Lefsetz: Today’s Trump

You can’t fight your battles alone…

The Donald is making a major mistake by making news every day.And by refusing to cooperate with Congress, he’s hanging it out for everybody to see. In other words, the press can work for or against you.

In this case it’s against.

Who is on Trump’s team?

His base.

Fox News.

And Republican Representatives and Senators.

His base does best when it lives in a bubble. But the more Trump drags his issues to the forefront, the more his base is aware of them.

As for Fox News… Shepard Smith resigning did more to cement the viewpoint that the channel is biased than any rantings and ravings by the left.

As for those in Congress… Trump is so busy saving himself, that he’s forgotten about them.

Now most people don’t pay attention to the nitty-gritty of politics.

They’d rather live their lives. Ask them who their Representative is, ask them who represents them in state politics and many people will draw a blank. They count on elected officials to do their bidding for them, they’re getting paid, why should they pay attention?

But Trump has made politics the story of the day.

He’s trumped not only movies, TV and music, but even tech.

No, the story today is all Trump all the time.

To his detriment.

Take this Kurds/Turkey/Syria/Iran/Russia story. Not only is there no way he looks good, acting on impulse without preparation, his own party was against removing U.S. troops. These same Congresspeople who were afraid of Trump.

How long until they flip?

It’s going to happen instantly.

The media is always fighting the last war.

Yes, 2016 illustrated that there was anger with the elites, against globalization, that the downtrodden and racist wanted to return to what theoretically once was but never will again be.

Shocked by the results in 2016 – positively shocked I tell you – the media is now bending over backward to pay fealty to these people. Warren is too far left! What they don’t understand is America is looking for LEADERS!

Trump is a leader. Whether he’s going in the right direction is debatable. And over 50 percent of Americans now favor impeachment and removal.

So what does the Donald do? Pour gasoline on the fire!

Do you think those already convinced to get rid of him like being insulted by the Donald day after day? Furthermore, those people talk to others and the number favoring him gone increases.

And for all of this America First b.s… It’s a conundrum.

People on the right don’t want to spend money on others, but they do want America to be perceived as the greatest country in the world. The irony, of course, is that that takes money. There’s no way to look at the Turkey situation other than as a great gift to Putin. Irrelevant of interference in our elections, only Trump is positive about the dictator. People are still scared of Russia, they don’t want the nation to have more power, they don’t want the balance of power to shift from the U.S./Europe to Russia/China/Mideast.

So on one hand they want to ignore them, but on the other, they don’t want them to have more power than us.

Now other nations don’t believe us, don’t trust us, and everything Trump keeps saying is the reverse. America is not great again, with its tariffs and tax giveaways, and now it’s losing its power. All those people chanting USA!, USA!, used to laugh at other nations, not so much now.

So the media keeps saying the tail is wagging the dog.

That every elected official is subservient to the voter. Nothing could be further from the truth. The voters don’t know what they want, they vote against their interests and can be more easily swayed than perceived. An elected official cannot change their mind, but a voter certainly can.

Voters want the impossible.

They want all the services, all the safety, and they want it for free. They can see that Trump can’t deliver this. As for the Democrats…only Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders can get the messaging right. We want someone to pull us out of this mess so we don’t have to think about it anymore.

That’s the prevailing sentiment in the country…let’s get back to regular business.

Kinda like England re Brexit – talk to inhabitants of the U.K. – they just don’t want to live in limbo anymore. But they all still have complaints. They want to put the reins in the hands of someone who cannot only fix the mess, but lead into the future.

As for “trust me”… No one trusts anyone anymore.

So Trump is making news every damn day. And he supports people until he hangs them out to dry. Giuliani?? If he’s indicted, the Donald will say how bad Rudy is – that he was a rogue actor – and Trump had no idea, positively no idea.

Politics was always about the team. But Trump blew that paradigm apart. Because those in charge of the team refused to change. It’s like the MLB sitting by raising prices while the NBA captured hearts and minds.

So the Democrats hamstrung Bernie in 2016.

So what does Warren do this time around?


She’s gonna work for the party and its candidates. That’s right you co-opt them before they co-opt you.

Donald’s strategy didn’t work.

He pointed out the flaws of his competitors in 2016. He employed an internet/Twitter campaign when others were still using fax.

Trump is a signpost that the game has changed, but he’s playing it very badly.

This was one of the problems with Obama – he was in the right position but he played the game poorly. He tried to make peace with people who wanted no peace, i.e. the Republicans.

He should have negotiated behind closed doors like Johnson, or shamed his opponents, as Trump has done. Instead, Barack was living in a bygone era, that’s how we got into this mess. No one acknowledged the pitfalls of globalization – no one fought back against the rise of Republicans in state legislatures – it was positively kumbaya until Bernie challenged Hillary.

End result?

The Democrats nominated Hillary and she lost. She campaigned for business as usual when people didn’t want this. And you just couldn’t relate to her, she was neither fish nor fowl. You couldn’t connect with Trump either, but at least he spoke English (however poorly) as opposed to gobbledygook and he said he was rich, and in today’s America, rich people rule.

But now it’s 2019.

People are pissed.

But we keep hearing no one will abandon Trump.

Look at sports. People love a player until he does not deliver in the clutch, then they’re in the doghouse and have to redeem themselves.

What has Trump delivered?

Forget those who say he’s on the right path – they just want to make you go crazy – deep down inside they know he’s a buffoon balloon with the gas billowing out. Very few will admit they’re wrong in public, but in private…

So you capture the flag and run with it. That’s what the Democrats should be doing.

As for Trump, he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and instead of fielding the controversy, he’s stonewalling and attacking. He’s every bully you ever hated caught red-handed.

As for Adam Schiff and his compatriots, they’re afraid of right wing blowback and as a result they don’t say or do anything, allowing the right to define them anyway. We’re looking for strength. Stand up for your opinion, get in their face. This was what was so great about Anthony Weiner before he blew himself up.

So no one wants to get close to the fireworks. They just want to watch the show. And it’s greater than one in any big top.

And Trump is on the wrong side of almost everything and everyone.

In the Middle East, with Russia, with farmers…he’s alienating everyone. Sure, he’s got his seconds, blowhards like Hannity, Ingraham and Tucker, but there are mothers who defend children who have raped and killed. Some people are never gonna change.

We’re fighting for the heart and soul of our country.

Are we gonna let Trump get away with it? Of course not!

Which is why the impeachment and removal numbers keep going up. As for Republican Congresspeople… Ever read Shakespeare? Are you aware of plots to bring the king down? Do you think Moscow Mitch and his cronies are gonna sit by and refuse to take action?

When it’s clear that the boss doesn’t care about you, is willing to cut you loose, you look out for yourself. First we had Cohen. Then we had Scaramucci. They played the game and lost- they realized they got screwed – now the knife has turned around.

Gonna happen in Congress too, just you wait.

As for the media?

It’ll be serving false equivalencies, deep down in the weeds until the action happens. Sometimes you can be so busy fighting the battle that you don’t see the war.

Trump is toast. Over. Done. It’s just a matter of when.

It’s going to happen very quickly. He’s stuck in quicksand, and the only way you can get out is with help.

No one wants to help him.

Not enough to keep him in office.

They want to watch him sink and then say how they never supported him to begin with, that he was a liar who pulled the wool over their eyes.

Then they’ll go back to attacking Democrats.

It’ll be business as usual until someone more sane takes charge and leads.

The Democrats want to shoot their leaders.

But the little girls (and boys!) understand.

There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief…

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15 Responses to Lefsetz: Today’s Trump

  1. chuck says:

    Every now and again, we all read about some poor, uninformed, illiterate and naive sucker, who sends money to a Nigerian Prince. Lefty has payments automatically deducted and has the “Prince” in his will.

    NOT being of sound mind and body, Lefty either ignores, or, gas lights us with his opening premise, which assumes, that the press is unbiased.

    “In other words, the press can work for or against you.”

    Even NPR, the Washington (Died In Darkness) Post and the New York Times have had to admit that the Press has covered Trump 92% of the time, with a negative, pejorative slant. Just yesterday, CNN, to NO ONE’S SURPRISE, was exposed by James O’Keefe as an agenda driven ‘news’ outlet seeking the destruction and impeachment of Trump.

    Lefty, pontificating and extrapolating on Syria, is like listening to Stevie Wonder call a baseball game.

    “Voters want the impossible.

    They want all the services, all the safety, and they want it for free. They can see that Trump can’t deliver this. As for the Democrats…only Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders can get the messaging right. We want someone to pull us out of this mess so we don’t have to think about it anymore.”

    He is right that many, maybe half of the voters in America, want the short term, pipe dream, penultimate, Socialist pay out to lay-about, indolent, bums, financed by those working under every more onerous tax burdens enforced by an ever more ominous Federal-Deep-State-Government prior to the coda that is, as has been seen again and again, the complete cratering of the economy and society under the suzerainty of a Pinko- Statist Kleptocracy.

    This mirage is a direct result of the catastrophe that is our public education system and the decadence and insanity that pervades the Halls Of Academe. Americans, by and large, are far more stupid than they were just 25 years ago. We graduate idiots into the streets with degrees in “Gender Studies” etc. etc. and are surprised that Long Division is a bridge too far and LeBron James is the go to expert on the Hong Kong confrontation with the Chi-Com tyrants.

    Lefty’s mention of “Brexit” neglects to emphasize that it was voted on over 2 years ago and is still not enforced, because of the English Deep State Bureaucrats that to this day, thwart the will of the people. England is what Lefty wants here in the U.S. Free Speech impeded and constricted by Commissars in and out of a Central Government and Tommy Robinson incarcerated for shining a light on the Islamic Grooming, rape and sodomy of young English boys and girls.

    Obama played nice with Republicans?
    He was the “Pen and Phone” President, who wrecked Health Care, corrupted the Intelligence Services in his attempt to throw the 2016 election and enabled the continued malfeasance of those Deep State Scum to divide the country with the lies of the Russian Collusion trope for 3 years. The worst president since at least Warren Harding. Lying, Johnathan Gruber type scum permeated the entire administration.
    Of course, Lefty likes Anthony Wiener. A sick pedophile, who can’t stop sending pictures of his dick to your daughter. Here is what is sick. His laptop, which has information on it, that is, according to the NYPD, catastrophically incriminating of criminal malfeasance from the last administration is being held in abeyance by the corrupt-to-the-core FBI, led by Christopher Wray, who makes James Comey look like Nathan Hale.

    “There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief…”

    There’s too much COLLUSION, I can’t get no relief.

  2. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Right on cue. Obama. Deep State. James Comey. Socialists. Islam.

    Atta boy, Chuckles. Hit ALL of the FauxNews talking points. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Gee-Zus! Do you have a clown suit to match that tin-foil hat? It is the Halloween season, but that is some scary shit. Wow.

    • admin says:

      That’s what I call diversity of readership!

      Too bad the Scribe’s not around to put things in, um, perspective

    • chuck says:

      Says the guy on the “Nigerian Princes” mailing list.

      So glad your premiums went down and you “kept your doctor”.
      The “Deep State”? Here is your ‘Paper Of Record’.

      But it’s ok that they are usurping the will of the electorate. After all, they are “Noble” and know better than voters.

      Like to admit it or not, there is NO tin foil hat conspiracy. Highly stationed, unelected bureaucrats in the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS and State Department, with premeditation and criminal malfeasance, illegally conspired with 5 eyes partners in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. They did, ENORMOUS damage to our country and are seditious, treasonous participants in an ongoing coup.

      We have been lied to. All of us. Preoccupied with the “shiny” new “Impeachment” thing, the cable news channels make bank on our distractions and our emotional commitments to preconceived narratives. We chase chimeras in hopes of validation while the real players, behind the scenes, in Stygian darkness, where they can’t be seen, in hypogean safety under the floorboards of our nation’s houses, they defile our trust, defy our laws and deny the truth of their malfeasance.

      Starting this Friday, some light, will shine on the malefactors who should be lined up, like the Ceausescus and shot at dawn.

      Finally, apologizing for genital mutilation, grooming and stoning your wife might get you some Huzzahs on the coast, but in the real world, those things are a 3rd world curse.

      God bless Tommy Robinson.

  3. Kerouac says:

    Filed ‘one-track mind’ mine swiss chiefs talking to another his ‘loony liberal left’ same, how to tell Lefty his bent has developed a hitch its giddyup? Pictures speaking (give or take) a thousand imagined words, all of them waggish:


    – from those who brought you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm2d2_fUJ8A (‘I’m sailing!’ and ‘Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m a schizophrenic… and so am I’), a new motion picture coming to political theatre near you: ‘Don & Hillary: Forbidden Love’ (‘Come sail away, Come sail away, Come sail away with me!’)


    – is a Hell, let’s sail there together (Photoshop or no, they do make an lovely couple… and you thought your better half was worse)


  4. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    I didn’t even read Leftysez’s nonsense. The comments from Chuck, Jim, et al are much better.

    And if you don’t think there are terribly corrupt actors in the Deep State, then you are choosing willful ignorance.

    When a self admitted “C student, jagoff nightclub comedian” lefty activist like Jimmy Dore can see it and call out the corruption, and expose the democrats as being every bit as filthy and disgusting as they claim the repubs are, it’s past time to look at a third party to vote for.

    Oh and the same people that make fun of “Faux News” are the same folks watching CNN and MSNBC and acting like those two outlets are the bastion of straight, fact based reporting. What a joke. If you want pure fact based news, you aren’t going to get it in the mainstream media. And watching the evening “news” on ABC, NBC, CBS? Pure drive-by garbage that’s also biased and leaves out so many key details, it’s not even funny. So, you are going to have to do some work if you really want to be informed, but Americans by and large are too lazy to do that. They’d rather just live in an echo chamber, and just tune into whatever fits their political stance.

  5. Nick says:

    What’s hilarious, at least from my perspective, is that the current president* of the USA is insane. There’s just no way around it. When, not if, he is removed from office what will you atl-right retards have to say? I mean…realistically, no trolling.

    I can hardly wait.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      That’s sad for you, cause you’ll be waiting a long time. You do know who controls the Senate, right?

      And the fact that you use the “alt-right” to describe those of a conservative slant, makes your ignorance painfully clear.

      For the record, true “Alt Right” folks despise conservatism and conservatives in general.

  6. Dennis says:

    All these right wing guys have no credits for their lives. What have they done?
    Chuck is just blue collar guy writing as if he’s limbaugh with a pen. Writing what he thinks are funny, creative lines.
    Seriously, if you are so witty or even have the knowlege to know what you are
    writing about why are you not on breitbart or mentioned in the list of writers on
    drudge report.
    Writing for nothing. Nobody cares about your opinion.
    It’s one of a day long past.
    You are the boomers who are dying off at record numbers so
    the millenials can remake america. You will die and we will
    have no debt or financial problems in 10-15 years. It’s called the
    velocity of money.
    And people like chuck will be long gone when 140 million young people
    take over this nation and clean up the mess people like
    chuck have created.
    RIP chuck and all your outdated ideas and mistakes. A new thinking and
    set of beliefs is slowly watching your insulting manner and hatred die!

    • Rick Walker says:

      What are you going to do when your “Boomer” parents die? You’ll have to pay your own way just like my kids are going to have to do. Good luck with that. I’m glad I’ll be gone when you millenials are in charge, what a fuc$$d up world that will be.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Now THAT is some of the best humor I’ve read here in a LONG time. I believe the KC Improv has some open-mic nights you may want to look into.

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