Paul Wilson: Comedian’s #UnfollowTrump Campaign’s Massive Fail

screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-8-31-42-pmOn October 1, comedians Tim Heridecker, Danny Zucker and Ellen Gamerman called on their fans across the twitterverse to join forces to cut Donald Trump’s Twitter following in half.

The concept originated with Heidecker, creator of Adult Swim series “Tim & Eric” and “Decker.”

Zucker’s motivation was most likely in retaliation for Trump having blocked him on Twitter after way too many back and forth attacks.

I’ve never heard of Gamerman, but I’m assuming Craig’s slept with her.

Why three comedians you’ve scarcely heard of felt they had enough influence to pull off a feat of that magnitude remains a mystery.

My guess: it’s where three massive egos met Trump’s massive ego.

Regardless the motive, they asked followers to join them using the hashtag  #UnfollowTrump in an action they called the “The Big Unfollow.”

The flaw in their strategy was twofold.

First, most of Trump’s followers are there to be informed about their candidate. Second, the rest of his followers are there simply to watch the circus.

Neither group was likely to jump ship and unfollow Trump because three libtard, barely recognizable yuk-dudes told them to.

screen-shot-2016-10-03-at-8-30-36-pmOutside of Craig’s comedy industry knowledge, I’m guessing they’re far from household names…

The ultra-liberal co-executive producer of “Silicon Valley,John Levenstein, was quoted as saying “What I like about this idea is all Trump cares about is numbers.” So it was Levenstein’s contention cutting Trump’s numbers in half would gravely injure Trump.

You need a score card to keep track of the egos in this twitterfest.

I took a screen shot of Trump’s followers, prior to the October 1st assault and the count stood at 11.9 million.

Last night late, when I looked again, it stood at 12,001,481.

Well done, gentlemen, well done. Your efforts ended in a net gain.

What makes these barely have-beens think they could affect the opinion of 5-6 million Trump Twitter devotees?

Take a page from the Dixie Chicks, morons – shut up and make me laugh.
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10 Responses to Paul Wilson: Comedian’s #UnfollowTrump Campaign’s Massive Fail

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    PW, I agree with you that nobody gives 2 spits about the politics of some bottom tier chuckle makers. Like you, I have no idea who these people are or much less care……but gawd I hate that word libtard. I know you realize there are those of us that are socially liberal and fiscally conservative that don’t buy into 100% of everything the left is selling. Our brains work just fine and we have enough intellect to understand that there really are 2 sides to every issue. Unlike many on the right side of the aisle that require a litmus test on 3 or 4 core issues in order to even be considered a Republican, I think flexibility when it comes to both the “red’s” platforms and the “blue’s” platforms a sign of intelligence. It’s probably why I’m stuck in the middle with no real candidate that reflects my views.

    All that aside, good read.

    P.S. For the record, I hated the Dixie Chicks long before they opened their mouth and Toby Keith started hating them. They are an affront to my classic rock-n-roll leanings!

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      For the record, “libtard” is over used and I should have passed on its usage. My apologies and, by your description, I is one!
      I also hated the Dixie Chicks before it was cool.
      Thanks as always for your comment.

  2. CG says:

    Welp, thanks for the confidence in my ability to sleep with any female comic, hah. Don’t know her either, but the landscape has many new faces. Adult swim is doing well I do know that, we tried to get the Stanfords animated show on there back in 2012.

    I think Donald is in a fall now. The media has just gone nuts over stopping him and it looks to have worked thus far. Always a chance for a comeback but its getting late. Like many others I thought the first debate was a big chance for Trump and in the end it went the other way. I think today just too many people are afraid of him and what he might or might not do as prez. Looks like we will never know.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Well, you proved my point, if you don’t know her she’s nobody. This is just slightly more impressive than Paul D Wilson, esteemed writer at KCC, calling for the nation to DUMPTRUMP!

  3. chuck says:

    Nice article Paul.

    Bit players in Hollywood get a little sun shining on their azzes, they suddenly think they are channeling Che Guevara. It’s all so predictable and comme il faut in Tinsel Town to “bandwagon” at those oh, so tony parties where everyone who is anyone clinks crystal and laughs up their sleeves and the Popolo Minuto.

    It’s time for the 3rd Estate to drag these self proclaimed stars from the sky and lop their heads off on the tennis court. Why is it, that there are never any boycotts from the right? Look at the programming on HBO, Showtime, ABC, CBS, etc. etc. etc. The politics of the Progressive Narrative are crammed into their programming with an exothermic torch up our collective azzes. It is just Brutal. If you look on NETFLIX, I swear, about 1/3 of all programming is related to Germans and Nazi evil.

    The constant programming reminding everyone of Nazi evil (Mao and Stalin made Hitler look like Winnie the Pooh.) is an effort to effectively transubstantiate guilt onto Americans of European descent in my opinion and is a thin patina covering the agenda and hatred of the left, for all things Occidental.

    In the early 50’s Tail Gunner Joe dominated, terrified and threatened Progressives, free speech, the right to assembly and the Constitution with the help of the press and Hollywood’s most powerful. Now, taking a page from those dark days, the Progressive Left inundates, intimidates, threatens and, in a new twist, uses violence in the streets with the de facto permission of Hollywood, the press and the tens of thousands of would be “Tail Gunner Joes” in Hollywood.

    It’s time to turn off, not only the NFL. It is time to turn off Hollywood.

    • paulwilsonkc says:

      Hey, look at you! No moderation!!

    • Orphan of the Road says:

      chuck, considering Roy Cohn was Trump’s mentor in both business and politics, it truly is deja vu all over again.

      There is indeed a concerted effort, a bipartisan effort if you will, to stifle freedom of speech. It is quite possible those on the Left have taken the lead in this effort.

      I wrote a column for a Philadelphia underground paper. Until Liberal, man-about-town Harry Katz wrote about a politician and a lobbyists having a tryst, When it quickly came to light it was baseless, the lawsuits were filed and James Michener pulled his financial report.

      Harry and Ira Einhorn were the Kings of all-things Liberal in 1973 Philadelphia. And Ira became the darling of the Liberals when he fled to France.

      Abu Jamal Mumia took his place with Liberals.

      The Right Reverend Mayor Wilson Goode burned down a middle-class, black neighborhood in Philadelphia, dropping a C4 bomb from a helicopter onto a row house. Reelected in a landslide.

      Perhaps the last organic Liberal died during WWII when they discovered they too could have a place at the government’s hog trough of greed?

  4. chuck says:

    Here is the de facto Enforcement Arm of the Left, BLM, teaming up and beating some kid into a coma for posting pro – police comments on Facebook.

    Make no mistake about it. There is real violence in the streets that can and will be visited on YOU, if you show overt support for conservative politics . Salon, The Huffington Post, writers for the NYT and many, many blogs are calling for violence, the type of which we saw in San Jose, against those folks who don’t toe the Progressive Company Line.

    Tell the truth, would you, if you are supporting Trump, wear his red “Make America Great” hat and feel safe in Kansas City?

    I don’t avoid conflict and occasionally embrace it. But I am not crazy.

    If you wear the hat, you run a really decent chance, in my opinion, right here in this city, of taking a beating.

    The “Land Of The Free”?

  5. hapsburgian chin pubes says:

    Tim Heridecker is the star of the most popular or second most popular show on Adult Swim. He fashions himself a modern day Andy Kauffman/Tom Green/Neil Hamburger, aka Anti-humor.

    This year he didn’t make any new episodes and his show was beaten in the ratings by Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace and The Eric Andre Show. Both of these shows are political (MDE is alt-right, Eric Andre is your usual priviledged liberal orthodoxy).

    They have seen the writing on the wall- 10 years in people are sick of your slack jawed Tom Green faces so desperately try to do something else.

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