Hearne: Coming Back From Fire Meets Dearth of ‘Fair & Balanced” Reporting

Greetings from the Wild, Wild West…

Long time, no see. Ah but after a tiny garage fire that resulted in two months of living at a local resort waiting for things like the power and water heater  in my house to be fixed and/or replaced, I’m finally back in my new Oro Valley abode.

Don’t get me wrong though.

My life is still pretty much upside down, waiting for new a garage door and front door and a complete repainting of the interior of the house. That and a host of other remedies still being sorted things out with the insurance company.

But the end appears near…

At which point we can finally begin unpacking stuff, hanging pictures, hooking up audio-video systems, getting in  new furniture and basically what passes for real life.

Then and only then can I set aside time to comment on the state of things Kansas City.

Most of which appears to be something of a mess, with the Kansas City Star pursuing a full-time course of action to eff with all things conservative and traditional in its quest to follow the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC is talking down to people with anything short of a far left overview of life today.

It really is amazing to see how topsy turvy things have gone, where even red necks like Star editor Mike Fannin have been forced to disguise who they really are so as not to risk getting cancelled or laid off.

Hey, it’s not as if they are alone in following this path.

Unfortunately, today’s Star is wildly extreme and unchecked, unlike the “good old days” when the politics leaned pretty far left, but were tempered by a sense of surviving in two states where conservative values and thinking are every bit of at least half of a broader audience.

The ridiculously unfortunate downside of the current state of affairs at the local newspaper-of-record is a huge loss of readership and revenue, that nobody in management dares mention or try and remedy  for fear that they too will be cancelled.

Does anybody really think that Fannin could survive have an Andrew Cuomo like affair with the married sports editor that reported directly to him in this day and age? An affair that resulted  in her – not Fannin – having to get a divorce and hit the bricks?

So onwards we all go.

The Arizona Daily Star here inTucson is left leaning – like the KC Star of old – but far less dedicated to laying the pipe to each and everything imaginable that smacks of even the slightest  of conservative leanings.

For example will the Star ever get over themselves about  Josh Hawley?

It’s gotten past the point of stalking and hazing the poor pol.

Is Hawley perfect? Of course not.

Nor is he the embodiment of all things evil…except where the Star is concerned.

And they live to point out Patrick Mahomes black ethnicity and make sure to try their best to keep him on a politically correct path.

It’s a control thing.

Take for example today’s latest unflattering photo of Hawley, juxtaposed alongside a headline about the puppeteers “who guided” Hawley’s rise as a warning to Missourians.

The newspaper celebrated helping get Hawley’s publisher to drop his upcoming book deal, then more-or-less have ignored that another publisher picked it up, and Hawley raised more money in January than any other month in nearly three years.

Naturally, the Star welcomed the Chiefs selling the naming rights to Arrowhead Stadium, with a wink and a nod to that being a sign the team will be shedding its Native American name and imagery.

For what?

A smattering of not-for-profit  Native American groups that have been willing to call the team out for disrespecting American Indians? Truth be known – absent terms like “Redskins” and goofy cartoon imagery – short of being cheered on by woke. liberal media, nobody much really cares.

Ah, but we’ll see…

Meanwhile we can all rest easy knowing the newspaper’s editorial board is watching out for us all by belaboring issues like mask wearing, payouts to a policeman and headlines about white supremacy (as opposed to BLM and Antifa), the wholesale discrediting of Republican pols and something called the “unfiltered reality of Black America.”

No wonder the newspaper is losing readers and ad dollars like never before.

Raising the question; whatever happened to even halfway “fair and balanced” news?

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One Response to Hearne: Coming Back From Fire Meets Dearth of ‘Fair & Balanced” Reporting

  1. Super Dave says:

    Welcome back from the dead.

    You were lucky with your fire if it was only two months. A house next street over burned Christmas Eve and they have yet to start doing anything on it. I’ve been told the freezer and refrigerator both full of holiday food have been sitting in the house untouched, pity the fool who has to move them out. I guess the days when the insurance company had crews on site with in hours of your incident working to get you back in your home is dead and gone.

    As for the Star, the smart people pay no attention to it, only the fools suck up the foolishness it slings out at the public.

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