Dwight: Déjà vu All Over Again

On the night of February 27, 1933, the Reichstag in Berlin, where the German parliament met, was set ablaze…

Four weeks earlier Adolph Hitler’s Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) Party had formed a minority government at the request of President Paul Von Hindenburg, with Hitler sworn in as Chancellor, i.e. prime minister, on January 30th.  Hitler had immediately asked Von Hindenburg to call new parliamentary elections for March 5th.  He had also sought the enactment of the “Enabling Act,” a special law which gave him as Chancellor the power to enact laws without having to get legislative approval.

In the meantime, the Nazi’s campaigned on a pledge to stop Communism by giving them an outright majority in the parliament and total control of the government.

On the night the fire broke out, Nazi officials and the Nazi controlled press immediately blamed the Communists, arguing that the burning of the Reichstag building was the signal for a nationwide insurrection, which had to be preemptively suppressed if Germany was to be saved from the Bolshevik menace.

An emotionally disturbed Dutch teenager, Marinus Van de Lubbe, with ties to a Communist street gang  was swiftly arrested, tried and executed.  Historians have debated for decades who actually set the blaze.

Regardless of who was to blame for the arson, Hitler and his henchmen like Hermann Goering and Joseph Goebbels used it as an excuse for an even harsher crack down on the opponents than any they had been calling for prior to the incident.

At Hitler’s insistence, Von Hindenburg signed into law “The Reichstag Fire Decree,” which eliminated freedom of the press, of speech, of free association and freedom from arbitrary arrest.

All this was combined with the rounding up of thousands of Communists, and the intimidation of any remaining parliamentary opposition and resulted in the destruction of Weimar Germany’s fledgling democracy and Adolph Hitler’s assuming total control as dictator.

The Trump supporters that trespassed on government property on January 6th in the hope that it would somehow stop the certification of the election should bear the full weight of the law.

This does not mean that they lose all legal rights.

Right now, four hundred people are being held in sordid conditions in solitary confinement in a D.C. jail.  They have been denied bail and access to counsel.  The sainted Attorney General Merrick Garland, martyred at Mitch McConnell’s hands in his quest to reach the Supreme Court, has announced a nationwide man hunt for everyone who was on the Capital grounds on January 6th and considered a nationwide no fly list for political opponents of the Democrats.

The Biden administration has enlisted the help of the credit card companies to contact anyone who made charges in D.C. on or around January 6th, even if they had no connection with the Capital riot.

People have been subject to dawn raids by the FBI because they bore a passing resemblance to people who showed up on security cameras in the Capitol that day.  Once more, Democrats have the inestimable advantages of trying these political enemies before liberal D.C. judges and juries.  This has no practical difference from civil rights activists being tried by white jurors in the Deep South circa 1962.

This week President Biden took advantage of an event commemorating the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma race riot to identify “white supremacists” as the biggest threat to the country. 

This echoes the Democratic party line that the January 6th riot was an attempted coup or insurrection by white supremacists.

Substitute “Communist” for “racist”, Marinus Van de Lubbe for Chewbacca Man a.k.a. Q-Anon  Shaman, and “assault on the German nation” for “assault on American Democracy” and you have the same deceit, same demagoguery, and the same willingness to fake legality to hide repression.  The end game is the same, one party rule installed through fear of a menace that doesn’t exist, an insurrection that is always about to break out but somehow never materializes.

When is our ruling class going to wake up out of their “woke” coma? 

Today’s news brings word of a campaign to vilify Ellie Kemper, the popular actress with family ties to Kansas City.  One account noted that Ms. Kemper had endorsed BLM and Biden-Harris.  Apparently, she, like so many other members of our elite, hasn’t figured out that she is a class enemy, condemned as an enemy of marginalized “peepuls”because of her wealth and race, like the fools living in Mission Hills with two BLM signs in front of their multi-million-dollar mansions.

When the revolution comes for them, will they realize what’s happening? If they do, I’m afraid it will not only be too late for them but too late for the country.

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28 Responses to Dwight: Déjà vu All Over Again

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Typical gaslighting bullshit that what you saw really isn’t what you saw. It wasn’t “us” that stormed the Capital, it was “them”. The morons driven by disinformation, the inability to see the truth and a willingness to blindly follow a morally deficient cheeto deserve every single thing they get. The GQP is so far down the rabbit hole they wouldn’t know the truth if it came gift wrapped in a Trump 2020 flag.

    Sordid conditions in a D.C. jail? Cry me a river. Party of law and order? Oh, please.

    This is Natural Selection in all of its glory.

    • Boris says:


      • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

        These comments reflect a delightful compendium of confused thinking. First,Jim accuses me of gaslighting him,I simply drew a historical parallel between January 6th and an event which is often evoked but is little understood. I’m not questioning his perception of what he saw of the former. I’m more bothered by what we have not seen,I.e. the 14,000 hours of security tapes from the Capital that day. These need to be disclosed so the public can assess for itself what actually happened and so the 500 defendants charged for what happened that day can get a fair trial.
        I’m also bothered by your description of “morons being driven by misinformation and inability to see the truth.” It’s always interesting to see the self proclaimed champions of The Party of The People display such contempt towards working people who lack their advantages. Who is more blameworthy? The unsophisticated followers of Q-Anon,who actually believe that there is a sex trafficking ring of underage girls that involves some of the wealthiest and most politically powerful people in the country? (Get Melinda Gates and Ghislaine Maxwell to tell you how ridiculous this is !) Or is it top members of the US intelligence community who claim that Trump was a Soviet agent forty years ago when he was promoting pro wrestling in Atlantic City.? Or the claims by the same credentialed experts that the Hunter Biden laptop was a forgery by Russian intelligence,who faked 103,000 emails on the hard drive of a lap top left in a Delaware computer repair shop a year before Biden was elected?
        This is silly political posturing by Jim and Boris. More worrisome is their apparent belief that they alone know The Truth and that when it comes down to Us v.Them(Jim’s phrase not mine) anyone who disagrees with them loses the right to due process and equal justice under the law. I’m amazed at the notion they hold that as long as they have power over their political opponents,the latter deserve exactly what they get. Why don’t you drop your pseudonyms so you can tell that openly to the husband and children of Ashley Babbit,the protester who was the only person to be killed that day? Or that her death, unarmed and at the hands of a still to be identified Capital policeman,was “Natural Selection in All It’s Glory.”It is this sort of hateful attitude that threatens to drive this country to a civil war.If this happens,Jim and Boris will-to coin a phrase-‘deserve every single thing they get’. Unfortunately,they will drag the rest of us down with them

        • Boris says:

          Gawd, what a load of semi-senile horseshit lawyerly horseshit…

          What is the kids say? Video or it didn’t happen?

          Cites for each of your vague claims, please.

  2. Dwight Sutherland says:

    What do I need to “prove” to you? The historical record on the Reichstag fire? Try Alan Bullock’s, “Hitler: A Study in Tyranny”. How those charged in the January 6th riot have been treated? I thought your whole point was that it didn’t matter how they’re treated,that as “morons” who are stupid enough to be Trump followers they deserve every thing they get. Now that looks untenable,you’re scrambling to make me document things that no one seriously contests. You say “Go to The Tape” but how can we when the federal government won’t release the 14,000 hours of surveillance tapes,citing national security? The only thing that is not widely known is the ludicrous story that Trump has been a Russian agent since his wrestling/ beauty contests days forty some years ago. Google “Trump, Russian Agent Since 1980s” and you’ll see thirty plus articles from supposedly credible sources putting forth this ridiculous theory. This makes the Q-anon stuff look mainstream,or at least no crazier than stuff put out by New York Magazine,The Guardian,The New Yorker,etc,,Since they are at a slightly higher level of sophistication than the unemployed sheet metal workers who you delight in mocking,what is their,and your,excuse?

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Here is what I know to be the absolute truth:

      1. There are no lizard people.
      2. Politicians are not sacrificing children and drinking their blood.
      3. Ashley Babbit was a nut-job, violent seditionist trying to overthrow democracy because her lord and savior lost. She was breaching a barricaded door. HER actions caused her death. It’s on video. To call her a “protester” is a freaking joke.
      4. Trump is NOT running the government from Mar-A-Lago.
      5. Biden is not dead and that isn’t a body double in his place.
      6. Trump will not be “reinstated” in August.
      7. There was no fraud in the 2020 election. Every single level of government, Judicial branches, Secretaries of state, election commissions, et al have said so. Fraud is the battle cry of the GQP when they lose. They can’t get it wrapped around their heads that they are ACTUALLY the minority in this country.

      Do you know how I know these things are true? Because I’m not moron that swallows all of the bullshit that OAN, Alex Jones, FoxNews or NewsMax spews as “truth”.

      For reference, I’m not some left-wing crazy. I have voted for every single winning candidate in the Presidential elections since 1980, sans 1. My record of picking winners is 10-1. I’d say my politics are in-line with the majority of Americans.

      • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

        There are no lizard people? Hunter Biden, Jeffrey Toobin, Anthony Weiner, Jeff Bezos, Harvey Weinstein, all seem to qualify! Biden is not dead and there isn’t a body double in his place? Are you sure about that? Why does the news feel like a sequel to “Weekend at Bernies?” Seriously, you miss my point that uneducated people may fall pray to ridiculous internet rumors but they are less blameworthy than journalists and office holders who work to propagate vicious conspiracy theories to hold on to power by fanning racial and class hatred.

      • Dwight Sutherland says:

        By your logic Trayvon Martin, Breona Taylor, Freddie Gray, Michael Brown,Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd etc, all deserved to die because their actions in resisting arrest caused their deaths ,as you say about Ashley Babbit. I don’t think this is what you actually believe. If it is,just say so and I will arrange for you to enter the witness protection program to save you from your erstwhile accomplices in BLM/Antifa. By the way,your statement,”Because I’m not moron”(sic)is still open to debate when you come out with the opinion that unarmed trespassers can be shot on sight. You are also unable to make the distinction between “Truths” and conclusions, which is the underlying flaw in your comments.

        • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

          Yes, yes, yes. Everyone that disagrees with your political point of view MUST be part of Antifa/BLM.

          If you like to equate someone sleeping in their bed when a no-knock warrant is served in the middle of the night and getting shot by police to a brainwashed minion who was illegally breaching a door that had been barricaded to SOMEHOW usurp a political process……..by all means. Make that connection.

          The FACT that there was a $12MM wrongful death settlement in the BT case, charges brought against the officers, resignations, etc tells me the two MIGHT not be the same.

          But hey, us lizard people have a different point of view. Must be the baby blood.

          • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

            And if Taylor’s boy friend hadn’t fired a “warning shot” at the police they would not have returned fire and killed her. The point is you can always point to something to justify a police shooting. Babbit’s family has filed a wrongful death action.If they get a settlement will you accept her innocence? I doubt it because you are blind to your double standards.Ayaan Hirsi Ali defines tribalism as a blind,unreasoning hatred of another group,justified by vicious ad hominem attacks on its members. You are Exhibit A of this definition.

          • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

            Innocent? She was LITERALLY committing a crime at the time she was shot. What crime had BT committed? The warrant wasn’t even for HER.

            Unreasoning hatred? How about calling a spade a spade? Exactly what do you think would have happened if that mob HAD caught up with Pence or Pelosi or any of the other Democratic lawmakers in the chamber that day? I watched as they beat the shit out of law enforcement officers that day. You think they were just going to have a chat with lawmakers? It wasn’t Antifa or BLM chanting “hang Mike Pence”. Oh wait, maybe it was. No, maybe it was FBI or possibly the deep state. So hard to keep these things straight.

            Hatred? No. ZERO sympathy for diluted followers of a man-baby that convinced them he was cheated and therefore they needed to commit treason by trying to overturn a duly elected POTUS? Yes. 100% yes.

            Wrap yourself in a trump flag (literally), storm the Capitol and breach it, pepper spray and kick the shit of uniformed officers and call yourself a patriot. No, we aren’t the same. Thank goddess we aren’t the same. Not even close.

            Stay right inside that GQP bubble of yours. You seem comfortable.

          • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

            Thank “goddess”(sic),I am not one of your “diluted”(sic) followers.”LITERALLY”!Do you even know what that word means or are you using it in a quasi-literate,figurative sense,i.e. for emphasis or as hyperbole? You know as in,”Trump is literally Hitler!”, a favorite locution among you progressives. In other words,you are not using”literally” literally,right?
            Re your new found respect for law enforcement,where were you In 2014 when 10 police officers were killed by BLM supporters? No word then from you,Mr.Back The Blue! Over 900 police officers injured last summer by BLM/Antifa? “Defund the Police,they’re systemically racist!”,says Mr. Law and Order! In short,you and your “diluted” followers don’t care about what happens to the police except as a rhetorical cudgel to bash your political opponents.
            Disrupting the political process or functions of government? Let’s just confine that category to the last four years. Starting with Trump’s Inaugural,Kavanaugh’s confirmation,last summer’s Republican national convention,the attempts to breach the White House grounds,firebombings of court houses and police stations,etc.these all involved violent protests by the Left,which you studiously ignore.Why can’t you understand my position that no one who attacks the police,Right or Left,should get away with it? Or are you so blinded by your hatred for Trump and his supporters that you can’t see the obvious double standards being used by the Biden administration? Anyone who can laugh at the deaths of five unarmed people on January 6th(“Natural selection in all it’s glory!) is probably beyond reason, anyway.
            “Fraud is the battle cry of the GOP when they lose.” Give me one example of the Republicans contesting a presidential election until now. You can’t because there are none.By contrast,every single losing Democratic candidate for the presidency has blamed his or her loss on Republican fraud since 1956. I’m talking Anna Chennault(1968),Watergate(1972),October surprise(1980),Iran-Contra(1984),Willie Horton(1988),hanging chads(2000),hacked voting machines in Ohio(2004),and Russian collusion(2016). No Republican president since Eisenhower has been recognized as legitimate accordingly by most partisan Democrats.
            For somebody who claims to have been politically active since 1980,your ignorance is astounding. By the way,if you have voted for the winner every time but once since then,that necessarily means you voted for Reagan and Obama,George W.Bush and Clinton.How do you explain the incoherent political logic that such choices reflect,except as a childish desire to be seen as going with the winner? That doesn’t make you a political savant,it makes you a political opportunist like the sad sacks who tell pollsters that they voted for the winning candidate in much larger numbers than the actual results indicate.

      • Hudson H Luce says:

        I’m going to disagree with Dwight, here: “The Trump supporters that trespassed on government property on January 6th in the hope that it would somehow stop the certification of the election should bear the full weight of the law.”

        No, absolutely not, that government which has falsely arrested them and continue to hold them under the conditions of a South American banana republic, in total defiance of the provisions of both the Constitution and Bill of Rights, should bear the full weight of the law. Those people had every right to be there, to protest what they thought was a stolen election – or frankly for any other kind of protest. By making Washington DC an armed camp, with 20000 US troops as an army of occupation, the people in power prove by their actions at the time of the protest and up until now, that they no longer have the consent of the governed. “…[T]o secure these ends, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”, and governments which lack the consent of the governed lack *just* powers, they rule by force and fraud instead – and that’s the reason for those troops – there could be no other. Jefferson advocated a solution for such a situation: “[W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, begun at a distinguished period, and pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject them to arbitrary power, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” If this isn’t one of the grossest examples of intent to subject people whose politics are objected to, to arbitrary power, since the Alien and Sedition Acts, I’m not sure what is – perhaps the Palmer Raids under Wilson? And the long train of abuses continues on to this day. And there is a remedy, and it isn’t insurrection, either, because that’s against lawful authority, and this government has long since abandoned the rule of law.

  3. Alamo Joe says:

    Thanks for that great essay, Dwight. The comparison to 1930s Germany is apt. I continue to be amazed at the eerie combination of gullibity and savage vitriol of the misinformed Left in this country. All they know news-wise comes from Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon. A month before the last election, many of my Democrat friends knew nothing about the Hunter Biden laptop saga or Tucker’s historic hour-long interview with Tony Bobulinski that revealed serious financial scams of the Joe Biden/brother James Biden/Hunter Biden crime family over the last few decades. And they continue to poo-poo the possibility of voter fraud in key counties. To quote Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca: “Perhaps I was misinformed.” This in spite of the great coverage by Fox and other conservative news outlets. Dems want to abolish the police while BLM burns and destroys billions of dollars of private and government property with impunity; meanwhile last year the FBI sent a SWAT team to arrest and handcuff un-armed septuagenarian Republican political consultant Roger Stone at 5 in the morning at his house. “Wow, that geezer in the bathrobe looks like a dangerous person.” Something is very wrong when crime is sky-rocketing in un-policed urban areas and the government wants to take guns away from law-abiding citizens in both urban and rural areas. As the song goes, “Out of my cold dead fingers, I give up my gun.”

  4. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Yes, goddess. Did I spell goddess wrong? Every bit as legitimate as any other god.

    I’m a political opportunist because I vote for a candidate and not for a “party”? Seems odd since the majority of Americans seemed to have voted the exact same way as I did during those general elections. People like you who think that ONE party has all of the answers are the problem.

    You seem to have mistaken me for someone else. Trump is Hitler? Where the blank did I ever say that? I certainly lean left of center, but I don’t support the whack jobs on the extreme ends of the right OR the left. That isn’t where the overwhelming majority of Americans stand. You appear to be the one outside the norm. The republican party has morphed into a party of conspiracy theorists, seditionists and wanna-be autocrats. When you drive away people like my parents who voted a straight republican ticket since 1952 because the party thought a game show host and a grifter was the best choice, you’ve done something.

    Politically ignorant? Sure, OK. If that makes you feel politically superior, fine. All I know is you hitched YOUR wagon to a ONE-TERM candidate that lost the House, the Senate and the White House in 4 short years. After that loss, he and his crime family went on a $200MM+ grift to fund a “stop the steal” campaign in an effort to overturn an election that had already been certified by all of the states.

    What is the date of his reinstatement? August something-or-other? So hard to keep track. I realize that he is actually running things and the military is taking orders from him, not Biden. Correction, Biden’s body double. But, he’s gonna have to get back in the White House before people believe it. After all, he is the one actually traveling on Airforce One. Might as well make it official by sleeping at the White House. Once that happens, he can get back to the task of rounding up the thousands of Democrats, Tom Hanks, Hillary Clinton, et al involved in that vile sex-traffic ring and stop the satanic sacrifices of babies. I mean, God chose him. He needs to get back to work.

    If none of that ever happens, could one come to the conclusion that it was all………BULLSHIT? Of course it is. It is one giant lie. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature KNOWS it’s a giant lie. But, here is one thing about Republican operatives. They completely understand the gullibility of their base and they never miss an opportunity to exploit it for financial gain. What’s the saying? “A fool and his money…..”

    Democracy is a funny thing. It allows people to have completely opposite political ideologies. Weird.

    • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

      The journalist Matt Taibbi says there is a new argument on the Left. Any point made by their opponents is answered with some variant of this devastating riposte;”Yes,but Trump is an asshole!” You have just proved him right. You have not addressed any of the points in my comment;your double standard regarding violence and destruction,your lack of any support for your silly claim that it’s Republicans who are always crying election fraud to rationalize losing elections,your missing my illustration of how “literally” is constantly being misused these days by those on the Left,your vicious comment on the Trump supporters who died on January 6th as natural selection at work(ha-ha!),the basic inanity of saying ‘I vote for the candidate,not the party’(this sounds fine in theory but in practice means voting for whoever looks most like your cute local t.v.weatherman… Wendell Anschutz,call your office!). Asking questions about election anomalies is not a big lie.Why not allow the election audits to go forward,like the one in Michigan just completed,to put to rest any allegation of fraud?

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        Strange the “allegations of fraud” are ONLY in states that Trump lost. In order to get 7 million more votes, the “fraud” had to be spread out over a number of states. Gosh, you would think the GQP that runs all those states wouldn’t have certified the vote if they thought it was fraudulent. How many recounts did Georgia have? What did Brad Raffensperger have to say about all of the talk of fraud? How many phone calls did he get from Trump or his team about “finding votes”?

        Widespread election fraud is a myth that has been disproven over and over again. Where was all this “fraud” in 2016? Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. No way she gets that many votes over the greatest POTUS of our time.

        Allegations are NOT evidence. Evidence is evidence. 60+ times they tried to argue this garbage in court. 60+ times they lost. Surely it wouldn’t be hard to prove this in court since it happened on such a massive scale.

        It was a giant grift. Just a way to bilk money from people that still fly their Trump 2020 flags. Easy marks.

        The MyPillow guy says Trump actually got 90% of the popular vote and he can prove it. There’s an allegation. Should we look into that, too?

        I vote for the candidate that I think has an agenda that I mostly agree with and that I think is up for the job of governing America. At times, it can be a bit of a “lesser of two evils” gambit, but I have enough brains to know that difference. Case in point, Hillary Clinton. Not a fan at all! But, I knew exactly who DJT was and what he stood for. In the end, I was 100% right about that. A loser that turned red states blue and cost his party all 3 houses. He was so polarizing that 81 million Americans made sure he didn’t have another 4 years.

        You vote for the candidate with an “R” after their name. That seems like a much more intelligent way of doing it.

        • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

          You keep changing the subject as you lose arguments. I learned fifty years ago when I made the mistake of trying to take on a congressman’s son in a political argument not to challenge someone who knows more than you do. I’ll be happy to address the anomalous election results in a separate post. Thank you for setting it up so nicely with a string of CNN/MSNBC talking points that I’m looking forward to dispatching.

  5. Gaetano Cipriano says:

    I would like to know how many undercover FBI agents were part of the crowd that trespassed on Capitol Hill on Jan 6. I’d like to know what interaction they had with demonstrators. I’d like to know if they took any steps to incite the crowd to enter the Capitol unlawfully. I’d like to know why there are unnamed , unindicted co-conspiritors. I’d like to know why there are people who were arrested being held in solitary confinement . Lots of questions, and no answers.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      It’s almost as if a 9/11 type commission would be something useful in getting answers to your questions. If only they would try to form one so that we could get to the bottom of exactly what happened and how.

  6. Buzz O'Brien says:

    Excellent article Dwight. Jim AKA doesnt seem to realize that 60-70000 votes would turn this election. Not 7 million. Are we truly supposed to believe that the sleepiest,oldest and most cognitively challenged candidate in American history recieved 25 percent more votes than Hildabeast or Barrry Hussein. I think not. Joe had the smallest relative audience in our history when he made his speech to Congress. He has been unable to get 1000 people to attend any political event from the beggining of the campaign til now. Trump turns away thousands every time he speaks, even now. No president in history has received more votes in his second election and lost. DJT recieved almost 11,000,000 more than 2016. Point is, demonstrating is part and parcel of our system and should be encouraged. In fact studies have shown that as much as 38 percent of the demonstrators were invited in by Capital police by opening doors and taking selfies. The immature acts of far less than 1 percent of the demonstrators should not taint the overall effort and beliefs of half of the voters in the country at large. No one died as the result of actions by the demonstrators on January 6th. The same cannot be said of the scorched earth policies of the left in the last twelve monts. It is the old mountain versus a mole hill argument writ large. Regarding the rejection by the courts over process issues and its cursory data deficient review in the days after the election regarding fraudulent malfeasance, HOLD MY BEER!

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Another Cheeto worshiper that thinks rally crowds equate to votes. I’ve never been to a political rally in my 60 years on this earth and yet, I’ve voted in every single election since I was old enough to do so. Weird, huh?

      What cult members will never be able to wrap their brains around is that they are in an overwhelming MINORITY. They think EVERYONE thought tRump was the greatest POTUS ever. In fact, the exact opposite was true and they turned out in record numbers to proof it.

      Last repub to win the popular vote?

      Exactly how many votes would been needed to turn the 2016 election to Clinton? Math is hard, huh? I’ll take Michigan for $1000, Alex.

      No one died? Tell that to the family of the woman trampled to death by the idiots on Jan. 6th.

      Facts are hard, too.

  7. Bill Bob says:

    well…biden is getting 56% approval rates from fox and rasmussen.
    Trump said “Hitler did some good things!”. You right wingers can come up with at least 5 or 6 things can’t you.
    Trump kept a book of hitler next to his bed. Did you right wingers read it too?
    Biden wins reelection in a landslide in 2024. Any bettors or loudmouth right wingers want to take that bet?
    Economy is booming. Market headed to 39k. States flush with cash are booming. More jobs than applicants and with the coming industrial revolution we’re headed up and away.
    If only you losers would get the vaccine and not cause further lockdowns. If only you would approve the infrastructure plan so we could compete with the chinese. If only you losers would understand that the nation will never see another REPUBLICAN president because the demographics have changed so dramatically.
    Good luck and bye bye losers!!

    • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

      Five years another troll made almost identical boasts on this blog about the smashing victory the Democratic nominee was about to win.Substitute “Joe” for “Hillary” and they read word for word as if they were written by the same person.As I wrote shortly after November 3rd,2016,you should wait to gloat about the outcome of a contested event;be it a lawsuit,an athletic competition or an election until it’s over.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        God I miss Harley/Glaser. I think we all know they were one and the same, but damn. They could troll. Bill Bob could have used their/his tutelage.

        • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

          Finally,something we can agree on! There was no troll like Harley/Boom-Boom/Jo-Jo but I think with your help,Jim,billbob could be a contender.

          • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

            Dwight, we probably have WAY more in common than you think. I tell a friend of mine in Northern Missouri that is a GIANT fan of Trump and a diehard Republican…..we have 95% in common and 5% that we don’t. Pretty good percentage and more than enough for a friendship.


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