, he tried to swim in the deep end on another, earlier post/topic but couldn’t keep his head above water when the big kids splashed him. He now spends his time in the wading pool, calling everyone “rubes” with the only problem being the Hearne has to add extra chlorine when he pees in the pool.

            I’m sure that “Rich” is thrilled to have such an articulate member of Mensa support his perspectives.

          • Why do people who think Global Warming is real such rubes? says:

            Sigh…what an F’n rube.

      • hahhararley says:


        “Dig deep, find some intellectual interity and same something smart. You’re embarassing. And nine times out of ten it’s some spineless piece of crap hiding behind a fake name that does it”

        WRONG AGAIN. yOU USE your real name because you’ve
        done nothing and kcc allows you the chance (and I mean
        chance) to BE SOMEBODY.
        Writing in the Chillicothe news gets you about 400 readers..
        wow…now you’re somebody.
        Most of us don’t need to use our real names to satisfy our
        personal need to be somedbody.
        we saw that with the “bar” stories that again went
        NOWHERE….just more wasted space for someone to
        BE SOMEBODY.
        As for Harley…I’, sure people know me…in fact
        I know they do. It’s not a big dealbecause I have
        been debating and fighting for the little guys for many
        years. I’vebeen opinionated all my life…nothings changed..
        and if no one ever knows who I am…and I pass as
        anonymously…it doesn’t matter.
        What matters is that I have no need to be somebody.
        To be recognized means nothing to me.
        I don’t have the ego.
        But I’ve kicked your rear in almost every major topic…
        which if hearne allowed I could fill up a page of where
        you were not only shown to be wrong but also make
        peole laugh.
        Hearne…let me print some of the emails from your
        readers I received. They are incredibly intelligent and
        make the same points I make.
        Y OU’RE A NOBODY…and as long as you continue to
        do stories like the sprint story…the jewel theif story….
        your predictions….the boring stories of getting your
        shoes fixed in Eudora….you will still be a nobody.
        Now you’ve gone incognito. While important issues
        needto be discussed you’re still tyring to BE SOMEBODY

        • hahhararley says:

          selling boxes won’t make you famous.
          Your friend
          p.s. I am working on an explosive story to really
          tell the truth….shock and awe will be the
          description as we look into the story behind the
          haters on here…from those who have unfairly
          attacked glaze…to those who

  13. Harry Balczak says:

    Maybe the readers are tiring of all of the right wing hackery on this blog lately. What is this place, the refugee home for all of the rats fleeing the sinking fox news ship? Or maybe just the retirement home for all those pining for the days when they were young and Eisenhower was president.

  14. CFPCowboy says:

    It is wonderful that he obtained the interview, but it will hardly be worth watching, written questions submitted before the interview, and any real questions will be handled by a six minute non-answer. Yes there are a lot of unanswered questions about a President that would be king. The interview will not matter, as there will be nothing new with IRS, Net Neutrality, ISIS, Benghazi, DHS Funding, or anything else I would like to know about. Perhaps the interview will say more about Ketz than it does Obama.

    • mike t. says:

      well, for a local newsman who’s been in the biz a long time, paid his dues many times over, and who also appears to be a genuinely nice guy, it is definitely a feather in the cap regardless of what Obama says or doesn’t say, or what Kris does or doesn’t ask.

      I think presidents do this several times a year… throw bones to local affiliates for the face time and, uh, prestige. but I also imagine there’s some hard work involved in getting ‘your’ station chosen.

  15. false choices II says:

    Benghazi. Again? WTH?
    Even the house of representatives, who have seriously conducted this investigation over and over concludes that there is nothing to investigate. The house (dominated by Republicans) came up with nothing, but, bring it up again, because that’s all you have. Now you know.

  16. Why do people who think Global Warming is real such rubes? says:

    Stomper =Rube.

    • Stomper says:

      What, that didn’t deserve an F’n rube ?

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Stomper, you’re articulate and have an opinion other that “you’re a rube.” And HE wants to talk about low information people? He’s like Harley, a one trick pony. But he’s bored till his mom brings his next meal and meds down to the basement, so he can rube on. It’s amazing what a decent conversation can degenerate to when the short bus lets off…

  17. Ernest Evans says:

    With respect to the unkind things said above about Ms. Dana Wright, I think that Ms. Wright is a very fine reporter, and I am not saying that just because she is also very beautiful. For those who said those cruel things about her, remember what my Mother always used to say: “if you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” Take care and God bless. Sincerely, Respectfully and In Christ, Ernest Evans

  18. Politicians are Scum says:

    Some questions for the liberal masses. Mind you I affiliate with neither party because both are made up of money hungry scum.
    How many people should we let into this country? In a world of 7 billion most would be better off in the US so how many of that 7 billion should be allowed if the premise is that they are looking for a better life.

    Why is it okay to kill unborn children but not okay to kill convicted murderers? Leftist ideology that considers abortion an answer to managing social hardships but hate the death penalty. Only difference is that a child hasn’t violently murdered someone.

    Does it make sense to do the same thing over and over with the same result? Government programs designed to lift people out of poverty have created generations hopelessly dependent on government programs. Instead of discontinuing those programs there is more expansion.

    How ill punishing law-abiding citizens stop criminal activity? proposed and current gun control laws only harm lawful gun ownership. Criminal intent is not dependent on obeying laws.

    How much is paying “my fair share”? When discussing taxes what percentage of my income is my fair share – 30%, 10%, 50% 80%?

    Why can’t I pay the same tax percentage of the wealthy? If the middle class is paying 15% in taxes on their wealth instead of them paying more to the government to do less. Allow the middle class to pay the same rates overall so we can create more opportunity for ourselves.

    Tell me something the government does not regulate? From the products we use, the money we make, the air we breath, the pills we take, their is nothing not regulated by the government. From a foundation that enumerated specific powers to government to the sprawl of government over reach and intrusion.

  19. hahhararley says:


    • admin says:

      No, I won’t post them sometimes when Harley loses it and goes way over the top with unfounded accusations.

      Anybody who reads your comments knows that you are pretty much fully allowed to make an ass out of yourself and soot your mouth off in just about any manner you choose to.

      However, there are at times limits.

      So please, try taking those meds on a little more regular basis, keep it ever so slightly in your pants and you can bag on me, Steele, Dwight and PaulWilson to your heart’s content…within something approaching the bounds of good taste and/or reason.

      • hahhararley says:

        NO MEDS hearne….
        I replied to your buddy whoaccusedsomeone of attacking
        someone personally. The comments were nothing new
        that I made.
        Check my comments…no personal accounts…but
        when someone threatens me or those close to
        me you should have stepped in …but you didn’t
        fair is fair… allowed that jack springer comment
        calling someones wife a skank? you did nothing…and I’ve
        never attacked anyones family personally…have facts
        to bak up everything I say….am willing to put up
        cash to prove what I say (which no one took) and never
        go after another writers family.
        you need to learn what good taste is…..
        or the racists/haters that you allowto comment on this
        you are not fair….I’ve been written about worse than
        glaze and you allow those personal attacks to go on.
        I don’t take meds…you’re just jealous that I can
        take any one of these writers on here and prove them
        wrong point by point…with real facts and figures and
        that’s what hurts you so bad.
        Bring on the stories…I will show you what I mean……..

        • admin says:

          Look H man, I can’t police every comment. Sometimes something is gonna get through.

          However, I think it’s pretty obvious that you of all people get to say just about any nasty, undocumented, ridiculous, insulting thing you want. More so than probably any three other comments combined.

          So you’ll just have to live with the fact that every once in a while you’re going to be out of line and I’m gonna jerk your chain.

          Poor baby

          • hahhararley says:

            Harley has proved you and the rest of the
            crew at kcc wrong so many times it makes
            my mind hurt.
            Especially you and the horrendous stories
            you’ve developed.
   need someone to edit your
            As Isaid before…prove wht I say is untrue.
            get the facts hearne.
            You have never doubted my facts…because
            they are facts and they are proven.
            Lets see what the editor can do..
            prove me wrong…prove what’s undocumented…
            prove Harley said something that was wrong
            and i’ll tear it apart…point by point with
            the truth.
            I dare you….as I said before put up or shut

          • admin says:

            Poor baby…

            It saddens me that your mind is hurting

          • Stomper says:

            I’m not usually in the habit of defending Harley but he is correct with regards to over the top comments from Jack Springer. Not just the one he mentions here, but twice with homophobic comments on two different pieces by you and the comments on Lefty’s piece on Harris Wittels. I agree that it’s tough to police everything and one or two might get past you, but…… Everybody has a right to free speech and you are correct to let Jack write what he wants but this is your blog and at some point you need to step in and call out people when they cross that line of decency.

            Just sayin’

  20. mike t. says:

    well… that was a fun ride all over the place in 58 comments. I found most interesting the rube thread.

    so, just to be sure I truly understood what “Why do…” was saying, I looked up the word. I think it might help if he occasionally used a synonym to keep things fresh: bumpkin, chawbacon, churl, clodhopper, cornball, countryman, hayseed, hillbilly, provincial, hick, rustic, yokel.

    • Stomper says:

      It would also help his credibility if he changed the “do” in his name to “are” so that his name is a grammatically correct sentence. I guess it is appropriate, however, that his name makes as much sense as his comments.

      • Why do people who think Global Warming is real such rubes? says:

        Sigh, what a F’n Rube.

      • hahhararley says:

        Stomp…let it go…
        he fits perfectly in with the rest of the old dudes.
        ONe of the old dudes said “KILL ALL THE JEWS”…AND LETS
        Harley survives and continues to prove these amatuers wrong or morally empty time after time and time.
        Harley rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I’ve enjoyed your articles stomp….you have more
        patience than I do.
        And its true my tribal brother…we are the chosen people.
        and we’ve survived to further the truth. Even when
        those who ooppposed us tried to lie their way to make
        us look bad.
        keep up the good fight.
        I’ve been doing this for years…and I’ve won every battle!!!!!
        These commentators on kcc have nothing on Harley.

        • Stomper says:

          Thanks Harley. With regards to having more patience than you, I think the bar is set pretty low there.

          I think your politics and mine are pretty much in sync but your slash and burn, take no prisoners writing style is at the other end of the spectrum. I consider Paul to be a friend. I’ve known Dwight a long time and consider him a friend. Same with Hearne. I’ve strongly disagreed with all three of them here at KCC but I can’t see myself saying anything negative about them personally. Don’t know “Rich” personally but know of him. Up until this piece, I thought he was just a strong conservative/Brownback apologist, however this effort puts him out there in the conspiracy theorist category. Attacking his message is to easy and too inviting but I try not to personally attack him. Interesting though that of the 40+ postings he has in the archives here, this one is by far the worst imho but is also by far, the most commented on.

          But again, Harley, when it comes to politics, I think you speak the truth.

          And yes, I’m a F’n rube.

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