Glazer: Can’t We All Just Get Along, Scribe Wonders

Craig (far left), Nicci (far right)

Craig (far left), Nicci (far right)

Seriously, this is some crazy shit…

Donald Trump is  not my president, say millions of people. Well, guess what? He’s totally your president. You know, like he won. Duh.

I was among the first in our local media to predict that Trump would get the nomination and possibly win it all. Yes, I was upset with some of his comments, but always said  that in real life perms, he had no real baggage. No Benghazi, no File Gate, no actual political scandals or skeletons in his closet like Hillary Clinton.

I did think it was an uphill battle towards the end and likely a Hillary win, but I always said that Trump had a slugger’s chance. And he of course pulled it off. Remember all the comments here saying he had zero shot! Remember how smug Harley was?

OMG, now many of my best friends who knew I was for Trump are all so pissed at me.

One of my very best pals was telling me Trump was not my president the other day and when I said, le’ts see what he does before we start hating on him, he HUNG UP ON ME!


The feelings are that strong.

Even my stripper ex girlfriend, Nicci, who works now as a hair stylist at the Legends and wanted to go out with me again, texted me on election night that we no longer can be friends after I texted her the Donald had won. WTF?.

Being a Trump fan isn’t easy, huh?

Few writers here on any of the blogs I look at or the KC Star were behind Trump. Yet he won pretty easily as it turned out.

So somebody apparently liked him.

glazerIt was a combination of people wanting change, to destroy ISIS,  Hillary’s many  missteps, ‘Trump’s great family, building a wall and so on.

It’s like this, Trump had plans, Hillary didn’t.

She had no real agenda, just hating on Trump.  He was evil.

Is he, really? Come on, get serious.

Since Trump won the guy has worked his butt off getting ready for his taking over the White House in two months. On 60 Minute, he was warm and backed off several of his stronger attacks.

” I won’t go after the Clintons, they are nice people”


“I want a wall but some might be just fenced.”

“I’m not deporting all the  illegals just those with criminal records”

“I’m pro life but it’s up to the states, I’m not going to try and reverse the current laws”

Remember, Donald Trump was a Democrat. He ran Republican because he had a better shot at getting nominated. Guess he was right.

So now we are seeing protests by poor losers and friends are hanging up and me and certain strippers no longer want to date me.

The bottom line is let’s wait and see what Trump does before we judge

I have a feeling he will do many good things. I don’t think he is a racist, not anymore than Hillary certainly. Let’s give peace a chance. As for him being anti semitic, his daughter is married to a Jewish man.

Trump wants to strengthen our relationship with Israel. That’s something Obama didn’t do. Let’s see what Trump can do. If he sucks we will all know it in a short time.

Hey check out the stock market, Harley. Remember this one: If Trump wins the market will crash…yeah, right.
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27 Responses to Glazer: Can’t We All Just Get Along, Scribe Wonders

  1. CG says:

    By the way Harley/JOJO was not the only Trump hater on this blog or others…and many predicted a Hillary Landslide even Vegas had the DONALD down by plus 3 to 1 on election day and they are damn good at predicting things. While they don’t take political best in the casino they do online…Trump won nothing to boast about…lets see what he does…I think its gonna take about a year to see where this is going…I say lets be fair and not overreact to what he does or says….if he does a good job, then give the man credit, if not then complain…I’ll tell you ONE MORE REASON HE WON OBAMA CARE OMG ITS DOUBLED…wow…

  2. CG says:

    P.S. about little nicci, I’m proud of her for going to school and getting her permit to do hair, it takes six months and isn’t easy…she does well now…I’d be lying to say I wasn’t carzy bout her back then, I was…however dancers just have so many issues even when they stop…and she had children not mine, so all uphill….but we had some great times back then…in photo at Woodside party is Ted McNight with us as well great guy… former roomie of mine….’those Hollywood nights, those Hollywood years…I was looking for the light all I got were tears’ …

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Something tells me that Nicci is no Rhodes Scholar, and didn’t do much independent research on Trump. She simply slurped up everything the mainstream media was spoonfeeding her as truth.

  3. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Honestly, people DO get along a HELL of alot better on a day to day basis than the mainstream liberal media will admit. You see, peace and love don’t get ratings. Shining a huge bright light on any little disagreement or mishap does. You see the liberal left likes to divide and conquer. Put everyone in a category, (black, hispanic, LGBT) and then convince each of how they’ve been done wrong and need government assistance to give them justice. Everyone who is white should be ashamed of it in some way or fashion. Unless of course, your one of the Hollywood types or what passes for a musician these days. Then you parade around in a figurative hairshirt of self loathing and denigrating and shouting down anyone who doesn’t.

  4. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    CG, I didn’t vote for Trump because i see him as a fraud. A complete and utter fraud. But, he is now President-Elect and I hope he does a helluva job. Can’t see it happening, but that will be good for all Americans.

    In regards to what people who voted for him because of everything he said he would do, here’s a little reality check:

    1. The Wall? Never, ever going to happen. Logistically/financially/politically impossible. Now it’s a fence? FYI – There is already over 700 miles of fence, both physical and virtual. So….status quo.

    2. Defeating ISIS “quickly”? FYI – There is real progress being made in Mosul, Iraq right now. By the time Trump is sworn it, there is a real possibility that Mosul will have fallen and ISIS’ real estate seriously diminished. But, that is only physical territory. Trump will find fighting the ideology much harder than bombing a village. People will still be talking about terrorism long after Trump has left the White House.

    3. ObamaCare? It will remain mostly intact with a number of changes that need to happen. Repeal and replace? Total hogwash. Can’t kick 15 million people off of the rolls that can’t get any insurance otherwise. Not going to happen. if the Dem’s would have been smart, they would have already made all of the necessary changes to ObamaCare that NEED to happen and then taken credit for it.

    4. Draining the swamp? Oh, please. Same House. Same Senate. Cabinet filled with lifetime politicians. The Washington DC machine is alive and well.

    5. Term limits for Congress? You tell me how big you want to make the bet and I’ll take the under on that farce. Name your price. Anything. I’ll literally bet you anything.

    6. Bring back jobs? Here’s a little tid-bit for you. Steel workers and manufacturing employees were not displaced by illegal immigrants. They were displaced by the micro-chip. America manufactures 3 or 4 times what it did 40 years ago with approx. 40% less workers. This isn’t going to change. Been to an automotive plant lately?

    7. Deporting all of the illegals? 11 Million? Do you have any idea why Obama is referred to as The Deporter-In-Chief? Trump will have a LONG way to go just to deport the SAME number of illegals as Obama has. he has already trimmed the number to “maybe 2 million or so”.

    Glaze, I’m all in on wanting Trump to be good for America. I think the odds are long, but I’m hopeful. But, please note where we are in 2016 as compared to where we were in 2008. If you can’t look at the automotive industry, gas prices, the stock market, unemployment, housing starts, median household incomes, new jobs, etc and agree we are light years ahead of where we were 8 years ago, then you aren’t being honest with yourself. Trump will have a pretty decent economy from the get-go. Where he takes it after taking the Oath of Office will be a damn interesting thing to watch.

    Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

  5. Trembley says:

    “So somebody apparently liked him.”

    Yes, only 2,000,000 fewer than those who liked the other candidate.

    “It’s like this, Trump had plans, Hillary didn’t.”

    No, he didn’t. His “plans” were incoherent utterances meant to appeal to angry, old white men and pockets of formerly-hidden neo-nazis. And it worked.

    “I won’t go after the Clintons, they are nice people”

    He had no legitimate grounds to do so. This never would have happened. Just like the wall, just like the deportations, just like registry, just like everything else he promised. Trump was the grandest example of the kid running for student council who pledges pizza for lunch every day, just to get elected. It will be a hoot when his supporters realize he can’t do s**t.

    “Since Trump won the guy has worked his butt off getting ready for his taking over the White House in two months.”

    Yeah, meeting with Indian business partners re: his own financial dealings is certainly “working his butt off.”

    “The bottom line is let’s wait and see what Trump does before we judge”

    Here’s the bottom line: Trump will do whatever serves Trump best. He doesn’t care about you or me or a single person who voted for him. He has no plans to put his shady financial dealings on a back burner in order to run the country; his corruption will make the Clinton Foundation look like child’s play. The question is, in how many different ways will he use his scary amount of power to bolster his pocketbook? You know, before he gets impeached into oblivion.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      In short, bullshit. And this is from a guy who didn’t vote for Trump.

      • Trembley says:

        Really? What part of it? Everything I said can be substantiated via 8,000 reputable news sources.

        • Que Sera Sera says:

          The only part I take issue with for its accuracy is the…

          “Yes, only 2,000,000 fewer than those who liked the other candidate.”

          This is unquantifiable. I lived in California through a presidential election, and didn’t vote because my vote didn’t matter. I was moving shortly after the election so I did not care about the down ballot. Since the electoral representation from the Great State of California is solidly behind the democrats, it was a waste of my time to wait in line. However, if we had a popular vote election, I would have voted. I’m sure the same can be said about democrats in solidly republican Alabama.

          You can’t say someone won a race no one else was running. It is an electoral college election, so Donald Trump didn’t focus on California/New York, and Hillary Clinton didn’t focus on Alabama/Louisiana.

          You cannot say that Hillary Clinton has more people that like her than Donald Trump, because thats not the election we had.

    • LanceTheIntern says:

      “Here’s the bottom line: Trump will do whatever serves Trump best. He doesn’t care about you or me or a single person who voted for him.”

      You honestly don’t believe this is true for Hillary Clinton as well?

  6. Stomper says:

    Great comments Jim.

    For those who wish to rail against Obamacare, have at it but I wish you would actually make an attempt to do a little digging for facts before you do.

    First off, does anyone really believe we should be going back to the way things were in the healthcare/insurance marketplace before the ACA? We were spending almost 20% of our GDP on healthcare when the rest of the developed world spent half of that. With a GDP of about 18 trillion, that means we were flushing almost 2 trillion and we still couldn’t crack the top 35 countries in terms of the delivery and quality of healthcare to our population. Do you think that an extra 2 trillion might help our economy in other areas?

    It appears that even the most vocal of opponents to Obamacare want to keep the requirement for insurers to drop the pre-existing exclusion for coverage yet they rail against rising costs. Forcing private insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions is the most radical assault on the private sector business model. Do you think the company that insures your home might be increasing their premiums rates if suddenly they were told that they had to accept applications for coverage from people whose homes were already on fire?

    Yes, the premiums for Obamacare are rising fast and sharp but how about we take a closer look at that. The overwhelming majority of Americans get their health coverage from either their employer or Medicare. Those insured’s are not seeing increases anywhere near those covered under the ACA and in some cases are seeing a flattening or decrease. The overwhelming majority of those forced into the ACA are in states that refused the federal funds to expand Medicaid in their states. Take a look at the healthcare cost increases in those states versus the increases in states that accepted the federal funds. You will see a marked difference. Plenty of red states that did not succumb to partisanship and accepted the federal funds to expand Medicaid in their states for the benefit of their citizens. Not just their citizens health coverage but also the fiscal health of the state itself. Kansas residents ???

    Trump said not only “Repeal” but also “Replace”. What do you think the GOP “Replace” will look like? I think it will basically be the federal government funding an expansion of Medicaid in the states. The cost structure, coverage structure, and networks are already in place. It will be implemented by the states. Sound familiar? The difference will be that it’s not called Obamacare, maybe something like Trumpcare?

    I echo Jim’s first paragraph also. I didn’t vote for Trump but now that he won, I hope for his success. He has a GOP controlled House and Senate and at least a two year window. Have at it Donald.

  7. Nick says:

    Trump: Okay, now I’m in office, let’s get that Muslim band together!

    Kellyanne: B…b…but…

    Trump: Oh, and also let’s get started on that Mexican Mall; that thing will be YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!

  8. Richard Cranium says:

    What a fantastic mind for political intrigue you have. Please tell me more about how your jail time, drugs, and running a comedy club has put you in a position to comment on current political affairs. Stick to steamy stories about your glory days of bottom feeding.

    • CG says:

      I know thats why they wrote a book about my life and not yours, huh. PS I WAS THE FIRST ONE IN KC TO GET BEHIND TRUMP IN THE MEDIA, FIRST….sooo I know something or how bout those football picks, now at about 70% hummmm…bottom feeding and what is it you do that is so wonderful? Nothing, thought so…

      • CG says:

        Oh and DICK, MAY I REFER TO YOU AS DICK RICHARD, fake name guy….look at the photo, Glazer with those movies star good looks and his girl, quite a beauty…..but you…have what to offer? Again, my political views are OUTSTANDING, thus all my media appearances and online stories here and tonyskc…plus KMBZ and more…cause I don’t know anything right, and you have been on what and done what DICK?

        • Richard Cranium says:

          Fine, you want it to be like that then? Meet me by the hot dog cart outside of Royall Hall at UMKC at 6pm on Wednesday. I should be getting out by then and we can talk it out…or not.

  9. CG says:

    Everyone has an opinion when it comes to DONALD…he’s in love with the attention…again time will tell today the stock market is over 19,000 a record so far so good.

    • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

      Now wait a second, CG. Trump is going to be just like every other POTUS. He is going to get the credit and the blame for anything that happens on his watch. But, he doesn’t get to take credit for anything that happens BEFORE that time. Come January 20th, 2017, it’s all his. Until that time, Obama’s watch is still ticking. Dow-Jones on November 21, 2008-7449.38. Dow-Jones on November 21, 2016 (1:57pm) – 19,015.79. Fact.

      • Que Sera Sera says:

        Your Dow-Jones fact is exactly why Trump won. This has been the recovery of the 15%. NAFTA is not to blame for our issues but it is emblematic, it is a symbol of failed American foreign policy. And the Dow-Jones nearly tripling under President Obama is the symbol of a failed American recovery that left many behind.

  10. chuck says:

    Here is a toast to the ” Guy Who Says What Others Think”.

    He is a Hemming way, “35 yards into the grass” short happy life!

    You are a stud!

  11. Kerouac says:

    “Few writers here on any of the blogs I look at or the KC Star were behind Trump.”

    – ahem… 😉

    Sporting that sated, silly simper of satisfaction, Kerouac is not surprised that our long national nightmare has now ended, and with it the darkest of black days in US history.
    Holtus “sweet nectar of the end zone” realized, replacing the rank waft of eight years a rudderless sans a President America. Nod Eastwood’s empty chair, malignancy lanced. Only dissenters the kickers & screamers, burners & looters, beaters & bleeders liberal hearted… they’re so cute when they get land-slud.

    TRUMP 2016 (and then some)


  12. “Yes, only 2,000,000 fewer than those who liked the other candidate.” Damn pesky electoral college system we have. If only Cali and NY could decide all our elections! (Maybe next time, leftist 20 percenters, try not to get skunked to death in the battleground state efforts by the likes of political novice Jared Kushner and his right-wing flunky army).

    And BTW, 20 percenters, what I want to know is if Cali is actually serious about this whole secession thing, how long until you kooky creeps declare a new Civil War on said Golden State? I mean, a lost automatic 55 electoral votes and all! — can’t have that, now can we?

  13. paulwilsonkc says:

    Two be fair, I was on the same wagon. About a year ago, I wrote and published “Why Hillary Can’t Win” on KCC and a handful of papers who run me. Then, a full prediction piece the week before calling EVERY Trump state he won. But agreed, you were on it early.

    • CG says:

      Yes you were Paul, no question. I think I was just taken by Trump that first night he hit the stage, placed in the middle next to Bush…he just looked impressive and ‘on it’ a long shot the entire time…but he won….again I think he wants to do the right thing. Time will tell. On KCC it was you and me almost 100% some commenters too, Chuck,K, and several others on Trump train. Where’s Harley/JoJo’s excuse? Look he’s not alone.

  14. Laura B. says:

    Trump won’t be my president. Obama wasn’t my president. None of them are ever “my” president. People who get all ginned up for one candidate or another are living on the shallow promises of politics. My only observation about the new government is this: If Trump/Ryan/McConnell do what they promise, they’ll do to America what Brownback has done to Kansas. And finally, the baby boomers will get what they deserve: nothing. Oh … and America will have a First Lady who can’t speak English. Well, that’s immigration for ya!

  15. Can’t We All Just Get Along A Cry Out to Donald Trump. Eric Protein Moseley

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