Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Red Sparrow’ Gets Down & REALLY Dirty!

Jennifer Lawrence remains as one of today’s hottest actresses…

She proves it again in her latest psychological spy drama about Russian sex agents.

Based on the novel by Jason Matthews, RED SPARROW has Lawrence playing premier Russian ballerina Dominika to raves from her audiences and legions of fans.

But when she suddenly and severely breaks her leg during a performance, life for the famed dancer changes almost overnight.

Not only does she lose her job but also the many entitlements that went with it.

No longer will the Russian State Department pay for her mother’s care. Worse yet, the rent  money to their apartment is cut off.

Enter her uncle, a Russian agent who now recruits Dominika to use her many charms for the good of the state—specifically to infiltrate the world of an American CIA agent played by Joel Edgerton.

In other words, spy versus spy.

But hold on. Dominika must first be trained in the fine art of sex spying.

And what better place to be educated than at the Sparrow School, run by headmistress  Charlotte Rampling.

How hot and rough does it get?

The MPAA’s hard-R rating pretty well says it all:

“Strong violence, torture, sexual content, language and some graphic nudity.”

And just in case you’re wondering, Ms. Lawrence holds nothing back here either.

A top notch ensemble cast includes Jeremy Irons, Mary-Louise Parker and Matthias Schoenaerts as Dominika’s uncle who actually introduced her to sex school in the first place.

At almost two hours and twenty minutes this spy-thriller is probably a good 15 minutes too long and could have easily been tightened up.

As for Jennifer Lawrence in the movie? She actually triumphs above the film itself.

(ATOMIC BLONDE, anyone?)

Or as Lawrence told 60 Minutes last Sunday: “If you don’t like boobs you should NOT go see RED SPARROW.”

Personally I’m in favor of BOTH.

RED SPARROW earns a B grade

JACK GOES TO THE MOVIES Friday mornings during Kansas City’s Morning News on 98.1 FM, KMBZ.

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9 Responses to Jack Goes Confidential: ‘Red Sparrow’ Gets Down & REALLY Dirty!

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    I’ve liked her acting ever since I first saw her in “Winter’s Bone”.

  2. CG says:

    Sounds like worth seeing Jack thank you, had no idea she was that built, but she is a good actress.

  3. chuck says:

    I understand that she is taking a year off, to become more politically active and (This is a quote.) “save democracy”.

    Hollywood is the capital of “Cambodifornia”, where we all, by way of journeyman work, by journeymen/women activists, are reeducated and enlightened. Standing on the shoulders of her legions of predecessors, Jennifer Lawrence seeks to end the suffering and ignorance of her fellow Americans and bring us all to heel, under her wise and perspicacious SJW endeavors.

    She should stay on the pole out in Cambodifornia. Jennifer makes a better stripper than she does SJW warrior.

    • Phaedrus says:

      After she saves democracy maybe she can go back and finish middle school. I doubt she even knows what “democracy”means.

      Reminds me of Mark Wahlberg saying something to the effect that the 9/11 terrorists were lucky he wasn’t on one of those planes.

  4. kb in kc says:

    Jack, no Oscar picks this year? You feeling ok?

  5. Cialischeap says:

    Lena, Iwona, Nikola! Nie bo Dominika ._.

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