Glazer: The Incredible Lightness of Being a Chiefs Fan

I was talking with Hearne the other day about being a Chiefs fan…

And he told me he used to go to almost every Chiefs game from team’s earliest days to the early 1990s. Then one day he just decided he wanted more in his social life than football, football and football.

Then he pointed out that I’d traded going to movies, concerts and other social events for watching pro football and other sports on TV. He knows I like to bet on the games and do pretty well, but he’s right. Sure, it’s an escape for me and for many KC folks.

Too many of us live and die with our Chiefs every week and to what end? 

Years ago- when the Chiefs were truly terrible – I made my biggest money betting against them – won almost every time. Today they’re much more unpredictable and not a safe team to bet for or against. They’re definitely fun to watch though. And yes, I want to see them do well, like most of us.

Hearne’s right though, what good does it do me or us for the most part?

It’s just a game. We don’t get paid if they win or lose; we don’t have a financial investment in them – unless you count spending money on tickets and parking.

We really get nothing back for except bragging rights if they win.

As K says, the franchise has been overall a downer for decades.

No Super Bowls since 1970 – that’s nearly a half century ago!

Only Detroit, the Jets and Cleveland are trapped with us in that dismal group.

Yet we cheer for them because we think the Chiefs or Royals being great makes our city matter more.

Does it though?

I have to say, no, not really.

So why do we get so invested in the Chiefs?

I remember how proud of the Chiefs I was as a little boy when they won the Super Bowl. That was a lifetime ago, since then, only heartache. Yet I keep hoping, and if they do finally win ever, what do we get? A few smiles, some good talk radio and ESPN coverage. Then on to the next season and everything is forgotten.

Anybody still celebrating the Royals‘ World Series win?

So why do we care so much?

Part of it’s this: we see ourselves – out there playing, trying, winning, losing, freezing, sweating – through the players. We see our own dreams and desires of life through them.

Trouble is, they’re the ones who get rewarded with money and fame, not us.

Still there’s that element of romance. Kinda like why we pull for our favorite actor heroes in the movies. We see ourselves in them.

I cannon’t really know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, it’s just part of life in America today.

Seems like almost everyone has an opinion on football today – movie stars, presidents, rich, poor. And we can all have a civil conversation as long as it’s, “Boy did you see last nights game?”

Then when traveling, at a bar or social event, the NFL – in this case the Chiefs – gives us talking points.

Maybe that’s the best thing we can really say about being NFL or Chiefs fans.

It gives all of us something in common – something to bring us together – no matter our religion or skin color, our financial background or education.

I guess that’s why being a Chiefs fan truly matters.
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3 Responses to Glazer: The Incredible Lightness of Being a Chiefs Fan

  1. miket... says:

    nice little editorial there cg. do you also have a little wooden booth with sign above it saying “Psychiatrist 5 cents”?

    aw, you’re alright dude, just effin’ with you. Merry Christmas!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This was arguably the dumbest thing I have read on the internet. I want my 3 minutes back.

    • CG says:

      No argualby you are the dumbest….when someone can break it down like m on games and more….’you think Tyreek Hill is great it was one game…dumb ass’ remember that…like I said HE IS GREAT AND HE IS…so listen, learn and be very quiet.

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