Hearne: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Goes To The Movies

Who can forget the wild and crazy Summer of Love 2020?

Not Hollywood.

While I never stopped going to movies during the COVID hoopla – long as theaters were open – my wife, daughters and I were pretty lonely in the nearly empty auditoriums.

That was then…

Finally, with the  Tom Cruise sequel to his dated, boring, original Top Gun, people started coming back to theaters. Not like pre pandemic days, but, hey, the longest journey begins with the first step.

Out here in the desert, I typically see two or three movies a month, which includes a tons of previews or trailers. The latest crop stands out because it includes three movies depicting African Americans in old timey jungle flicks.

Reminds me of those politically correct, “We believe” yard signs.

You know, the ones with slogans like “Black Lives Matter,” “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights,” “No Human Is Illegal” and “Climate Change Is Real.”

‘Member them?

Well, for around $30, you can still buy those signs online or better yet, revisit that bygone epoch by watching movies like Black Panther Wakanda Forever, The Woman King and The Beast.

Take your pick, but prepare for a helping of revisionist history.

To start with, actor Idris Elba – who often plays sophisticated British spy types and was predicted by some the past year to become the first black James Bond – is now But is now tromping around Africa in The Beast, trying to protect his young daughters from a ferocious, killer lion.

In the Black Panther Wakunda sequel we return to a more modern Africa where actress Letitia Wright steps in for deceased actor Chadwick Bosman, to protect her nation from invading forces – as in, pasty white dudes like English actor Martin Freeman.

Better yet, Viola Davis  – who was nominated for Best Actress playing an a circa 1960s maid in Jackson, Mississippi in The Help – is now cast as The Woman King, in 19th Century Africa.

Just one problem…

While Davis ostensibly is defending her all-female tribe from white slavers, in real life, the movie is “historically illiterate,” according to reviews. Because the Dahomey tribe she represents in the movie was in real life a “notorious slave kingdom” that for 200 years conquered other tribes and sold them to the very slavers Davis is fighting in the movie.

Go figure…

It wasn’t until 1852 when a British naval blockade put an end to the Dahomey tribe’s slave trading.

So much for revisionist history…kinda like the “mostly peaceful”  George Floyd protest riots. Then again, whoever said Hollywood made it’s bones on accuracy.

Culture warrior Dwight Sutherland‘s take on the new movie trend:

“Seventy percent of black respondents in a recent poll said they were physically afraid of attacks from their white neighbors,” Sutherland says. “And this was not some off-the-wall poll; it was pretty mainstream. Of course it’s not historically accurate, it’s all propaganda that gets white liberals to cower in guilt.”

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13 Responses to Hearne: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Goes To The Movies

  1. Super Dave says:

    I will never cower in guilt. My family never had slaves in fact both sides of my family wasn’t even in this country during the time of slavery. I don’t condone slavery, I think it was wrong, but sorry I had nothing to do with it nor do I like being told just because I’m white, I’m guilty of it and should pay someone off for something that happened 250 plus years ago.

    All of us who have study any sort of history know that the different black races, tribes, or how ever you wish to say it probably sold off as many black people into slavery as did any other race did if not more.

    No I’ll never cower in guilt!

    • admin says:

      Bless you, Super Dave…
      Go and sin no more. All is forgiven (even though you didn’t do anything – or so you say!)
      I did think it was kin da funny that in Hollywood’s haste to pay tribute to BLM,. etc, they couldn’t wait to jam home a bunch of African-style retreads to make sure we’re all on good behavior.
      The part that is most bogus though is pretending that all those fierce all-woman warriors are kicking white person butt to stave off slavery…NOT!

      • Super Dave says:

        I agree

        • chuck lowe says:

          2% of Americans come from families that owned slaves and that includes Kamala Harris. “Roots” was a lie, soup to nuts and btw, Alex Haley was convicted of plagiarism.

          Sir Henry Morton Stanley, (“Dr. Livingston I Presume”) called the “Rock Breaker” (Bula Matari) was feted the world over because he went deep into the Congo and lived through it.

          Richard Francis Burton and John Hanning Speke are depicted acurately in the movie, “Mountains of the Moon” as explorers searching for the source of the Nile in Africa. They were feted world wide, as intrepid & courageous for going into Africa.

          White boys, as opposed to the “Narrative” did NOT go into central Africa looking for slaves, they would all die from disease and get eaten faster than Michael Rockefeller.

          Slaves were 100% sold into slavery by black people first.

          The greatest slavers in history, were blacks.

          Muslims come in at #2
          The Portuguese at #3

          This narrative of ex post facto guilt, shouldered by white Americans is a convenient canard, used to divide us and destroy us by way of an assignment that is Sisyphean & specious. It works and is the catalyst for a demonic democrat party that makes bank on that same division.

          The precipitous drop in American IQ, over the last 25 years (Studies show a 20 point drop-Stanford Binet) dovetails perfectly with the gas lighting, in your face BS that jejune, uninformed and frankly stupid folks who buy into an Alex Haley – Tooth Fairy narrative identify with on an emotional basis.

          Next up on the silver screen. ” 12 Years a Knave”.

          Robin Hood and his band of semi-fascist, white supremacists burn crosses in Sherwood Forest until the noble, dirigiste democrat, Department of Justice, Sherriff of Nottingham, brings them to heel, imprisons them in the White Tower for “insurrection” with no Habeas Corpus as they wait for a Star Chamber Trial in a court that will justifiably break the butterfly on the wheel.

          • admin says:

            Agree in general that most slaves were captured and sold into slavery by competing tribes.

            Yes, the Europeans and Americans contributed by buying and re-selling them, but slavery goes back a lot further than Africans being sold to colonists here.

            Anybody see the movie Spartacus?

            To me what’s bogus about this new Viola Davis flick is that she’s on record not being happy playing a free, black housekeeper in The Help and seemingly wants to redeem herself by being an angry black tribal warrior, BUT…

            Thee tribe she represents was one of the biggest black slavers of the time, yet they’ve been recast as the opposite?

            Not planning on seeing this one, unless something else worth writing about surfaces

    • zobi stone says:

      most people who had slaves were those of jewish origin not white people anyway
      look it up

      • admin says:

        That’s fine, I’m not worried about it…just pointing out a bit of Hollywood inacurracy based on s-called “woke” sensibilities

  2. JoCo Crank says:

    Right, all the movies and shows about Vikings and Nazis and Russian spies are documentaries? Got it. We should all go to the movies and expect it all to be non-fiction, cool. Oh, and it’s Idris Elba, not Elbow. I’m sorry it hurts you to see trailers featuring movies about Black characters and featuring Black actors. This post makes me embarrassed for you. Like, what is the point of it?

    • admin says:

      Thanks for the spell correct correction…

      But geez, didn’t mean to tilt your pinball machine sensibilities. Take a couple tequila shots, sleep it off and get back to me in the a.m.

      All I’m saying is post BLM riots and a minor epidemic of woeness, Hollywood is suddenly jamming in a bunch of go-with-the-flow, revisionist blackumemntaries.

      Just an observation, wild man. Try and stay calm, if you can.

      But first take a step back and glance at the specifics of my observations, rather than your presumptions about motive.

      These are not just black actors and movies. They seem top have a very specific bent. Which, unfortunately, doesn’t quite fit your “documentaries” category.

      Fierce, all black women warriors wiping out the slavers, when in reality, they were mainly courting said white dudes top trade other black folk that they’d conquered and selling them into slavery.

    • chuck lowe says:

      When Ryan Gosling is cast for the next “Shaft” movie, lemme know.

      BTW way, the trailer for that Viola Davis movie is emetic level stupid.

      I hope and pray you are triple vaccinated and have all of your boosters.

      • admin says:

        Good to hear from you, Wild Man…
        And nice comment, too!
        I am ZERO vaccinated, FYI. But I have an offing ton of natural immunity courtesy of my wife and I “catching” the original COVID 19 four days before Christmas 2020, prior to vaccines becoming available

        • chuck lowe says:

          I was being sarcastic about the vaccines – it was directed at JoJo.

          The “vaccine” is NOT a vaccine, and, in fact, is poison.


          • admin says:

            Got it…

            But, you mean Harley, I think. You’re kind of dating yourself calling him JoJo.

            That said, did you notice that he is back…alive and kicking and holed up in Phoenix and NOT Craig Glazer as I once suspected!

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