Sutherland: The Definitive Craig Glazer Sendoff

I’ve spent some time thinking about the “was Craig Glazer really ‘Harley’” mystery…

And I’ve come down finally on the “no” side of that argument after talking with several people who knew Craig well.

First of all, the evidence for the affirmative view is largely circumstantial, i.e. Harley stopped posting comments around the time of Craig’s illness and death.

Remember, though, correlation is not causation. 

In other words, the fact that Harley going dark on KCC coincided with Craig’s demise may have been just that, i.e. a coincidence. 

I think the far more likely cause was Harley’s humiliation over the 2016 election.

Preemptive gloating on the outcome of any contested event can be fatal to one’s ego, as it apparently was with Harley – a.k.a. Jo-Jo, a.k.a. Boom-Boom – if it doesn’t turn out as you’ve loudly and obnoxiously predicted. 

The more persuasive reason to think we’re dealing with two different people was revealed to me in two lengthy conversations I had with people who knew Craig well. 

As obnoxious as Glazer could be, he was a doer, a wheeler dealer, but also someone whose reach often exceeded his grasp. 

There is no better example of this than Craig’s role in pulling off the first Chief’s Outlaw Red Friday rally in Westport in September of 1994. 

This was an alternative to the Chiefs’ Red Friday downtown which had gone on for some time. Craig thought Westport should get in on the action, as did other Westport business owners, like Bill Nigro, former owner of the Beaumont Club, Torre’s Pizzeria, and other establishments too numerous-or too notorious -to mention. 

While this was only logical since Westport was the entertainment center of Kansas City, Glazier’s own notoriety as a convicted felon (from his narc/dope dealer days) meant he was poison to Chief’s management. 

Chiefs coach Marty Schotenheimer and general manager Carl Peterson got wind of the rally and forbade anyone in the Chief’s organization to attend.  This included the Chief’s cheerleaders, as well as any of the players. 

By the time Glazer, Nigro and the other rally organizers learned of the embargo, posters were already up promoting the event throughout the city. 

Craig immediately sprung into action.

He let quarterback Joe Montana know that unless he showed up, all the bar and restaurant operators in Westport would stop buying Coor’s beer from his distributorship. 

Craig drafted the Shawnee Mission West cheerleaders, whose uniforms were fortuitously red and white, to take the place of the official Chief’s squad.

Glazer then arranged for 10 strippers to appear in 10 limos – hired at $100 a stripper- to accost Chiefs’ players after the team’s practice, wearing bikinis.

He also arranged for the Navy Seals to parachute in for the Friday afternoon event.

Needless to say, he made sure the motorcade of Chief’s and strippers was escorted from the stadium to the rally. 

To round things off, Craig got Mayor Cleaver, actress Victoria Jackson of SNL fame, and a Playboy center fold all to appear.

The event was a roaring success, blowing away the Chiefs’ family-friendly event that featured a petting zoo for kids.

Also because Craig promoted it on his radio appearances on Johnny Dare’s show.

The person called Harley was purely negative to the point of nihilism.

He could never have pulled off something like this with such verve and elan.

Craig, RIP!
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31 Responses to Sutherland: The Definitive Craig Glazer Sendoff

  1. Kerouac says:

    “I think the far more likely cause was Harley’s humiliation over the 2016 election.”

    – agreed, if in fact Harley, Jo-Jo, Boom-Boom were ‘not’ CG… President Trump loses the election in 2020 (yeah right), might one or more return? Harley et alia, devotees as never-Trumpers shouldn’t hold their breath: a Merry Christmas four more looms!

    From election erection to 53 men same: were CG ghost-writing here today, blogged lines would be flowing this time o’ year – that not so very understated hyperbole his likely to include this fare: ‘this is our year’, ‘we have got the best QB who ever lived’, and (of course) tales his of betting lore… ‘I am winning ‘REALLY BIG’ this $ea$on!’

    Can almost picture him here, HC cleaning up (or not) CG’s immensely melodic and artistic (if hyperbolic) narrative fare. Alas, the end must always ring each new year:
    ’tis the season to be jolly – fa-la-la-la-loss, wait till next year.’

    A tale of a ‘Dumb & Dumber’: KC ’71, Dolphins kayo Chiefs, ditto another Christmas, Lloyd/Carrey, found saying “there’s a chance” reel life (happily ever after) compared real (he as his Holly go * poof * out of wedded bonds bliss, less than a year in), share ghosts as Grinch Christmases past.

    From the glory of love to that the gridiron, ‘we haven’t had that spirit here since 1969’ nod the ‘California’ Eagles (not to be confused with the Hotel Kansas City, an football high life and dynasty which – as that ‘offense of the 70’s same – numbered one season, before became myth, sequel to a script that has never been written.

    Say this to try ease the coming blow NFL post season ’19: Hollywood endings gridiron too do not usually exist beyond fictional desire, anticipation swiss chiefs parade result winning the Superbowl this year (or odds are, ever) on par CG’s and Houdini’s return.

    Wishes and dreams might come true, Kansas City Chiefs the new, ‘World Champions’


  2. paulwilsonkc says:

    Nail on head.
    You’re 100% correct.
    I could add about ten more points that would back up your conclusion, but it would only serve as superfluous white noise.
    And no one knows more about the topic than you and I.
    “Harley” died, because someone decided to let him die with Craig. It was convenient more than coincidental.
    The verdict was reached, with prejudice.
    Plain and simple.
    Anyone who thinks they could proffer a better defense to the contrary, should keep their day job. A first year public defender with a heavy case load could do the math on this one.
    Now that the “polo season” is over, it’s coffee time. 1/3 works for me, if you’re free.
    And we are apparently way late for a lunch date with JA.
    Let’s make that happen too.
    Happy New Year, my friend!

  3. Tracy Thomas says:

    Harley was invented by and written gy Hearne. Plain and simple.

    I ENDURED hundreds of convos with Hearne, asking who I thought Harley was. I even chased some leads including tax records for land in Columbia Mo.

    (My stupidity.)

    Harley was like the Trump whistleblower. A figment used to gin up public attention. Also cruel, because Hearne had the insider info which he leaked, via “Harley”/JoJo, to taunt and torment Wilson.
    No wonder readership has fallen to nuthin. I haven’t been here in a year.

    • Super Dave says:

      I agree with you some what that Hearne more than likely knew who Harley was and just went along with it to some extent. Most blog owners would have banned Harley a long time back and Hearne just never would take that hard core stance. Threatened a few times and so forth but never slammed the door on Harley.

      • admin says:

        Interesting take, Super Dave…

        However, I think you’ve been around long enough to recognize that some (many?) of Tracy’s so-called theories tend to be – shall we stay – a bit “out there”

        I have no idea who Harley was, but he did drop a few clues about having hung with me or been around me at times in the past. And that it would blow my mind if I found out who he (she?) was.

        I recall him mentioning being at Pierpont’s in Union Station on one specific date when I was working on a column item. I kinda remembered being there, like right after work in the bar area…so he could have been some kinda fly on the wall that I probably would not have known or recognized.

        He also knew enough about the local radio biz and petty politics to be (slightly) dangerous.

        Which actually was a good fit for the Craig as Harley theory.

        All; of that said, I’m now in the Dwight camp (along with Nigro) after a brief flirtation with him being Craig (or a Craig operative).

        The only problem I have with the Trump election victory theory is that he stayed in the game for two years afterwards, so how humiliated could be have been.

        Oh well…

        Maybe he’ll spring back to life one of there days OR maybe he had a stroke or got hit by a bus OR maybe it was all just a dream within a dream and we’re all just imagining it.

        • Super Dave says:

          Oh come on Tracy isn’t anymore out there than Craig was with a lot of his stuff. Tracy can be a breath of fresh air once in a while and besides if we all dance to the same beat of the drums all the time with our views and thoughts there would be no need for places like KCC or TKC for that matter because we’d all know what the other was thinking or thoughts on the matter were. Face it we all are not ever going to agree with something at least not here at KCC because well it just isn’t going to happen. But remember this, the King of Sting liked playing his games and admits to love pretending to be someone he wasn’t while growing up and you have to give great consideration to that alone when looking at who was Harley or the creator of issue. Say what you will and that’s your view same as Dwights, but we’re talking about a guy who loved as they say to pull the wool over your eyes and envisioned himself to be seen to others as someone he really wasn’t in the end.

          • admin says:

            I get it, Super…

            After all, I’m the one who caught him red handed and got him to confess to being a half dozen or so different commenters.

            However, his IP address was Fairway where he lived by day and The Legends where he worked at night and it was a perfect match.

            When Dwight and Paul Wilson traced Harley he was way out south in JOCO for one of his IPs and nowhere near Craig.

            Now, Craig could have done some magic and orchestrated that appearance, but he could barely pull off writing his columns by email without messing up and losing the columns and having to start over again from scratch. In other words, he was very unsophisticated in his working knowledge of using computers.

            My critique of Tracy was not meant to disparage her colorful – if a bit overwrought and zany at times – opinions.

            I was speaking directly to her specifics of trying to guess my age and being off by years and acting as if may screening of comments is something new – which for most commenters, it obviously is not.

            I didn’t even see her earlier comment – not sure how I missed it or it got approved – but she’s waaaay off there, too.

            This has nothing to do with my being thin-skinned – if I was we wouldn’t being having a public discussion now.

            Tracy has a tendency to theorize about thing – like me being Harley, which trust me was never the case – and act as though she knows what she’s talking about.

            The bottom line being that I’m not in my 70s, nor will I be on my birthday January 9th (she got that one right!); nor is screening comments even close to being something new; I’m definitely not Harley (I don’t think anyone else has ever theorized that); and I’m not particularly thin-skinned. As most people who know me would likely attest to…more the opposite after a zillion years of being a somewhat controversial writer.

            Somewhat obviously I’m not writing nearly as frequently so readership is down…but that’s a choice I have made. Along with not continuing to have those “hundreds” of phone calls with Tracy, which accounts in no small part as the reason she enjoys hating on me.

            I’ve always enjoyed talking to her, but I just don’t want pay the price anymore (whatever that means)!

    • admin says:

      C’mon, Tracy…now you think I’m Harley?

      Methinks you’re out on that limb all by yourself.

      I on the other hand, know that to be untrue – as does Dwight, Paul Wilson, anyone who’s ever been close to me.

      The writing style, the voice, the somewhat close yet not even close opinions on how radio works.

      Hey, I’m more than capable of saying or doing dumb stuff, but not to that extent, I’d like to think!

      One quick question: Do you need a man hug?

      Geez, such rancor! Very unhealthy, may I suggest?

  4. Tracy Thomas says:

    Just noticed that Hearne’s skin got so thin he is now moderating comments!

    Happy 71st birthday to Hearne coming up Jan. 9th!

    • admin says:

      True to form, Tracy is waaaay off on most of her points here…

      Like my age – don’t rush me – nice try.

      And as most commenters know, I went to moderation several years ago.

      Actually it was in response to a couple things 1) keeping Craig a bit under control and 2) because of the site being hacked and messed up, requiring me to sign on to a web security company to protect things.

      On top of which, all along I was able to and did have an IP list of offensive commenters that were screened.

      That’s probably a lot more inside baseball than most care to know.

  5. I Don't Give a F says:

    I’m going to have to agree that Craig wasn’t Harley, mostly because it would be an enormous task to play both sides of the fence and not even Craig could keep up the charade.
    I could do a “deep dive” into Craig’s psyche but right now is not the time. A “shallow dive” is the stuff we all know; Craig had to have it his way, he’s was loud, abrasive, a control freak times a billion. Glaze wanted to be the big fish in KC’s little pond. Remember, he tried it out in Hollywood and was way, way in over his head. He had to hightail it out of Hollywood back to KC from whence he came. Once back here in Smallville Craig STILL tried to get his claws into Hollywood, he tried forever to get his Sting of King/King of Sting book made into a movie. Guys like Glaze NEVER give up, they NEVER stop talking and talking and talking. Every podunk town like KC has a wannabe Big Shot like Craig Glazer, it’s just he took it to an even more ridiculous level.
    Eventually, over the years Craig didn’t have anyone around to listen to his incessant BS 24/7. This is where KC Confidential comes in. KCC was an outlet for Craig to talk about his #1 fan, himself of course. I doubt he, nor anyone else in the world, had the enormous energy it would take to be Harley. However, since he had been caught using an alias before I bet he just “cheated” and found someone(I won’t say “friend”,Glaze was undoubtedly friendless) who would keep the comments section going..thus Harley was born. Recently I re-read a few old Harley comments from Aug 2013 when Morrison died. “Harley” had a lot of insight into Tommy’s lifestyle and claimed to hang out at the same Hooters as Tommy, and run around with the same people. I could do more research but right now I’ll conclude that “Harley” was possibly someone who hung around in the same type of circles as Glaze, kind of a wannabe kiss ass that would listen to Craig long after nobody else would. Another older, single man child who never married and tried/failed to hang out with the young crowd even though they were repulsed by him and his horrible outfits and hair style. Glaze convinced this outcast/misfit of society to post as Harley and this “Harley” happily obliged.
    I’ll leave you with one last thought; Harley probably wasn’t Junior, but I think it’s entirely possible he was McKnight. Good Knight my friends.

    • Super Dave says:

      Very good points and yes I agree in a lot of ways it was someone who was close to Craig or coached by him. But Craig played a role in the Harley saga to some point I have no doubt.

  6. Don from Parkville says:

    “Craig drafted the Shawnee Mission West cheerleaders, whose uniforms were fortuitously red and white, to take the place of the official Chief’s squad.” As a West graduate I can tell you the colors would have been black, gold/yellow, or white. red and white would be SM North.

    • admin says:

      I’ll see if I can join down Dwight’s source, wild bill nigro and fix that detail…thanks!

    • Dwight D. Sutherland, Jr. says:

      My bad! It must have been SMN.I also wanted to share another clue on the Craig as Harley quandary. Harley was a classic OCD personality. He would routinely reply to thousand word posts with four or five thousand word comments. Since he was writing that much virtually every day, it would seem to preclude running a business at the same time, which Craig had to do. Also, we’ve all known people who drive you crazy, calling or texting you ou seven or eight times a day,
      then going dark for months or even years (if they reappear at all!) That was Harley in a nutshell. Glazer, for better or worse, never went away until he went to the big after hours club in the sky.Two different personalities, so hard to think they were the same individual,however skilled at subterfuge that person was. Not quite in the Shakespeare as Bacon or the Earl of Southampton league but fun nonetheless.

      • Dennis says:

        Who is/was Harley that you guys mention?
        And Saturday night you should come
        to the Spott off 435 for the best party
        in town.
        Except for Mr. Lowe who likes
        the rug munchers!

        • Dennis says:

          Mr. Lowe: I see you constantly
          post messages at 1am/1:30am
          on Fri/Sat.
          If you’re not getting action at
          home from the misses come
          party at the Spott!

        • Dwight Sutherland says:

          Harley,a.k.a Jo-Jo,a.k.a. Boom-Boom, was the resident troll on this web site for four or five years. He poured personal abuse on anyone who had a different world view and bragged about his own supposed achievements at the same time, allbehind the veil of anonymity. Just hit any of those pen names on the search bar and you will see his handiwork,i.e. thousands upon thousands of words of vitriol and hatred.

          • admin says:

            Slight correction: More like 8 or 9 years, I think.

            He was JoJo at first – and for a long time – then he went away for a bit…forget exactly how long, but it was noticeable.

            So it’s possible he could return…then again, thinking about Greg Hall, he could have had a stroke or something checked out…just like Craig. Maybe their fates were linked and then sealed.

  7. chuck lowe says:

    I am glad to see Tracy has returned to this forum. Her takes are usually brilliant and “perspicacious”.


  8. Duke says:

    Happy BD Hearne, a little early. I think the number is 68 or 69.

  9. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Another one bites the dust. Former KC Confidential contributing writer Greg Hall, dead of a heart attack. Sad. So much for running and staying in shape.

    • Kerouac says:

      “So much for running and staying in shape.”

      – flashback Jim Fixx, fate unconquered; the clock chimes in your time, and…

      ‘Does this tv make me look fat/put on an extra 10(0) lbs.?’ television case file:

      Reply query ‘do you ever exercise?’, a friend mine stated “No, when I feel like exercising, I lay down on the couch till the feeling passes, then I’m ok again.”

      So much for an healthy lifestyle – Gene(his name)s/heredity factors as well pursuing as many slices pie as he likes his secret a long life – one size/ diet/ lifestyle does not fit all, the former broadcast executive he.

      Many years ago, we went into a restaurant and he ordered a piece of pie. The waitress returned with a sliver (am being generous here) measured (perhaps) the width two pencils, side by side. “What – am I on a diet?” Gene petitioned.

      Returning with another slice – doppelgänger by appearance or at least kin the former – he accepted, and ate it – then added three more complete the quartet (‘buy 4 and get 1’ apparently that establishment’s ‘anti-marketing’ method.)

      Never went back – apparently became a trend, others. Restaurant went under – 30 years later, my friend is still eating, birthday count now 80’s (as his weight 200 more added, compliments of his lifetime diet bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, coffee, cigarettes… and pie.)

      Odds are (like HC’s weight/other), you really just never know…


  10. I Don't Give a F says:

    Marathon’s put way too much stress on the heart. I ran half-marathon’s for awhile my doc said even that’s too much..he said only do cardio for an hour at most.

    • admin says:

      Interesting take…

      Which may explain why a number of people have been wondering how Greg’s heart gave out after all the getting in shape and running he’s been doing.
      Too much of a good thing?

      • I Don't Give a F says:

        more like too much of a bad thing..if you’re running marathons you’re stressing the heart for 4-5 hours. There’s a whole myriad of complications that can result from this; Scar tissue may build up in/around the heart muscle itself, the valves may weaken and begin to leak, the electrical pulses may start to fire erratically. The arterial walls may stretch so much they develop significant plaque deposits. The American Heart Association recommends 30-45 minutes of cardio a day and yes, simple walking is considered cardio. 4-5 hours is simply too much of a bad thing. Micah True found this out the heart way.

        • admin says:

          I’ll say it again – and obviously I’m no doctor, but I can read what actual doctors, experts in their field say – I think Green might be alive today if he’d kept his running to a healthy minimum.

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