Glazer: Trump Train Explodes

Trump-TrainDonald Trump has accepted the Republican Parties presidential nomination…

And despite some of the so-called media pundits, his speech was a SMASH HIT.


Trump redefined the Republican Party; it’s now his party. He is a nationalist; he’s the Billionaire Blue Collar Man. Trump spoke for over an hour and had a national audience spellbound. It was the longest and maybe best speech at a Republican Convention in decades, so said almost everyone.

And Trump made it clear he is working FOR US.

He ended his speech by saying “I Love You America,” you the people. Not I’m with HER, “I’M WITH YOU.”

Wow, Trump did it all calmly. He broke everything down clearly and looked great. And he defended gays and lesbians, saying THEY ARE AMERICANS FIRST.

all-about-the-trump-trains-33417-1He talked about his parents and how he wants to make them proud by ending his career and life fixing this country.

Trump spoke about everyone in his family, his family, children and wife. They make the Kennedy family look boring.

Trump’s children and wife may be his best weapons. They were all beyond outstanding. You have to wonder, This man is a great parent – his family loves their father and husband – its real; he might really be a good guy after all.

Trump broke down the failures of President Obama and the crimes and poor judgement of Hillary Clinton.

He wasn’t even mean, just to the point. Trump said many times, “I am the law and order candidate,” that we are going to fix the inner cities, give our children equal opportunities for education to live out their dreams. He was powerful.

This is a new Republican party.

A much more open minded party for the little guy. FOR AMERICA.

And Trump wants to put America First. In everything.

Can he? It’s gonna be a tough, tough road but it starts with the first step. I’m beginning to think he can and will win, if he continues down this path.

Hillary will have a tough, tough time with Trump in the debates.

I’m sure the Clintons were a bit unpleasantly surprised by the convention, how well it went, with no real, major problems. Cleveland was great, no violence and only standing ovations. Trump didn’t want or need the Bush family or any other old guard has beens.

This was a giant step forward for Donald Trump.

Can it work? Can he now defeat Hillary?

Hey, nobody in the media or much of anywhere thought he would win the nomination. HE DID. Never count this guy out. He is a winner. By the way, the polls are about dead even now.

Look out here comes the Trump train.
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57 Responses to Glazer: Trump Train Explodes

  1. Nick says:

    Best piece of trolling EVAR on this blog.

    • the dude says:

      Epic trolling.
      The only problem with that is I don’t think Glayzer is smart enough to grasp the actual concept of a trolling. I think he actually believes this isht.

    • Harley says:

      Glaze..looks like slayton is skipping you again.
      How about Julia Scotti: she’llfit in real well with your demographics.
      Heard she’s/he’s hilarious.
      But you’d have to change the bathroom signs!
      good luck! who’s playing at your 119 location. Haven’t heard anything
      about it.

    • Harley says:


  2. Make America Wealthy Again. says:


    Would you please replace the photo attached to the article? It feeds a false narrative that Donald Trump is an anti-semite and racist. While Donald Trumps Sheriff’s Star was an honest mistake, your “Zionist Puppet” picture leave no question about its hatefulness. I am not a PC Czar, but as a Catholic, I seem to remember that Jesus was a Jew, and that the people of Israel are still God’s people.

    There are alot of problems with elites holding the puppet strings, but to attach that stigma only to Judaism is incorrect and counter productive. Donald Trump will Make America Great Again, but this kind of rhetoric does not help.

    Trump Voter

    • Make America Wealthy Again. says:

      Thank you. Love the site.

    • the dude says:

      Why not show him for what he really is? Show the post with David Duke giving him mad props on his speech.

      • Make America Wealthy Again. says:

        I don’t know what Donald Trump’s beliefs are, but to project the comments of someone other than Trump onto Trump makes little sense. Anybody can say anything, just because David Duke enjoyed Trumps speech means Donald Trump is David Duke? I fail to follow the logic. There are some extremists that support Hillary, but I wouldn’t say that makes Hillary an extremist. I can provide examples if requested.

  3. CG says:

    Agreed I certainly never even mentioned anything about being Jewish or anything related to that issue in my story. Trump’s son in law is Jewish and so is his daughter so I doubt he is anti semitic. The photo has nothing to do with my story and don’t know why Hearne put that up. I had not seen it before. Heard about the sheriffs badge etc…but I don’t think Donald Trump dislikes Jews…he is business with many and spoke highly of Israel in his speech about our ‘best’ military ally in the middle East Israel. So on…photo is not appropriate for this story.

    • Frank says:

      The photo was appropriate for the story, Glaze, because of this line.
      “Trump redefined the Republican Party; it’s now his party. He is a nationalist”. Writing this line and then saying the photo is inappropriate for the story illustrates The Dudes point that you may not be bright enough to understand what the hell you are saying. You’re jumpin’ on the Trump train again because he brought out the nationalist rhetoric and you are sympathetic to that kind of KKK rhetoric. That’s fine. I’m down with knowing who you are, as long as you’re down with the images that go along with it.

      • chuck says:

        Drawing a straight line reference from Chauvinism to membership in the KKK, isn’t just specious misdirection from those the left. It is repetitious, boilerplate propaganda for those mindless apparatchiks who believe decibel levels and ad hominem attacks justify a holy cause that only they are privileged enough to understand.

  4. CG says:

    I see Trump now leads in all polls by 2 to 5 points after the convention. Most important a huge lead with Indies…48% to her 26% that’s important. Usually the Dems would take the lead back after their convention but with the new DNC scandal maybe not…pends on how it all goes…now if Trump can stay calm…and not say anything that starts the wheels going against him, he might be in good shape. World turmoil is working for him and against her.

  5. Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

    Politics = hypocrisy. Trump could have run as a democrat and the repubs would have destroyed him for all of the things he has said and his lifestyle. Instead, he ran as a republican and they heap all this praise on him and completely disregard anything he has said or done. Imagine Clinton refusing to release her tax returns. FoxNews and the rest of the right-wing sycophants would have stroked out and beat that horse mercilessly. But for their man………crickets. Personally, I think he is a complete buffoon and a horrible business man. The choice on the other side of the ticket isn’t any better. Fortunately, America will find a way to survive regardless of who is elected.

    • the dude says:

      I can’t stand the Hildabeast but there is no way in hell I am voting for that short bus orange baboon. Vote for the Johnson.

    • Shawnster says:

      +1 Jim. Part of me wants Trump to win so America can learn a lesson it has had coming for awhile…stop letting the idiots set the agenda for the country! The damage a Trump presidency would do to the country would ensure the extinction of the tea-party and pseudo-intellectuals like Lyin-Ted Cruz. I only hope the damage is not fatal.

      • Jim a.k.a. BWH says:

        I’m ALMOST there with you, Shawnster. Intellectually, I just can’t make myself pull the lever for Trump. But, I sure get what you’re saying about the country learning a lesson. This all falls squarely on BOTH parties. Goddess save this country!

  6. Guy Who Says What Others Think says:

    Trump leading Hildabest in a CNN/ORC Poll…

    Gary Johnson making some nice gains as well. I think he’s overlooked and should get more consideration by the masses.

  7. CG says:

    Vote for whomever you like. As for me being a racist or anti semitic yeah right…as for Trump being that, I don’t see it that way, my opinion…

    Lets see how the Demo’s do at the convention with all the turmoil…I think the race will be tied as it ends…its a long battle ahead.

  8. Kerouac says:

    Fred Nietzsche said “insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule”. Translation: what suicide feels like, today’s America.


    Our current lunacy, those hopeful, this election is ‘make or break’; alas, inevitability is foreordained… end draws nigh, always. Epitaph Kerouac’s an American ‘land o liberty’ gone unchecked: glad to have been born another time… and place, really.

    Trump will be a reprieve, if but temporary. This is the last hurrah, America up at the count of nine, mortally wounded and doomed succumb, self-inflicted injuries. Did not occur in a fortnight, will not fall in a day, but the present portends a future disposes a wistfulness for yesterday, disinterest lingering any longer than fate provides.

    The end of our long national nightmare and darkest of black days in US history draws nigh: he arrives as answer and an much needed relief, alas, too late for posterity. Still, ‘Making America Great Again’ (finally, if but for awhile)

    TRUMP 2016

    • the dude says:

      Woe be onto the rube that thinks any candidate can “Make America Great Again”. This is a nation in decline like Rome, too much empire building. There is no pulling this puppy out of the flat spin we are in. Punch out Maverick, let’s hope Goose doesn’t die in the process.

    • chuck says:

      Be of good cheer KERO. For 50 years, the narrative has been controlled by the Left. With very, very few exceptions, the news has been funneled exclusively through a Liberal filter, overseen and parceled out to we hoi polloi as seen fit by traditional, Progressive Main Stream Media wallahs. It smells just as bed in the newsrooms and TV Studios all over the country as it does in Denmark. The contemptible and malodorous 4th Estate, having abrogated any semblance of journalistic integrity in lieu of an Agenda Journalism similar to what is taking place this very day in China, was called out, in person, loud and clear, in what was my favorite moment of the Republican Convention. Laura Ingram, stud that she is, looked skyward to her presumed betters and revealed them for the hypocrites and phonies that they are.

      Even if Trump loses, there are those small, insignificant, work-a-day Americans, whom, I think, will rouse themselves as did the former lions of their blood. Hell, I even think people will start fighting back in the streets when they are physically attacked by the Fascists that seek an end to the Rule Of Law, the Constitution and the Social Contract.

      It may not be morning in America anymore, but this conversation is just getting started and facts and the truth count now. We are all getting up to speed.

  9. CFPCowboy says:

    Believe it or not, I am still undecided. Oh, I’ve decided not to vote for Hillary. I just haven’t decided whether or not to vote for Trump. See, Republicans: You can “not vote for one” without voting for the other. No, I will endorse neither. In fact, there are a few more candidates that will not be seeing my votes in their corners. I never have been a straight ticket voter, and I usually consider all candidates until they say something stupid like, “Air conditioning is more dangerous that ISIS.” Did you parse your words or did your mother really drop you on your head? I am not a fan of any party that has reached into my wallet for $20,000 over the last two years, but there are some in the Party who have been wise enough not to say something stupid to my face. At least one, in particular has my vote. When the Business Channel announce that Miss Brazil was taking over the DNC chores, I thought that was great. I would have preferred Miss USA, so you can imagine my surprise. All in all, it is the funny season, with the DNC thinking we didn’t know that the vote was rigged or Trump wasting someone’s money, hopefully not donors’ contributions, to go after candidates he has already beaten. It is those idiocies that perplex my vote. Does any honest, intelligent, straight forward soul, wanting America to be great want my write in vote?

    • the dude says:

      Beware the person that WANTS to be president in this day and age.

    • CG says:

      Cowboy I see your point. I too have usually been a democrat but this time its tough. I think we need a change. Trump is interesting and has my attention, but yes there are many issues with him. LIKE WHAT IS THE PLAN? I’m in hopes he will bring on strong team mates and run the white house like a business. I’m not sure and hope its not a disaster. I do worry bout the supreme court appointments he will make to please the party not himself. I think he is more a democrat than a republican but is doing this to get elected in many ways. I do believe he thinks he can fix things and wants too. Not sure if anyone can do a major fix, just too many problems. There always is right.

      • the dude says:

        There is no plan. He basically will rule by the Underpants Gnome business model.
        1. Collect underpants
        2. ??
        3. Profit

  10. CFPCowboy says:

    Doesn’t a Rockhurst grad count for anything?

  11. Speedy says:

    Disclaimer by Huff Post says it all…

    Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

  12. Leonard says:

    The economy is in the crapper, as it has been for far too many years of Democratic and Republican rule. The Middle Class is getting hammered. If anyone can change that, it’s Trump, not Hillary. Like they say, it’s like Obama having a third term. As an indie, I voted for him the first time around and regretted it quickly.

  13. CG says:

    The latest scandal by DNC and Clinton may finally be the death blow to Hillary…even the very nice looking Sarah Silverman couldn’t get the Sanders crowd to be quiet at the convention tonight….she looked great…Al Frankin, well not so much…more important…the Demo’s are now divided by the new computer gate scandal calling out Sanders and him being everything from a Jew to a Commie…on and on and of course helping Clinton and burning the Burn. Not cool…TRUMP is now the clear leader in this race and I don’t think the Demo convention will change the polls for her…she will still be behind…its just too many missteps for Clinton…I think people want a change as well and Trump will get his shot! Looks likely now.

    • the dude says:

      So the fact that Russia is behind the hack and Trump will check to see if the NATO check has cleared to see if we will take action against Russia does not concern anyone?

      • KCMonarch says:

        I saw that George Will is speculating that the Donald has strong business ties to Russian oligarchs which is why that country has taken such an active role in determining who wins our Presidency. And also why Trump doesn’t want to release his tax records.

        Can you imagine what the party of true Muricans would do to a Dem if the Russians were backing their candidate?

    • Harley says:

      nope glaze…its going to backfire on trump.
      already the word is out. It will probably turn off voters.
      it’s 3 months for this race. This is just one of many funny episodes.
      Wait til trumps taxes and emails are released. That will be yyyyuuuuggggeeeee!

  14. Thats a Fact Jack says:

    What’s wrong for the most part with our political scene is idiots like Glazer sounding off 2 or 3 times a week like they have a clue on whats going on other than to take bits and pieces of what someone else has said and spin it into a story of some sort. Boring reading and adds nothing to anything. Shut up ya dummy and just work on running the Yuk Yuk club which in my opinion is sinking faster than your’ s or Hilldabeasts sex lives

    • Harley says:

      gotta love Jacks comments.
      Glaze wants trump to run his white house like abusiness…just not trump’s
      businesses which people who know him say is hideous.
      3 months…now the ruskies are involved in the race….michelle had the
      best speech in the whole convention……either.
      And bill up tonight….and 90% of sanders voters will go with Hillary (its always
      the same).
      But there’s still more to come. This is a laugh a minute race. You go “wow”
      But I looked at all the recent polls and they have a huge problem just like
      the ratings books that hearne knows so much about.
      They underpoll black and Hispanic voters. The radio ratings can’t get enough black responders so they “weight” their response to try to give adequate
      listening habits of those people.
      Not one poll have adequately polled Hispanic and black voters so they get
      under represented in the numbers.
      As I have said the key ingredient in the race is the Hispanic vote…..anyone
      who wins the presidency has to get 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2016.
      But I hear not one single media person talking about that….but
      look at the polling in Arizona….only 1 point difference between Hillary
      and trump in a state that republicans have rulled in huge numbers for
      many many elections. Look at Georgia…pure south state…perfect for
      trump…Romney won there in 12 by 50 points and now trump is only up
      4 points in recent rcp poll.
      It’s about the Hispanic vote. Friend worked for Clinton and they run 60,000
      possible situations on the votes in each state each night. They are sending
      bill to campaign in UTAH….theres a reason…..Mormons hate trump and
      Hillary hs a chance to win that state and force what little money the
      repubs have in general to be moved there because that’s as red a state
      as you cn find.
      Trump has to get 65% of the white male vote…higher than any republican
      has ever gotten even Reagan. White males dying off quickly and becoming
      less of a difference maker in elections.
      Still the most important way to win elections is gotv operations…of which
      Hillary does have a huge huge advantage. It’s getting your voters to the
      polls. In fact….Clinton campaign is rented every bus/truck/van available
      in 13 states to get their voters to the polls. It’s the grond game which usualay
      does not show in data of the polls. I said this was real when Hillary was up
      7 and now where the most reliable polls have her down 1-5 points.
      The key also will be keeping Johnson out the debates. Hillary wants to
      take on trump one on one for 2 hours. He can’t have enough knowledge
      to fill up his time slots and Hillary could fill up hours…she will smoke him
      in the debatesbecause trump has no endurance. He’ll debate 10or 12 guys
      and won’t have much to say but he doesn’t have the experience to last
      that long with what little he knows.
      Right now the dems have trumps taxes….probably Obama called up the
      irs and said send them over. To believe they haven’t seen his taxes are
      ludicrous. dems have used the nsa probably to tap into his emails….and
      there’s no doubt there’s plenty of stuff they can get off those…..
      It’s trump versus the government…and i’ll take the government.
      Trump has putin but Hillary has the entire forces of the u.s. government
      at her disposal…and that’s the truth….that’s politics these days.
      It should be a wing dinger up and down ride from here out….but look at the
      electoral map not the raw votes (they don’t matter and Hillary will win the
      raw vote totals because her support lies in the biggest cities in the nation
      including califronia.
      I’m sure someone will discredit my dissertation but please use facts or
      statements or try to analyze it besides what you see on tv.
      Glaze is okay…but he uses stuff that can’t be proven or taken from the
      real world of politics. This is brass knuckles politics and Obama will not
      let Hillary lose!
      That’s the difference!

    • Harley says:

      you would have expected thatsafact jacks comments to come from Harley.
      I’ve been saying this all along.
      As far as predicting his biz fails that’s not right. Glaza has worked hard
      to build that business….and we hope it stays open and glaze prospers.
      He declared bankruptcy but only once. Trump did it 4 times burning
      thousands of contractors/workers/.
      That’s what happens in bankruptcy. The owner couldn’t run it right
      and fails and then burns his creditors who worked for him so he can
      stay in business.

  15. Orphan of the Road says:

    The very Philadelphia Democrats who are bringing you this circus were begat on May 15, 1985.

    Frank Rizzo, racists cop/police chief/mayor had a confrontation with this group. One dead, a police officer.

    The Right Reverend ordered a bomb dropped on a middle-class neighborhood.

    My view of politicians and politics changed that evening as it all played out live on local tv.

  16. Harley Lies for FREE When the Truth Pays $1,000,000 says:

    How are there 39 comments and we’ve been lucky enough to not hear from that racist, sexist, faux Jew and resident Fu*kstick, Harley. It’s a good day!

    • Harley says:

      Harley was elsewhere for a bit. But again..I’ve not seen one person
      give me the details that I present or try to prove me wrong.
      Oh well….3 months and we’ll see if Harley is still the king.
      You didn’t think I wouldn’t comment on this race do you. I hit
      the jackpot in 2012 and I expect to do it again in 2016.
      long way to go..lots of opinions but Harleys comments are right.
      prove me wrong…… old boys can’t do it.
      Especially the glaze!

  17. Harley says:


    Hey glaze….it appears from the US government that the hit was from the soviets.
    So now its the us government versus the soviets in this election. I’ll take America!
    get ready for more fun news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. CG says:

    I must admit after a slow start, and clearly a bit weakened, Bill Clinton just took over so much charisma…just killer….he told their story and it was funny and fun…kinda like that movie with James Garner….you almost starting liking Hillary

    • the dude says:

      Even people that completely hate his guts admit he has a magnetic aura about him. People are drawn to the scuzzball.

      • Harley says:

        smartest politician ever in American history.
        I was told you always make your bet on the qb in football….
        its just a matter of time til trumps shtick wears out.
        Just like glazes.

  19. Harley says:

    verysimply…Hillary 2016.
    emails will be the key story. This goes further than we know.
    And government will give trumps email and tax info out for political use.
    Obama wants to win. He and bill will push Hillary across the finish line.
    3 months boys….

  20. Harley says:


    Trump has had a horrible 10 days. Wow.
    Fighting with Khan family…..really bad
    NOt know that Russia has already taken over part of Ukraine….bad
    lying about letter from nfl…………bad
    lying about debates…not knowing they were decided long before campaign
    was started….bad
    lying about Vietnam veterans wall…going to be bad.
    connections with puttin…..going to be bad…..really bad unless he talks rationally
    about his dealings with putin.

    we’ll see…another day…another chance for trump to open up his mouth.
    He should just tweet….not say anything. It’s starting to catch up with him now
    that conventions are over.
    He got a pass up til now….but media is digging into his stuff even more!
    CNN talked all day Saturday and sunday about trump versus the Kahn family.
    He should just let it drop.

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