Glazer: Scribe Nods to Vegas, Says ‘I Told You So’


Obama wins, simple as that – sorry guys…

All the numbers said it was Obama. This close call was all about the media wanting you to watch. It was never really close….end of story.

Las Vegas doesn’t  make this big of an error – 6 to 1 – no contest. They knew all along it was never close. Le’ts hope the prez does a great job with our really important issues.

Again, I’m a guy who looks at the Vegas odds and it  makes total sense.

Even Jim Cramer quoted those Vegas numbers today and said it’s Obama.

As I have said all along, Mitt Romney did all he could.

End of story…
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74 Responses to Glazer: Scribe Nods to Vegas, Says ‘I Told You So’

  1. Craig Glazer says:

    no contest…over

  2. Craig Glazer says:

    oh I see no word from the other side….its like my football calls no mistakes, on the average, so no comments….I see…Harley you called it, so did I… its over…



    re: TO ALL MEDIA
    CC: Chuck Todd
    Karl Rove
    Erin Andrews
    JC Thompson
    Steve Schmidt
    Mia Farrow
    Greta Van Sustern


    Mr. Harley, who has just been nicknamed “MR. PROGNOSTICATOR” will be
    holding an online webinar on Wednesday to discuss his historic analysis
    and calculations of the 2012 Presidential Contest. To participate sign up
    at his website There will be no charge to participants
    to hear Mr. Harley give his personal opinions on how he was able to
    accurately predict the 2012 election as well as predicting the electoral range
    on a public website.
    If you have any further comments or questions please direct them to Mr. Harley
    at his yahoo website.
    The online webinar will commence at 10:30 am cdt.
    Contact Marstun Hellerman Public relations for any further information for
    media contacts.

    • chuck says:

      No doubt about it Hearne, ya gotta get harley under the kcconfidential umbrella at light speed pal.

      Here is the Check List.

      Lets see…

      Go down to Union Station to meet a box car filled with editors. Check…

      Install Cray Computer Spell Check on Super Turbo Charged Trillion Tera Byte Main Frame you are now building in your fu*king garage to correct harley’s occasional grammatical lapses. Check…

      Confab with Glazer and harley re: kcconfidental Sports Book. Bring gun for Glazer to kill himself after meeting. Check…

      Contact Harold Bloom, author of “The Western Canon” for appointment to discuss his thoughts on harley and his oeuvre. (How fortuitous, that harley and Harold are so close.)

      “harley says:
      September 7, 2012 at 9:18 am

      you’re freaking right chuckles the clown…i do know harold bloom…
      he was in j school in mizzou when i was there..
      I also knew his brother barry and his wife linda..
      thanks…brings back great memories….i appreciate the mention..”


      Notify Post Office of expected deluge of mail from harley’s fans. Check…

      Grab harley’s phone when he is not looking and call block those azzholes from The Hadron Collider project who will no doubt be Head Hunting the new kcconfidential mensch.

      Bust out those Latin First Declension Flash Cards to keep harley sharp. Check…

      Kill myself too. Check…

      • HARLEY says:

        chuckles the clown…
        come on now…
        thatstuff on bloom was true…but you take it so
        i went to mu with a guy named harold bloom….really…
        it maynot have been the same one you wrote about but
        i knw a harold bloom….good friend tothis day.
        didn’t know you’d take rmoneys loss so hard…i mean
        chuckles….stay cool…itsall okay….its a beautiful day
        I hope you didn’t spend a lot of time going thru my
        comments from last septembert….\
        but you forgot to mention one very special and very
        important fact…
        give me some credit chuckles…noone in america …not
        rove…dick (i’ll suck your toes) morris….greta…bill oreilly
        …shawn…..charles the kraut hammer…noone predicted
        this EXCEPT HARLEY.
        slow down bud…its okay….
        YEAH….keep the blood pressure down…
        no big deal…
        now that the election is over we can all talk about

        • chuck says:

          Ya know, I think you’re right, it might not be the same Harold Bloom.



        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Where is the wisdom in cutting and pasting what others have done, then you post it as primary research, like you’re the one who developed it.

          Yes, you were right on the election results, but, as I said, spending your day cutting and pasting items from other pollsters then claiming you’ve done some Jethro Bodine level math on your own is a little disingenuous.

          YOU weren’t right, the POLLSTERS were right. Im going to now cut and paste the Theory of Relativity and claim it was MY idea.

          Have a great day, Im in meetings with Mr Bloom during your press conference.

          • chuck says:

            Watch it Paul, the man has a canon.

          • HARLEY says:

            Sorry pauly…but you lose…you’re the loser
            on this one.
            1. there were no pundits nor internet stories
            in january 2011 talking about the huge
            hispanic vote…almost none outright saying
            that obamawould be elected and in august
            of this year there were no pollsters..not even
            nate silver or wang or sabato saying obama
            would get the number of electoral votes that
            came out and said he would get…noone.
            But i would expect that from you.
            You know nothing and yo’ve been proven to
            be wrong again and again on issues here
            on kcc. You predicted romeny to get over
            300….not even close!
            What you put on here is pure bull…
            You’re a loser..on this issue and others.
            There was nothing to cut and paste in
            january of 2011…there were no other
            people syaing obama would get 303-320
            electorl votes…you were the one who went
            and got it and posted it saying I would
            bewrong again. and you have egg on your
            You are a l o s e r on these issues…..

      • the dude says:

        That is hilarious Chuck.
        I knew Bronco would win but not for the reasons the Harlinator listed. Bronco was the Buildaburgers goto puppet and that’s that in this day of hackable electronic voting machines. The winner is whoever they decide it to be.

        So, four more years of turdburgers, change and hope.
        Yay. 🙁

        • HARLEY says:

          dude and chuckles the sad clown…
          there are winners in life…and then there are
          You’re the haters!!!!!
          get a life…time is running out for your guys..
          good luck…
          chuckels is used to losing…he’s just never learned
          how to be a honest good loser.
          and again …boys …harley was right…again and
          you can’t deny…harley wins in politics and life…

  4. HARLEY says:

    the money shot!!!!!!
    To all my followers/disciples/readers and fans

    you think harley is hot…you think harley won the perfecta!
    In august harley predicted the final electoral count for obama……wow…
    huge….harley knows it all.
    and as always harley was right..
    big big night for obama and harley.
    Now …who wrote this ?????????????????????

     paulwilsonkc says:
    October 25, 2012 at 12:53 pm
    Oh!! Guess what? Youre going to be wrong AGAIN!!
    harley says:
    August 8, 2012 at 2:20 pm
    let me make it easy for your old angry white men.
    Obama will end up with 302-332 electoral votes

    uhhhhhh wrong???????????????????????????/
    i don’t think so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
    i know so………………………………………..
    harley is the king!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Craig Glazer says:

    its now over, Romney concedes, over and out.

  6. Guy says:

    And you two are STILL douchebags….carry on.

  7. Craig Glazer says:

    Its the morning after….as I wrote, this was never a race…the media knew it…the people who do polls had to know…Vegas sure knew…6 to 1….come on…that’s a monster….means no way Jack….so why didn’t we know….its all about the money as I wrote yesterday and the day before….billions in ad’s, TV, media frenzy….this was not a close race…”We may not know til morning!” Really it was over at 10 PM…some polls had just closed….Florida wasn’t needed to even figure out the winner…Obama already had over 300 electoral votes and was ahead by 3 MILLION VOTES in the..”he might win a tight race but lose the popular vote”…guys it was almost like the jacking McCain got four years ago…THEY ALL KNEW….I gave you all the reasons…all the snapshots that meant if was over some time ago…the desperate quotes from Republicans…none from the Democrats…Vegas was a huge reason….so on….again Romney Did a nice job staying somewhat in the game…by the way you could tell when he gave in two things…one: he knew days before he was beat, he knew…two: he was glad it ended…enough already.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Craig, here’s how we knew it; America is full of apathetic voters! Exit polls from CNN said 48% of the people voting for Obama said his “handling” of Hurricane Sandy figured largely in their vote as he… get this… LOOKED so Presidential. He LOOKED Presidential, even though he’d done nothing. For way too many people, even you to some extent, IMAGE means more than substance.

      But we will survive this too.

      The only valid point Asshat has made is that the Republican party is lost. And again, even thats not a Harley original thought. They are stuck in their old ideology and, until they come out of that, they are more or less doomed.

      But even for those of us who aren’t Obama fans, he’s not the worst we’ve ever had. As I wrote to a friend, this morning, lest we forget Woodrow Wilson who openly wrote essays about his love of power and how he felt his office should be a dictatorship! And, the capper, he thought that whole section about inallienable rights was a lot of crap! And then, FDR who confiscated all the gold, etc. There have been worse, for sure.

      The bottom line problem I have with it is we have more people who want to RIDE in the wagon than PULL the wagon. We have a totally LOST Republican party and a Democratic party who wants to build on a base of voters dependent upon the government for their existance. How does this end well? We no longer hear Kenedys words, we want to know what ELSE the government can do for us. Then we want to know what MORE they can do. Thats not how we are supposed to work, from a mentality of entitlement.

      • Hot Carl says:

        “The bottom line problem I have with it is we have more people who want to RIDE in the wagon than PULL the wagon.”

        Exactly. Sad that this country is full of people with their hands out. I’m so tired of my hard-earned money going to fat, lazy bums of all colors who won’t get up off their lazy asses to get a job.

        I have no problem with a little social responsibility. There are people out there who truly need help. But the system has been taken advantage of so fully and completely that I am personally about as apathetic as a person can be. Enough is enough. I rarely give money to charity anymore because A – I need it and B – The US Government gives out more handouts than all charities combined.

        I will never vote Democrat as long as I live. I don’t agree with the entire Republican platform and I don’t hate all things Democrat but I can’t stand how the Dems pander to the lowest common denominator, i.e. stupid people. Too stupid to contribute to society in a meaningful way but when it comes to taking advantage of the system they’re like goddamned Einsteins.

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Hot Carl, I’ve said before, I went, nearly over night from $200K++ a year to nothing as a result of a series of tragic life events, all in a 6 month window of time. I knew life wouldnt ever be the same, but I didnt fall in the government line for all the possible services. And, this was in the face of discovering 150/210BP and finding my heart, through picking the wrong genetics and parents, was about to explode. I had the drive and ambition to start over and dig out of it.

          Go home and turn on afternoon TV. Go watch the endless Maury baby-daddy shows, Springer, et al, then look at the ads they run for EVERY vocational tech school or career school known to exist. THIS was the 47% that Romney talked about. THIS is the Democratic base that put him back for 4 more years!

          Thats the demographic using their Obama phone and calling to check when the next check arrives. Thats not what we can become as a society, but its what the liberals are trying to build; an increased dependence on the government.

          Thats a no win and it will come with a day of reconing, without a doubt.

          • Hot Carl says:

            “Go home and turn on afternoon TV. Go watch the endless Maury baby-daddy shows, Springer, et al, then look at the ads they run for EVERY vocational tech school or career school known to exist. THIS was the 47% that Romney talked about. THIS is the Democratic base that put him back for 4 more years!”

            Couldn’t have said it better myself. I tell people that a vote for a Dem is a vote for the idiots that are suing each other every day on Judge Judy.

          • Apple dlr says:

            You idiot. Who cares what you did 20 years
            ago. You’re a loser. Why do you have to tell
            people that you’re a loser. We already know.
            And if you think 200K is upper income you are a bigger loser than we thought.

      • HARLEY says:

        blah blah blah…
        excuses are like assholes…everyone has one…
        especially you.
        how many excuses for your life do we have to readabout
        …it’s getting old…like all the old angry white guys who
        are locked out in life.
        more b.s…no facts…blah blah blah…more excuses
        from a sad man who has nothing to show for his
        remember…harley was right…again and again..

      • HARLEY says:

        more excuses….what next?????????????????????

        • paulwilsonkc says:

          Harley, you sniveling little piece of poo, my life has never been better. Hopefully not, but someday you may find things turn upside down on you. I hope, if that happens, and I wouldnt wish that on any one, you might have a heightened sense of how that comes about, and its NOT from being a loser, sometimes life happens and you start over.
          This have NEVER been better for me, personally. And in the end, thats what matters, no matter what some bloviating ass hole with nothing to go on says.

          And one other thing, they have been talking for 2 flipping YEARS about Hispanic vote, dont pretend like you went to Mexico, presented them a business plan and brought them all here! Good lord, you’re amazing. NO ONE knew about the importance of the Hispanic vote in 2011??? YOU pointed that out?

          I stand in awe of your greatness. You did that? Really?

          • HARLEY says:

            hey pauly….stop….i’ve recieved emails on
            this stuff you put up on here…
            let the light set you free…………….
            these comments are just hilarious….
            move on….you can’t win ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. HARLEY says:

    dont have much time a i prepare for online new confernece…
    sorry…romney was the worst candidate at a really bad time to run
    a vulture capitalist for prez.
    1. hispanic vote…i pointed this out over 16 months ago…if you don’t
    get 30-35% of the hispanic vote you lose…simple…the hispanic populatiin
    is exploding in america and if you don’t have them you lose big time.
    2. bad candidate…romeny was a bad prduct to try and sell…too many
    flaws…and his timing was bad.
    we had just gone thru a tough economic time…and everyone knew the
    big money and banks caused it. It was briliant to tie mitt romeny into
    that villain. We all know someone who lost a job…we all lost equity in
    our homes…we all felt this recession in one way or another…and it shook
    us….we knew who caused it (even exit polls yesterday said 53% still blame
    george bush for recession)…and when they portrayed romney and his
    bain capital stuff as part of that reason for the recession and then mitt
    comes out saying his famous 47% qoute…it was over….Obama team
    positioned mitt as a villain and america hated this guy….plus he was
    just not a good campaigner….people just didn’t like him and that showed.
    3. demograhics…the old guys on here may never see another republican
    president in their lifestimes….the world in america is chainging…
    next 2016 election…about half the voters will be minorities…
    when you hate hispanics and blacks…and your policies relfect hatred
    of minorities…you’re going to lose…
    republs need to sit down and get a new strategy for them to survive…
    i think there could be a huge riftin that party between the tea
    party and mainstrram repubs just like what is on now in kansas…

    so i need to runbut i will have my final analysis plus personal notes
    on the election along with my correctpredictions.
    I look forward to fruther comments on kcc.
    ALSO NOTE…get with my website/email to participate in my
    online press converence..
    thanks and

  9. mark smith says:

    From Jimmy the Greeks lips to Gods ears. Well Glazer you were right, Im man enough to say it. Dont get me twisted, it wasnt your sharp political analysis or your firm grasp of voter demographics. It was a 50/50 proposition. Still. So to the winner goes the spoils. In this case the spoils will be 4 more years of a downward spiral. Unemployment will rise. Business will stagnate. The libs will attack coal and oil , energy and gas prices will rise. Washington will be stuck in gridlock. Obamacare will bankrupt the country. If you liked the last 4 years, you are gonna love the next 4. Come January the company I contract for will either cut my pay by 20 percent due to Obamacare, that is if they manage to keep their contract with a local hospital network. So you’ll forgive me if I don’t share the enthusiasm of a little over half of America. Voters chose. Now get ready to choke on it.
    PS harley, after your “news conference” , eat a celeberatory sack O dicks.

    • Super Dave says:

      Yes Mark, Glazer is acting all giddy about what I have no idea. But as you point out and those things will happen so when Glazer starts his bitching and ranting again about losing money, the club not drawing, we can copy and paste this post again to remind him how he was all for this. You know he was a huge Obama supporter just by the way he has jammed it down out throats past few weeks. So let him stew abit and later we will have our fun.

      • Craig Glazer says:

        Seeing biz tough is not new…most of us have had a harder time lately…I wasn’t putting anything down your throats…just saying what I thought would happen and why…I would not have been that sad had Mitt won…I like him, not his party…too harsh, too far right…dangerous…main reason…the Vegas number was the MOST telling number of all. They were 100% correct..thats all.

        NO I am not giddy…I know we are in a battle with our economy…I hope like all of us it improves and soon.

        • HARLEY says:

          More excuses…more excuses…..more bitching about
          life…more bitching about how life isn’t good because
          you’re not making it.
          Go bitch to someon e else….we don’t carte about your
          sorry lives…your not getting over and understanding
          sorry guys…i understand life has passed you by..
          but hang on …that gvoernment social security
          and medicare is right around the corner…wait a
          few years…i’m sure you’ll change your tune real

    • HARLEY says:

      mark…me and hearne agreed not to hold to your promise to
      not post on kccif obama won.
      we hope you discontinue the negative comments and strive
      to be positive.
      and remember…HARLEY WAS RIGHT…16 MONTHS AGO
      now play nice.

    • Craig Glazer says:

      Mark I hope nothing bad happens to you, your job or anyones….I will say this Mitt likely would have been better for the economy… I don’t like a leader who never really ran a business of his own…we’ve had that in KC with the last five or six Mayors…horrible…they don’t understand business…Obama has many advisors that do…but not himslef…so yes Mitt might have been better…it’s everything else…the far right is too ‘mean spirited’ on all other sides…not a live and let live group…they are in your face…the dem’s waste money, true..but not trying to ‘kill you’ if you are not one of them…like the law enforcement in Johnson Co. is way too harsh…fine with violent criminals, but they are so money mad they make almost everyone a ‘bad guy.’

      We all hope for the best…look it has gotten a bit better since Bush, we forget how close we came to REALLY going down…I think Obama wants to solve the economy for his sake and his legacy…we have to hope they do..

      • HARLEY says:

        actually glaze that wrong…big time…
        george w. bush ran a business that daddy set him up
        with…and look what he policies did for us…took us right
        into the tank with unfunded wars and tax cuts.
        Buseinss acumen is not a good prerequisite ffor being a

  10. Orphan of the Road says:

    I’m sure I’m not alone. I didn’t vote for President Obama because I liked him or his policies.

    Scrape off the rhetoric and the difference between the two candidates was minimal. For all practical purposes, Obama is a moderate Republican.

    Romney, as did John McCain, pandered to the extremists in the Republican party.

    It was fun to watch Karl Rove’s head spin around and steam shoot from his ears.

    The Republicans spent four-years urinating in the corn flakes and now wonder why no one wanted to sit down and have breakfast with them.

    • Brandon Leftridge says:

      Well said.

    • rkcal says:

      truth there.

    • HARLEY says:

      wrong…romney lost because he was the wrong candidate at the
      wrong time..his 47% comment…the hispanic vote that is going
      to control elections in half the states and across the nation…
      fact that romney was a flawed candidate and that obama had
      the best comapaign staff ever in american politics..
      add it together and you have obama win.
      and harley not only guessed the winner 16 months ago but also
      was correct on the obama electoral vote count…the perfecta!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Jim D says:

        Why do you do what you do? You were wrong. You lost.
        You’re making a fool of yourself in a public forum. Sometimes
        in life you need to take the bad and move on. It’s obvious you
        have a problem with anyone that disagrees with you.
        You use your real name on this site. Why? What makes you so righteous here? It’s like you have a terrible problem with this guy Harley. Move on. It’s not funny. You look like a jackass.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Orphan, incredibly well said.

    • Super Dave says:

      Awesome Points

  11. rkcal says:

    Maybe now we can get the Republican Party out of the bubble and into reality. Start paying attention to the slim but sane slice of the GOP (i.e., Christie, Rubio) – better se habla espanol and learn how to talk to the ladies ASAP. And for the love of God, ignore the Tea Bagger crazies. From them, a coalition cannot be built. America needs two viable parties.

  12. Scoop says:

    I think Mark’s on to something here,
    And what it is, is perfectly clear –
    We’re in for trouble, year after year,
    But don’t worry, boys, I’ve saved you some beer!

    P.S. – Since you’re apparently on a roll, Harley, do you have any eschatological predictions for all of us?

    • chuck says:

      No, but he will no doubt have some ‘scatalogical’ commentary.

    • harley says:

      sorry scoop…no end of the world predictions from harley.

      If i wasted time on worrying when the end is coming, I ‘d be like
      the rest of the woe is me crowd on kcc.
      WOE IS ME>>>>we had a democratic election and we elected
      a new group of people to run the nation.
      WOE IS ME…..i’m getting old…don’t want to work much longer…
      WOE IS ME….i never really did all the things i wanted to do so
      i’llbe angry /mad/disgusted with those who rolled the dice
      and those who are the risktakers in life!

      SORRY SCOOP…>ASK chuck/paul/kerwakcy/hearne/the dude…
      and the other sorry saps on here…I don’t have time to think about
      bullshit…too busy living life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  13. Kerouac says:

    The saddest day in the history of the (former) United States, Tuesday, November 6, 2012… last vestiges in tatters, my country no longer ’tis of thee, one I loved.

    As for the spume landscape?

    Jean Paul Sartre said it best, first: ‘by any means necessary’. So it has come to this – every man will be accountable. I, Kerouac will do all in my power to fight the current fiasco in every individual way possible.

    I embrace/applaud Mr. Trump’s sentiments; too, Republicans can & will stalemate the current White House… this provides a measure of satisfaction. Gridlock is here to stay, for, this is in a sense war. Individual states will continue to defy the lame duck & even more overtly, persons comporting just the same.

    My opinion, the passion & contempt this election has engendered will lead to dire repercussions & consequences – so be it – my late father always believed another revolution was in store the US; perhaps a coming foment was prescience.

    Whether the resident will still exist 4 years hence? Based upon the current climate, tenuous my guess… Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy… wonder what the Vegas odds say, CG?

    • Jim says:

      The absolute epitome of why government doesn’t work. Stalemate? That provides some measure of satisfaction? WTF is wrong with people? Basically, 1/2 of the country voted one way and the other 1/2 voted another way. That outcome SCREAMS for a compromise that both parties can live with on the major issues of the day. There is ALWAYS a resolution to every problem as long as the parties involved realize they are BOTH going to give something to get something. THAT is the way every business and every relationship thrives and survives. The “MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY” form of government benefits no one. The vindictive, finger-pointing positions that both political parties have adopted is a dead end road. Ideologues on both sides of the aisle have high-jacked their respective parties leaving the 60% of Americans who want to be governed from the middle out of the process. Donald Trump and his ilk can take a giant sized bite of my ass. He doesn’t have a clue about my world or a world in which REAL choices are made every day about how best to budget my money and provide for my family. Not. A. Clue.

      • Kerouac says:

        Glad your blood/corpuscles are in working order… angst should be shared this being a ‘democracy’ (so some claim); join the club.

        “The absolute epitome of why government doesn’t work. Stalemate? That provides some measure of satisfaction? WTF is wrong with people? Basically, 1/2 of the country voted one way and the other 1/2 voted another way. That outcome SCREAMS for a compromise that both parties can live with on the major issues of the day. There is ALWAYS a resolution to every problem as long as the parties involved realize they are BOTH going to give something to get something.”

        – lol/LOL

        “THAT is the way every business and every relationship thrives and survives.”

        – alas, government/politics is a relationship made up of strange bedfellows…

        “The “MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY” form of government benefits no one. The vindictive, finger-pointing positions that both political parties have adopted is a dead end road. Ideologues on both sides of the aisle have high-jacked their respective parties leaving the 60% of Americans who want to be governed from the middle out of the process. Donald Trump and his ilk can take a giant sized bite of my ass. He doesn’t have a clue about my world or a world in which REAL choices are made every day about how best to budget my money and provide for my family. Not. A. Clue.”

        – naivete/idealism is noted (tears in my eyes), just with enormous grain(s) of salt…

        My preference Trump’s yours, to each their own persuasion…

        • Jim says:

          Angst? Not really. My life goes on despite the party of the POTUS. I’m a realist. I know and understand EXACTLY how government works. For the most party, it doesn’t. There are REASONS why it doesn’t. If that point was lost on you, Kerouac, I’m sorry. To think that one party or the other has all the answers is comical.

          • Kerouac says:

            “To think that one party or the other has all the answers is comical.”

            – you like to laugh… must be a Chiefs fan. The next four years in Washington will look exactly like the last four: i.e., a re-run of the 2012 KC season. Pioli and the ‘resident’ share much in common… failure.

      • the dude says:

        Hear hear, I don’t understand why a blowhard idiot like Trump even has a soapbox to bloviate from. The man has blown daddy’s money so many times and declared bankruptcy more times than I could count on both my hands.

    • HARLEY says:

      another real winner…keowacky….hinting about violence.
      maybe you can get the camo suits on and get your
      super soakers and play army in the park………

    • Kerouac says:

      “The gunman then said “Vote for Obama. This is Obama (expletive)” before fleeing, reports said.”

      – anyone see the Democratic party’s Presidential nominee last night, about that time?


  14. paulwilsonkc says:

    I hate the term “the market”, as it gives a name to what is mostly emotion, but the market knows the “fiscal cliff” looms large and minutes from closing we are nearly 300 points down. Wall Street is EXHURBERANT over the election of Obama, huh?

    Put your seats and tray tables in their full, upright position and stay seated for the duration of our flight.

    • thomas31 says:

      How was your “market” flight since Obama’s inauguration since the Nasdaq is up over 100% and the Dow up over 5,000 points?

      • HARLEY says:

        HEY THOMAS…guys with stupid comments arent in the
        market…they’re not in the business game…they’re
        just hanging on the outside looking in.
        when someone makes a wrong comment and you see
        they know nothing about business…when you see
        their history…i mean…take it easy on these guys because
        they’re just not sophisccitaced enough to understand
        business….so i give them the benefit of the doubt because
        it amazing how little knowledge they really have besides
        what they get out of comic books.

    • HARLEY says:

      another wrong comment pauly…pleasestop….
      do y0u understand how wall street works pauly?
      do you understand that under obama dow doubled?\
      do you understand business…obviously you need me to
      school you on business…and finances…and the biz world…
      come on dude….did you not think this was going to happen…
      I will hold a class on economics 101 for people who don’t
      get how the world of business works….contact me for
      lecture times………sheeeeesh.

      • paulwilsonkc says:

        Its todays news, dipshit, the market was down 300 when I wrote that. Its THE MARKET! How is that wrong. Its those numbers that keep ticking by!! Good lord, you are so funny. Its WRONG unless you typed it.
        Today’s news, the market – down 300 at around 2:17 when I checked it. I can’t make that up and it can’t be wrong. You’ll have to tell that to Wall Street. It was THEIR reports.

        Spend some time learning to write and use spell check instead of touting your greatness. If youre that great, it would be handy if the normal person could actually read what you type without having to play word match games in their heads to determine what you typed, said and meant!!

  15. HARLEY says:

     paulwilsonkc says:
    October 25, 2012 at 12:53 pm
    Oh!! Guess what? Youre going to be wrong AGAIN!!
    harley says:
    August 8, 2012 at 2:20 pm
    let me make it easy for your old angry white men.
    Obama will end up with 302-332 electoral votes

    uhhhhhh wrong???????????????????????????/
    i don’t think so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
    i know so………………………………………..
    harley is the king!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    who’s wrong? who made a fool of themselve? s

  16. HARLEY says:

    january of 2011 i said obama would win reelction. In august of 2012 i predicted
    the electoral vote range of obamas final count 302-323….am i better than the
    so called “experts” and so called “political pundits….lets compare………………

    In1.Before the election, Karl Rove predicted Mitt Romney would win 279 electoral votes.
    2.Rove gets two mentions because after the election, he continued to predict a Romney victory—even as everyone else concluded Romney had lost. Which he had.
    3.Douglas Holtz-Eakin, John McCain’s top economic adviser, thought turnout would win it for Romney.
    4.House Speaker John Boehner said Romney would win Ohio.
    5.Steve Forbes said the polls were wrong and that Romney would win.
    6.Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell said Romney would carry Virginia.
    7.Dick Morris said Romney would win 325 electoral votes.
    8.Dean Chambers, inventor of the unskewed polls nonsense, said Romney would take 311 electoral votes.
    9.Michael Barone predicted a Romney landslide.
    10.George Will said Romney would win big.
    11.John Bolton said he was “very confident” Romney would win.
    12.Wayne Allen Root predicted a Romney landslide.
    13.Stu Rothenberg said the race was too close to call, even though it was clear from all available data that President Obama had a significant advantage.
    14.Pat Toomey said Romney would win Pennsylvania.
    15.Peggy Noonan said “vibrations” told her Romney was about to win.
    16.Former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge said Romney would carry Pennsylvania.
    17.Charles Krauthammer said Romney would win a close victory.
    18.Suffolk stopped polling in Virginia and Florida because they decided Romney had locked those states up.
    19.The head of Mason-Dixon polling said Mitt Romney had nailed down Florida.
    20.Fred Barnes confidently explained to everyone why Romney will win.
    21.Joe Scarborough mocked Nate Silver for relying on data and said he would rather be in Mitt Romney’s shoes than President Obama’s.
    22.Eric Cantor declared Romney would win Virginia.
    23.Romney’s own campaign predicted he would win 300 electoral votes.
    24.Glenn Beck predicted a Romney landslide.
    25.Jeb Bush said Florida would go Romney’s way.
    26.Ohio Gov. John Kasich not only said Romney would win Ohio, but that he’d seen internal polls showing Romney ahead.
    27.David Brooks mocked analysis like Nate Silver’s.
    28.Dylan Byers treated Nate Silver’s partisan opponents with equal credibility as Silver himself.
    29.Bill Kristol predicted a Romney victory.
    30.Ari Fleischer said Romney would win comfortably.
    31.James Pethokoukis of American Enterprise Institute predicted a Romney win.

    32.Newt Gingrich guaranteed Romney would win by at least six points.
    33.Dave Weigel predicted a Romney victory.
    34.Jay Cost of The Weekly Standard claimed Romney would win.

    12:35 PM PT: Here’s a bonus for 35 (to be clear, Jennifer Rubin is the one who made the prediction—Andrew Kaczynski was just pointing it out):

    RT @JRubinblogger: Averaging polls is mathematically, statistically wrong when vastly diff models, sample sizes, margins of error, etc.

    — @BuzzFeedAndrew via TweetDeck january of 2011 i said obama would win reelction. In august of 2012 i predicted
    the electoral vote range of obamas final count 302-323….am i better than the
    so called “experts” and so called “political pundits….lets compare………………

    INCLUDING THE LITTLE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Paulwilsonkc says:

    Yeah, I’m all wrong again. Prognosticator said so. Read it for yourself, oh enlightened Harlinator;
    Stocks closed with their worst one-day loss of the year as investors looked past the election and focused on big problems ahead in Washington and in Europe. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 313 points to end at 12,933, its worst day of 2012.
    The Star is covering the story and gathering more information. Click on the headline at top to read the most current and complete coverage from the largest, most-trusted news staff in Kansas City.

    • harley says:

      little man…let me explain things to you so you don’t have to
      put up stupid comments..
      wall street makes money on movement…know what that means..
      whether stocks go up or down the money guys make money.
      Wall street has become gamed against small investors..with their
      huge millisecond computers that make them millions.
      i guarantee someone on wall street last night said we can make
      millions on the stock market tomorow…take obamas
      win and we can kill the market for a week or so…and make
      millions doing…kabish little guy.
      but for over 3 years they loved the guy…doubling the market prices..
      and let me explain something else little man…
      stocks don’t reflect the street anymore…understand…
      corporation on the dow are making huge huge profits like never
      before…while stiffing the american public with their tax scams…
      so while g.e. pays nothing…you littleman have to make up the
      difference…although under obama your taxes are as low as they
      were in the 50’s….did you know that…i didnt cut and pasted that
      did you know that your fed taxes are low…low …low and with
      obamas payroll tax cut you’re paying less than you did under bush???????
      i’m sure you don’t know that…so i have to lecture you on it…
      so sure the market went down 300points…but it went do 800-1000
      in sept. 2008 under bush in a day…where were you then littleman…
      did you read news today little man…boner said he’s going to make
      a dela with obama…lets hope they do somethingbecause its gotta beddone.
      for gods sake pauly…why do i have to set you straight on this stuff
      all the time…jim d was right…you look bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      most of the people on here ain’t got a pot to piss in…they’ve got no
      stocks or savings.! they’re waiting for social secruity and medicare to come
      in 3-4 years like you do. so they aren’t inthe stock market heavy…
      its irrelevant…
      read much little man…maybe you need to do some research…read
      some articles about the stock market…get educated…because i’m
      tiredv of having to school you on this crap all the time……………………

    • Kerouac says:

      The prognosticator named after (half) a motorcycle (the rear)? The one makes a lot of noise & spins wheel but doesn’t get anywhere? Thought so. Never read him… have used him, commode.

      : )

      Market affirms the fallout an continuing unmitigated disaster the black mark upon a White House. With apologies to Cioran, ‘resident’ is a di$ea$e spreads further & further like a horrible gangrene upon the surface of the globe.

      He cannot impose limits upon himself & continues to be rife despite his rebuffs, takes his defeats for conquests, has never learned anything… he is demagogue.

  18. Paulwilsonkc says:

    Harley, Harley, Harley…. Any chance, how ever small, that you are truly a bright, caring erudite human is totally removed by your endless rambling and hard to wade through posts.
    Any chance, how ever small, that you’re right all the time, is removed by your constant screaming about how right you are.
    Any chance you are ethical, however small, is removed by you NOW using an email as your own personal address you once claimed, on multiple posts, as one belonging to your attorney, Stan Greenberg. The same on you used to impersonate him while sending me threats from said attorney. Since that’s technically a felony that prompted a small investigation. It cost some pocket change, but you’re now known.
    Take care.

  19. Craig Glazer says:

    Well it was good to see a spirited run here…it was after all about our next president..kinda important…again we are entitled to our own opinions…only time will tell who is right or wrong….again, both men likely are fit for the role…Obama won…lets all hope he helps make things get better….that is best for all of us…

  20. mike says:

    Congratulations, Harley. Your guy won this one. I still do not like the direction he has taken this country and am worried about what he is going to do the next four years. My views on Obama are still the same. I hope I am wrong and he does a better job the next four years than he has the first four years.

    • harley says:

      mikey…we all hope…most of us want him to do well..
      but the first term mcconnell and ryan and the rest of congressional
      republicans wanted to destroy him from the time he was
      as the cbo said…in the next 4 years ….12million jobs are going
      to becreated..
      right now there are so many job openings but there are notthe
      people in thelabor pool with the skills to take those jobs…
      i talked with one of my close friends who said in the last
      week she was contacted by 4 recruiters about positions that
      are open for her to take..
      its crazy but how do we get those positions fillledlll
      my clients are struggling to get people …no applicants on their
      help watned ads..
      i think we’re headed for a huge labor shortage..
      and mike…i liked your comment…not one of the romney losers
      has said what you did…nice.

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