Glazer: Keeping it Real with Cindy Crawford

cindy-blake-lively-13feb15-01She’s been a top model for nearly three decades…

Cindy Crawford is considered to be one of the world’s most beautiful women, even at the age of 48. You still see her promoting her cosmetic lines and more on late night television every week and she speaks out against unreal expectations from women’s figures as they age.

A photo from a test magazine shoot in Marie Claire magazine was released on twitter a few days ago. It shows a tan Crawford wearing a swim suit and wearing a hat. However it wasn’t touched up and you could see the stretch marks from her child bearing,  a bit of cellulite on her legs and some wrinkles. Make no mistake she still looks good for a lady pushing 50 and her beautiful face remains just that.

Like all photos, it’s maybe not the best angle, the lighting could be better and other issues, no question. Cindy was interviewed and that too is available online. She looked great – fit and trim.

A number of women of stature have praised the flawed photos of Crawford saying, :Hey, as we age we can’t stay perfect, this is a brave view of a real woman.”

2015-02-05-hannah-davis-sports-illustrated-swimsuit-coverCindy often talks about her trying to be perfect when she was a young Hollywood model and actress. She explains that as we age there is inner beauty and nothing stays the same. Not even for this well liked super model.

But wit most women in this country being an average size of 12 according to CNN, very few have figures like young Cindy was born with. As Jamie Lee Curtis said, “Bravo Cindy”  for being honest.

The one problem; Cindy did not release or approve of the photo and she has yet to comment.

Sports Illustrated put together its most revealing ‘Bathing Suit’ issue ever this month.

The cover photo is explosive and the lower part is just about Penthouse level.

However, they have a plus size model in the mix at 6’2″ and pregnant. She’s an attractive but large model. What will they think of next?

The Cindy Crawford photo reminds all of us that even the chosen few are human and it’s not such a terrible thing to get older and change. Cindy’s still in great shape and a middle aged star in her chosen field.

And in all likelihood this will only make her more popular to other women.

Hey, nobody’s perfect! Not even Cindy Crawford.

The lesson being to be the best you can with whatever one is given in life.
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12 Responses to Glazer: Keeping it Real with Cindy Crawford

  1. the dude says:

    Or attempt to augment the crap out of your body with steroids, HGH, hair plugs, rugs, botox, fat vacuuming, etc., etc.

    Just be happy with the hand you are dealt, right?

  2. CG says:

    Lance my bad I thought it was the Lozlo photo…no those photos are decent…I apologize..I should have looked before I leaped..I now know you meant well…say where is that girl Jessie damn she was hot..she moved to San Diego about a year back, still calls but lives with a guy…oh well.

  3. hahhararley says:

    glaze….please stop.
    If you want to do whatever you do to augment your body or your hair or your
    balls or whatever you might do…JUST FUC&&&& DO IT. If its what you want…
    then do it and don’t answer anyone for how you live your life. KU bball
    coach has a rug…does he ever talk about it?
    Cindys were probably shopped and air brushed. And where has she
    been the last 10 years…I’m not a star gazer but I really haven’t seen muchof
    No glaze…the girls you date don’t look like the one on the cover of SI. They
    don’t have the brains of those in SI,,,but if that’s what you like…then do
    it and you don’t have to answer to anyone for how you live your live. Just do it.
    You will never be the cover shot on Mens Fitness Magazines. Sorry …those
    are shopped also….
    I work out at lifetime fitness and see lots of guys in their 60’s in incredible
    shape…you’re not alone.
    So do what makes you happy…live your life to the fullest (but I willtell you
    doctors I have worked with have studies that those roids or whatever you
    take are going to kill you…and what would kkcc be without the glaze).
    You don’t have to tell us about your girlfriends….we lost count.
    Be cool…have some fun….but do keep reminding these guys that we
    got one life to live…and you better do it right because none of us knows
    what comes next!!!!!!!
    your friend
    Harley 2

  4. ahnuld is numero uno says:

    >…happy to take my shirt off against you or anyone on here…

    holy fizknuckles, Glazer just challenged the KCC comment section to a shirtless posedown?!!!

    • the dude says:

      Yeah, lulz abound with this one.
      Hasn’t quite fully grasped the idea that attempting to argue on teh intarwebs is futile. Makes for good fun though.

  5. admin says:

    I dunno, Craig…

    She looks kinda creepy, nasty in that pic. I mean, it’s great that she’s owning her body and all, but does she really need to flaunt it like that?

    What’s that expression? If you got it flaunt it.

    In the earliest days of my column at the Star I remember going to Carol Channing’s room at Crown Center for a pic and a few quotes and being totally horrified when she answered the door.

    Seems she’s had about a dozen facelifts, etc, trying to ward off Father Time, but they’d backfired. She’s 94 today and this was pretty close to exactly 20 years ago (plus or minus one or two years).

    I remember reading a couple years later in the National Enquirer that her husband was leaving her because he couldn’t stand the sight of her…or something like that.

    Granted, it’s kinda cold, but I had to choke back and “amen” when reading that.

    My parents thought she was the greatest. The original Hello Dolly on Broadway if I’m not mistaken.

  6. hahhararley says:

    glaze thinks she’s attractive?
    his eyes need checking and he better double up on the testosterone.
    see the stomach of that broad.
    she ain’t no upton anymore!!!!!!

    • admin says:

      Crassness aside…

      I have to admit that I’m kinda/sorta with Harley on this photo.

      I don’t get it? Why publicize an unflattering photo of yourself to try and legitimatize over-the-hill glam?

      I’m all about women’s issues, but why would anyone – dude or woman – try to peddle an unflattering photo of one’s self like this?

      OK, I already know the answer, based on how Crawford appears to be playing it. But would Clint Eastwood pose for a Speedo shot of himself in Dirty Harry mode?

      Face it, both Hollywood hunks and female sex symbols cash in on their looks when they can. And when they no longer can, they accept more mature roles and leave the cheesecake to the dustbin of our memories.

      We don’t need to see them semi-undressed after they’ve lost their overt sex appeal. To me it’s kind of an “act your age” deal. We all know what senior citizens look like in the buff without needing to bear witness to graphic proof.

      Then again, Crawford is free to do whatever she wants to make a buck, including photo shoots like this one.

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