Hearne: Much Ado About Nothing, Baltimore Media Manufactures Controversy

Screen Shot 2014-10-15 at 1.36.34 PMIt was bound to happen…

After days of smashing pies in one another’s faces and chanting and waving signs reading, “We Won’t Stop,” the Baltimore media and to an arguably lesser extent its fans are starting to devolve into nitpickers and sore losers.

Case in point, today’s headline in the Baltimore Sun that reads, “Jeremy Guthrie Apologizes After Post Game T-Shirt Sparks Outrage From Orioles Fans.”


After three games in which one of the mightiest teams in baseball has gone down in flames to the lowly Kansas City Royals, “Charm City” gets its panties in a bunch over a pitcher they traded away two years ago wearing a T-shirt to a press conference after last night’s game that read “These O’s ain’t Royal.”

And suddenly the entire city of Baltimore is supposedly “outraged” because why? A pair of frustrated sportswriters from the local newspaper or decided to write about it after a handful of people tweeted, “fuck him?”

Screen Shot 2014-10-15 at 2.30.06 PMThe tweets I saw, more people thought the shirt was funny and/or wanted one.

Seems to me like Orioles fans have far bigger fish to fry. That said, you can only wring your hands and grouse about losing all those games for so long.

Allow me to explain how silly this non-story “news story” is.

Sun sportswriter Eduardo A. Encina didn’t have as much as a single quote from an Orioles fan – named or unnamed – to back his assertion about fans being outraged. Who really even saw it outside of the reporters at the news conference?

To my thinking, Encina essentially manufactured outrage – or certainly exaggerated it – simply by writing about it. Even though he had little to back it up other than a few  angry tweets and Guthrie then being effectively forced to apologize to anybody it might have offended. Which as we all know, is basically how the mainstream media works these days.

Media piling on being what it is, ESPN and Bleacher Report echoed the Sun “news” stories no doubt helping to fuel a now manufactured outrage.

Now even the TBS pre game show color commentary dudes are trying to turn it into a cause célèbre for the Orioles to win today’s game. As if they need anymore excuses to try and at least save face and get the series back to Baltimore.

Just like the recent Sun story that manufactured more than 40 “predictions” from local celebs forecasting that the Orioles would beat the Royals in the championship series.

What did the Sun expect they’d say, that the homies were gonna lose?

The upshot of the deal is poor Guthrie had to promise to trash the shirt at his earliest convenience.

Color it an example of sportswriters in need of something to write about, outside of making excuses and ad nauseam gloom and doom.

What’s that expression, all the news that fits?

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18 Responses to Hearne: Much Ado About Nothing, Baltimore Media Manufactures Controversy

  1. harley says:

    1. an unlicensed shirt on national tv. MLB hold their apparel licensing very
    tight…worth billions.
    2. no big deal…guth made a mistake….move on …kick their ass…settle it
    next year.
    3. players trash talk all the time. Cabrerra of Detroit always trash talks
    runners on first…some pay attention …some don’t….move on.
    ebola…isis…inversions….people puking in chuckles stories….glaze having
    female problems….shoedog can’t find a cobbler to fix his $29 shoes…
    hearne hates the star….chuckles afraid that black panthers will burn down
    his outhouse…all these problems and we’re concerned about a guy wearing
    a $4.99 t shirt…..whats happening in America??????????? what a mess.

    • admin says:

      Funny, I complimented the heck out of the Star yesterday and my critique today is about the Baltimore Sun.

      And your point is, Harley?

      • harley says:

        1. its not that big of a deal…bzseball game…star is selling
        out at their stops…can’t find a copy….they’ve donea great
        job…good to see some positive headlines on fromtof the
        2. everyone wants to know how we are on top of the
        stories as they cuome up on your site. Guess what hearne…
        we’ve develop a software package where we can take
        a site and knowwhen content changes…within seconds…
        thanks for your help. Hopefully selling this ssoftware that
        will be used by thousands of companies looking for instant
        information (especial finance people) will putus in the
        same income bracket as you and southy.
        As faras thebaltimore sun…who gives a f*ck…everbeen
        to Baltimore…is nothing compare to the greatest
        town in the country…kc..
        now please rmind glaze to repeat “ITS OVER..ITS OVER”…
        its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        You’re an idiot; you honestly think he HAS a point?

        • Orphan of the Road says:

          Doesn’t the top of his head count, Paul?

        • harley says:

          HIS HUSHPUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!1

          • harley says:

            thtats not fair hearne….I take the heat here…you pulled my
            total comment out. that’s censorship…..I will placemy
            orginal comment on twitter and tkc.
            shoedog is so obsessed with Harley he can’t even forget
            Harley while the royals won the championship.
            sad life shoe dog.

          • admin says:


            The reason i’ve spiked a couple of comments is, you say the same thing over-and-over-and-over-and-over and…

            You get the picture. It’s fine to bag on the show dog, glaze and me, but when it’s the same thing a million times, it’s just not worth subjecting readers too. Seriously, wild man.

            We all get your message by the third or fifth time.

          • Jack Springer says:

            Put the bottle on the counter and move away slowly.

            Interesting to see posts disappear.

          • paulwilsonkc says:

            I own you.

          • Worldwide says:

            I don’t think you do.

  2. Orphan of the Road says:

    Gotta fill that white space, right?

    Like Gen. George Patton, Jr. said in Viet Nam, It ain’t much of a war but it is all we got.

    • the dude says:

      Either that or write about their team being taken to the woodshed by a team that by all accounts should have been disposed of by the A’s in the wildcard game way back yonder.

      • Libertarian says:


        For all the nay-saying that went on, t’would be nice to see a “WE KICK ASS!” article.

        If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it 6 times-Lorenzo Cain is the best defender in the business.

  3. Mysterious J says:

    Got to admit…you hit the nail on the head here.

  4. Kerouac says:

    “Much Ado About Nothing”

    – Royals since 1985, Chiefs since 1970… not up for debate too, one will become even more an aside than they have been, the fat lady as Freddie Mercury having yet sing ‘We Are The Champions’ – or conversely, even’ if’.

    In a contest second class franchises, Chiefs become undisputed second best – after thought in KC, Royals fluke their way to glory. Other hand, Royals implode as the odds & Kerouac suggest, Humpty Dumpty’s fall may be too great for local fandom bear, alarm clock sounding, dream ending & morning after appending… not much experience disappointment this magnitude these here parts, since January 1967.

    As one who has been a Chiefs fan since day one, and A(thlectics)’s till they departed, (Blues/Veneruzzo too, Kings not so much), our pox is nothing compared the Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Browns, Phoenix Suns. Enjoy the imbibe, but drink not deeply for a sip is but the desert in disguise, sometimes mirage.

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