Hearne: Will Chiefs Will Do Anything to Win?

It’s like clockwork…

Every time the Kansas City Chiefs snag an experienced, star the town goes crazy.

I probably don’t need to remind many of you of what went down years ago when the Chiefs got what was left of superstar QB Joe Montana – the underwear signings, covered-up-by-the-cops late night antics, etc.

There’s something about the scent of a Super Bowl that’s catnip for local football freaks.

Nothing else really much matters.

Does the name Tyreek Hill ring any bells?

Even part timer Steve DeBerg set off an explosive chain reaction in the 1990s that filled Arrowhead for two playoff seasons.

I also remember Craig Glazer of Stanford’s in Westport talking about what a party animal DeBerg was and describing him being passed out in a window overlooking Westport Road at the front of the club.

Ah, but now the Chiefs have a “cereal box” quarterback named Patrick Mahomes.

The $64 million dollar question being, can Mahomes leads the football faithful to the promised land…or will he somehow fall short – injuries, etc. – and leave KC wanting for another half century?

Which is a very real prospect.

The Chiefs have further pinned their football fantasies on a loser named Tyreek Hill who is following in the less-than-classy footsteps of former star running back Kareem Hunt.

Remember him?

The dude who made Chiefs fans swoon before to got in some bar brouhahas, then kicked the living you-know-what out of a woman in Cleveland and the Chiefs cut him…ostensibly for, uh, “lying.”

Like the Hill, Kareem vowed to clean up his act.

The latest: Kareem’s new team the Cleveland Browns is tap dancing around his latest misstep, another bar “incident” this past June.

Now try this one on for size:

“Browns coach Freddie Kitchens said Hunt may have gotten too comfortable and allowed himself to fall back into bad habits.”


So it is the Chiefs will wade into battle with a number of stars sporting  similar baggage like Hunt and Hill’s.

Not that anybody much will be bothered by their off field behaviors.

Locals used to make fun of slime ball Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis for his mantra, “Just win, baby!”

Funny how what goes around comes around…

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10 Responses to Hearne: Will Chiefs Will Do Anything to Win?

  1. I met Steve DeBerg out in Lee’s Summit where his kids went to grade school with mine.

    Really nice guy. All the parents there liked him a lot.

    Just sayin…….

  2. Kerouac says:


    ‘This is our year’, part 1989, verse 20…


    “Really? 1970? Just the one?”

    Give us your tired (of winning, Brady age 42), your poor (holdout$ Elliott/Gordon, et al), your huddled (inebriated) red masses yearning to win it all (just once before they pass… out), wretched refuse their ‘teaming’ with failure lore year latest endeavor, ’19.

    From sea to shining sea and flyover country between: a city whose biggest off-season dilemma was where to put their sixth Lombardi Trophy, another where two teams an equally vagabond history call home, to one midway confuses Roger Rabbit framed for cheetah, and Agent 99’s “missed it by that much” for Bullwinkle’s sleeve “this time for sure” – P-R-E-S-T-O!

    Are you ready for some football?


  3. kb in kc says:

    I lived in Jeff City at the time, so I was unaware of any “covered-up-by-the-cops late night antics”. Do tell…

  4. Kerouac says:

    “Will Chiefs Will Do Anything to Win?”

    – a hitch in the ol’ headline giddyup… as the ‘part 2019, verse 50’ edition year of our unrequited, swiss chiefs. Analysis: took but one drive, opening of this season, reach the expected foregone conclusion: ‘wait till next year’, part 2020, verse 51.

    The Cincinnati Bengals, cellar dwellers in ’18 and the NFL’s 26th ranked offense – went through the swiss ‘new and improved’? defense by ground and air like (nod General George Patton) ‘crap through a goose.’

    Let the excuses begin – D’OH!


  5. Kerouac says:

    The ‘start me up’ swiss chiefs excuse express, 2019…

    KC Homer: “Yeah but yeah but, we were missing Frank Clark, one of the NFL’s best defensive players!” (even though commentator Trent Green mentioned the Bengals saw Clark out there for the swiss; actually, only Trent did (aftershock/he’s still a bit fuzzy re: that 2006 hit the Bengals put on him.)

    Reality:’ Yeah but, yeah but… Bengals were missing AJ Green, one of the NFL’s best offensive players!’ (fingers wiggling in ears, tongue stuck out… phblttttt!)

    KC Homer: “Yeah but yeah but, Mahomes completed his first pass and we scored a td too!”

    Reality: ‘Yeah but yeah but, ’18 Bengals were the NFL’s bottom defense – that’s right – ranked #32, even worse than the (and we all know bad they were) horrendous swiss chiefs (small letter) d!’

    Upshot: Chargers, Raiders and Broncos will battle for the top spot AFC West 2019, swiss bringing up the rear.


  6. Rick says:

    Good Lord, there’s such a stench of puritan hypocrisy here.

    If you haven’t read “Ball Four” by the recently passed Jim Bouton, then you’re living in some fantasy world of virtuous athletes out for nothing but competitive ambition.

    It’s long passed time when we actually debated the moral/ethical/legal transgressions of players, especially great ones. That argument was lost about 20-25 years ago.

    [The problem, of course, is that this blase stance has now transferred to Presidents. But that’s a whole other topic.]

    Face, it, that scent you mentioned is real. The Chiefs community has made its judgment on Hill and while that may offend certain fans, they’ll easily be replaced come playoff time.

    This is gambling…uh, I mean sports.

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