Hearne: Spinning the Trump News @ 18th & Grand

Know what gets tedious?

Wading through nonstop Donald Trump bashing day in and day out.

Hey, I get it.

When people hate their jobs, the nasty neighbor who disagrees with them, traffic snarls on the drive to work or the hubby who crawls into bed with 12-pack bad breath…they’re gonna complain.

It’s the human condition.

Unfortunately, what used to pass for halfway objective journalism goes missing in action all too frequently these days.

Case in point, an innocuous story about the president’s pending visit to the Cowtown today in the Kansas City Star.

U.S. presidents have a long history of coming to KC. Sometimes they eat at Bryant’s, sometimes Gates. Sometimes they tie up traffic. Correction, they always tie up traffic.

All of that said, I don’t recall advance news accounts being peppered with snide suggestions for locals affected by their visits to call in sick.

Ah, but that’s what cub reporter Edward McKinley wrote.

Like that’s supposed to be funny? 

McKinley’s thinly veiled “report” on the president’s speaking engagement today continues with some eff Trump quotes from a dude worried some of his customers might get hammered elsewhere.

“We’re losing business off of this,” says Justen Clemons a manager for the Quaff bar downtown. “Police have put up emergency ‘no parking’ signs on Broadway, he said, and they’ve had to warn customers to park elsewhere or risk getting towed. Some of those people have just decided to go elsewhere.

“One couple refused to move their car, saying, ‘Well, we didn’t vote for him,’ Clemons said.”

Ah, but nit picking Trump’s visit wasn’t enough for McKinley, who took a swipe at vice president Mike Pence.

“Tuesday’s traffic disruptions are coming on the heels of similar tie-ups from Vice President Mike Pence’s visit,” McKinley adds. “’Just spent 30 minutes looping in traffic because Mike Pence is in town,’ posted Twitter user Matt Seeley on the day of Pence’s visit. ‘These guys shouldn’t be allowed to ever leave the white house with how much gridlock they cause. @FBI.’

“Ward Parkway was closed that day, Seeley wrote in an email, so he was unable to cross it. He had hoped to meet someone at the Plaza for lunch, but ended up driving around in circles until he gave up and went back to his office hungry.

He plans to pack a lunch Tuesday.”

Now that’s what I call reporting!

Guess I shoulda bagged on the slow motion handicapped person run that interrupted my trip to the Dyson repair shop last week. Couldn’t they just have used a local high school track instead of trying up public roadways and forcing police to staff the thing?

Maybe next time I’ll take McKinley’s advice and pack a lunch….

And for the record, as a dude who voted for Obama twice, I don’t recall his visits here being peppered with snarky comments and trivial complaints by the newspaper of record….just saying.

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31 Responses to Hearne: Spinning the Trump News @ 18th & Grand

  1. J. Springer says:

    The local media has shown their bias today — such hate on the radio, Internet, and TV from KC ‘journalists’.

    They couldn’t get enough of kissing Obama’s ass when he was in town.

    The inability to adjust to traffic delays tells a lot about people — they are either ‘whiners’ or don’t have the intellectual ability to make plans. I’m guessing they are also the same people who come to a complete stop to look at a blown tire on the side of the road causing traffic jams.

  2. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    It’s tiresome for sure. And if that fuckstick Justen Clemons wants to complain about someone killing his business, perhaps he should talk to the bloodthirsty hounds running DST Systems. They’ve laid off thousands of downtown workers (his customers) over the past 5 years. Hell, DST’s Broadway Building sits directly ACROSS THE STREET from the Quaff. DST employees used to flood the Quaff. STFU, Clemons.

    And Hearne is dead on with his write up. Traffic being snarled downtown by a politician being in town is nothing new, good God.

    • admin says:


      Here’s the deal: while I have zero claim to being psychic, my hunch is the Quaff is one of McKinley’s watering holes and he fell into an easy quote. And snagging a Trump hating nobody on Twitter hardly constitutes reporting.

      But the real finger pointing honors go – not to some rookie reporter – but to a Star editor who was happy enough to allow a bit of amateurish cheap shooting instead of calling bullshit. Which comes as little surprise given the turn that serious reporting and journalism seems to be taking today

  3. Dwight Sutherland says:

    The Star always has a hate figure they are whipping up anger against.Past selections include President Bush(41),Senator and U.S. Attorney General Ashcroft, Kansas A. G.Phill Kline, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, and,more recently,Missouri Governor Eric Greitens ,Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach and,of course,President Trump..(No Democrat has ever been subject to such relentless attacks by the Star.) It is not enough for the Star to say their policies and positions are misguided. These targets are depicted as the sum of all human evil and depravity. They are simultaneously accused of being evil geniuses,capable of fathomless cunning and guile, and complete fools and ignoramuses,incapable of expressing a coherent thought. When the targets of their wrath manage somehow to get elected the paper,of course has no explanation except to invent fanciful boogie men,e.g. The Kochs,the Citizens United decision,etc. The end of the K.C. Star could not come too soon for any fair minded person in this community.

    • admin says:

      Well, that end may come in the form of a better team of writers and journalists after the heads that have helped guide the newspaper to this sorry state
      state finally roll.

      Seriously, what business managers who have performed as poorly as the brains behind McClatchy are allowed to cycle the drain for anywhere near this long at Mark Zieman and his editors at the Star?

      Do you think if the Chiefs had anything approaching the track record of the local newspaper the exact same team would still be in charge more than a decade later?

  4. Nick says:

    And for the record, as a dude who voted for Obama twice, I don’t recall his visits here being peppered with snarky comments and trivial complaints by the newspaper of record….just saying.


    But Obama was not so stupid, insecure and vain as to sport the world’s most hideous comb-over, combined with an application of clownish orange pancake makeup and a slow 6th grader’s grasp of his native language, not to mention his condescending, leering demeanor toward anything he does not understand.

    Trump, on the other hand, is all front; what’s not to hate?

    Unfortunately, what used to pass for halfway objective journalism goes missing in action all too frequently these days?

    Agreed – and that started in early 2015; had the major news organizations responded appropriately to Trump’s presidential overtures, he would have been laughed off the national stage. The New York newspapers/TV stations had more than a decade’s worth of verified dirt (Russian connections, bankruptcies, mistresses, racism, et al) on Trump, yet all of that and more somehow got swept under the rug by the MSM leading up to and during the primaries. And now you’re complaining about the press’s picayune ways?

    Jesus wept…

    • admin says:

      C’mon, Nick…

      Trump’s hair and fake tan are irrelevant. And it’s not like everybody in the free world didn’t bag on Trump from start to stop during the election.

      • Nick says:

        Wrong – Trump’s hair and pancake makeup are indicative of character. Or, in this case, lack thereof.

        Yes, pretty much the world ‘bagged’ on Trump from the beginning (he is, after all, the most prominent buffoon to ever stumble into public view), but what didn’t happen was a thorough deep dive by the media into Trump’s longtime ‘business’ connections with the Russians.

        • admin says:

          Au contraire…

          Methinks you make too much of Trump’s looks. I’ve spent a lot of time around oldsters in Florida and Arizona and having poor taste in one’s older years is in no way a sign of character. Just happens. Look at the pics of him when he was younger.

          There are a lot of sleazy-looking people in their 20s and 30s who aren’t necessarily awful people just because of their arguably poor taste.

          Well, congrats on having every mother’s son kick Trump in the dick on an hourly basis. Hope it makes you happy and you don’t find it totally boring as I and others do. Be sure and ignore all of the positive things he’s accomplished while you’re at it…I’d hate for anything to interrupt you while you’re enjoying such a joyful daydream!

          • Nick says:

            Well, that’s your opinion, and of course –if it’s considered– you’re certainly entitled to it. It does surprise me, however, as you’re old enough to remember when character was the main measure of a man; it’s almost as though you’ve been conned by the orange buffoon.

            Or…you’re trolling for dollars.

            In either event, that’s all coming to an end, sooner rather than later:

            “Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.”

            There are numerous valid reasons to despise the liar currently occupying the WH.

            But you keep on keepin’ on.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Nick, you can thank that total MORON Hillary Clinton and the DNC for Trump getting elected. It was their idiotic “Pied Piper” strategy that handed Trump the big stage. They were convinced he was a total joke and would be an easy beat in the election. So they pleaded their willing minions in the mainstream media to prop up Donald Trump and to ignore Bernie Sanders. And dirt of Trump didn’t get swept under the rug. Jesus, everything legit dirty that could come out about him, did. The problem was, no one cared.

      I still laugh at all the simpletons crying about Trump, instead of investigating the REAL reason why he got elected in the first place. He’s simply a symptom of the sickness. And the sickness is our broken two party system, in which BOTH parties have abandoned their voting constituents in favor of the corporate, big money interests. If you don’t fix the system, YOU ARE GOING TO GET ANOTHER “TRUMP”. People are sick and tired of the status quo and are going to do anything to tear it down. Trump was just the first example. The latest is the far left socialist that just got elected in New York.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        Guy, I agree with everything you said. Here’s the problem: Nobody and I mean NO-BODY can get elected anymore from the middle. I don’t care if it’s middle-right or middle-left. Candidates feel like they have to out-left or out-right their opponents. The sad part? 1/2 the people voted for Trump and the other 1/2 (plus some) voted for Clinton. If that doesn’t SCREAM for a candidate that can appeal to each half of those voters, I don’t know what does. What we end up with is politicians that only cater to their base instead of a LARGER base that could include moderates from both sides. Like Trump, no politician even TRIES to represent a broad base of people. They are perfectly happy to throw their political red meat around because it is obviously working. The Left was perfectly willing to overlook ANYTHING that Clinton did or said like the Right did with Trump. Character is no longer a prerequisite for anything. Lies, money, affairs, divorces, inside-deals, self-reward, et al. Just tell me if they have a “R” or a “D” next to their name so I know who to vote for. That’s the mantra of BOTH sides. Damn sad state we’re in.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          100% agree, Jim. In this latest presidential election, I damn near left the top of the ticket blank. But at the last minute, voted for Gary Johnson. I couldn’t stomach voting for Trump, and Hildabeast wasn’t even a consideration. My God, her campaign was so poorly run, it’ll probably go down in history as the worst ever, and be studied for decades in political science schools.

      • Nick says:

        Hmmmm – sounds like Hillary Derangement Syndrome to me; the professionals have publicly stated that the Russians effected the 2016 election. Perhaps you’re not listening?

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          James Clapper. LOL.

          The bottom line is this, whoever hacked the DNC’s servers did one thing and one thing only…EXPOSE THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DNC. They robbed Bernie Sanders and rigged the nomination for the Hildabeast…and she STILL lost to an orange faced loudmouth. Oh and they put out some memes on social media about Hillary. If that’s all it took to beat her, she was a garbage candidate. No, I’ll go ahead and state it for the record..she WAS a garbage candidate. Bernie Sanders would’ve DESTROYED Trump. But no, the DNC chose the most unlikeable person, who was bought and paid for by the corporate banks. The one trumpeting NAFTA and the TPP, both of which her base despised. (Unions hated those agreements). So don’t cry about the facking Russians, when you’ve slit your own throat. Here’s an idea. Don’t take the voters in the upper midwest for granted. Go campaign up there. Even that buffoon Michael Moore was SCREAMING at the top of his lungs for MONTHS that she was in trouble up there. He was summarily ignored. So enough with your idiotic neo-McCarthyism regarding Russia. Hillary, and more largely, the DNC fucked that election up all on their own.

          • Dwight Sutherland says:

            David Axelrod,,Obama’s political director ,said it best:”The Russians didn’t tell Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin.”

          • Nick says:

            Hmmmm; your theories and excuses are falling by the wayside:

            “Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, claims that then-candidate Trump knew in advance about the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower in which Russians were expected to offer his campaign dirt on Hillary Clinton, sources with knowledge tell CNN. Cohen is willing to make that assertion to special counsel Robert Mueller, the sources said.”

            Pick on Hillary all you want; the truth –being revealed inch by agonizing inch– is Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

            When all the facts are laid bare, you keep telling us how it was all Hillary/DNC’s fault the Russians interfered, as well as the ReThugs work at gerrymandering districts across the nation, not to mention their decades long voter suppression efforts.

            You and your ilk are a major part of America’s problem; unable to accept the majority of American do not accept your ‘political’ beliefs, you are fine, if it complicit, in illegal efforts to steal elections.

            But Mueller’s coming, and soon – if you think the newspapers are “hatin'” on the dysfunctional cretin in the WH now, just you wait.


          • Nick says:

            Much ado about nothing; the election turned on a total of ~80K votes, most in gerrymandered districts, that swung the electoral college.

            The election, much as you want to believe otherwise, was not an uprising of the poor, downtrodden and forgotten Deplorables: an ~3 million more votes for Hillary puts paid to that lie.

            Continue (against all prevailing evidence ), like the moron currently sitting in the WH, to believe that Russia had nothing to do with it.

            You’re egregiously wrong, but, what the heck – if it makes you feel better, I’m all for it.

          • admin says:

            All the districts are gerrymandered…including the ones Hillary won…

            As for what “I want” to believe, way to use your imagination.

            I’m just going along for the ride here and watching the economy flourish and things inch a bit closer to getting better on the world stage.

            No more, no less.

            What I’m not doing is wringing my hands and making excuses.

            How about we all just move forward?

          • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

            Let’s put this in the simplest terms for the tribalist Democrats here:

            The Democrats nominate the most repulsive, neo-liberal, corporatist, war-monger in the history of the democratic party, the most unpopular nominee ever. She LOSES to an orange faced, philandering, game show host, and what do they do? They blame another country. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Talk about not wanting to examine your system that gave us Donald Trump. The Democrats are pure comedy gold. And the Republicans think they’ve won something because of Trump’s victory, when really their party essentially got lucky that Trump decided to put an “R” next to his name when he ran. Had they nominated Ted Cruz, Hildabeast may have won.

  5. chuck says:

    Dead on the money Hearne.

    • boom boom says:

      hey chucky the ditch digger…if that right to work passes your wages go down
      to what….5.95 an hour.
      good luck.
      get some lava………..thats soap in case you didn
      t know!

  6. Rick M says:

    It’s not just presidential visits. Back in the 90s, U2 caused a hell of a ruckus for tying up morning rush-hour traffic to record a video using the downtown skyline.

    And, yes, if the traffic angle was all that the paper complained about it’d be trivial. What about the actual speech at the VFW where he told the crowd not to believe anything they see or read in the media? It’s this kind of rabid, unhinged rhetoric that caused a spike in sales of ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ after the election and which anyone who claims to care about true journalism should be worried.

  7. Harry Balczak says:

    I was a life long Democrat. Here’s what caused me to vacate:

    Ferguson and BLM
    Obama’s non reaction to Ferguson
    The 2015 Paris attacks and Democrats being pro immigraton in Europe and here
    Nominating Hillary
    Being proven to have rigged their own process to assure Hillary’s win
    The disgusting and absurd way they reacted to Trump’s victory
    The stupid “Russia Hacking” story.

    ENOUGH…I can’t be associated with assclowns like this!

    • admin says:

      Very interesting

      • Rick M says:

        Interesting indeed, and revealing. Am going to be generous and assume that this life-long Democrat already knows that the ‘stupid Russia Hacking story’ has been verified by Republicans in the Intelligence Community appointed by a nominal Republican in the White House as well as in Congress.

  8. boom boom says:

    y9u freaking losers are still arguing.
    Who gives a dogs a$$?
    You old guys will be pushing daisies when all the bad stuff happens.
    What if glazo bozo’s lawyer gave out all the info he had about glazo. He’d be
    back in chino!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Trump is so stupid and so weere all his lawyeres they didn’t understand that anyone
    beside the client and lawyer were immune from testifying under priviledge. They
    mentioned trumps cpa…he’s got the dirt!!!!!!!!
    Some old bag came in and wanted a coke…..she’s now a witness.
    What’s interesting is that hernia says that now he’s back in kc we’ll get some real

    • admin says:

      That’s true…

      But I’ve gotta dig out first. Right now I’ve got a house full of lost stuff and a ton of things that need to be done.

  9. boom boom says:

    we’re gonna get rid of trump like we got rid of the ebola virus.

  10. Kerouac says:

    Darkest hour before the dawn become eight years blackest days in US history… replaced new dawn and dream come true: kicking ass and taking names (no prisoners), one lying screaming impotent Lib at a time…



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