Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Long Shot’—A Fractured Fairytale

“LONG SHOT” is a rom-com, political fantasy/satire…

She is a presidential hopeful. He is her speech writer.

So far, so good.

But you just know with Seth Rogen in the mix there’s probably more to it—and there is!

Rogen is really a loudmouth, left-wing (and now unemployed) journalist.

Charleze Theron is the current Secretary of State running for President.

You guessed it, the two run into each other only to find they have something really weird in common.

Seems that many moons ago, Theron was briefly Rogen’s babysitter. And he had a big crush on her back then.

One problem: In Madam Secretary’ s run for the Oval Office her speeches lack spice and are just too lame.

So before you know it, she hires Rogen to punch-up her campaign speeches and materials.

And in traditional rom-com fashion. the two get it on—and then some.

One wouldn’t expect anything less from a Seth Rogen comedy.

Plenty of zingers and laugh-out-loud situations throughout the movie push the R-rated raunch-factor to the limit. Come to think of it, one such scene brings back fond memories of 1998’s “THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY.”

So be forewarned. The official MPAA rating for “LONG SHOT” states:

“Rated R for strong sexual content, language throughout and some drug use.”

“LONG SHOT”—an unlikely but not impossible satire—grades a funny: B

(Opens wide this weekend)

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2 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Long Shot’—A Fractured Fairytale

  1. KC Reader says:

    1) Who can believe Charlize Theron running for president?
    2) Who can beleive that Charlize Theron would be interested in Seth Rogen.
    At least it isn’t a superhero movie, I guess that is something.

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