Paul Wilson: Coming Soon to a Town Near You…Ebola

duck and coverThis week’s news brings word that KU Med is hosting a guest…

And not just any guest, mind you, but one who could become the third person in this country diagnosed with Ebola. While the hospital refers to the patient as “low to moderate risk,” they’re paying big time attention because, let’s face it, no one knows all that much about this disease.

Ebola’s airborne, Ebola’s not airborne –  the CDC doesn’t have a clue.

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 12.23.34 PMAs evidenced by the incredible flow of misinformation. I heard a doctor interviewed last week who said a carrier would have to virtually “spit in your mouth” to spread the disease.

Maybe patients one and two were victims of random spittings, but I doubt it.

Pandemics and rumors of pandemics are nothing new.

The fear of our health being overtaken by uncontrollable outside forces makes a lot of people to sit up and take notice.

swine fluThe world lived through seven outbreaks of Cholera from 1816 to 1962. I don’t remember those days, I wasn’t around. I do remember the Spanish flu. Followed by geographic specific flu’s like Asian and Hong Kong.

Harley lumps the latter two together and calls them the “Oriental flu.”

We had H1N1, Avian Bird flu, Swine flu and Yet to be Named Animal flus.

Earlier in the century we saw massive outbreaks of smallpox, measles and TB.

We’ve survived AIDS.

But when it reared its ugly head, professional medical world predictions ranged from “AIDS will kill us all” to “Zip your fly and you won’t die” and a hundred versions in-between.

Why are we fed so much misinformation by our government and its supporting agencies?

monkey-footballI’d like to pose three questions.

1)  Do they just not know?

2)  Do they not know, but want us to think they do?

3)  Or is it all just outright misinformation for whatever fits their need?

You think it’s not possible?

I was an elementary school student during the Cold War days. I use that term loosely, but I refer to the period between Cuban Missile Crisis in late 1962 and Détente in 1969.

There was enormous fear of an atom bomb being dropped on us as we were secretly trying to figure out how to assassinate Castro. The Russians had missiles poised on the shores of Cuba, well within striking range. Underground bomb shelters were being sold to US citizens at a pretty brisk clip.

As young, impressionable kids in school, we were shown with some regularity, the film strip “Duck and Cover.”

Don’t recognize it?

It was a film strip outlining the clear and present danger of the United States being attacked, complete with pictures of the dreaded mushroom cloud. At the end, we were shown how to protect ourselves from such an attack and made to practice the drill.

atom bomb bystandersHow did our government teach us to protect ourselves, you ask?

We were supposed to push our chairs back, get under our desks, on our knees, bend over, put our head between our legs and cover our eyes. Furthermore, if we actually saw the cloud, we were to do this as quickly as possible!

If there ever was such an attack, how would that training have helped us? One way and only one way; covering my eyes would have spared me that one last millisecond when I would have seen my desk mate, Marilyn, vaporized, just before I did the same.

You can’t convince me that there was a single scientist who believed that would save us poor little school kids.

Any thinking adult who cared to check out a book from the local library could have researched the effects of the blast and its associated fall out and known it was a lie.

The big question is why they did they propagate this lie? Because in this case, they certainly knew it was a lie.

Ebola isn’t likely to kill any one of us reading this today – knock on wood. But until the threat passes, I still would encourage you to not let anyone spit in your mouth.

Oh and, do your own research.
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41 Responses to Paul Wilson: Coming Soon to a Town Near You…Ebola

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Call me a cynic. At the end of every “crisis”, somebody is making a boatload of money. Obviously, big Pharma has GOT to have a hand in this. At the very least, poised to make a small mint. Of the 3 questions you posed, I think # 1 is the most likely. To quote one of the worst people in the world regarding WMD’s in Iraq, “We don’t know what we don’t know.”

    Hell, I don’t know if any of this is a threat to my health or not. Who are you supposed to believe? When it comes to medical knowledge, I don’t know spit. I only know what not to spit.

    Thanks for the downer today, PW. I was just cruising along thinking about the Royals game tonight and you decided to talk about the real world. Harshin’ my buzz, Bro.

  2. Orphan of the Road says:

    WOW! You look real good for being over a 100-years-old. I’ve read about the Spanish flu but it was before my time.

    Sheffield Steel and the Ford plant were just a few blocks from Henry Clay Elementary (Craig Stevens our most celebrated alum). Even at five I knew you didn’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

    Local hospitals, NKC & Centerpoint to name two, cannot get MRSP under control. And that mirrors every big city’s problems with controlling disease.

    Add in the nut jobs who don’t believe in vaccinations.

    I remember the Legionaires Disease in Philadelphia. Took a couple of years to find out what caused it.

    Had some rich, white people died in the outbreak 10-years-ago, there would be a solution today.

    Your pal Scott Parks sounds like the most selfish individual ever when he starts whining about how he wouldn’t treat anyone with it if it was his job. So typical.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Scott had a great show until Dana started tossing him around the studio like a rag doll…..She’s got Ketz for the quality and Parks for when she wants to go all Nancy Grace on a male!

      • Orphan of the Road says:

        I find him too whiny. That statement yesterday when they were running around like their hair was on fire because of the KU patient was like a low-fi, middle school radio program.

        I wish I had whatever it is Dana is smoking.

      • harley says:

        dana/parks….worst hosts ever on radio.
        they know nothing.
        have them contact me…put meon that show and
        i’ll rip old man wislun/and the two idiots to shreds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

        • mike says:

          What do you listen to? Michael Savage?

        • mike t. says:

          here’s what you do Harley… announce here that you will CALL in to comment or present your point of view on one of their shows. just let us know what day and time you’ll call in. if they like your idea, they’ll put you on the air and we’ll be able to listen with baited breath to find out if you speak as horribly as you write.

          btw… Wilson OWNS you….

  3. Reagan says:

    Great insight Paul! We WILL survive #ebola

  4. mike t. says:

    Paul, what if, just what if in 1962, that film strip depicted not a cute little turtle and pictures of kids under desks covering their pre-Beatles haircuts, and instead showed that man and woman on the beach being vaporized right before our eyes? The horrific affects of radiation poisoning? I’m not so much defending the lie, but at eight years old, I’m not sure I’d have been ready for some version of The Day After Tomorrow either. (Which did feature a very cool depiction of being vaporized.)

  5. harley says:

    oh boy…first it was his vintage shoe cobblers…now he’s playing doctor
    with ebola (which I proposed that we close borders to those who have
    come from the infected areas)…but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO shoedog
    in his investigatavie outfit of pipe/hunting hat/and camo pants and shirts
    knows more than the top doctors in the world.
    Again wislun…this is not your specialty. Sowhats this idiot’s quote…
    we survived aids. Right!!! But we didn’t….but we knew what cause it
    and how it was transmitted so we could control it….we didn’t survive…
    when pharma saw dollar signs they went to the universities and set up
    l abs with u..s , money an found a cure.
    We’re already seeing people with ebola become disease free…so there is hope….
    especially from reports this morning that the girl in kc is getting better.

    Then we hear conservative and liberal pols agree that maybe we don’t let
    the passengers from those affectd countries in. African countries are already
    doing this and they have no medical technology like we do.
    Then the idiot talks about nuclear weapons and how getting under a desk
    might have saved him. First…he cant get under the dashboard of a truck (he’s
    too big) in his fantasy jewel heist and he’d never fit under a desk at age 7 or 8…so he’s not agtreat example.
    And don’t forget shoedog….the pols cut back funding for just this type of
    disease while the big corpos/banks etc. got huge tax cuts. They cut nih funding
    for these types of diseases…more reasons to kick these f*cking losers out of their
    offices today!!!!!!!
    And if you read any medical will get worse. Pharma is cutting back
    on antibiotics because of generic marketing and they can’t make money.
    You don’t think this will affect the spreading of diseases and infections
    across borders…come on shoe dog…we’re not talking flip flops here…we’re
    talking human lives.
    Again…you’re way over your head. Your article could be written by
    a 3 year old. Not one decent piece of data to back up any claims.
    No reasons why were obsessed with ebola.. No medical research to back
    up claims.
    Just childish bull about getting under adesk. Of course we knew that
    wouldn’t save us…only you thought differenetly.
    and listening to parks and dana is like listening to two old cranky
    people banter like foolos. Get me on there..I’ll set them straight.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      I OWN YOU, sad little man. And you claim to have gone to Mizoo’s esteemed Skool of Jurnulisum.
      How many times a day to you leave your Executive role at Master Baiters to feast on my words?
      Take a lesson from the day you missed in skool. These are essays, opinion pieces, not White Papers, douchenozzle.
      There’s a reason I’m now run in multiple news papers while jealousy eats you alive in your faux McMansion staring at your crayon art work collection.
      Your first story blew chunks and you can’t manage to crank out your SECOND after months of threats you’re gonna BRING IT!
      You’re a whirling vortex of entropy.
      Look it up…..
      As I’ve told you before, lions lose NO sleep over the opinions of SHEEP. Let me break that down for you. Paul = LION / Harley JoJo = SHEEP.

  6. Dr. Phibes says:

    The up-side of ebola?

    It cures cancer.

  7. Jack Springer says:

    The hospitals and the CDC are all stupid. They don’t react in a safe manner — the staff in Texas did not dress in hazmat grab until after the man had experience two days of projectile vomiting and diarrhea — stupid.

    KU Med Center can’t even process a blood test in .. what is now over 30 hours. Incompetent or are they lying. I’ll guess some of both.

    We’ve come to accept that Obama lies. Now the CDC lies. The hospitals lies. Who can we believe.

  8. chuck says:

    Here is the latest news from the AP.

    Not to terrify Harley, but if this disease is not contained and becomes an “Occidental Flu”, then the folks first to go, will be those with questionable hygiene in combination with questionable reading and comprehension skills. It’s called S O A P Harley.

    Here is a quote from the article.

    “LONDON (AP) — West Africa could face up to 10,000 new Ebola cases a week within two months, the World Health Organization warned Tuesday, adding that the death rate in the current outbreak has risen to 70 percent.”

    That is a decent QB rating, but in this case, every one in the world, is a receiver.

    Here is my favorite quote.

    “- Starting Thursday, customs and health officials at airports in Washington, Chicago, Atlanta and Newark plan to take the temperatures of passengers arriving from three West African countries.”

    Hell yeah, that should go just swimmingly. Might as well be sure, have them all drop thier trousers and do it anally, because if every time they get it wrong, we are fu*ked.

    • harley says:

      I spoke of that 3 day ago chuckles and everyone on the blog said it
      would not work.
      again…youagree…Harley wasfirst and the only one to suggest
      that on this blog….
      Harley is right.
      while shoedog was licking hiss b@llsand those of mike…he missed
      the news….go back to licking your b@lls shoedog.

  9. the dude says:

    If it pairs well with a nice sauvignon blanc I am all for it.

  10. Orphan of the Road says:

    Once you accept that we are all born terminal, you’ll feel better.

  11. chuck says:

    Another case of Ebola in Dallas today and the 6th kid died of ETO Lung virus yesterday, this, while thousands are still sick from diseases brought into our country through our Southern borders.

    The Fed fiddles in the name of political correctness and again, rolls the dice with the safety of the American public.

    • chuck says:

      “Nurses were forced to use medical tape to secure openings in their flimsy garments, worried that their necks and heads were exposed as they cared for a patient with explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting, said Deborah Burger of National Nurses United.”

      That again from the AP.

      The article also says that sh*t and vomit soaked material was stacked as high as the ceiling.

      We have finally found a job worse than Crack Whore. Health Care Provider.

  12. harley says:

    we will get thru ebola…but I have been right on the ideas to stop it.
    where was mikey the blue collar bullsh*ter…where was shoedog (by the way
    got some new dress shoes….$305…. you haven’t spent that much on a10 pairs
    of shoes in your life.
    the clown car is filling up….shoedog is driving but his gps keeps sending
    him to shoe repair shops!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah

    • the dude says:

      Well sheeeeeeeeeeeeit, if we have Dr. JoJo on call Ebola just might as well give up right now. Nothing to see here folks, Harley jojo has it all figured out.

      • harley says:

        thanks dude…appreciate the fact that you acknowledge that
        I was the only kcc writer to write about the real probloems
        with ebola and how to stop the spread…get an surgeon general
        approved thru conresss…..close the borders (which is now
        gaining steam among health and politicial people)…..
        so again dude…Harley said this 3 days ago…and again dude
        …Harley is right.
        prove me wrong dude…you can’t…and that’s why you have
        to use stupid jokestodowngrade my intelligent thoughts.
        you and shoe dog are one and the same…both lost…even
        with your gps on.

  13. balbonis moleskine says:

    I am really starting to regret that night of passion with that Liberian lady. We had already gone out to the finest bushmeat restaurant so what am I gonna do, waste my gift card?

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