Jack Goes Confidential: The ‘FURY’ Depicts Sheer Ferocity of War

fury9April, 1945…

The Allies are making their final push into Nazi Germany. Just then battle worn tank commander Wardaddy—in a terrific performance by Brad Pitt—is assigned to assist in a rescue and mission behind enemy lines.

An embattled tank battalion, heavily outnumbered and outgunned, fighting against all odds by balancing their hatred for the Nazis against the sheer power of the human spirit.

The film is called FURY and truly delivers on the pure horrors of war.

FURY is directed by writer, producer, director David Ayre of TRAINING DAY fame and engulfs the big screen with a deeply effective and often gruesome depiction of those horrific last days of World War II.

Hollywood has been shy when it comes to depicting World War II of late. Only two very impressive movies of that era filmed in halfway recent times stick with me.

One is Steven Spielberg’s SAVING PRIVATE RYAN. The other Quentin Tarantino’s INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS.

Now there are three. but be forewarned that deeply realistic FURY isn’t an easy sit. 

article-2443958-188548F900000578-982_634x423Brad Pitt is absolutely solid and getting better with age.

And hats off to Shia LaBeouf in a calmer more thoughtful performance here. I almost didn’t recognize him.

Newcomer Logan Lerman as a rookie soldier thrown into the platoon is convincing, as are Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal and Scott Eastwood.

brad-pitt-fury-posters-03War is hell and striking at the enemy in a Sherman tank is very realistically documented in this hard-R rated motion picture.

Want proof?

Then witness the emotional ferocity of FURY opening citywide this weekend.

The film scores a solid B+.

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings on 98.1 KMBZ and anytime on Facebook.

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7 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: The ‘FURY’ Depicts Sheer Ferocity of War

  1. the dude says:

    I have pleasantly found out that anything with Michael Pena or Luis Guzman in it is at least worth a view, and I usually enjoy that movie or show they are in.
    These guys are awesome.

  2. Jack P. says:

    ….and Brad Pitt’s getting better with age. And not just in front of the camera but also as a producer!

  3. Godwin Law says:

    There ya go, lets kill some Nazi scum!!!!

    Give it a fu*kin break.

    Jesus, it wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t make a “White Guilt” movie for every evil Nazi movie every year.

    Cue up “Selma”, another paean to the never ending victory over evil Caucasions and the transgenerational crucible that MUST be shouldered until the fuc*kin sun goes Nova or Al Sharpton learns to quit speaking like Harley writes.

    • admin says:

      I remember Pitt when all he mostly was, was a hunk.

      What was the movie where he played a shirtless stud muffin and had all those horses in it.

      Speaking of stud muffin’s, my sources at Entercom say Lazlo on The Buzz has gone on some kind of diet and is trying to get his girlish figure (from grade school) back after blowing a million court judgement for sophomoric and unprofessional professional behavior and getting his feelings hurt by an unnamed source on KCC.

      Poor baby.

      Good thing he’s only middle aged and at least halfway hip!

    • admin says:

      Don’t forget Godwin…

      Jack is a genuine German from back in the Post WWI day

  4. chuck says:

    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have more kids than Antonio Cromartie and Shawn Kemp. I gotta believe Pitt has to toss flash grenades into their rooms in the morning to get them all up for breakfast on time. A couple of months ago, no sh*t, I read that Jolie was trying to bring home a Haitian kid. WTF!!!!

    These folks will making movies into their late 90s to pay the bills.

    This is Octomom with money, until it isn’t.

    —By the way, aren’t there just dozens of thousands of poor kids in Detroit that would suffice?

    NOooooooooo…, we gotta go to AFRICA!!!

    Whatever, I will see the flick on Demand, maybe…

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