Sutherland: The Worst Feeling In The World

In June of 1967, I was a fourteen year old, living with my parents in Overland Park…

We were watching the Kansas City Athletics baseball team on television one Friday evening when someone called from the Leawood Police Department.  My dad answered and I could hear him tell the caller, “No, that’s not possible, he’s been here all evening.”  After he hung up he explained that a woman had reported me to the police, saying I’d just vandalized her house in Leawood

Naturally I was very upset when I heard this.

I asked my father to call the police on Monday to see who was responsible for falsely accusing me.  When he got home Dad told me that the person who called was not a police officer, but a member of the “police auxiliary, who comes in sometimes to help out.”

In other words, I never found out who made these allegations, either on the part of the police or the alleged victim.

Fast forward eight years to 1975.

I was in law school by then.  My twin brothers, age 16, were in high school and still living at home when two Overland Park police officers showed up unannounced at our house.  They told my father and brothers that they were there to question them about an armed robbery that occurred at a convenience store.  My father bit his tongue but then explained that the allegations couldn’t be true because my brothers were with him on a business trip in Houston on the date of the robbery and he had eyewitnesses who could prove it. The police got up and left and that was the last we heard of the incident.

As frustrating as these events were-largely because we never knew who was behind these false accusations-there is another situation that is even more frightening. That is when an innocent person is “set up” for a crime, i.e. tricked into unwittingly breaking the law so they can be criminally charged.

The classic example for me is when a high school classmate would send people tabs of LSD in the mail, with a cute little note; “Congratulations, by receiving this hallucinogenic drug, you’ve just committed a Felony. Ha! Ha!”

Another instance dates from the 90’s, when an opposing lawyer in a legal case sent a witness to talk to me wearing a concealed recording device.  The witness then offered to testify in return for a bribe.  Fortunately, I did not take the bait and later was able to go back against the crooked lawyer.

The Anglo/American common law tradition frowns on the use of police spies and agents provocateur. There is a long and dishonorable tradition of governments misusing such operatives to frame political enemies.  Joseph Conrad’s classic spy novel, “The Secret Agent” is about such a scheme, set in 19th century London, where fear of “anarchists” led to all kinds of questionable tactics by the authorities.

The Reichstag fire in Germany and the Oklahoma City bombing are other examples of where people who previously lacked the capacity or intent to commit terrorist acts were likely induced to act by government agents, in order to discredit the regime’s opponents.

This is exactly what is happening now with the Deep State and its war on the Trump administration.

A host of shady characters had contacted young and inexperienced people on the fringes of the Trump campaign, i.e. Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, members of a “Foreign Policy Advisory Board,” that met exactly once.

The whole idea was to gossip with them about supposed Russian interference, in hopes they would report it to other Obama/Clinton operatives.

Obviously, if Trump’s people knew of such meddling, they were part of such meddling.

Got that?

Repeating gossip you heard in a bar means you were complicit in the acts being talked about, right?

This is half the rationale behind the supposed scandal that has gripped the country for years. The other element is the idea that if you anger someone by accusing them of terrible crimes (e.g. rape, treason), it shows they lack the temperament to be a judge or a president. If they fight back against their accusers, they’re “obstructing justice” or “engaging in a cover up.”

I think back to a client who was falsely accused of a robbery at a local mall. I then learned that my client knew another young person of her exact age and ethnicity and the same last name.  Their first names were very similar, as well, and they drove the same model, make, color and year car.  My client’s doppelganger also liked to hang out at this particular mall. This was the likely culprit.

When I took this to the police and prosecutor, they still refused to drop charges. 

The police detective on the case said that even if my client hadn’t committed the robbery she was charged with, she needed to plead guilty to another crime before they would agree to dismiss the robbery charges! He also said he didn’t “like” my clients “attitude.”

I finally had to notice up a hearing before the judge on a motion to dismiss before the prosecutor and police reluctantly agreed to drop the charges.

I did everything possible to thwart the prosecution of my client.

I undermined the credibility of the police and prosecutor.  I highlighted to the judge how unreasonable they were being. Did I “obstruct justice”? Did I “engage in a cover up”? I don’t think I did and neither have Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump.
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7 Responses to Sutherland: The Worst Feeling In The World

  1. chuck says:

    Dead on the money Dwight.

    The lubrication that greases the wheels of this infernal machine, the incessant malfeasance of the Orwellian, Progressive narrative, that knows NO senescence, in spite of the unambiguated evidence of the categorical lies, misinformation and legerdemain that it is caught red handed, in, daily, is the 4th Estate.

    Christine Blasey Ford’s lies, under oath, with criminal intent and premeditation, (, are parroted gleefully by a media that is so granularly corrupt, that, the comparison to the State Sponsored Communist Publication, Pravda in Putin’s Russia is apt. Seriously. Think of that.

    “Rape lines”, “Punch Bowls” etc. etc. all conjured up, ex nihilo, out of whole cloth by Democratic agents of destruction in hopes of subverting Constitutional rights by way of an activist judiciary.

    This agenda driven, rhetorical radix malorum creates the ongoing, never ending stench of effluence that permeates the ‘journalistic’ landscape that has now moved our expectations so deep into the sewer that many Americans, by no fault of their own, eat and appreciate the shit that’s served up every night for dinner on the major affiliates and think it’s Haute Cuisine.

    The Main Stream Media, is, THE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

    The “Yellow Journalism” practiced by ‘journalists’ under the pretense of objectivity at 95% of all major news outlets, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, The LA Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN et al, are exact doppelgangers of what we here in Kansas City benefit from our local newspaper of record, The Kansas City Star. Current writers for this august publication, stand of the shoulders of the greats. Names like Jenee Osterheldt and Lewis DoNoGood.

    These publications, traffic in lies, innuendo, specious and fallacious accusations ONLY if they meet an essential criteria, the accusations MUST be directed at their political enemies.

    Think of that simple fact.

    The Main Stream Media, has enemies.

    Think of this. There is no light, no disconnect, no separation, between the bureaucrats who ACTUALLY run this country and the corrupt media and the Progressive/Fascist/Totalitarian/Democrat Party.

    You are the enemy. The “Deplorable”. The “Racist”. The “Denier”.

    This fact, in conjunction with the now, inevitable coming demographic change, leaves me less than sanguine on our prospects for peace. Not world peace, but peace here in the US.

    Hear the thunder?

  2. chuck says:

    Posted just this day on “American Thinker”, this article dovetails perfectly with Dwight’s.

  3. Kerouac says:

    ‘Moral’ (odd, in this context) of the story: people are liars, everyone… starts childhood, continues throughout life; politics merely takes it to another, even more ob$cene level.

    ‘Sh-boom sh-boom, ya-da-da da-da-da da-da-da da – Sh-boom sh-boom, ya-da-da da-da-da da-da-da da – Sh-boom (if prefer musical, book, film and play on Broadway, as all stops between: Stop the World – I Want to Get Off.)

    The bass ackwarDs worLd of ‘injustice’ at its finest: ‘guilty’, even if pRoven innocent.
    Or ‘not guilty’ blaming the aggrieved and mollycoddling the perpetrators an attempt justify other ends (what was it bandage-head ‘Omar The Ogre’ said, in order justify?)

    “Some people did something” ( some people – ‘you people’, not me/mine.) Not a thing, hijab on the other head as ’twere. Criminals to include illegal immigrants/their crimes, as well her own mis-adventures, manipulation of US law? Nod the ‘guilty’ until proven innocent’ tack/marrying her own brother issue: “A difficult part of my personal history that I did not consider relevant in the context of a political campaign.”

    Of course.

    Epilog: so, liars all, politicians every, are left with but results. Case President Trump, he’s got this country back on track my opine, headed the Right direction… hum baby.

    Some lighter fare:

    “In June of 1967, I was a fourteen year old, living with my parents in Overland Park”…

    – well I should hope so, Dwight… (so was I – not living with your parents, but my own; would have said ‘me too’ but am sure that in today’s lingo, I could be accused of being a victim, or if not, a perpetrator of some sort)

    “We were watching the Kansas City Athletics baseball team on television one Friday evening”

    – I remember the game: A’s were playing the White Sox in Chicago, won it 6-4 in extra innings (a lucky 13th as it turned out, beating 44 year old knuckleballer Hoyt Wilhelm the process. Alas, A’s went 42-74 remainder of ’67, Finley’s final long goodbye to KC)

    endin with a flourish…


    – MAGA MAGA!


  4. paulwilsonkc says:

    Outstanding piece, as usual.

  5. Hudson H Luce says:

    Good work – just think of what would have happened if the Lügenpresse had its own monopoly back, and only their side of the story could be told…

  6. Dwight SutherlandJr says:

    Hud-man, as you know from being a criminal defense lawyer,some police and prosecutors have a Dick Tracy mentality. They think they have solved a crime when they make an arrest,even if evidence shows later they’ve got the wrong person. In my mall robbery case they lied about their identification of my client, saying they had a picture of her vehicle’s license plate as she fled the scene. When I asked for it,they changed their story, saying the squad car camera was broken. I also had charge card records showing she was in Arizona on the date of the robbery. They claiming these showed the transaction account posting dates, not the actual purchase dates. This was also false. If someone is determined to accuse,prosecute,and convict you,they will stop at nothing. Time after time,lie after lie,new theory after new theory,they will pursue you. Do you think it was any accident that renewed calls for Trump’s and Kavanaugh’s impeachment were made simultaneously last week? As one of my Democrat friends said in an inadvertent burst of candor,”Don’t worry,we’ll find something eventually to remove them from office for.” As the head of the Russian secret police once said,”Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime!” Lefsetz is wrong,the Left is relentless and has a will of iron. They are the farthest thing from “p—–ies” you can imagine.

  7. Hudson H Luce says:

    Sure, they’re relentless, and they’ve got an iron will. I saw something like this in my first jury trial, my client was this big tough redneck from rural Douglas County. He and a buddy were out drinking whiskey and driving around in a pickup truck, finishing up the evening at daybreak the next day, on an island out in the middle of the Kansas River, reachable by a narrow spit of land. They drove out, set up their empty whiskey bottles in a row, and were systematically blowing them to smithereens with a .30-’06. Of course, the noise attracted the attention of the local farmers and eventually the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office. My client was in the driver’s seat, there was whiskey spilled in the cab, and it smelled like a distillery. The morning was chilly, and the key was in the ignition and the engine was on. They were a good quarter mile from the nearest road, which was important. The sheriff’s deputy who testified had a photographic memory of everything except where the road was, for that, he’d developed a severe case of Alzheimers. So I kept up the questioning in front of the jury, with the deputy’s resultant photographic memory for incriminating facts, and absolute amnesia for facts which would show that my client was innocent – of the crime of driving a motor vehicle *on the roads of the State of Kansas* while under the influence of alcohol. Finally, after about five rounds of that, and then after I called the owner of the truck who was sitting in the passenger seat, who testified that he’d never consider letting my client actually drive his truck five feet, as he was a notorious drunk, it went to the jury. They’d pulled a switcheroo, the owner/driver got into the passenger seat as soon as they saw the sheriff’s cars lights headed their way – and they were nowhere near a road. And that was enough for the jury to come back with a verdict of “not guilty”, much to the consternation of both judge and prosecutor. What happened, of course, is that the deputy, by his evasiveness and highly selective memory, had shown himself to be not entirely on the up-and-up, and the jury didn’t buy his story.

    Well, now we see the machinations of Congress and the Democrats and some turncoat Republicans – and they’re the deputy sheriff and the prosecutor, that’s the role they’re playing. And the ultimate jury in this matter is the American people – and my bet is that they’re not going to buy the current story, either. But whereas you can’t vote sheriff’s deputies out of office, you can sure as hell do that to people in Congress…

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