Hearne: Behind the Scenes @ Stanford’s Shootout & New Downtown

About that recent shootout at Stanford’s

Comedy club main man Craig Glazer’s always had a pretty liberal overview concerning publicity… something along the lines of “just spell my name right.”

Where many successful businessmen weigh their 15 minutes of fame far more carefully, Glazer seldom shies from everything from explicit details of his love life to run-ins with anybody and everybody from former Chiefs bigwig Carl Peterson to Rock 98.9 bad boy Johnny Dare to the infamous legal battle with his father, former KC mayoral candidate Stan Glazer.

That said, even open books like Craig have limits.

Because pretty much nobody wants to explode across the local news for having a shootout in their comedy club and nightspot at 8th and Walnut in downtown KC.

Hey, at least the dude Glazer’s cleanup crew found lying wounded on the floor of Stanford’s pool room didn’t take a dirt nap…

“No, that’s good, he didn’t die,” Glazer muses. “And there were no victims – they shot each other. The one guy chased the other guy into our club and the cleanup girls were taking out the trash and had left the door open.”

Let the record show this was hours after the club had closed and downtown was more-or-less tucked in and still asleep around 6 a.m.

The $64 million question: Was the dude shot in the club?

“Who knows?” Glazer says, “But there were bullet holes in the pool room.”

Which brings us to the touchy topic of just how safe is today’s much ballyhooed “new” downtown. 

You know, with all those pricey, new condos and apartments and the youthful hipsters who ride the free trollies to work and back in pursuit of an urban adventure lifestyle.

“You know, downtown is not the safest place in the world,” Glazer confesses. “That big liquor store is like three blocks away and they get all kinds of people there and they have a cop that works there at night.”

Big surprise…what kind of liquor store opens six days a week at 5:30 and 7 a.m. Sunday?

“And we constantly have to go into our garage and find hobos sleeping there,” Glazer adds. “They’ll go in there in a corner or by a car and make a sleeping area. Then they build little kitchens to cook stuff on. We never had that in Westport.”

Then again…

“I don’t think downtown’s dangerous,” Glazer says, “but from 3 a.m. to 9 a.m. they’re out wandering around. It’s like downtown LA. Once there’s nobody around they sneak in there because they’re just looking for a place to park their ass for the night. The police say it’s been this way for years.

“And they go through all the trash looking for food – or maybe someone threw away some clothing. It’s as if somebody shot off an atomic bomb or something and they’re just looking to survive.”

Gotta ask…

Any hobo hotties down there?

“Well, I don’t know,” Glazer says. “The ones I’ve seen are mostly men. I’ve never seen (a hottie). I’ve seen a couple girls out on our patio late at night, but they were grungy. Maybe a couple of cute ones. Some of them look normal – I mean, they’re not wearing suits – but you have to be careful because some of them are crazy. Because once they live on the street they can’t shower and put on makeup, so I don’t think that type of hobo exists here…I mean, this is Kansas City.”

Did Glazer learn a lesson from the shooting?

“Yeah, I changed all the locks on the doors and suspended the cleanup crew until I can find out exactly what happened. I mean, what else can I do? Who’s gonna have security at six in the morning?”

One more thing…

An unruly comedy club patron Glazer ejected from the club recently took the liberty of launching one of those rusty, red Pitch street distribution boxes from the 1990s through Stanford’s front plate glass window.

So Glazer had a staffer call new Pitch editor David Hudnall and tell him to come and get it or else.

Guess where it ended up?

In one of those lovely downtown dumpsters alongside the free food and discarded garments where the downtrodden denizens of downtown dine and shop..

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12 Responses to Hearne: Behind the Scenes @ Stanford’s Shootout & New Downtown

  1. CG says:

    Nobody discoverd anyone from the incident but the police who had both suspects in seconds, nobody from the public was in the area or in danger when they went after each other…it started outside on the street and the door was open to the garage for cleanup crew to empty trash one ran in and the guy chased him,cops got them both…they would have run into any building open to escape each other, had nothing to do with the club…nobody was there but crew we weren’t open. They were in another room.

  2. CG says:

    STANFORDS OPENED THAT NIGHT, WE HAVE BEEN OPEN EVER SINCE OF COURSE NO ISSUES AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AS ALWAYS in the club. We have had comedy for 45 years and never had a violent event happen in our club or bars…as we all know these happen if you are around long enough, even places like Kellys, Californos, and many more have had them but those were during the public hours ours was not no patron was there at 6am we aren’t open then…still you hate to see people do these crazy things. We are open and just fine.

  3. Boom Boom says:

    why does everywhere glazo goes trouble follows.
    Seriously again….glazo…please don’t come near me.
    Your football picks are a jinx!
    Your baseball picks are a jinx!
    Your super bowl picks are a jinx.
    Your new place (which I had high hopes for) has a shootout and becomes a
    haven for hobos…another jinx.
    Maybe go down to the river. There’s nothing there to destroy except some trees
    and bushes.
    jeez……do you have a jinx over your head?
    hahahahaha. Just kidding.
    When i come down to see your new joint I’ll be sure an wear a bulletproof vest!

  4. Boom Boom says:

    Actually thank god no one was hurt.
    We have enough violence down there.
    A report done for an out of town real estate company rated downtown as “unsafe”.
    As for the plaza, I’m sure the new owners of that area are pulling their hair out.

  5. birdy dirty feet says:

    Do I see a turnip truck around here? Anyone who lives in the adjacent building knows that there are after hours parties there until dawn.

  6. chuck says:

    Glad no one was hurt.

    If we could just stop the “School to Comedy Club Pipe Line” with more gun control.

  7. Richard Cranium says:

    “Open and just fine”


    It’s only going to be an issue another 16 months or so, and it’ll be shuttered again.

  8. CG says:

    Thanks Dick and JOJO/Harley/Boom Boom knew we could count on you for kind thoughts and support, we have been in KC for nearly 50 years…so good to see your constant support.

  9. Boom Boom says:

    glazo…I was the first to wish you luck o nyour new place.
    I was the one to fill you in on the SPOTT!
    I was the one who said it wasn’t your fault that your place is like gunfight
    at the ok corral.
    I was at mcfaddens and no shooting there.
    I know it was a one in a million deal…

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