Stomper: Voice of Reason in a Sea of Post Trump Hyperbole

screen-shot-2016-11-18-at-8-02-41-pmFor all the abuse that Harley dumped on Dwight, writing the below piece had to feel good…

For those like myself who have a bit of a KCC addiction, the inability to comment for the past two weeks has been tortuous.  I typed up a long comment to post on Paul’s piece written prior to the election but was unable to.  I did call Paul to discuss and he put Harley on a short list of those he thinks hacked the site.


I hope Hearne can get this resolved as there are a lot of us regulars would like to continue to opine on the reasons for the election outcome.

I appreciate Dwight not dragging me over the coals like he did Harley even though I deserved it and would readily admit it (if I was able to comment).

For the past few months a few of the more liberal members of my high school class have shared articles and individual musings on the pre-election situation and now post election.

Depression reigns among the four of us.  I may even be the most accepting of the four.

The Donald will soon be our president and I wish him success. 

trump-thumbs-up-gettyWith control of the Congress ( other than issues that can be filibustered) the level of gridlock should be substantially reduced.

I’ve seen pundits, most notably professor Allan Lichtman from my alma mater, American University say they think Trump will be impeached before his four years are over.   From Lichtman’s perspective it’s mainly because of the blurred lines that will surface between Trump’s business connections and the presidency.

For those who had issues with the Clinton’s allegedly profiting from the Clinton Foundation and the “pay to play” model, they may not have seen anything yet.

Lichtman had an interesting model to predict election outcomes and he predicted the Trump victory based on his system.  He outlined it on one of the cable news programs and it was based on 15 or so, yes/no questions.  Interesting to say the least.

I know Trump was not Dwight’s guy but certainly closer to his ideals than is/was Hillary Clinton.

To that extent I offer my congratulations.
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14 Responses to Stomper: Voice of Reason in a Sea of Post Trump Hyperbole

  1. admin says:

    Welcome home, comments deplorables!

  2. chuck says:

    “I’ve seen pundits, most notably professor Allan Lichtman from my alma mater, American University say they think Trump will be impeached before his four years are over.”

    This is the very dictionary definition of “conjecture”. At least Harley, however misguided and flat lined, had the courage of his convictions.

    I saw this guy on cable and he, in my opinion, rhetorically hedged his bets. He left himself an out and wouldn’t categorically say that Trump was going to win. Now, I only saw him one time, but that is my opinion.

  3. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    The idea of a Trump impeachment is just wishful thinking from the liberal left, which has totally infested our “higher” education system, and led to all the protesting snowflakes across the nation. The lack of civics being taught in our public/private schools has these little jerkoffs thinking we live in a democracy. We DO NOT and NEVER HAVE. The United States is a Federalist Republic with SOME elements of a democracy. Get over it.
    What’s got me pissing my pants laughing is the liberals not realizing their mistakes and doubling down on the anti-Trump rhetoric. Doing that only inflames his supporters and will make him that much harder to beat at the next election. But the nauseating arrogance of the liberal left overwhelms rational thought. Hildabeast spent all her time courting the Hollywood/music industry celebs and the political elite. Meanwhile, the middle class was wanting jobs and affordable healthcare and felt ignored. Millions of voters that voted for Obummer either didn’t vote at all, or voted for Trump or Gary Johnson. Personally, I voted for Gary Johnson.

    • Libertarian says:

      I refer to it as a ‘democratic republic’.

      Am I wrong?

      • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

        Not entirely wrong. A federal republic is a type of government made up of smaller areas such as states or provinces where the central government cedes certain powers to the individual areas for self-government purposes. The citizens of the federal republic elect their own representatives to lead them. Division of power exists within a federal republic, but how the power is divided is sometimes different between nations. Almost exclusively, national defense is handled by the central government, but education and local infrastructure typically belong to the more localized governments. A president or council usually heads up the central government. The United States is an example of a federal republic.

        Honestly, I wouldn’t put the word “democratic” in the description of our government in general.

  4. Libertarian says:

    “For those who had issues with the Clinton’s allegedly profiting from the Clinton Foundation and the “pay to play” model, they may not have seen anything yet.”

    Eh, if Trump’s issues are half as bad as Hillary’s intentions [especially if she had won], you’re absolutely right.

    Thing is, Hillary strikes me as nothing more than a Dick Cheney with no dick.

    Her every move as prez would benefit we, the people, to the tune of nothing.

    I’ll give Trump 100 days, then I become a critic. [that’s the best way to keep my foot out of my mouth]

    Since I voted Libertarian, I have ONE thing in common with Harley……my man lost.

    • Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

      Mine lost as well, but I was esctatic that Hillary lost regardless. The death knell has been sounded for the liberal left elitists, and it’s taken decades too long.

      • Laura B. says:

        I politely disagree. Why is it that most people think of politics as either conservative or liberal? Everyone’s “conservative” about something and “liberal” about something else. The country’s a h*ll of a lot more complicated than two points of view. The after WW2 babies in the U.S., Russia, China, Europe, etc. fuel this “conservative” trend across the developed world. It’s temporary. In fifteen years, they’ll all be gumming their food in nursing homes, moaning and groaning that “Happy Days” re-runs have disappeared from the tube while pushing the call button for the nurse.

  5. Kerouac says:

    Pessimist though a bon vivant Kerouac be, am also realistic: Trump (who I predicted would prevail this election), is merely an temporary respite, a speed bump ahead the inevitable… an America doomed to liberalism.

    That future set aside four years, or perhaps a few more, then it’s the end of our world as we know it. With sadness for an future my grandchildren will be forced to suffer, a whimsical Kerouac says selfishly… glad that I was born/lived in the time I did. That I am savoring every moment the aftermath of ‘President’ Trump’s victory goes without saying (but will anyway, because to the victor go the spoils.)


  6. Stomper says:

    Thanks for the comments.

    This piece was actually an email that I sent to Dwight directly. I copied Hearne to make the point about the website issues. Quite surprised to see it , though slightly edited, posted here.

    • admin says:

      I didn’t catch that it was a copied email. Thought it was Stomps reaching out to have a voice. Not to mention that it was well crafted.

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