Hearne: The Wild, Wild Westport – Then & Now

wildwildwestIf you’re gonna try and spin the news, at least keep it real…

Because while you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, you’re not gonna pull the wool over everybody’s eyes every time.

Take Westport spokes dude Kim Kimbrough’s weak-wristed attempt at explaining away the midtown party zone’s seven person shootout late Saturday night as if it hadn’t happened before in a generation.

“Westport somehow gets painted as the wild, wild west and this just isn’t true,” Kimbrough told the Kansas City Star. “This is not the same place it was 15 or 20 years ago, when there was a problem.”

That’s true, actually in some ways it’s worse.

Allow me to take you on a trip down memory lane…

Fifteen or 20 years back, when certain members of the Kansas City Chiefs were shooting up the city, the powers that be in Westport were saying pretty much the same thing they’re saying now; that this kinda stuff almost never happens.

And just like now, anybody with half a clue knew better.

Because on any given wee hours Sunday morning, Westport’s drug and booze fueled party action is fully capable of producing tragic results.

Why do you think both Westport and the Country Club Plaza have struggled mightily to restrict the access of urban (aka African-American) youth?

Six years ago, a 24 year-old, suburban white kid named Brian Euston died in Westport during the wee hours while sporting a .387 blood alcohol level that experts say often results in unconsciousness or death. Euston was on the losing end of a one punch fight.

And until Kansas City ruled against them, bar owners in recent years set up barricades to restrict access to the party part of Westport by charging a cover charge and checking IDs.

shes-a-pistol-gun-store-ownerBecause in point of fact, Westport – like the Plaza – has never been able to shake the inner city crowds it so fears. It likely never will, given the geographic realities and the desire by bad guys and poor people to want a piece of the late night/early morning revelry for themselves.

Why do you think so many people in South Johnson County look with trepidation upon the Plaza, midtown and downtown Kansas City? And the reality is, they no longer need to venture to Westport or the Power & White District for their booze fueled jollies. There are plenty of party options in the burbs.

That said, you never really know…

As evidenced by a Shawnee shooting his past weekend that left one person dead, another wounded and a third injured in a Walmart parking lot mugging.

Go figure.

The bottom line: Westport’s nightclub interests can spin things as they will, but there’s no getting around certain realities of the late night bar biz in KCMO:

Starting with the fact that by far and away the most lucrative hours in the liquor-by-the-drink biz go down between midnight and 3 a.m weekend nights. Coincidentally those late night hours are when Kansas City’s “urban” issues are at their most dangerous.

No two ways about it!

“The later the scarier” St. Luke’s nursing student Amanda Singharaj told the Star. “During the day, I feel very safe. At night, it’s just kinda scary.”

Just as it was, 15 or 20 years and 15 or 20 months ago.


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32 Responses to Hearne: The Wild, Wild Westport – Then & Now

  1. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Standing on a corner in Wesport at midnight? Now there’s a real death wish.

  2. Frank says:

    Maybe you just have a face that says “let’s kick that puss*s ass”, Hearne. I’ve never had a problem in Westport, on the Plaza, or at the Power & Light. I will admit, I’ve never checked out the nightlife on Quindaro.

    • chuck says:

      Hearne SHOULD be “hors de combat” by virtue of his age in a civilized setting sans Frank’s Tonton Macoute buddies. Google “The Knockout Game” and “Polar Bear” hunting, where Frank’s heroes take down the old, the wounded, men and women and, as in the case of Brian Euston, the helpless.c

      • chuck says:

        I do think, that Brian, in those final moments, must have been comforted by the fact, that he was able to heuristically expiate his white guilt. He found a way. To the best of my knowledge, it is the ONLY way you white boys will be allowed off of the hook.

        • admin says:

          Euston was a raging alcoholic which pretty much explains his checking out after hitting his head on the pavement after a single punch.

          • Frank says:

            Did you happen to get a picture of his head after hitting the pavement, Hearne. It might have been bloody, and by bloody, I mean newsworthy

      • Frank says:

        Oh shi*, my cover’s blown Chuck. How did you ever find out I was in the Haitian paramilitary?

    • rank…I’m like you. I go to Westport (not as much as I once did)…I go
      to the power and light…I go to the plaza.
      What I don’t do is park the car in any of those garages…that’s where
      most of bad stuff happens even though it isn’t covered by media.
      I valet for 5-6 dollars..and they park the car for us…making sure we
      are always around people and not on the dark streets or garages
      in this area.
      How come hearne….who I’m sure is not a frequent visitor quotes his arch
      enemy the star?
      So if it’s dangerous…move on. Harpos is doing well/kellys is doing
      well/power and light has it’s good andbad days…

      • the dude says:

        Shutup harlinator. We all know you only venture out of your lair under Overland Park Water treatment plant #2 for food and masturbatory materials.

  3. chuck says:

    You don’t need Hearne’s Flux Capacitor to see the future for Westport.

    The real problem, is not the incessant, repetitive sub-human violence that drives business and customers away, it is our refusal to face the problem, which is the outrageous, disproportionate level of African American criminality. We as a society, are in a Sisyphean, Stockholm-Syndrome, self induced slavery, where we are forced by the powers of political correctness, to respect and honor our executioners. The American Narrative has been, is now and, for the foreseeable future, controlled by the Main Stream Media, which is Liberal to it’s core. Liberal policies, initiatives, legislation and elections are dependent on the black block vote. Inciting blacks against whites, is the number one task of any Democrat seeking sinecure. The side effects of this strategy, is ignoring inner city abattoirs (Where blacks “diss” other blacks and, are eventually made equal in the democracy of death. That’s Justice and everlasting Peace.), while concentrating on lies about killer white cops. Then, after the levels of violence metastasize in a shopping area near you, efforts to control it, are “RACIST”.

    Westport was doomed the day Ferguson burned.

  4. David Duke says:

    Thanks Chuck, as always we appreciate your defense of the cause.

    • John Altevogt says:

      Sorry, but childish assertions of racism every time someone tries to rationally discuss the issue have long since fallen on deaf ears. Not to mention that you forgot to denounce Chuck as being sexist, genderist, homophobic and Islamaphobic. Do try and keep up, will you?

  5. CG says:

    Westport is much better and safer today than twenty years ago…I know I was there with Stanfords…today the rare violence is late, late, late at night like after 3 am in an outside area parking lot or up a dark street, not in front of Kelleys…answer have police cars in those trouble spots from 2-4am…on Fridays and Saturdays problem solved…lets move on..Westport is your number one entertainment district no question…and busy and growing..

    • I agree with glaze (don’t faint glaze) …I talked with 3 owners of places in
      Westport and they said things were going well and the area has been
      doing well. If you’re out after say 1am…that’s when trouble starts.
      Be smart…don’t leave by yourself….be aware of your surroundings.
      Glad that chuck got his chance to express his Nazi leanings and hate and
      race speech again. Godhelp this man. Or maybe its too late. What a

      • Frank says:

        New businesses wouldn’t be moving into Westport if things were bad, or as bad as Hearne and his merry band of racists would have you believe. Also, there are a lot of young white douchebags who would love nothing better than getting drunk and trying to pick a fight with someone, especially if that young white douchebag also happens to be racist. I’m not worried. If Chuck and all his buddies want to wet their Depends (want is probably not the right word), that’s fine

        • chuck says:

          Messrs. Frank and JoJo/Harley. The efficacy on ad hominem attacks which include the pejorative “Racist” disappeared into the rear view window of Al Sharpton’s Escalade right after he porked Tawana Brawley.

          Unable to refute immutable facts and emotionally committed to specious narrative, your standard, knee jerk response is to hurl what USED to be an insult, but, which now falls under the guidelines of “Godwin’s Law”.

          The pretense that there are dangerous “young whte douchebags” out looking for blacks to attack is preposterous. Black on White crime is legion, widespread and inured into street level conversations and local news reports, while the National Media and the new majority, obfuscate and lie to protect their own self interests.

          Wrecked business’ and bodies stacked in the gutters like firewood mean nothing when weighed against the self aggrandizing endeavors of Democrat politicians and their press pack dogs.

          The stats, the videos, the testimonies are available for all to see. I can and have posted them.

          The only thing close to “wetting their depends” is your Puritanical Pants Shitting when faced with the truth.
          Democrats and Progressives are nothing if not sanctimonious. When faced with the truth, that fact that they do NOT have the high ground, the moral and superior position on any given subject, out comes the calumny and acrimony at the highest possible decibel level to drown out the truth.

          Personal responsibility is anathema, moral equivalence is your god.

        • chuck says:

          Messrs. Frank and JoJo/Harley. The efficacy on ad hominem attacks which include the pejorative “Racist” disappeared into the rear view window of Al Sharpton’s Escalade right after he porked Tawana Brawley.

          Unable to refute immutable facts and emotionally committed to specious narrative, your standard, knee jerk response is to hurl what USED to be an insult, but, which now falls under the guidelines of “Godwin’s Law”.

          The pretense that there are dangerous “young whte douchebags” out looking for blacks to attack is preposterous. Black on White crime is legion, widespread and inured into street level conversations and local news reports, while the National Media and the new majority, obfuscate and lie to protect their own self interests.

          Wrecked business’ and bodies stacked in the gutters like firewood mean nothing when weighed against the self aggrandizing endeavors of Democrat politicians and their press pack dogs.

          The stats, the videos, the testimonies are available for all to see. I can and have posted them.

          The only thing close to “wetting their depends” is your Puritanical Pants Shitting when faced with the truth.
          Democrats and Progressives are nothing if not sanctimonious. When faced with the truth, that fact that they do NOT have the high ground, the moral and superior position on any given subject, out comes the calumny and acrimony at the highest possible decibel level to drown out the truth.

          Personal responsibility is anathema, moral equivalence is your god.

          • Frank says:

            I didn’t say white people were attacking black people. I DID SUGGEST that there are white people, usually younger guys who think their tough shit, that when they feel they’ve been slighted, maybe by a bump in a crowd, will get hostile, regardless of the size and/or race and/or demeanor of the “opponent”. And if the opponent happens to be black and happens to not like the verbal abuse or a minor bump, he might throw a punch. Not all blacks are looking to kill people, but I’m sure many are willing to kick some ass if they need to. Most people of all colors don’t have any problems in Westport because they don’t get bothered by trivial shi* like a bump in the crowd or maybe a cut in line to buy a drink at a crowded bar. As far as “immutable facts” go, I’ll go by what I SEE and not what you and others SAY is happening in Westport. And what I see isn’t marred by a white sheet.

        • NO FRANK….you’re absolutely right.
          Chucklets is a big racist and loves to lob vile angry
          insults to any non white group he can find.
          From jews to blacks and even Hispanics…chuck has
          no guts for the small bald old man he is.
          He does shit in his depends…while he digs ditches…
          in fact he is so old he can’t keep his thoughts

  6. The Word says:

    Westport is dead. The Plaza is dead.

    Why go there when there are better drinking or eating establishments in your local burb? Why go to a place that isn’t safe with no highway access?

    • the dude says:

      I like being shot at with no way to get out. I am a glutton that way.

      • Frank says:

        I’m gonna help you all out so you don’t get killed in Westport since that appears to be an imminent threat. When you’re frolicking down the street and you happen to see a dark skinned feller approaching, run to your car and head west on Westport road, turn right on Southwest Trafficway and slam on the gas. And FOR GODS SAKE, don’t stop at any traffic lights. Southwest Trafficway ends and turns into I-35. Guaranteed death averted. You’ll likely be going in the wrong direction if you are trying to get to Johnson County, but you’ll be far enough away from guaranteed death and you can turn around. In fact, I-35 North may be closer to Westport than Maloney’s in Overland Park or other bars in Johnson County are to the Interstate, especially considering the amount of turns you might have to make to get there. It would certainly be your guaranteed death to walk in to one of these JOCO establishments. I hope I haven’t given any of you nightmares over this point. Sweet dreams 🙂

  7. Newbaumturk says:

    Said it before and I’ll say it again, no other race of people would ever be allowed to loiter in Westport and fuck with everybody as they walk by but for some reason black people are allowed to. Why should anyone not patronizing merchants be allowed to ruin everyone else’s good time? Me and a friend almost died one night in front of Buzzard Beach when we had to fight at least 10 against us two. You would think cops would be around there but there wasn’t one in sight. Why anywhere would let an area full of people spending money get ruined by a group of people not spending money is beyond me.

    • miket. says:

      seems simple doesn’t it, turk? in my day, if a group of trouble-making teens – hoods we called them – loitered around, cops, shopowners would shoo us off. and no argument, we’d move along. but that was another day when most of us had respect for our elders and the law, even if relunctantly. we knew right from wrong, and we usually knew when we were in the wrong.

      today, your statement is clear argument for concealed carry, because those “teens” do not respect anyone ir anything but superior firepower.

  8. CFPCowboy says:

    Compared to what. Not much has changed. The Plaza paints itself upscale, with a Fifth Avenue brocade, allowing the upscale shoppers to spend money, entertain in the early evening and return home, hopefully less intoxicated than the law allows. Westport has no such distinctions. Oh, it is eclectic, upscale restaurants, entertainment, and like the Plaza, bars, but there are no Fifth Avenue stores, and the Power and Light District with its 10% sales tax structure, joins the other party capitols as the places to be seen. I have seen some wild bars in my life, some like River Quay even in Kansas City. There have been some notables, such as the Cat’s Paw in Bozeman where lessons are offered nightly in the uses of a pool cue as an inspirational speaking stick, or the Haufbrau, where a live bobcat presides over the nightly festivities which include police raids to fill warrants. The main argument is that the party capitols are not the clean, sweet, wonderful centers of harmless fun and frolic we have come to imagine, or maybe it’s that bad guys just want to have fun too. As for the rollicking urbanites of all races, creeds, and colors, the main argument is that they do not have money, are usually under age for the entertainment, so we end up asking why are they there? The Mayor seems to think that they would be more peaceful in midnight basketball, as he ducks for cover outside of the Cheesecake Factory. In short, our argument is that our lovely centers of fun and frolic are not as advertised or as we remember, recalling that the stalwart location, Westport, has always also been known as a “meat market”. How many can say that they met the one night stand that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with in Westport? The argument being made is please stop the violence, but allow societal drunks to get home peaceably, without a police hassle. It is what it is.

    • Nick says:

      How many can say that they met the one night stand that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with in Westport?”

      I did just that, several times, at the old prospect…

      ; ‘ )

  9. admin says:

    I will say this…

    While the mobs of people problem seems to have subsided for now, the omnipresent threat of violence continues. And as a number of you have noted, mostly in the late night/early morning hours.

    Which is by bar owner’s measure, the most profitable time of the day.

  10. pretty simple hearne. If you’re in Westport get out by midnight. that seems to
    be the time trouble starts.
    If you stay there…be careful.
    I don’t frequent Westport much but it’s still a main area for the millenials and
    younger adults in kc. I hope things change.
    If not there’s always joco.
    But many of the bars are having problems with oversaturation here in joco.
    The sports bars are doing great (except for one big one) but others are having

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