Lefsetz: Time to Revamp the ‘Lamestream Media’

The people telling us to give Trump a chance are the same overpaid wankers who missed the tsunami that got him elected…

The most educated person I’ve ever known was Tony Wilson, majordomo of Factory Records. Want to know more? Pull up “24 Hour Party People,” the movie they made about his life. You’ll learn about the Hacienda, Happy Mondays and the genesis of dance music culture, it will not be a wasted two hours…

And being with Anthony H. Wilson was never a waste of time.

Tony’s dead now. The Big C got him back in 2007…,Tony would teach me history, give me a tour of the landmarks, take me to Liverpool to see the Mersey… He once took me to Town Hall and told me the backstory of paintings that went back hundreds of years, each and every one of them.

And he also told me about his first job out of Cambridge, at Granada Television, being the man behind the scenes at the TV news.

Now Tony’s version of the story was that the anchor screwed up. The anchor blamed the problem on Tony.

And what was the problem?

The European football scores were reversed. This was the late night Saturday news, and the anchor said the winner was the loser and the loser was the winner and…

On Monday morning the big boss called Tony into his office and said he was going to fire him.

Tony was aghast. He believed it wasn’t his fault and this was a bad beginning and who cared about these foreign scores anyway?

Which is exactly what the big boss said. That no one cared about the European football scores on the late night telecast. But if they couldn’t even get that right, the viewers would wonder what else were they getting wrong!

This story always stuck with me. It’s the tells that make you suspicious. The guy who brags he’s so rich and then shows up in a Ford Fiesta. The one who mispronounces the name of the club. Who cares what kind of car someone drives, who cares whether the pronunciation is right, but if he’s lying about this, WHAT ELSE IS HE LYING ABOUT?

I can’t read the newspaper. Never mind watch television.

Donald Trump ran for President in plain sight and these people missed it, all of them. What else are they missing?

I know, I know, everybody’s talking about fake news and how you should buy and trust your local newspaper, but I’m not so sure anymore. Especially after reading that Bloomberg Businessweek story about the nitwit who bought Tribune and turned it into tronc. Rupert Murdoch is not the only one who purveys biased news.

It’s bad folks, it’s very bad.

And for those of you who voted for Trump who wanted change?

Get back to me when your daughter can’t get an abortion. He’s already gone on record he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade.

And if you’re counting on a social safety net if you lose your job, or for protection from the crowd, good luck. It was open season on black people when Obama was in office. Now?

The newspaper was the ultimate filter, the curator.

Then we found out the media missed so many stories.

It’s the web that surfaces the non-mainstream stuff. As for Trump… Anybody who interacted online could gauge his support. Hell, I’m gonna get hate mail for writing this!

We’ve got to push back.

We’ve got to take over the Democratic Party from its present ruling faction, which is so deep in the bubble it can’t see the exit. Kind of like SNL. I’ve got to hear every week how great it is, but then I pull up the clips AND THEY’RE NOT FUNNY!

I’m reeling. I used to trust the institutions, now I no longer do.

This is not about the “lamestream media,” that’s just Sarah Palin and the rest of the right wingers working the refs. But the truth is the left wing is (so) afraid of the refs, it won’t push back.

So I’m pushing back.

Someone needs to lose their job over this.

Not only Billy Bush, but the person in charge of the polling for the New York Times, – that person has got to go – the whole team has to go. Actions have consequences, and these people threw the election.

Believe me, if the numbers showed Trump ahead Democrats would have gotten out and voted, not been complacent.


Judith Miller got us into Iraq, she got booted. Boot a few more!

But no, the New York Times is paying fealty to the Rust Belt, saying it will do better. Which is kind of like a serial rapist saying he’ll keep his pants zipped up from here on out, huh?

If you’re making seven figures a year at the TV station your life is good. You can wait for change. You’ve got a contract, you believe you’ll adjust.

If you’re working for the paper, you think daddy will protect you. You’re not like the rest of us, who gave up full employment and are now independent contractors trying to put food on the table as we pay for rent, never mind health insurance.

As for reporters…with their inane “who, what, why, where and when,” never mind “how” – that’s not the era we live in any more. There’s an expert in every field and he or she is testifying online and let’s amplify their voices instead of the words of these know-nothings.

That’s right, I was at lunch Friday with a heavy hitter – the toppermost of the entertainment world – and I asked him if reporters ever called him. He said ALL THE TIME! Did they know anything? NOTHING! And was the article ever right? NEVER!

This happens to me on a regular basis.

Some of the most trusted news outlets extant will call me for a quote. The reporter knows nothing about the subject, I take half an hour to explain it and they still get it wrong. Even worse, some of these ignoramuses argue with me because what I’m saying doesn’t fit their narrative.

Once again, if they can’t get entertainment reporting right, what are the odds they’re getting it right on the big issues, like politics?

And politics is the big issue right now, it’s everything.

Be very afraid. This is not business as usual. We’re down for the count and they’re playing with brass knuckles. An anti-Semite in the cabinet? What’s next, expelling Muslims?

You bet. No one is safe. And if you think I’m being histrionic you never grew up in a family, where the parents have absolute power.

The Republicans have absolute power. They control each and every branch of the government. And if you’re expecting the media to protect us…

As Judas Priest so eloquently put it…

You’ve got another thing comin’.

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5 Responses to Lefsetz: Time to Revamp the ‘Lamestream Media’

  1. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    At it’s very core, I agree with your sentiment that the mainstream media is not to be trusted. But the reason I think so is that the mainstrea media (and this includes, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC) are ALL IN BED with the Democrats. CNN’s complicity is especially sickening. This election was won and lost in the midwest & rust belt, an area that was largely ignored by the Dems. And the people reporting on it are all stuck in NY/LA/DC and NEVER leave that bubble, where the liberal mindset reigns supreme and dominates everything. They never went out to the upper midwest and did any real reporting. The only person that did, was Michael Moore. And he only was able to see it because he is originally from Michigan. If they had, they would’ve been exposed to all the signs of an impending Trump electoral landslide. Trump signs in people’s yards dominate the landscape. Bumper stickers everywhere. When Obama was running, his signs and bumper stickers where everywhere. I can’t recall EVER seeing a Hillary sign in someone’s yard. The media’s sickening bias has been laid bare for all to see. Not to mention hypocrisy. Sheezus, they raked Trump over the coals for even daring to suggest he might not accept the results of the election if he thought there was some sort of malfeseance. And now these same jagoffs are encouraging…no DEMANDING that the election be reviewed for evidence of Russian interference. Oh and now the liberal wackos are harassing electoral voters? How low will these people sink?? Word to Lefsetz and those of his liberal ilk….You lost. It’s over. Your chosen party is as corrupt as Illinois’ entire political history. Your candidate was crap. Her slogan “I’m With Her”…WTF does that even mean??? I’m voting for her because she has a vagina? Hillary was a TERRIBLE candidate. Bottom line.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      And just so you remember…I voted for Gary Johnson. I refused to accept the two candidates that the mainstream media tried to convince me were the only choices.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        You should have written your own name in, Guy. You are infinitely more qualified for the job than that clown, Gary Johnson. The entire ticket was complete garbage this election year. It was basically sucks, sucks worse and sucks the worstest. (yeah, I said worstest) Somewhere in the neighborhood of 24% or 25% of all registered voters pulled the lever for Trump. That’s all it takes to become the leader of the free world in today’s political landscape. That is truly the saddest part of the whole damn thing.

        • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

          Back at you Jim. I should’ve written your name in!

          Although I disagree with your point about the saddest part of the election. The saddest part is that we’ve allowed the country to get to this point in the first place. I cannot stand that there are really only two political parties that people vote for. No one thinks outside the box. Everyone is lazy and doesn’t do their own thinking. Dems split people into groups and try to convince each that they have been done wrong by society and the system in general, and they can fix it by providing handouts. What happens then is that those folks end up relying on the government too much. But in the end, it burned the Dems/liberals. They spent too much time pandering to minorities and special interests groups, all the while the blue collar American worker was going bankrupt. The Republicans still look too much like the party they were in the 1950’s to many in the country. Old white guys pulling the levers behind the curtain to tilt the scales in their favor to continually enrich themselves and hold down minorities.

          The American people outside the metro areas of the country have had enough. Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were stark evidence of this. While Republicans are enjoying their “victory”, they really didn’t have one. Trumps election is as much a repudiation of their party as it was for the Democrats.

  2. Lydia says:

    Schadenfreude, y’all.

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