Jack Goes Confidential: ‘FIRST MAN’–Extraordinary Story Of Sacrifice

“Houston, ‘The Eagle’ has landed”

That’s the monumental sentence spoken in 1969 that rocked the world.

But if you thought you knew the story—THINK AGAIN!

FIRST MAN is the (sometimes tedious) biographical drama of Neil Armstrong‘s journey to becoming the first man to step on the moon.

It is a personal look at a brooding and troubled man dealing with the loss of his young daughter due to brain cancer and his challenging climb to become the most famous astronaut of all time.

FIRST MAN is an extraordinary story of sacrifice as LALA LAND and WHIPLASH director Damien Chazelle explores the emotions and heartbreaks leading up to that giant leap for mankind.

Casting Ryan Gosling as Armstrong was a wise move by the movie makers who include Steven Spielberg as the film’s co-executive producer.

There’s just something about Gosling that feels right for the part.

His wife Janet is dramatically supportive throughout—and with enough backbone to stand her way when needed.

She is played by Claire Foy.

Also of note in the cast is Kyle Chandler as NASA’s Director of Flight Operations.

Chandler is probably best known for his roles in ‘Friday Night Lights’ and ‘Bloodline.’

Things DO get dicey  when the actual mission finally gets off the ground and we experience one of man’s most incredible adventures.

Two aspects of this film I want to address:

The first is director Chazelle’s ongoing use of the hand-held camera in the picture.

And since he makes use of (pretty) extreme closeups throughout the film this practice can become annoying after awhile.

Dramamine, anyone?

My other complaint is directed at those persons fostering the alleged American flag controversy in connection with FIRST MAN.

It’s a NON-ISSUE! It’s INCONSEQUENTIAL to the story telling here!

Make no mistake about it, we DO see the flag firmly planted on the lunar surface!

But Chazelle instead puts his emphasis on two OTHER dramatic aspects.

One is man’s first footprint on the moon.

The other?

That would be a spoiler on my part. Suffice it to say it works in a most dramatic way!

The movie is based on James R. Hansen‘s 2005 biography entitled ‘First Man: The Life of Neil R. Armstrong’ and opens this weekend in wide release.

FIRST MAN garners a: B grade

Catch ‘Jack Goes To The Movies’ Friday mornings at 9:50 a.m. during Kansas City’s Morning News on 98.1 FM, KMBZ.

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2 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘FIRST MAN’–Extraordinary Story Of Sacrifice

  1. J. Springer says:

    What about the movie Gosnell?

  2. Eric Haynes says:

    “There’s just something about Gosling that feels right for the part.”
    But I refuse to give you any examples.

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