Hearne: Chiefs Continue to Tap Dance on Tyreek Hill Controversy

Local media jock sniffers gave the Chiefs a slap on the hand when they drafted Tyreek Hill

After which they spent the better part of past two seasons pretending everything was fine and dandy – that Hill was a changed man – and celebrating his spectacular on field accomplishments.

Unfortunately that’s not how things tend to go with women beaters and domestic abusers

“In discussing why abusers abuse , it’s clear that a lot of the causal factors behind these behaviors are learned attitudes and feelings of entitlement and privilege — which can be extremely difficult to truly change,” according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. “Because of this, there’s a very low percentage of abusers who truly do change their ways.”

Got that, a “very low percentage” change their lowdown ways.

Even when they happen to be National Football League superstars.

“According to (one) study, more than 40 percent of those who participated reported that a re-assault occurred during the 30-month period following their initial violent act, nearly 66 percent of first-time re-assaults were committed within 6 months of the first reported assault and close to 20 percent of all abusers involved in the study re-assaulted their partners after the initial assault,” writes California criminal defense attorney Randy Collins.

And don’t forget, that the first time police were called to Hill’s Overland Park crib early last month, no charges were filed because his three year-old son’s mother in all likelihood declined to press them. A week later, police were back for the second incident that reportedly lead to his sons breaking an arm, that in turn lead to Hill’s son being removed from his custody.

As I reported recently, Kansas child abuse laws are Numero Uno in this country when it comes to laxity.

It spite of all which, the authorities have now stepped in and removed Hill’s child.

Yet after all that, the Kansas City Chiefs are still playing dumb, looking for a graceful out to not have to cut one of the Super Bowl hopeful team’s biggest stars.

While with the exception of KCTV, the local media treats the situation with kid gloves.

Why? Because there’s no direct video evidence for Hill to have to answer for?

Clearly, if the Chiefs wanted to get top the bottom of all this they easily could – and truth be known – probably already have.

So why the hold cup? What are they waiting for?

Seems like a no brainer; a chance for there team to play in Super Bowl LIV come February.

Because after losing some of its top defensive stars and running back Kareem Hunt, the Chiefs can ill afford to lose yet another key individual.

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10 Responses to Hearne: Chiefs Continue to Tap Dance on Tyreek Hill Controversy

  1. Phaedrus says:

    The Chiefs’ latest acquisition was also accused of domestic violence in college. Maybe they want Hill to have someone to commiserate with.

  2. Kerouac says:

    “Kansas City Chiefs are still playing dumb, looking for a graceful out to not have to cut one of the Super Bowl hopeful team’s biggest stars.”

    – are you hinting at ‘collusion’, HC? Seems a popular (if bogus) theme of late, US of A.

    Beyond authorities and team, the final arbiter won’t be pundit nor fan any, rather NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell (the man who never met a player suspension, or lifetime ban he did not like); consistent in dealing a measure rebuke as broken clock is counted on to deliver the correct time twice a day, possibilities be vast if not many splendored.

    Of note, our glory day KC (has only been one) the greatest player Chiefs history a HOF QB who started but half the games that greatest of seasons theirs. Absence his filled an untested benchwarmer (rookie in essence) without the team missing a beat, an tribute to team – to ‘we’s in lieu ‘me’s – suggesting as anything was possible then, still is today.

    Alright… now everybody DANCE!


  3. Shawnster says:

    I’m going to be honest here. As a Chiefs fan, I don’t care about this. I really don’t. The Chiefs are paid to win games. That’s it. Look we can all play the morality police here. It’s easy and makes us feel superior, but the truth is I only care about the results on the field. Are the Patriots giving back their Superbowl’s with Aarron Hernandez? No. If the Chiefs cut Hill you can bet your ass someone else will sign him fast just as they did with Kareem Hunt. Why should the Chiefs make themselves a worse team while the Browns get better? Why do the Chiefs have to pay a price, but not the Browns? The reality is the league is all about winning. Hill, Hunt and Clark all can help the Chiefs win and that’s what I pay my money for.

    • admin says:

      Good points, Shawnster…

      The issue is that they pretend that all the morality issues count, while semi-secretly sharing your views and hoping they can dodge the bullet…unless someone marches forward with truly hard evident like a video.

      It’s the disingenuousness of it all that rubs me the wrong way.

      Then again, that Bewrnie cat thinks that the Boston Bomber should be allowed to vote still while he’s on death row!

    • Phaedrus says:

      You don’t feel at least a little odd in cheering (ie praising) a guy that may have broken his kid’s arm?

      • Super Dave says:

        That’s the issue Phaedrus a good many don’t care. It’s the ole wasn’t my kids arm, so I don’t care. Goooooooo Chiefs is all that matters to them.

        • Phaedrus says:

          Yeah, it’s all fun and games until he kills someone. Then Shawnster and his ilk will be lining up at Arrowhead to exchange their Hill jersey for a Mahomes jersey.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Hey, at least you’re honest about being morally bereft. Which makes you better than the NFL.

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