Hearne: Will There Be Life After Trump for Local News Titan?

Pic of criminal illegal alien’s kids the Star ran to generate rancor toward ICE for arresting and deporting him

Almost everyone’s familiar with the pop culture definition of insanity…

Why then does the Kansas City Star persist in reporting day old stories as if they were breaking news while bagging on Donald Trump and talking down to readers by force feeding agenda-driven, liberal leaning stories and views?

How about reporting sans the sermons? It can be done, you know.

Fat chance…

That said, these days if you want to find out what’s going on locall, you have to wade through headlines ripping the prez and conservative-leaning pols,  past stories reminding us how heart warming illegal immigration can be and how evil the government is for trying to enforce the laws of the land.

Gone are the business and entertainment sections of the Star, along with the writings of those pesky journalists who used to be known as “columnists.”

You know, folks like Art Brisbane, that goofy Mike Hendricks dude and…oh yeah, me.

About the only thing remaining aside from slanted news coverage is a sports section that revels in insightful headlines like, “The Chiefs must prove they are not who they appear to be” and “Mahomes needs to be even even better in postseason.”

Pretty deep, right?

Or how about a few weeks ago when that Gregorian dude they imported from St. Louis a couple years back told readers that the “simple truth” was that newly shit-canned, star running back “Kareem Hunt was a luxury, not a necessity, for Chiefs.”

So much for that prescient peek into Kansas City’s sports future.

More recently, Star readers were treated to this  ‘he said, she said” headline:

“Kansas couple says ICE arrested husband despite wife’s miscarriage: ICE denies story.”

Imagine that… a loosely reported, thinly disguised pro illegal immigration story depicting the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in an unflattering light.

Bagging on ICE for doing its jobs by arresting a three times criminally convicted illegal alien whose wife or girlfriend supposedly happened to have had a miscarriage shortly before they busted him.

Not long ago that sort of  mixing political views into news used to be frowned upon.

Yet even after a precipitous 90 percent plus drop in staffing brought on by plunging readership and revenue, nobody in Star management seems to get it.

And instead of being lead by one of the most respected journalists of our time, it’s being run by a dude with a pair of DUIs and an assault conviction.

Go figure.

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One Response to Hearne: Will There Be Life After Trump for Local News Titan?

  1. chuck says:

    The Star, at this point, is that suicidal, once hot chick who is now, consumed with drugs, alcohol (Donald Trump) and is obsessed with everyone hearing about how she doesn’t have custody of the kids (Readers) because her husband (Objective Reality) fucked her over.

    A Death Star Tractor beam of need and insecurity drives her ever further into self abuse (More Fake and or Biased News) and the graveyard spiral just keeps picking up speed.

    The Star will be deader than John Kennedy Jr. before you can say “Rehab is for quitters!!”

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