Lefsetz: Bernie’s Back, But Trump Trumps on Debate Night

What kind of crazy, fucked-up world do we live in where Bernie Sanders has a heart attack and comes back stronger than ever?

One in which Elizabeth Warren is busy snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The best line of the night?

When Bernie said what the people want – that 71% – want Medicare For All.

It is about the voters, right? That Trumps all the triangulation, right?

And speaking of Trump, Warren was so busy worrying about future Republican attacks that she wouldn’t admit Medicare For All would raise people’s taxes. Yes, it would be a net win, but when you can’t answer a direct question over and over again…

You lose your credibility.

And that was Warren’s key.

Does she think we can’t do math? Have Republicans toxified the word “tax” to the point where no one can utter it? Our country runs on taxes, taxes are good.

As for government waste…every business has waste, Amazon built distribution infrastructure and then tore it down when it was clear there was a better solution. The government can’t even throw out food. As for the private sector always doing better, how about those for-profit prisons, incentivized to house offenders, with less oversight than publicly-owned prisons with no profit motive?

Some things just should not be in the private sector.

So Tulsi was labeled a favorite of the right in the NYT and she can’t get over it.

Then she immediately starts talking about the downsides of impeachment and I think the NYT is right. She’s toast, she’s got to go.

As for Amy Klobuchar… I can’t put my finger exactly on why she bugs me. She’s a self-satisfied nerd. It’s like Lil Nas X saying he’s the great hope for saving music. Huh?

Beto’s got to go. He has no chance of winning.

Castro barely talked, kick him off the stage.

Kamala… She tried to attack Warren, as she did Biden in that previous debate -but it turned out Warren was on her side – made Kamala look bad.

Buttigieg. He lifted himself up to the top, surviving tier. He’s young, he’s educated, he’s smart…it’s just that he can’t run the police department of his own damn town, he can’t run on his experience.


Too late, sorry.

And no charisma to boot. So you made your money in banking, why should we listen to you? Why don’t you add something to society, build something, create something other than wealth?


He talks about the future when no one else does. He’s the antidote to grandpa Biden.

Yang knows what’s going on, but that’s about all he knows.  He’s got ideas but no experience. I mean, why him, just because he’s a rich young techie? Zuckerberg is a rich young techie – he knows what’s going on – do you want him to run the country?

Biden was better.

But he faded – like he ran out of gas – he started misusing words, stumbling, and while he was busy running on his past…

Sanders zinged him and told him it was about the future.

As for Warren…

She didn’t warm up until the end, when most people had given up watching. I mean this debate was an endurance test. You really didn’t miss anything, but the problem is most people watch from the beginning and that’s when Elizabeth refused to admit Medicare For All would involve raising taxes. Isn’t this what we hate about politicians? The duplicity, the dishonesty, the slipperiness?

Which leaves us with Bernie.

Sanders was speaking English. He didn’t pull any punches. He was busy telling the truth. He didn’t blink; he’s not only for Medicare For All, he’s willing to own the process when Warren just talks about people going bankrupt. Bernie gets to the heart of the matter…the damn corporations who are ripping us off.

Biden can’t run because he can’t win.

And his son stepping down in China just makes him look guilty. Illustrating, once again, that Biden doesn’t know how to play the game, he’s full of missteps.

Warren’s got to recharge, she’s got to plug herself back into the Tesla supercharger and realize it’s an uphill fight, that nothing really counts until you win the Presidency.

As for Bernie… Sure, he had a heart attack, but he was on his game. He shouted less, he was coherent, all his neurons were firing…

This is why Sanders did so well in 2016. Being honest. Speaking to the human condition in America today. Warren came out removed. In Bernie you saw someone who’s been fighting for the little guy from day one.

But being President means you’ve got to get along with everybody else to get things done. This has not been Bernie’s strong point, certainly not in the Senate.

One thing’s for sure, no one on stage looked like a sure shot against Trump.

Bernie was the only one with any believable zest. Biden got hot under the collar and pounded his fist on the lectern and you reacted, who is this old guy who is out of control?

Trump goes for the hearts and minds of his base, he speaks directly to them.

The only person speaking to the voters tonight was Bernie. Will it bring him back into the race?

All I know is these candidates have to pull themselves up into the national debate.

If you’re running for President, weigh in on the shenanigans in D.C.

Give Warren credit, she’s stood up against Trump and his crap from the beginning. But when she talked about the number of selfies she’d shot…

We hate it when out of touch oldsters try to be young and hip.

She’d have been better off talking about the number of likes she had on Instagram, nowhere online do they count the number of selfies.

It was disillusioning.

But on the other side of the aisle, the trials and tribulations of Trump and Rudy…

It’s absolutely horrifying.

P.S. If I’ve forgotten anybody that just means they’ve got to go. (Oh yeah, Booker…SAYONARA!)

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3 Responses to Lefsetz: Bernie’s Back, But Trump Trumps on Debate Night

  1. chuck says:

    Bernie has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, but sure Lefty, let’s elect a sick man into the Oval Office, a pressure free environment where he can nod off during terrorist attacks while drooling into his pudding. Biden is even sicker than Bernie. His pronounced neurasthenia should have him spending more time with “Visiting Angels” and light years away from a debate stage. He will be dead withing a year.

    “And speaking of Trump, Warren was so busy worrying about future Republican attacks that she wouldn’t admit Medicare For All would raise people’s taxes. Yes, it would be a net win, but when you can’t answer a direct question over and over again…”

    Unbelievable. I thought Obama Care was gonna fix this mess. Right.

    “Millions of us were thrown off our health insurance plans by Obamacare, and now I find out that it didn’t even make things better for anyone else. The government intervenes, everything goes to hell, then Democrats cite the hell they created to demand another massive government intervention.” — Ann Coulter

    Besides Tulsi, if there has ever been a more unimpressive, shallow pretenders to the throne, I can’t remember it.

    Our local and national political wallahs are, for the most part, blood sucking parasites, who, indeed, can’t wait to join the other hyenas ripping the flesh off of the dead body politic. Nosing aside the buzzards, blow flies and maggots that thrive in the mephitic air surrounding our nation’s Kapital, they rip whats left of tax payer meat from out bones while we still breathe.

    No Lefty, more taxes are NOT a good thing.

    Tax and Spend, low life vultures, seeking a free ride to tax payer riches, will lie, obfuscate, suppress relative context and do anything, especially promise to give away any and everything that is accumulated by what is left of the middle class’ earnings, to indolent, lay-about, uneducated retards, who think that cow farts and cars are evil and the world is ending in 12 years.

    Taxes won’t “go up”, they will rocket at light speed through the stratosphere and anyone with above room temp IQ, knows, that if Bernie or Liz is elected on November 7th 2020, the economy will crater at 9:01 EST November 8th 2020.

    But who cares? The popping of champagne corks in D.C. will drown out the sound of distress as the middle class loses it’s homes, cars and future.

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    To illustrate how far off the deep end the Democrat Establishment has gone, look no further to their former flag bearer, Hillary Clinton. She flat out stated that Russia is grooming Tulsi Gabbard for the U.S. Presidency, and that she is a “no doubt” Russian asset. JFC. What is it about Democrats after they lose an election? They seem to then just lose their facking mind as well. Al Gore and Hildabeast are perfect examples.

    So let’s recap. A corrupt to her very soul, Hillary Clinton accuses a U.S. soldier that SHE HERSELF voted to send to war as being a Russian asset. JFC.

    I’m beginning to think the Democrats want Trump to get re-elected, because they are doing everything in their power to make that happen. Either that, or they’re all complete idiots. I’m leaning towards the latter.

    • chuck says:

      Warren and the rest of the Socialist/Fascists running for President are insane.

      “Medicare-for-all” is actual socialism, for-real socialism. Health care spending amounts to about a fifth of the entire American economy. Elizabeth Warren demands total control of all of it — immediately. That’s “Medicare-for-all.” If it becomes law, it would amount to the largest expansion of the federal government since the second World War — by far.

      According to a study by the Urban Institute, in just the first 10 years, Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare-for-all” plan would cost an additional $34 trillion.

      That sounds like a lot. How much is it? Here’s some perspective.

      The Congressional Budget Office anticipates that the United States — the whole United States — will collect just $46 trillion in taxes over the same period. In other words, Elizabeth Warren’s health care plan alone will consume the overwhelming majority of all tax dollars in the United States.

      That’s before we spend a single dollar on Social Security, education, national defense and everything else.”

      It is literally impossible at this point, to get your arms around just how delusional and flat out crazy these mendacious, Mandarin meat heads are.

      It is, as I said, a direct result of lowering the standards in our schools to the level of the lowest common, dumbass-denominator, from grade school right through ‘college’.

      Americans are stupid, uninformed, easily manipulated, indolent and entitled. Machiavelli said, that, in the end, people get the government they deserve. If Warren or Sanders is elected, the only silver lining, is that after the chaos, the end of America as we know it, the violent, intransigent survivors will cleanse the gene pool to the last snowflake.

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