Lefstez: Dems Too Wimpy Against Republican Playbook

They’re all on the same page:..

1. The Bidens are guilty of something and it needs to be investigated.

2. Trump committed no crime.

3. The Democrats are out to get Trump, and they’ve been on this path from day one.

Yes, Trump is positively off his rocker, but one thing is for sure;  he’s an UNSTABLE genius. Come on, admitting that he did it in Ukraine, and then imploring the Chinese to do the same thing publicly? This is not playing by the rules, this is jujitsu.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are afraid of public opinion.

Polling ad infinitum to make sure they don’t step on anybody’s toes and prevent people from voting Democratic in 2020.

That’s “Democratic,” I said. The right wing code is the DEMOCRAT party. Listen closely, all the Republicans say that, including Trump. They want to take the imprimatur, the meaning of “democratic,” away from the Democratic party, and they’re doing a good job of it.

Now one thing the left wing media does not understand is, it’s been vilified to irrelevance by the right. Listen to Fox News, seemingly every night Tucker Carlson excoriates the New York Times and the Washington Post. He nitpicks, says they’re duplicitous and need to apologize. And if you had this message hammered into you every night, you’d believe it.

That’s right, the right has neutralized facts.

Everything’s up for grabs, even that which has been proven. Global warming? Anything involving science? It’s undecided. As for Biden’s activity with Ukraine re his son…every newspaper has debunked it. Everybody wanted that prosecutor gone, not only the Americans, but once again facts don’t matter. You can twist them anyway you want to, because there’s no one true source.

The battle for hearts and minds is fought in only two places…Fox News and online.

That’s it, done. As for the radio talk shows like Rush…that’s so last century.

And online, you can pretty much say whatever you want, as long as you don’t threaten someone or break the law.

So what we’re fighting for here – and the Democrats don’t understand this – is hearts and minds. The Democrats think it’s the 1950s, as long as their position is right, that’s all that matters.

They don’t advocate, they don’t fight for it.

Oh, there are a couple of players on the left wing side, like Paul Begala and James Carville. Listen to them, they get incensed, they recite the party line, they almost turn into cartoons – but they’re loyal to the team and stay on message.

Like the Republicans.

One thing’s for sure, Biden’s candidacy is toast.

Yup, he let Trump and the right define him. He’s shady, he must have done something wrong.

Biden had to go postal from day one. He should have raised a ruckus.

Gone insane like Trump himself.

That’s the only thing that works against the Donald. Instead, Biden didn’t start fighting back until now, when he’s no longer on the front page. Biden gives the impression he’s covering up, that he did something wrong. The public believes his behavior should be investigated by a 2-1 margin, according to USA Today.

You’d think he’d realize he’s in jeopardy, that his candidacy is in a death spiral, but he’s still behaving like Trump never happened and it’s still the 1970s.

Like Hillary Clinton.

Hillary was on Rachel Maddow last night.

She still hasn’t gotten the message. Oh, she was erudite and insightful, but nearly monotonistic (that may not be a word, but you get what I’m driving at). That playbook went out the window with Trump. We don’t want educated wonks, we want people who will fight for us, not government insiders.

It’s about personality, baby, and Clinton just doesn’t have it.

She’s not strong enough to play the new game.

That’s why Bernie was so successful in 2016. The intensity and the truth. If his delivery hadn’t been so emotional, he wouldn’t have gotten any traction.

As for the canard that the Democrats wanted to get rid of Trump from day one…

The Democrats don’t surface nearly 30 years of Republican stonewalling, from the Clinton era until now. Hell, under Obama the Republicans were the party of no, and they even admitted it. But is there anybody in the news fighting back on the left?


As for Trump’s behavior…every Republican has been talking about Johnson today…as in ANDREW Johnson!

That’s right, we have to go back to the 1860s for insight, before the automobile, never mind the internet. I mean they’re defending Andrew Johnson when we learned in school he was a b.s. President. But NO, the Republicans have resurrected him, he was unjustly tried, just like Trump!

As for Trump committing a crime… Nowhere is it said that impeachment requires a crime. But everywhere there was a Republican today, they uttered this message, and they wouldn’t back down.

How in the hell are the Democrats supposed to win?

Instead of saying they’re having an impeachment “inquiry,” they should be saying it’s a done deal – it’s just a matter of the legal process. Trump is guilty and he’s gonna go, end of story.

Instead, Pelosi and the wimps keep deferring to the “process.”

Are the Republicans talking about the process? Hell no!

They’re like the sweepers in curling, hell, you’ve seen them in the Olympics, ensuring the stone lands in the right spot. Meanwhile, the Democrats are sitting on the sidelines debating whether curling is a sport while their asses are getting kicked.

If someone admits everything can there be an impeachable offense?

Of course. But if you’re a member of the hoi polloi, if you’re just a rank and file voter, you start to believe it can’t be that bad.

Trump and the Republicans are so far ahead of the Democrats they don’t even seem to be playing the same game.

All the Democrats can do is sit by silently as Trump makes news, says and does inane things over and over again. They think this is enough to win. Didn’t they learn that Trump rode this behavior to victory in 2016? Trump swears, the Democrats can’t even utter the words, they say “blank.” Meanwhile, everybody in America says these things.

You’ve got to fight to win.

But the Democrats don’t. They gave up a Supreme Court seat, they’ve been the victims of gerrymandering and voter suppression. But all they can say is they’ve been ripped-off, that it’s unfair.

How is it working for them? IT’S NOT!

Today’s news cycle is uber-fast. People don’t remember what happened this morning, never mind last week. Come on, Trump is bloviating every day, we’ve lost track of what he’s said. So, the Democrats will work very slowly, afraid of any blowback, and they’ll sacrifice the narrative – they’ll grab defeat from the jaws of victory.

Don’t get started unless you’re gonna finish the deal. Either Trump is guilty and needs to go or forget about it.

As for those candidates running next year…

They’ve got to fight back now, build their identities now, because one thing’s for sure, the Republicans are gonna do their best to paint them negatively.

Hell, they killed Biden in a week!

And they killed the Clintons and… Don’t you know that the Democrats are a bleeding-heart liberal party that wants to overspend your money on unworthy projects and unworthy people, that taxes are inherently bad and men have the right to tell women what to do?

Yup, the Republicans keep saying the above message over and over again, to the point the Democrats are afraid to even SAY the word “tax.”

The belief is raising taxes is a nonstarter – you’re going to automatically lose – it’s a third rail topic. Give Sanders credit, he owns the truth, of course your taxes are gonna go up if there’s Medicare for All.

And at least Warren said that nobody likes their health insurance company. A truism we all know.

But what do the Democrats say about these two authentic candidates? THEY’RE LOSERS! THEY’RE TOO FAR TO THE LEFT! And then the Republicans double-down on these messages and it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Being right is not enough. You’ve got to have game. You’ve got to play hard. You’ve got to convince people.

Right now, only the Republicans are doing that.

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8 Responses to Lefstez: Dems Too Wimpy Against Republican Playbook

  1. chuck says:

    This is a quote from the movie, “All The President’s Men”. Bradlee actually said it and they used it in the movie.

    “Either of you want a drink or should I order? Because–because our cocks are on the chopping block and you’ve got to be sure that you’re not just dealing with people who hate Richard Nixon and want to get him through us. You see, I don’t give a shit who’s President–I really don’t, it’s an adversary situation between them and us and it’s always gonna be. I never had a closer friend than Jack Kennedy and once I printed something that pissed him off and for seven months I didn’t exist.”

    90% of the Main Stream Media hates Trump (Most are proud to admit it.) and the coverage proves it. The very best that the Main Stream Media has to offer, in terms of what used to pass for objective coverage of this administration, does not rise to the level of what passes for Ben Bradlee’s idea of “objectivity”. Even after pretending, in the presence of those who no doubt knew better, that he was objective, he had to admit his bias in favor of a Democrat and then, no doubt, after moralizing to his underlings, turn away, the hero in his own movie, first, in his head, later on the silver screen.

    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Oscar Wilde

    When Lefty has an original thought, the sun will have gone Nova.

    Let’s get to work.

    “Listen to Fox News, seemingly every night Tucker Carlson excoriates the New York Times and the Washington Post. He nitpicks, says they’re duplicitous and need to apologize. And if you had this message hammered into you every night, you’d believe it.”

    “Nitpicks?” It’s the NEW YORK TIMES and the hallmark of their coverage over the last 3 years has been anonymous sources, innuendo and corrections on the last page. The list of journalistic sins by so called ‘journalists’ in their monomaniacal, psychotic quest to destroy trump is legion and documented, sometimes, when they are neck deep in the cookie jar, by themselves. The “Dying in Darkness” Post is no different. Another Agenda driven Public Relations/Investigative Arm of the DNC. Tucker is right.

    “As for Biden’s activity with Ukraine re his son…every newspaper has debunked it.”

    Weak sauce, especially for a zealot like Lefty. Lefty knows that Hunter’s cash payouts from various International Governments indicate, prima facie, ipso facto, evidentiary smoke, covering big league cronyism on a “Clinton Foundation” type scale. It’s “Pay For Play” and anyone smarter than your average Afghan knows it. The 2 and 4 legged ones.

    “The battle for hearts and minds is fought in only two places…Fox News and online.”

    Maybe that is because FOX is more “Fair and Balanced” than the rest? Or, is it because FOX viewers, are, as Progressives insist, Racist, Evil, Deplorables. Feel guilty? I don’t. I watch CNN, read Vanity Fair (It comes in the mail) and check liberal websites on line to see everyone’s opinion. But, if you turn on FOX, Robert DeNiro wants to punch you out. BTW Bobby, I’m here for ya. Trump is hors de combat, but I am your huckleberry. We are the same age, I would turn your loudmouth ass into a pretzel

    “That’s it, done. As for the radio talk shows like Rush…that’s so last century.”

    Rush may be fin de siecle, but 22 million listeners a day is still quite a few.

    (Democrats) “They don’t advocate, they don’t fight for it.”

    What!!!???!!!??? They bring the house! Where has this idiot been for the last 3 years?

    “As for Trump committing a crime… Nowhere is it said that impeachment requires a crime.”

    True enough. The Democrat Party is going to Impeach the proverbial “Ham Sandwich”.

    I will be interested to see, in the coming months, if in fact, Barr indicts the 2 to 3 dozen treasonous criminals who held high station in the last administration and what Lefty says, when confronted with actual facts of the premeditated criminality of his ersatz heroes.

  2. Super Dave says:

    Lefstez saying someone else is unstable is clear proof he is off his rocker.

  3. Dennis says:

    The truth about Fox News is that the average viewer is 65-70 years old and white.
    They haven’t got much time left to vote. At MSNBC it’s a much younger, intelligent audience who will be around for decades.
    Then you look at the voter demographics. The african americans and the hispanic vote will pretty much dictate the races of importance. When you have taditionally republican states like Texas/Arizona/Georgia and North Carolina in play and heading into the Democratic column, the Republicans are in serious trouble.
    Biden/Sanders and Warren have been in the Senate a long time where there’s not the animosity and hatred that you see in the House. So yes, the candidates from the Senate are more used to a friendly/colloquial style while the House is like a yard full of pit bulls.
    And if you look at last weeks ratings which were a shocker Rachel and Hannity were tied in key demographics which was a huge surprise. Don’t discount MSNBC. Fox is for an older/more staunch and more immovable audience. Notice all the ads on Fox for heart attack medicines/alzheimer diseases/arthritis etc. That’s because the Fox audience is very very old and probably won’t be around in 2024.

    • admin says:

      Don’t take this the wrong way Dennis BUT, I’m gonna have to card you!

      In the meantime, seems you might benefit by a little information (and less anecdotal “evidence”).

      “FOX marked its 15th year as the highest-rated cable news channel in the same demographic, posting 2.8 million average total viewers in January 2017. MSNBC beat CNN in total primetime viewers, ranking sixth among all cable networks in January. CNN beat MSNBC, but trailed first place FOX News, in total daytime viewers.”

      AND MORE TO YOUR< UH< POINT: "In the primetime 8-11 p.m. slot, Fox News averaged 2.4 million total viewers (down 1% from the year-ago quarter), with including 421,000 in the key 25-54 demo, while MSNBC averaged 1.9 million total viewers (up 3% from 2018) and 333,000 in the 25-54 bracket."

  4. Dennis says:

    Sir: I got this information from an overnight rating…not in January 2017. I believe the numbers were from an overnight rating posted on drudge report for tuesday October
    1 or 2, 2019 where the Rachel Maddow show tied the Hannity show. I don’t use numbers that are over a year old. Things have changed as you know as Trump is now taking on Fox and their polls which are showing the majority of Americans favoring impeachment. So if the Fox polls are showing this movement and shift in the people’s polling and they are essentially Trump’s tv station you have to take it into account and take it seriously. Also, today’s drudge report points out that the Trump campaign will have to spend heavily to keep states like Georgia to keep them in Trump’s winning column. And that does not fare well for Trump. Remember this comes from the drudge report…not the Washington Post!

  5. Dennis says:

    Here’s the numbers from Wednesday Oct. 9….Maddow is beating Hannity.
    ImpeacSNBC MADDOW 3,285,000
    FOXNEWS HANNITY 3,265,000hment numbers are soaring according to internal polls.
    Republicans are telling other republicans that party is headed to oblivion (see George
    Chuck’s writings are fantasies.

    see drudge report to authenticate: MSNBC is becoming a powerhouse. What does that mean? These are numbers overnight for October 9, 2019
    SNBC MADDOW 3,285,000
    FOXNEWS HANNITY 3,265,000

    • admin says:

      Time will tell how those numbers hold up…Maddow fell like a rock after Mueller.

      Kinda like polls…they can change overnight. The Fox poll on Trump, for example

  6. Dennis says:

    Sorry. Computer is having problems. But you get the idea!

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